HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-08-01 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held August 1, 1974, at 9:00 A.M. in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: Randy Schneider, Tommy Fincher, Frank O'Donnell, Clyde Terry. ENGINEERS and/or DEVELOPERS: David McWethy, Dayton Stratton, Norman Koehring, Gary Jackson. CITY REPRESENTATIVES: Paul Mattke, David McWethy, Wallace Brt, Clayton Powell, Bud Allen, Ralph Fulton, Bobbie Jones, Linda Jackson. The first item to be discussed was a request for a Lot Split LOT SPLIT for property located on Highway 265 - 778 ft. South of Old Crossover Road Wire Road. Representing the matter was David McWethy. David McWethy David McWethy told the Committee that the property was lo- cated outside the City. Ralph Fulton was present and was responsible for taking care of the matter of accessoff of the highway. 1 -Ralph Fulton with the A. H. D. informed the Committee that the Highway Department has an existing drive at the point where Mr. McWethy is interested in having his drive 778 ft. South of Old Wire Road. No permit will be required on this since there is a driveway there now. However, new driveways will not be approved until the County and the City can determine its plans for the property. There is 80 ft. of right-of-way on this and on most of Highway 265 North of Highway 45. 2 -Mr. Tommy Fincher (Southwestern Bell Telephone) asked if the home is going to be a single residence. David McWethy said that it would be, but that he wants three (3) telephone lines to be installed. David McWethy asked if he was going to have to do the trenching and conduit. Mr. Fincher told him they needed a 24" deep trench - 6 inches wide. 3 -Paul Mattke City Engineer: Sewer is not available to this lot. It will be difficult to extend the sewer to this lot. Water is presently available at Old Wire Road. Depending on the outcome of the court suit, there will be a major water line parallel to Crossover Road. He will have to pay outside City water rate. He can have water immediately from Old Wire Road or he can wait on the HUD project. Mr. Mattke asked Mr. McWethy if he had a perculation test, and he replied that he had not. Mr. Mattke then suggested that he do this now. Mr. Mattke asked for a copy of the legal description. 4_Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Cable service is not available at the present time, however, if Mr. McWethy desired to have it, Mr. Terry suggested that the cable be placed in the ground when the telephone and power service lines are buried so they can connect in the future when it is available. He said Warner Cable furnishes this cable. 5 -prank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Gas service is available. A.W.G. would run across the road and place a meter just off the highway. You will have to run the line the rest of the way using approved pipe. David McWethy told Mr. O'Donnell that he did not plan to use natural gas. 6 -Wallace Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): No comments. 7 -Clayton Powell, (Street Superintendent): David McWethy has co-ordinated everything with the State Highway Department; it is outside the City limits and, according to State Highway Department Official, there is adequate dedication. 8 -David McWethy said that he would be requesting 300 amp. service. No representative from Ozarks Electric was present. Bud Allen (County Planning Board Administrative Officer): No problem as long as he is just building one house. 9 -Bobbie Jones, (Planning Administrator) Mr. McWethy will have to obtain any easement from the property adjacent to his if an easement is needed to reach utilities. She asked Mr. McWethy if he would own the 34.03 ft. strip of land or if it would be an easement. He said he would own it. F1r. Fulton and Mr. Allen left the meeting) ILsA PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING -2- August 1, 1974 The next item the committee discussed was a request to build HAPPY HOLLOW ROAD •a building for Abilities Unlimited on Happy Hollow Road Re- L. S. Development Plan presenting were Mr. David'Stratton and Mr. Norman Koehring with Abilities Unlimited 1 -Baldwin Piano who is on the Building Committee. Tommy Fincher (Southwestern Bell Telephone): asked Mr. Stratton what telephone service they would like to have, and Mr. Stratton said that he did not know, but probably would need no more than three (3) telephone lines, no preferences as to whether the line would be overhead or underground. Mr. Fincher said that they would like to have the PVC pipe approximately 11" from some point in the building to the front property line where.they_presently have a cable. 2 -Paul Mattke: (City Engineer) Water is available from Happy Hollow.Road: I believe that the water main is slightly under the pavement and we will have to have a pavement cut. Sewer main is avaliable also in the West side of the road and there will be considerable cost getting to it. He said that Mr. Stratton would have to have his plumber check the building grade to make sure that there is sufficient fall to get into the sewer in front. The City Engineer's records indicate it is close. Mr. Mattke was asked about a sewer line to the East and replied that there is a sewer line over on Ray Avenue but he was doubtful they could get into it because of its depth. 3 -Mr. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): Have overhead service on the East side of Happy Hollow Road. If you wish service, we can provide it for you. Mr. Koehring said that they will probably request it. 4 -Mr. Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas): Gas service is available somewhere near the Southwest corner of the property. 5 -Mr. McWethy - asked where the building was going to be located with respect to the shopping center and was answered that there are two (2) duplexes between the proposed building and the shopping center. No further comments. 6 -Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent) inquired about whether this building would replace • both of the present buildings (one on Mill Avenue, and one on East Avenue). Only the one on Mill Avenue.YBtu_wili have a driveway around the entire area of, the loading dock. If it is only SB2 and not paved our trucks will tear it up unless it is thick SB2. He also asked why there was only 20 ft. allowed for the drive. He requested that they build a pad for a lod=dal'. on the East side of the building. Also, Mr. Brt said they presently have a 3' yard container. 7 -Clayton Powell, (Street Superintendent) We would like to emphasize the extension of the utilities mentioned by Mr. Mattke. If you have to extend your utilities from the segment of Happy Hollow Road North of Huntsville Street, that street underwent extensive recon- struction just last year and it is our policy not to cut streets until three (3) years after construction. I do request boring underneath instead of ripping across it. I rec- ommend a wider driveway rather than the present proposed 20 ft. driveway. That is Highway 16; you will have to get a State Highway Permit, and Mr. Mattke has the forms for this. If they have semi-tracters and trailers, I would suggest 40 ft. be allowed for the drive. Need a minimum of 40 ft. of right-of-way from the centerline (Mr. Mattke will check to see 8 -if additional right-of-way is needed.) Bobbie Jones asked if a sign is proposed and said roof sign will not be allowed. They said that they had planned to have a flat wall sign and would obtain a permit before putting one up. Clayton:Powell liked their drainage plan if it is natural drainage. Bobbie Jones also said that the setback would be 50 ft. from the adjusted right-of-way. She said she would check the number of parking spaces required to see if they needed all shown. Mr. Straton said that from the front of the building to the Highway, it would be all concrete 75 ft. wide. This would take care of the minimum parking spaces required in front. Bobbie Jones said that there is a curb already there however, they will have to have some kind of barrier to stop cars from going over onto the adjacent properties. The parking and loading areas must be drained, with a durable and dustless surface. David McWethy said that the large scale development plan must be approved by the Board of Directors and right-of-way, if any, dedicated before they will approve it. Only then can a building permit be issued. Bobbie Jones - Will probably have a surplus of parking spaces, however, you do need to • 14(0 • PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING -3- August 1, 1974 designate just where the concrete will be. The Committee discussed a Large Scale Development Plan NORTHWEST NATIONAL BANK located on Highway 71 North, and Millsap Road. Mr. Millsap Road Gary Jackson, Architect, was present to represent the L. S. Development Plan proposed large scale development plan to construct a building for Northwest National Bank on the North said of Millsap Road just East of Frontage Road. Mr. Jackson told the Committee that the building was two stories, split level cut back into the hillside. The upper level will be used for main banking and the lower level will be used for community room facilities, and the drive-in will be at the lower level. 1 -Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): was present and asked what type of service they would need, (single phase, or three phase.) Since all facilities are underground, will you go underground? Mr. Jackson said that it would be underground; however, they have not anticipated a load yet. There is a 15 ft. easement on the North part of the property that we anticipate using. Mr. Schneider said he would need to know their requirements about 4 months in advance of the completion of the building so we can order the transformer. Until then, we do have some pole lines that could provide temporary service. He told him to go by the head office when they were ready to make an application for service and to be sure to contact the Service Department so that they can show you where to spot your temporary pole. Mr. Tom Fincher, (Southwestern Bell) asked Mr. Jackson how many lines they wanted and Mr. Jackson said he did not know but that they probably needed at least three (3). Mr. Fincher then told Mr. Jackson that he will need a representative to contact the Telephone Company informing them of the equipment that will be needed. Telephone service can be given from the pedestal at the Northwest property line at Frontage Road or off Millsap Road. Mr. Jackson said the mechanical area will be on the North side on the basement wall. Mr.•Fincher requested a 2" P.VC;conduit to be buried out to the 15 ft. easement along the North property line. 3 -Mr. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable) asked Mr. Jackson if he needed cable service; Mr. Jackson did not know. Mr. Terry said if they do want service that he would like a 1e" or 2" 'PVC parallel with the telephone company out to the easement. 4 -Frank O'Donnell asked'..£f Mr. Jackson had given thought to the meter location. Mr. Jackson said that probably with the way that we are sitting on the site, the meter mc, would be at the easement line. He did not know what the load requirements would be. S -David McWethy - We will need a black -line print before it goes to the Planning Commis- sion. 6 -Wallace Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): asked if they wanted a lod-dal container. Mr. Jackson and Mr. Brt discussed a location for a container and decided to place one (' on an 8 ft. by 10 ft. concrete pad at the Northwest corner of the building and perhaps the trucks could turn around there. 7 -Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Earlier the developers agreed to dedicate 5 ft. of additional right-of-way for Millsap Road and to improve Millsap Road to the current street standards. They have almost completed that except the contractor did not exactly build it to the approved plans. The problem is at the corner of Hemlock and Millsap where a property owner has a chain link fence which is apparently out in the old street right-of-way on the Southwest side. This precipitated the contractor to put a curve in the street. The developers will have to do something about that fence because as it is now when it rains the dirt will wash from the fence poles and the fence will collapse. The developers should either take steps to prevent this such as filling and sodding the area or at least get some statement or agreement from the owner of the fence absolving the City of any damages to the fence. Frontage Road right-of-way was adequate at the original meeting. We did not have an on-site drainage plan at first. If it could be at all possible to divert this drainage to the North entrance on Millsap Road it would be better. Mr. Jackson said this would be hard to do with the site the way it is. He said they do not plan to alter the KO A • • PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING -4- August 1, 1974 terrain more than necessary. The grades shown on the plan are finished grades, but they do follow closely the existing grades. Mr. Powell said the drainage plan as shown would necessitate carrying surface water for a great distance in Frontage Road and there would be problems with ice in the winter. He suggested that Mr. Jackson attempt to take the drainage under Frontage Road and to a drainage ditch on the West side of Frontage Road Mr. Jackson agreed to investigate this. 8 -Mr. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Water a sewer services are already provided. No further comments. 9 -Bobbie Jones said that`shehad a letter from G. H. Clausen, President Northwest National Bank saying that they would dedicate the required right-of-way. She also asked Mr. Jackson if this property would be under separate ownership from the property to the East, and Mr. Jackson said that it would be. She said a lot split must be processed. Mr. Jackson said that any sign that will be put up will comply with the ordinance, and that he would obtain a permit for any driveway cut. Bobbie Jones said the City will have to have a dedication of the right-of-way before the matter goes to the Board of Directors. She asked for a revised drawing showing the location of the lod-dal. Mr. Pat Tobin was present and told the Committee that PAT TOBIN they were putting a new building up. (20 x 24) At the Township Road present time, I do not have leases on this 20 x 24 building. L. S. Development We thought about renting it and expanding the existing faci- lities. The building is metal with a brick front. 1 -Randy Schneider (SWEPCO) Do you know what the load would be? Mr. Tobin asked if it would be possible to have during the summer more lighting on the parking lot. He thought that a mercury vapor light would be nice. Mr. Schneider said that this would be taken care of and that they would probably come off the pole that serves the golf course. 2 -Tommy Fincher (Southwestern Bell Telephone): We presently have a buried underground service cable on the rear of the West side of the adjoining building. Can we extend that on around to the back of this building? (answer affirmative) In that case, we would probably not need an easement. 3 -Paul Mattke (City Engineer): We have existing sewer easement running parallel to this creek and crossing in this area He needs to be very certain that his building does not infringe on that easement. Other than that, there is no problem. Water and sewer are both available. Mr. Tobin commented that the sewer goes in back across the creek. 4 -Mr. Clyde Terry - We do have service available there. No problem. 5 -Wally Brt -suggested putting a lod-dal container there. Mr. Tobin said the leasees pay their own utilities and would have to get together and buy one themselves. 6 -Frank O'Donnell (Arkansas Western Gas) Service is available on the North side of Township Road. 7 -Clayton Powell - Street Superintendent: We have the usual right-of-way requirements and the usual State Highway Department permit for driveways and the usual dustless parking areas. If he meets those requirements, I cannot impose much else on him. Bobbie Jone passed out a request for a lot split submitted by Hal Modlin on behalf of Mrs. Payte on Happy Hollow Road. The person to whom Mrs. Payte sold some property several years ago would like to purchase a strip 186 ft. by- 800 ft. along the West side of the original purchase. The utility companies promised to look at the request and return comments to the Planning Office. Clayton Powell said he would not approve of the Lot Split unless Happy Hollow Road were dedicated to the North side of the property for sale and were alssconstructed with a turn around (to minimum street standards). Hesaid he had Th received numerous complaints from the person desiring to purchase the strip of land requesting something be done to Happy Hollow Road where his driveway (Paddock Road) leaves it. PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING -5- August 1, 1974 Wallace Brt (Sanitation Superintendent) also stated he would not approve of a split unless Happy Hollow Road were extended with a turn around. He also cited problems in this area. Randy Schneider requested an easement in Block 1, Sweetbriar Addition. (SWEPCO needs easement from the West point of Block 12 - SWEETBRIAR 15 feet wide on the South side of Lot 13, up the West Supplement Block 1 side of Lot 13 to a point across from the lot line of Lots 1, and 2, 71 ft. off each side of the property line, Lots 1 and 2. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 A.M.