HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-07-03 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 1:00 P.M., Wednesday, July 3, 1974, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: Kenneth Wagner, Randy Schneider, Clyde Terry, Roy Hawkins. DEVELOPERS AND/OR ENGINEERS: A. K. Pippin, Howell Trumbo, Parker David Rushing. James.Freeman. CITY REPRESENTATIVES: Walley Brt, Clayton Powell, Paul Mattke, David McWethy, Bobbie Jones, Linda Jackson. A. K. Kenneth Pippin: Request to split property on the South side of Cleveland Street East of where Lewis Avenue terminates at Cleveland Street and to build on one parcel 150 ft. by 200 ft leaving a parcel 200 ft. by 200 ft. with a 50 ft. by 200 ft. access to Cleveland Street for a tandem lot. Mr. Pippin was present to discuss this proposal with the Plat Review Committee. Comments were as follows: 1. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company); We can serve the South portion (tandem lot) off the high pressure gas line which runs along the West side. No objections to the lot split or tandem lot. 2. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): We need a 15 ft. easement down the East property line because we would have to build back in there from Cleveland to serve the tandem lot. REQUEST TO SPLIT PROPERTY & TANDEM LOT A. K. Kenneth Pippin Cleveland Street & Lewis 3. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): We would also like a 15 ft. easement to come down the East property line because we have a pole already set at about the East line of the property. (Bobbie Jones asked about coming down the 50 ft. by 200 ft. strip on the West side of the property. Mr. Schneider explained that would be consi- derably more difficult for them as their line is on the North side of Cleveland, and they would have to cross the street, set anchor poles and guy wires, etc.) 4. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendeht): Cleveland is a collector Street re- quiring 60 ft. of right-of-way on the Major Street Plan; the existing right-of- way is only 50 ft. wide. We normally request one-half of the additional right-of- way needed from each side of the street (by figuring one-half oftthe total right- of-way needed on the Major Street Plan from the existing centerline of the street); however, so the centerline of the street would still be on the quarter -quarter section line, I would request 10 ft. of additional right-of-way off the North side of this property. I also request right-of-way provision to extend Lewis Avenue South of Cleveland. 5. City Manager Donald Grimes questioned whether more than 50 ft. (wide strip) should be left on the corner of Lewis and Cleveland. (not present) Mr. A. K. Pippin asked if he had to dedicate 25 ft. then why not dedicate 50 ft. and allow him to split three lots instead of two (2). Bobbie Jones informed him that he would have to build a street to minimum street standards if that was the case. Mr. Pippin said that he would rather dedicate the whole street and get three lots rather than dedicate i the street and get two lots out of it; but, did not want to construct the street. 6. I.arryyWood (telephoned): The rights-of-way need to be checked. Cleveland is a collector street. Lewis is a local street and needs 25 ft. from the centerline; I don't know what exists at the present time, but I think that the 50 ft. odd- shaped handle might cause some trouble in the future. PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING -2- July 3, 1974 7. Bobbie Jones,(Planning Administrator): Because tandem lots are permitted only on appeal to the Planning Commission, I feel that this should be taken to them before the lot split and building permit are approved. The legal description reads 20 feet out into the right-of-way of Cleveland; therefore the total depth of the property is only 380 ft., not 400 ft. If an additional 10 ft. is dedicated for Cleveland the front lot, as proposed, will only be 150 ft. by 170 ft. 8. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): No problem as long as he conforms to the requirements for sanitation service as outlined in the ordinance which provides for tandem lots (Mr. Pippin was given a copy of this ordinance). 9. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): No major proplem; we may go in the easement also. 10. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Water is available from Cleveland Street. Sewer is also available from Cleveland Street. Separate water and sewer connections will be required for each structure. Mr. Pippin will be expected to pay the cost of boring under the street to tap the water and sewer facilities. We will have to cut a gma11 hole to get access to the water and sewer facilities. Mr. James Freeman A large scale development plan had been submit- LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT ted byr'James-Freeman Real Estate to relocate a College Avenue & Longview Street building on property at the Southwest corner of College Avenue and Longview Street and to build a new office building on the property. There was no none present to represent this matter. Comments were as follows: 1. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): We need a 15 -ft. easement along the South side of this property to serve both buildings. This would necessitate them moving the build- ings to the North some. We would then set a pole line to the South of each building (proposed). We will continue to serve the "Bull Roar Speaker" building as it is now served. 2. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): They do not use TV cable presently, but if and when they do want it, we would try to serve them by following the power poles. 3. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): We can serve them if they pro- vide a -Z ft. utility easement requested by the power company. 4. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): We could serve the proposed office building off Highway 71. We would have to go in the easement requested by the other utilities to serve the building they are relocating on the Southwest part of the property. The easement should be 20 ft. wide for all utilities. 5. Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent): Longview Street, presently has 40 ft. of right-of-way. We need 25 ft. each side of the present centerline, or a dedication of 5 ft. along the North side of this property. It is not clear to me what he ' menas when he indicates a 32 ft. curb cut already present when he annotated con- structing a driveway. For the protection of both of us, he should apply for a driveway permit through the City Engineer's office to the State Highway Department District Engineer in Fort Smith. I suppose he plans to construct this driveway all the way to the Southwest corner of the property wheregroposes moving the existing building. He does not have any other driveway indicated off Longview Street. If he should need another one off Longview Street, he would have to have a City Driveway Permit. I would like to correct his notation on Longview Street. It is not a two-way paved street; it is a single chip and oil seal street which is rapidly deteriorating. Mr. Ed Connell, City Land Purchasing Agent for street right-of-way and easements recently approached me concerning a needed easement on Longview Street. • • • PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING -3- July 3, 1974 I would like to clarify with him the exact location of this needed easement before approval of this large scale development. It is needed on this particular pro- perty, then we will have to include that easement on this plan. 6. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): We have sewer coming down Longview Street up to the last lot line on the North side of Longview Street. They will need to check their grade to be sure the floor elevation on their building is high enough to get into the sewer. Water service is limited. They need a separate service connection for each structure.* They need to watch their water usage. We cannot cut College Ave- nue. I do not know where the old water line comes through here from the West. Two separate taps can be made out of the present service connection. 7. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): I would suggest that they get a Lod -dal container. If they do not, cans will be fine provided they have can holders to keep the cans upright. 8. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Property in legal description includes property in both College Avenue (Highway 71B) and Longview Street. There is not a full 315 ft. by 210 ft. there (after streets). C-2 zoning does seem to cover all of subject property. No parking area is shown for drive off Longview. They cannot back into the street. Parking areas must be drained and sealed with dur- able and dustless surface. Copies of deed and abstract page do not indicate whether this lot was created before subdivision regulations and zoning regulations were adopted June 29, and July 6, 1970. Must have this proof. Rights-of-way dedications and easements must be dedicated before the large scale development plan can be approved. *For both water and sewer. Mr. Rushing was present and asked for the Plat Review Committee's instructions. He said he wanted to sell three lots off the private drive which runs from Crossover Road back to another PARKER DAVID RUSHING private drive which comes off of Stonebridge Road. Crossover Road Bobbie Jones interjected a comment: The only public street rights-of-way that exist here are Crossover Road and Stonebridge Road up to Mr. Rushing's South property line. The others shown are private drives. The three (3) lots would not touch the public streets. The Committee had a plat sub- mitted by Mr. Rushing Sr. in 1969 which he did not follow through on probably be- cause of the lack of sewer facilities. 1- Paul Mattke, City Engineer: Comments on Parker David Rushing proposal to sell the three lots - (Refer to comments on "Banjo Springs" - Plat Review Committee, June 27, 1974.) We do not provide water service along the rear of lots. It must either be along a public street or in an easement along a private all-weather road, accessible from the road, in a well -drained area, and not obstructed by fences or other obstructions. It must be accessible without having to climb through or over fences, shrubbery, etc. Separate metered connections must be made for each structure. Sewer service may be provided along the rear of lots. An easement would be need- ed there also. We will be happy to work with Mr. Rushing in helping him determine his needs and the sizing of extensions to mains. (All extensions must meet the requirements of the State Board of Health). 2- Clayton Powell (Street Superintendent) Last week we discussed the theatre as the official item and also brought in the three lots that were to be approved at this time. I feel that the subdivision requirements should be complied with the property with property subdivided with public streets constructed to minimum street standards, or a planned unit development with private drives which remain private responsibilities. I would recommend that since this is such a large area, if Mr. Rushing desires, he pursue the development of the property in incremental phases. L iqI A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING -4- July 3, 1974 Mr. Rushing might also submit a request for a tandem lot or lots (one lot behind another with private drives off Crossover Road). This would put him within the realm of the existing ordinance. 3- Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): You are on private property as presented now. The Telephone Company will build on the private property for a distance of 2/10 of a mile with no charge;for anything over that, there is a charge. There will have to be some type of utility easements, at least 15 ft. in width. 4- City Manager Don Grimes (Memo): Who will build the streets? What about utilities? 5- Bobbie Jones, Planning Administrator: I have discussed this with Mr. Rushing and told him there is no provision in the ordinances to do what he proposes. The ordinances provide for development only as a standard subdivision, tandem lot, or planned unit development. 6- Schneider - Not sure whether this falls in SWEPCO's territory or not. Did not be- lieve it did, but if it does, SWEPCO will need some kind of general idea of what Mr. Rushing intends to do because they would need to loop feed. 7- Wagner - Requested 20 feet easement up one side or the other of the road (private drive shown). 8- Clyde Terry - Howell Trumbo was present to represent a large scale development plan for Long John Silver's, a proposed seafood eating place to be.located at Sycamore and College. Comments were as fol- lows: LOIS JOHN SILVERS Sycamore & College Large Scale Develop- ment 1- Clyde Terry, Warner Cable: Asked Mr. Trumbo if he needed cable service and he did not; Therefore, Mr. Terry had no comments. 2; Randy Schneider, SWEPCO: Asked Mr. Trumbo what electrical load they wanted. We will probably come off Sycamore at the Southwest corner. He commented that if they do go with a. heavy service, they will have to have another pole to hold it. He be- lieved that there was a transformer that carries 120-240. He asked for an 18 to 22 ft.. clearance above drive and parking. 3- Roy Hawkins, Southwestern Bell Telephone Company: Commented that if they had to come overhead with a telephone wire, the entrance to the building would have to be high enough to have at least an 18 ft. clearance over the parking and driveway areas, because there will be delivery trucks in' the area. To serve the future building, he would like to have a 15 ft. easement along the West property line; if not, there would be no way to get to it. (Bobbie Jones, Planning Administrator: ,said that Mr. Trumbo had one of two choices: 1. He could either dedicate the 15 ft. easement and build the first building and in the future when he is ready to build the second building, he will not have to come back to the Committee for their consideration. Or: 2. He can not dedicate the 15 foot easement and remove the future building from the plan, but in the future when Mr. Trumbo decides to build the proposed building, he will have to bring another Large Scale Development Plan in for review and approval. Mr. Trumbo said he would remove the future building from the plans.) 4- Kenneth Wagner: We do have an existing service to which they can attach; he asked that there be some type of curbing to keep cars from running into the meter. 5- Clayton Powell, Street Department: As you are aware, we just'finished an improve- ment district on Sycamore Street and purchased additional right-of-way required for construction of the medians and left turn lane. I would like to insure a classifica- tion of Sycamore as a Collector and the existing plat book shows 40 ft. of right-of- way. Request 30 ft. of right-of-way from centerline of Sycamore Street all across the South side of this property. The driveway is now in existence with curb and gutter and I think it is good that Mr. Trumbo is considering widening the safety zone of the : fr. PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE -5=- July 3, 1974 intersection by making the driveway narrower. This will call for a State Highway permit ob- •twined by going through Paul Mattke to the District Engineer in Ft. Smith. 6- Welly., Brt, Sanitation Department: We have decided to relocate the Lod -dal pad and put it on the North end; go straight in, pick up the cans,,and back in the parking area and exit. 7. David McWethy, Assistant City Manager; Commented that he would appreciate as few as possible signs on traffic islands as the islands cost the City a great deal of money. Before this Large Scale Development Plan can go to the Planning Commission, you have to dedicate the right-of-way first. Supply us with legal description of the property that would be used for right-of-way and then the City Attorney will draw up the dedication documents at'no charge. 8- Bobbie Jones said that they will have to have one area clear for a service entrance. The sign exceeds maximum size. If deck is over 30 inches high, it must be set back 50 ft. from College right-of-way. 9- Paul Mattke, City Engineer: Both Sycamore and College Avenue are newly paved streets .and cannot be cut. Sewage and water services must of a necessity go to the existing services. If the existing services there have the capacity to meet the requirements, then is no problem. Should they not have this capacity, they definitely have a problem; it will take special permission from the Board of Directors to authorize a street cut. • • A request for a lot split to transfer 1.93 acres from C. P. C.P. & MAE ROSE & Mae Rose to their son, James Kenneth Rose, and his wife, LOT SPLIT Sally K Rose, was reviewed next. There was no one present J. Kenneth Rose to discuss this with the Committee; in addition,toothe lot Huntsville Road split, James Kenneth Rose proposes an addition to the house Large Scale Development Which he is obtaining making this a large scale development plan. Comments were as follows: 1. Clayton Powell: (Street Superintendent): Highway 16 East as designated on this draw- ing actually is Huntsville Road which was formerly Highway 16 East and is according to the Major Street Plan a principal arterial street requiring 80 ft. of right-of-way. Cur- rently we have 60 ft. Figuring 40 ft. eachiside of the centerline of the existing right- of-way, we need 10 ft. off the North side of the Rose property dedicated for street pur- poses. Morningside Drive, according to the Major Street Plan, is a collector street requiring 60 ft. of right-of-way. We currently have 40 ft. of right-of-way, requiring an additional 10 ft. from the West side of this property. Both these streets are in existence. Morningside Drive has open ditches, so does Huntsville Road at this point. I see no problem on the lot split with the dedication of the needed right-of-way. 2. Roy Hawkins (Southwestern Bell Telephone Company): We do have existing telephone ser- vice to this house. If the new addition will interfere with the service that.is.now existing, he will need to contact us and he will have to pay for having the service moved. No problem on the lot split. 3. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): He will have to pay for the rewiring on the relocationrof services. We will then change the service. 4. Clyde Terry (Werner Cable): There is no problem with TV service. If we have to move our services, it will be at no cost to the customer. 5. Kenneth Wegner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): We have service to this house. If there is eny line changing, it will be his cost at the house. 6. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): We need 20 ft. off the West side of C. F. Rose's property for street purposes to align with whet we ere getting on the North side to extend a street between Fletcher and Morningside. Water is available from Huntsville Road and will be available from Morningside. Sewer service is not available to that area, and will not be eveilable until the property to the South is subdivided. It is just too far; it is presently South of 15th Street. '7. Wally Brt (Sanitation Superintendent): No problem. 8. Larry Wood (Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission): (telephoned): Check • • • L mei PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE -6- July 3, 1974 right-of-way for both streets. Need 40 ft. from centerline on Huntsville Road and 30 ft. from centerline on Morningside Drive. The driveway for the corner lot (Morningside and Huntsville) should come off Morningside leaving as few cuts (driveways) on Huntsville Road as possible. 9- City Manager Donald Grimes (memo): This is o.k. with me. It is important that we not interfere with the 20 ft.. which we must require on the East side of Morningside Drive at Huntsville Avenue. 10- Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): There will be a fee of$1..475;to file the "subdivision waiver" notice in the Court House, in addition to the cost of the build- ing permit for Kenneth Rose. Our office is limited in the number of waivers that can be granted. Please be sure to check back with us before selling any other portion of this property. - J. Kenneth Rose needs to let us know the distance from the roof overhang of the proposed addition to the front and side property lines. The street pavement is not the property line. Present legal description reads from section and quarter section lines which are in Huntsville Road & Morningside Drive. How much of the described property is in Huntsville Road; I have no way of knowing. The plat book shows. 20 ft. of the described property in Morningside Drive. Mr. George Combs owns two duplexes built on two lots which GEORGE COMBS run East-West et the intersection of University and Thirteerth LOT SPLIT REQUEST Street. (640 & 642 13th Street) He would like to sell one 640 and 642 West 13th Street duplex, redividing the property North-South. There was no one present to discuss the matter. Comments were as follows: 1. Clyde Terry (Warner Cable): No objection. 2. Roy Hawking (Southwestern Bell Telephone): There is separate telephone service to each duplex. No problem. 3. Randy Schneider (SWEPCO): There is separate power service to each duplex. No problem. 4. Kenneth Wagner (Arkansas Western Gas Company): No problems. 5. Clayton Powell (City Street Superintendent): We have had a drainage problem on University, but since this all exists there is not much I can say. I do not oppose the split. We have adequate right-of-way on the two abutting streets. I would like to see the property owners (in that area) form an improvement district to bring the streets up to standards and to control drainage. 6. Paul Mattke (City Engineer): Apparently the sewer service follows the East line of these two lots. If he plans to retain the sewer service from the East side of Lots 3 and 4 to the duple± on the West side of the lots, Mr. Combs should retain an ease- ment to protect himself on his yard line. Our atlas does not show the sewer line going back into there. There is a small water line in 13th Street and University. Should they convert to a higher usage, the water service could be a problem. 7. Wally Brt, (Sanitation Superintendent): Lot Split does not affect present service. 8. Bobbie Jones (Planning Administrator): Proposed lots would meet minimum zoning require- ments. If the waiver (lot split) is desired, the property owner will have to pay the $1.75 fee for filing a notice in the Court House. There were no further comments; therefore, the meeting adjourned at 4:15 P.M. 14q- A