HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-06-06 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A•meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held Thursday, June 6, 1974 at 9:00 A.M. in the City Administration Building, Board of Directors Room, Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PERSENT: David McWethy, Clayton Powell, Bobbie Jones, Linda Jackson, Larry Wood. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES PRESENT: Tommy Fincher, Clyde Terry, Randy Schneider, Frank O'Donnell. DEVELOPERS and/or ENGINEERS PRESENT: Jack D. Knox, Keith Robbins, Cyrus Sutherland, Neal Albright, Sam Taylor. The first item concerned a request submitted by Jack D. Knox to construct a single family home on property which Mr. Knox purchased North of the dead-end of Paradise Lane from Keith Robbins. Mr. Robbins and Mr. Knox were both persent. JACK D. KNOX Paradise Lane L.S.Development * Lot Split Bobbie stated that the property Mr. Knox purchased has 15 feet which is contiguous with the balance of Mr. Robbins property. Therefore, this is a Lot Split. He wishes to build where a trailer house was. Only the 200 foot x 200 foot building site is in the City and is zoned A-1, Agricultural. Questionsand comments were as follows: 1. Tommy Fincher of Southwestern Bell requested utility easement on the East side of Paradise Acres be extended up the East side of this property. Mr. Knox said the service is in existence now. Bobbie did not know if the easement along the South side of 200 feet x 200 feet is for water and sewer purposes only. Mr. Knox said he had no plans to subdivide the balance of the property he has bought. Mr. Tommy Fincher stated that he wanted an easement along the East side. Also commented that he could serve him without one. Mr. Knox said there was no objection to this and did not intend to develop this property. He will give an easement if it be necessary but felt it was not needed now. 2. Clyde Terry said there was no problem concerning the T.V. cable for the existing trailer. 3. Frank O'Donnell asked about gas service to the trailer. Mr. Knox said the meter is near the middle of the lot and he does want gas service. 4. Stuart Thomas (called). There are no electrical problems. 5. David McWethy said, "What is the zoning?" Bobbie Jones replied, "A-1, Agricultural." David McWethy deferred to Street Superintendent. 6. Clayton Powell remarked, "Is the house being built for your private residence? Or for resale? For private residence, it should be disapproved. If the property should be sold, it will leave innocent people there without a' public street, and we will get complaints on it. At present there is a dirt driveway off the cul de sac. I feel that the street should be extended. There is a 10 foot road easement on the East side of the property that should be closed and a 50 foot street right-of-way should be dedicated to extend off Paradise Lane. Bobbie Jones said the 10 feet is an access in to a cemetery. Clayton commented that it will matte a nice place but Mr. Knox needs to follow total subdivision procedures. Mr. Knox said the purpose in buying the acreage was because he did not want people on both sides and around him. Clayton Powell said "He will have to dedicate 50 feet of right-of-way for a street all along the West side of the 200 foot x 200 foot portion of this property. We PLAT REVIEW COMMITrra MEETING -2- June 6, 1974 also need a 25 foot drainage easement off the South side of the 200' x 200' portion. Mr. Robbins said this house would certainly be an asset to the community, and they went through' the procedures of annexation with the understanding that they could put a house there. 7. Larry Wood: "Is there dedication for a street from the end of the cul de sac?" Bobbie Jones said she has a copy of a deed for the property from the end of the cul de sac to the North end of the subdivision. Bobbie Jones said she had talked to the City Attorney on this. The property was put on two (2) deeds for mortgage purposes. He could not sell one without the other unless it is subdivided. 8. Bobbie said, "We will get the comments from Bud Allen with the County later this week on the lot split. I think the preliminary question was on the street at that time. The Planning Commission is given the power to approve a lesser dedication in the event of hardship. Ordinance states that if the easements and rights-of-way required are dedicated, the permit can be issued as soon as we have those instruments. If you object to the dedications, it will require approval of the Planning Commission and the Board of Directors. Mr. Knox objected to the dedications. Clayton Powell: '!No reflection against Mr. Knox; but we are involved with case after case, Fayetteville, has dead-end streets, etc. That is why we need to enforce these requirements. This is the only course to take.n David McWethy:explained that the problem is that this group does not have the authority to waive the dedications. Only the Planning Commission can make recommendation and the Board of Directors can act on it. We have no discretion at all. Larry Wood: "We are setting up two lots now as opposed to one. Will be two deeds of record. If financing could be turned around as a total thing, there is no problem. Clayton said there would be%no requirement to improve the street if the street were dedicated by Mr. Knox. Bobbie Jones: "Will need legal description of property to be dedicated. The City Attorney will prepare the deeds." A proposal to develop Block 1, of Sweetbrier Addition as a Planned Development was reviewed next. Neal Albright was present to represent the developer and explained Unit SWEETBRIAR ADDITION Block 1 Supplement P.U. Development. that Lots 1, 12, and 21 will not have any structures. There are to be 5 one-story structures and four 2 -story structures with a total of 26 dwelling units. Lots 1, 12, and 21 are to be common property. 1. Wood: "Block 1B needs to be a party to the whole unit. Will it be a party to the original plat? Will they sign the plat? There needs to be a Signature, Block 1B will have to be a 'party to all restrictions. Designate driveways as common property on the plat. Also Lots 1, 12, and 21. In working out the last one, they ask that the public be given the right of access to the private drive, so sanitation, Police, and fire vehicles can use it. Albright: "There will be a fire plug at the north end of the private drive." 2. Bobbie Jones: "We will eventually need easements in Block 1B as well. Would like a copy of a plat that shows buildings.(The number of parking spaces are based on the number_o± bedrooms.. Duplexes require 4, on the others 12 spaces are required for each unit. Larry Wood: "Will there be any common space in Block 1B2 If so, it needs to be identified." 3. Tommy Fincher, Clyde Terry, Frank O'Donnell, telephone, T.V. and Gas companies repre- sentatives requested the following easements: 25 feet along the east property line of Block 1 25 feet along the west property line of Block 1 15 feet along the north side of the right-of-way of Sweetbrier Drive • • • PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING -3- June 6, 1974 and a 20 foot easement centered along the lot lines originating at the southwest corner of Lot 6, going to the extreme north point of Lot 7, then running along the northeast side of Lots 8, 9, 10, and 11; then, along the southwest sides of Lots 14, 15, and parts of 13, and 16. Again, down the west line of Lots 17, 18, 19, and 20 "to completely encircle Lot 12." 4. Randy Schneider: (SWEPCO) "I am not sure about what meters will be used. In this case where they are selling units, I do not know what to do. I will have to get in touch with my boss. I am concerned with a way to get back to the west part of Block 1B, and loop around into Block 1." Mr. Albright and Mr. Schneider agreed to work this out. 5. David McWethy: "Where would the mail be delivered? The reason I ask is, is do you intend to call the drive by name? I request that a private -drive sign be put up where it intersects with Sweetbrier Drive." Secondly, where will street lights be along the private drive? Do.you intend to put in a sidewalk?" Albright: "I have not planned to so far." David McWethy: "This is my last comment. Where the private drive intersects with Sweetbrier , it might tend to indicate a right-of-way dedication to be involved, as there is an absence of a solid line." 6. Clayton: '!I won't allow you to dump drainage into the street (Sweetbrier Drive)! for fear that it will wash away the,/Old Missouri Road. Secondly, from a safety vehicle's aspect, the 24 swale type 'Curbs and gutters are not desirable. The property owner's association will be responsible for taking care of drainage within the development. A Large Scale Development Plan for property acquired from Rev. Salmon on Gray and Maple was reviewed. Mr. Cyrus Sutherland represented Mr. Metcalfe. J.E. METCALFE Gray Ave. L.S. Development 1. O'Donnell: Gas service will come off Gray Avenue and run to the property line. 2. Clayton Powell• "Both streets, Maple and Gray Avenue are residential, other than that, they are for developing these two lots only restricition is, the requirement for driveway permits on hilly or rolling terrain , There is a minimum of 25 feet separation.(15) inches diameter reinforced concrete_ is the minimum for driveway tile. I will come out and check because you need the grade of the ditch set for positive drainage." 3. David McWethy: "Up until now, we have requested it, but could not require dedication. This is because of approval of Large Scale Development Plans. Because this is a private residence, we have simpler procedures. As soon as the rights-of-way and easements are given, the next step is building permit." Sutherland: "Have to go through process of dedicating?" 4. Bobbie Jones: "Do not have to wait to go to the Board of Directors. The City Attorney will draft the deeds. Since McClellan did the survey, they can give legal descriptions. I would like to check it before the City Attorney gets it for fear of mistakes." 5. Fincher, Terry, Schneider: Requested 15 feet easement from Maple up west side of "Lot 3 and through Lot 2" to South line of "Lot 1." Schneider: "How do you want electricity? I can arrange it to be underground. It would require one pole. You will have to pay the difference in cost between overhead and underground. He said he would set the transformer so it will serve more than one person. Mr. Sam Taylor was present "Telephone, Gas, and T.V.). Bobbie Jones SAM TAYLOR explained that the Planning Commission approved his plans to build Stone Bridge Rd. a house on Stone Bridge Road last year and stipulated that the 5 L.S. Development. feet additional easement requested by Ozarks Electric be provided. She explained that no record of an existing easement can be found yet. She requested that the Telephone Company, T.V. Cable, and Electric Company work out with Mr. Taylor what is needed on an easement and advise the Planning Office so the Building permit can be issued: 3L 133 J PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING June 6, 1974 Bobbie Jones advised the Committee that Taylor Engineering is TAYLOR ENGINEERING •working on a subdivision in the area of Black Oak (sections 1, Subd. outside pity 2, and 12; T -15-N, R -30-W) which is partially inside and par- (1 2 12-15-30) tially outside the City's Planning Area jurisdiction. She has been asked whether the Planning Commission can make the decision. Clayton Powell and Larry Wood both recommen- ded the City not waive its jurisdiction or it will end up in a mess. Theysug- gested a joint review of this by the two planning bodies (City and County). City Manager Don Grimes;had written the following comment: "I recommend this one be given to the County Planning Board. This development lies partly outside our Planning Area Boundary but is completely outside our Growth Area Boundary. • • The Meeting Was adjourned at 11'15 A.M.