HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-06-27 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 9:00 A.M., Thursday, June 27, 1974 in • the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Present: Clayton Powell, Harold Lieberenz, Wally Brt, Frank O'Donnell, John Parker, Clyde Terry (came in late), LonnieiFan'ar(represented Charles McWhorter), Tommy Fincher, David McWethy, Paul Mattke (came in late).Randy Schneider Absent: Larry Wood, Jack Whitting Developers and/or Engineers: Dr. Painter, Warren-Sagraves, Wade Fincher, Mr. Parker Rushing. There were two items of discussion at the Plat Review Committee Meeting and Mr. Harold Lieberenz suggested to the members of the committee to discuss the items in the order that they were received by the Planning Office. The first item to be reviewed was the Diagnostic Clinic on Lollar DIAGNOSTIC CLINIC Lane and Trenton. The Major Street -Plan included a 5 foot addi- Dr. Hall etc. tional street right-of-way needed op Trenton Boulevard, and a 5 ft. Lollar Lane & Trenton additional street right-of-way needed on Lollar Lane. For off- Ordinance No. 1998 street parking, the building area total (existing & futur_e) pro- posed to be 10285 sq. ft. Off=.street parking required3 34.5 The part of existing off street parking (9 spaces shown) gYe presently located on Lollar Lane street right-of-way rather than being entirely on private property as required by city zoning ordinance. The City ordinance requires off-street parking to be dustless (paved). The property is zoned as R-0, Residential office. The proposed addition will • be closer to the Lollar Lane right-of-way (property line) than allowed by the City Zoning Ordinance. The proposed setback is shown as twenty three (23) foot while the zoning ordinance and city Major Street Plan require a fifty five (55) foot setback when off street parking is placed between the building and the street right-of-way (5 MSP+50' SETBACK) or a thirty five (35) foot setback when no off-street parking is placed bet- ween the building and the street right-of-way (5' MSP + 30' SETBACK). The City Board of Adjustment will review the setback variance at their July 1, 1974, meeting. Mr. Lieberenz asked Lonnie Fairar; Fire Department, if he had any comments and he had none. Larry Wood was unable to attend the meeting but sent word that he thought a 5 foot additional right-of-way was needed on Trenton for this Diagnostic Clinic. Mr. Lieberenz said that this was in agreement with the Major Street Plan. Lollar Lane is presently a 40 foot right-of-way, and the Major Street Plan requires 50 feet of right-of-way. David McWethy commented that there would be 5 feet each on Trenton and Lollar Lane. Frank O'Donnell, Gas Company, was present and said that his services were available at the site. RandyScknsider with SWEPCO asked what the electrical load was going to be and if they were going to need any three (3) phase power. Mr.: graves was present and replied: "I don't think so."' They plan on doubling up on their present services, but won't need three (3) phase power." Mr. Snider asked "Will you wire out of this other building that is already there, or would you like for us to hit you with a service on the other build- ing?" Mr.`•.Sagraves said that they really didn't have that much in detail in their r planning, but it may be that they would want to relocate the main service. At present the service comes in on the North side of the building and serve3from Trenton. Mr. Segrav?¢`,said: "If we make this addition, it could be possible that we might want to consider an underground sertice. There has been no detail planning at this point. Wouldn't it be to the customer's advantage if we took all of our power through one service?" 134 DJ sn E Is • 4 • PLAT REVIEW COMMIfltt. MEETING -2- dune 27, 1974 Mr. RandySctneidei' commented that there was a power pole in the way and needed to be moved. 'He also said that it wouldn't cost over $75 to move it. Mr. Roy Hawkins, telephone company, said: "Can you give me any idea of what kind .of telephone facilities'you will want in your new addition." Mr.':`Segraves replied that he wanted the same ones that they had in the past. It was decided that it would represent only two (2) or three (3) more extensions. Mr. Hawkins said that at present, the telephone company had their equipment setting in the floor out in the bookkeeping section. He thought that this part might be- come a utility room. He commented that: "Would the equipment be left as is?" Mr. :Segraves replied: "That would depend on what you want to do." The PBX will be moved to the new unit." Mr. Hawkins said that either way they go, they will be required to have some type of conduit between the two buildings. He also asked just where in the building they wanted their telephones to be. Mr. Hawkins understood that the main console would be placed in the new building and the PBX equipment would remain where it is now located. Mr. Hawkins said: "In this situation, we will need a room where we can terminate a cable. This will be a fairly long run and will need facilities to terminate a cable. (In the new addition). It is necessary that cable be placed in the building." Mr. Hawkins also said' that he preferred to come into it from the overhead be- cause of the concrete parking lot, and put the terminal for the main feed in the same area that it is in now.Otherthanjthat, there were no problems. Wallyy Brt, Sanitation Department, stated that the main problem here was that the sanitation department was having to pick up the garbage out of 30 gallon garbage cans and this would have to stop because syringes and needle's are not safe in these cans exposed to the public and curious dogs. "I would like you to get a lloda1U. container. However, there may be a problem in findlug a place for that container." Mr. Brt2also mentioned that he would like an8 X 10 pad which is necessary if there is no asphalt to prevent the containers from rusting, and to make it convenient for the trucks to enter and to exit. It was also asked if there would be any canopies that would be overhanging; there were none planned at the present. (The doctors plan on removing some houses to incorporate more room for their practice and also would organize it better.) The original idea was to build another small addition and to try and save the existing house to the North. Mr. SSegraves talked with the doctors and they have agreed that it would be to everyone's advantage to get rid of the two old houses and make one addition. -Mr. SSegraves presented a revised plot plan showing these changes for the committee to look at this point in the meeting. -Mr. -Segraves said: "Since the Doctors will be abandoning part of the old addition where the bookkeeping room is, they may want to turn it into strictly a mechanical equipment area. No detail planning has been made, yet they wanted to know just what was involved." -David McWethy requested that Mr. bSegraves get the office of City Planning a clear, black -line print of the plat before the next Planning Commission Meeting. Large Scale Development Ordinance calls for an 18 % 14 inch plat. Mr. •Segraves said that he could get the Committee an original so as to make it easy to pro- duce as many copies that the committee wants. Clayton Powell complimented Mr. -Segraves- for his annotations on his architectural drawings and commented that it was'a pleasure to look at one without having to look at one for an hour to determine what is what, and who is who. Mr. Powell's first comments pertained to both plot plans (scheme one, and two). He also mentioned again that it has been the policy to request 5 feet or i the additional needed right-of-way from each side of the center line. Secondly: Due to the clinic to the North of this property, there has been an acute drainage problem in this area and in their expansion North. "I insisted that they put an additional storm drainage which they did at the crest of their driveway. In fact, these doctors have a full driveway width grate which picks up storm drainage and drains it down the East 135 • • 1. PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING -3- June 27, 1974 side of Lollar Lane. "I would like to propose that in this remodeling that you put in a drop inlet at the existing retaining wall to the North of the driveway to pick up the drainage (storm), and run it to the drainage ditch on Trenton eliminating the ' drainage problem from Lollar Lane." "In the expansion in your parking lot, establish the grade to where you get positive drainage in one direction.. If you do enclose the South aide of the parking lot with curb's and gutter, you can leave 4 inch weep holes with plastic pipe and just a little concrete down the bank to prevent erosion under the parking lot. This will take care of everything." Mr. Powell requested that they procede with the drainage structure on the West side of Lollar Lane and the underdraining also, because the street department would like to get the repaving over the storm drainage by the Pennington Construction for the Women's Clinic on the hill. Mr. Powell reminded Mr. Seagraves that up to now, it has been policy that the street department request a dedication of another 5 feet on the other side of Trenton. "The City at this time is not prepared to enforce it by condemnation procedings. David McWethy suggested that the doctors could go to the Planning Commission and request that this additional 5 feet not be required. Mr.:egraves said that they were going to have to go to the Board of Adjustment for setback variance whether the doctors dedicate their additional 5 feet of right-of-way, or not, because their existing building 1s not in compliance to the present setback requirements. David McWethy did not think that the additional 5 feet would cause, problems because the Board of Adjustment takes into account that the doctors would be willing to dedi- cate the additional 5 feet to the City. "They have never hung someone on a variance which was caused by them willingly dedicating the official right-of-way." Mr. :Se:graves said they would be dedicating right-of-way on Trenton which represents dedication of right-of-way across a conduit that was built over the storm drainage ditch. Mr. Clayton Powell commented that in widening the street it would get into a tremen- dous natural drainage ditch. It would have to completely betenelosed. Mr. iSe graves said that they have enclosed the street where they already have parking and will enclose the drainage to where the parking is now. Mr. Lieberenz said that the property was zoned R-0 and asked how many doctors were proposed to be in the building. It was answered that there were going to be 6 (six). Mr. Lieberenz reminded Mr. :Segraves that the City Zoning Ordinance required that off- street parking is to be dustless and the existing off-street parking which is presently located on Lollar Lane Street would need to be relocated on private property. How- ever, the Board of Adjustment could review this problem and possibly waiver the re- location of this off-street parking along Lollar Lane. Mr. Hawkins requested that Mr.C:;Segraves contact the telephone w mpany whenever he could, regarding underground service. There were no more comments; therefore, the discussion on the DIAGNOSTIC CLINIC was concluded. NOTE: Mr. Paul Mattke, City Water, and Sewer Superintendent, was late arriving at the meeting. He had these comments regarding the Diagnostic Clinic proposed plan. The city had an 8 inch water main that had to be relocated when the original clinic building was built. This main lies west of the existing building; however, it may be in the area of the new building. A building cannot be built over this water main. The City Engineer's office will be happy to locate the water main and to reroute it at the Doctors expense. Mr. Clyde Terry was late arriving at the meeting. He stated that for T.V. to serve these buildings, the company would have to come down from Hyland Park. He needed more information; however, he would discuss this with the Doctors later. 13?0 PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING -4- June 27, 1974 The next item of discussion involved the "conditional use" and Large Scale Development plan of Banjo Springs Theatre. Mr. Parker Rushing was present to discuss the BANJO SPRINGS THEATRE Large Scale Development plans. Mr. Parker Rushing Mr. Parker Rushing had submitted a Large Scale Development plan appli- cation of this project back in September of 1973 and at that time, he called the project "Persimmon Hill Theatre." Mr. Lieberenz requested permission to make some comments with regard to this Large Scale Development plan that might affect some of the discussion and deo- isions in reviewing this Banjo Springs Theatre Large Scale Development plan. Mr. Parker Rushing, Sr., started working on a subdivision plat which would subdivide a 40 acre tract to the west of this proposed Banjo Springs Theatre all the way to Highway 265. Presently there is a private drive off of Highway 265 up to the house located at the north end of Stone Bridge Road. Mr. Parker Rushing, Sr. decided to hold off on the proposed subdivision plat as there was no city sewer available at that time. Mr. Rushing (son) now wishes to request permission from the City Planning Commission to erect three (3) dwellings in the area of the proposed subdivision; however, he does not wish to subdivide at this time. He wants to keep the drive from Highway 265 a private drive. Mr. Lieberenz had the following comments with regard to the "conditional use" and Large Scale Development plan of Banjo Springs Theatre. 1. Theatres are a conditional use in the R-1 District and are permitted upon review and approval by the City Planning Commission. 2. Major Street Plan: a. Stone Bridge Road - No Major Street Plan for widening beyond a 50 foot right-of-way. b. Highway 265 (arterial - proposed 80 feet wide) 3. Ordinance 1998 (recent ordinance amending Large Scale Development Plan) May 7, 1974. • a. Large Scale Development plans must have more information than required in the past. b. Large Scale Development plans must be received by City Board of Directors now. c. If any street dedications are required, they must be implemented before City Board will review the Large Scale Development plan. 4. Signs: Certain directional, identification and informational signs: (4 square feet maximum size) are exempted from permit requirement under the City Sign Ordinance along with bulletin board, (16 square feet maximum size); however, larger free standing signs are prohibited in R - Residential Zones in the city. 5. State Board of Health approval a. Approval must be obtained in writing from State Board of Health on the following: 1. outdoor spring for public use. 2. Submit floor plans of "house converted to services" to Mr. Bill Parette, County Sanitarian, or State Board of Health in Little Rock, Arkansas. 6. Restroom (minimum facilities under State Board of Health regulations). It would appear that minimum restroom facilities must be provided for the outside theatre plus the minimum requirement for the inside kitchen or seriice building 1ar • PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING June 27, 1974 -5- Wally Brt requested that Mr. Parker give him written permission to allow the city to take the big sanitation trucks over his private drive to pick up the load - all containers after he.leaves Stone Bridge Road. He stated that he needed at least a 15 to 20 foot wide drive in order to bring his big trucks into the pro- perty and he wanted to make sure that the "private drive" was well stablized for fear of breaking through the road bed when driving over it. Clayton Powell-redal:ledd this matter talked about at the Plat Review Committee meeting last September. He commented that the Master Street Plan lists Crossover Road, 'r . (Highway 265) as a Major Arterial Street with 50 foot of right-of-way from the center -line of the toad in Urban areas and 40 foot of right-of-way from the center -line of the road inside the city. Normally the State Highway Depart- ment requires 120 foot right-of-way for a principal highway. Mr. Powell understood that the dedicated public street (Stonettidge Road) ter- minates at Mr. Rushing's property line. "In the event that any of theseexisting private drives should become public streets or Stone Bridge Road extended onto what is now private property, these streets would have to be constructed to the city current street specifications." Mr. Powell was of the opinion that this private drive be made "common property" in the event that the City Planning Commission permits Mr. Rushing to build three (3) dwellings on this forty acre tract. This could prevent someone from tarrlcading the drive or prevent "civil law suits" over the drive. Mr. Lieberenz stated that the Large Scale Development plan requesting permission to build the three (3) dwellings on this West 40 acre tract will be brought up next week at the Plat Review'Meeting. Mr. Jack Whitting (Ozark Electric.:representative) was not present at the meeting, however, he sent the folloirfng comment: "The utility easement that the Ozark Electric Company needs to serve the "Banjo Springs Theatre" project was shown on the plot plan sent out to the utility companies." Mr. Hawkins, Telephone Company representative) commented that he wanted to in- clude some comments on the SOUTHMONT APARTMENTS in the minutes. "The agreement for right-of-way to the Huntsville Road, which was brought out at the original meeting on February 6, 1972, has not been fullfilled to date, and that the telephone company is unable to furnish proper telephone service at a reasonable price, but I am in contact with Mr. Carter, with the Carter Construction Company;' he is checking on it. But there is no firm confirmation as to whether we can get right-of-way easements as promised in February 6, 1972, meeting. If we do not receive this right-of-way easement as promised, the telephone company has no other choice than to bill these people anexcess construction charge for having to bring the telephone service around another direction. _Paul Mattke's comments on"Banjo.Springsl wereeaas.follows: at ., .:;,- A commercial installation needs to provide portable water service from an approved water source. A private,water system is not feasible. Regarding our policy on lo= cation and installation, we have nothing programed for construction in that area; therefore, any construction will have to be at his own cost. We will work with him as far as helping him determine what his needs are and the size of the facilities he need to extend into there. These facilities then can be extended into his property keeping in mind they will need to meet both the State Board of Health and local Health Department requirements. The same applies for sewer service. There was no further discussion, therefore, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 A.M.