HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-04-25 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMIT]. MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held April 25, 1974 at 9:00 A.M. in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: Clyde Terry, Tommy Fincher, Kenneth Wagner, Stuart Thomas. • DEVELOPERS AND/OR ENGINEERS: Dr. Ernest Stanberry, Jr., Herb Christner. OTHERS PRESENT: Paul Mattke, Clayton Powell, Iris Dees, Bobbie Jones. The only item for discussion was the Erstan Subdivision outside the City. Dr. Stanberry and his engineer, Herb Christner were present. Comments were as follows: ERSTAN SUBDIVISION Outside the City Preliminary Plat 1. Paul Mattke: (Water and Sewer Superintendent) City water and sewer is available within a reasonable distance. We plan to provide public water and sewer. Mr. Mattke commented that he didn't think the developer planned to cut his property up any more. Paul Mattke said they are going to need some easements off the tract of land that Dr. Stanberry is holding. He suggested a separate document for easements outside the subdivision. He also asked the engineer to use standard easement sizes and check street names so that they don't conflict with existing street names that are practically the same. 2. Larry Wood: (Planning Consultant - telephoned comments) He suggested the cul-de-sacs be pulled back and shortened to save on paving. Herb Christner thought it was logical to shorten cul-de-sacs. Bobbie Jones said the street frontage is measured at the setback line on the cul-de-sacs. Stuart Thomas with Ozark Electric said it would be better on the street light spaces this way. 3. Stuart Thomas - (Ozark Electric Rep.) We plan to go underground. We need an easement between Lots 9 & 10 in Block.4 15 ft. wide and if anyone else goes in with us it should be 20 ft. - centered on the lot lines; the easement shown between Lots 2 & 3, Block 3, is shown as only 10 ft., but we prefer it be 15 ft.; in Block 2 on the lot line between 6 and 7 we need a street light easement 10 ft. wide; we don't require the easement between Lots 8 & 9, Block 2 that was put in for our use. In Block 1 we need a 20 ft. easement the complete length of the east property line north to south. Also, we need 10 ft. street light easements between Lots 4 & 5,Block 1 and Lots 7 & 8 of Block 1. We need a minimum easement of 15 ft. for the perimeter but if everyone is in it it needs to be 20 ft. In Block 5 we need a 10 ft. easement between Lots 5 & 6 for street lighting only. We need the easement across the south property line widened to 20 ft. We do not need the easement between Lots 4 & 5, Block 5. We plan to come across the front of Lot 3 in Block 5:and we will need an easement there. The easement across the north of Blocks 2,3,4 should be widened out to 20 ft. We recommend a 42 -inch deep trench and we have to have 3 ft. of coverage. 4. Tommy Fincher: (S.W. Bell Telephone Rep.) We need those perimeter easements 20 ft. since we are all going to be in there. I can see no other problems with easements. Dr. Stanberry said he thought he gave the telephone company easements along that road a couple of years ago. Mr. Fincher said he would check on that. Mr. Christner said the pedestals can be left there. 5. Clyde Terry: ( Warner TV Cable Rep.) With the easements on the perimeter, I don't see any problems for TV cable. He discussed how service would enter the subdivision. 6. Kenneth Wagner: (Ark. Western Gas Co. Rep.) We do have gas available on the east side of Joe Fred Starr Road. We will have to work out the details for the final plat. We need the 20 ft. easement on the perimeter. 100 A • • • Plat Review Committee April 25, 1974 Page Two 7. Clayton Powell* He read the first two paragraphs of Resolution 6-66 approved May 1966 which read as follows: RESOLUTION N0. 6-66 Paragraph 'h resolution expressing the intention of the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, to enforce the subdivision regulations of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, Within the City's Planning Area Jurisdiction outside the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas." Paragraph 2 "WHEREAS, The City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, by virtue of Ark. Stats. Ann. Section 19-2827 (1965 Supp.) is authorized through its Planning Commission to establish the planning area jurisdiction of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, including an area extending five (5) miles beyond the corporate limits of the City,." He also referred to Ordinance 1979 approved on February 5, 1974 amending Ordinance 1750. He stated that ordinance sets up the definition for Urban as -located within,. the Corporate City Limits and the definition for Suburban as - located outside the Corporate City Limits. Section 3, "IMPROVEMENTS",of this ordinance reads as follows in the first paragraph. "Before final plat approval may be granted by the Planning Commission, the subdivider shall have installed or shall have made provision to install, either at his expense or in accordance with the existing policy of the City, the following improvements, all of which must have prior approval by the Planning Commission. Urban and Suburban both have the following required improvements: "Reinforced concrete monuments 4"x4"x30" at quarter section corners and subdivision corners." "Metal stakes i" x30" at all lot corners, points of tangency, points of curvature and angles in property lines or easements. "Street grading and base according to City requirements." "Street paving." "Surface drainage." "Culverts and Bridges'.': "Individual service Lines,for water system." "Sanitary Sewer System." "Individual Service Lines,:for sewer system." Urban 2nly has the required improvements below: "Sidewalks." "City Water Supply System "Street Lights." "Curb and gutter: Suburban mix has the required specifications,approved by the State Board of Health. improvements below: "Stabilized shoulders at least 4" wide and a sodded drainage swale at least 5 ft. wide and 12"/deep with a slope of 3 to 1 on the street side and at least 2 to 1 on the other side." "Private Water Supply System approved by the City Engineer." The only difference between the Urban and Suburban requirements is that with Urban you are required to have.curb_and;gutter.ar =-with Suburban -you may have stabilized'ehouspers. If you inatall.curband.gutter-in the:Syburban-area 50 ft. of right-of-way will be required. If you do not install curb and gutteruutt use barrow ditches, 60 ft. of right-of-way will be required I 19 • • • • Plat Review Committee April 25, 1974 Page Three Mr. Powell said the City limits is on the West perimeter of the existing County Road. There are about three conflicting street names in this subdivision. We already have names similar to Willow Street, Creek Terrace, and Lake Terrace. Similar names are confusing to utility people, police, fire, and someone who needs to reach you right away. Right-of-way width for streets depends on what Dr. Stanberry decides to do as far as street construction. We need 50 ft. if streets are curbed and guttered. If barrow ditches are used, we need 60 ft. of street right-of-way. Clayton Powell requested 30 ft. of right-of-way from the centerline of the existing Joe Fred Starr Road. Mr. Powell said they are blocked on the west side of Joe Fred Starr Road. The Street Department has copies of two deeds where SWEPCO has purchased an easement of 50 ft. on the west side of Joe Fred Starr Road. Dr. Stanberry said he offered to give SWEPCO the right-of-way if they would put it underground and they brought suit to get the ,property. Mr. Powell said there is a low spot in Creek Road about the intersection of Creek Terrace. He said that storm drainage would be needed at this point and barrow ditches must be under -drained to carry drainage away. If the cul-de-sac streets are pulled back to the South in Blocks 2 and 3 we need a drainage easement to the North property line of the subdivision. Mr. Powell requested a copy of the street plans and profiles. He said if the Planning Commission and Board of Directors approved what he had put in the minutes he would be most happy to work with Dr. Stanberry. Mr. Powell and Dr. Stanberry discussed the culvert the developer of Sequoyah Woods put under Joe Fred Starr Road. Dr. Stanberry said the end of it comes over onto his property. Mr. Powell said a cul-de-sac would be needed on the north and south end of Willow if they don't plan to extend them. He said on just one4block street stubs he would request the end be enclosed for the standard curb and gutter to prevent traffic from going out and turning around 8. Bobbie Jones: You are 10 ft. off on your south dimension. The lots add up to 1268 and you show 1278. Why not assign the area to the north of Block 1 a lot or block number? Herb said there is a lot of uncertainty in the future. Bobbie said dimensions on this parcel should be shown. She said she did break down Lot 6- Block 2 to show what part was on the outside boundary. She said to add the word "limits" into the location of property to read "City limits boundary". I need a copy of the plat with signatures of adjoining property owners. We will try to help you on these name changes on the street. Herb said according to the rules he would need covenants and he did not have them. Bobbie Jones said this would be to restrict it to residential use only. She informed them that they should show some building setback lines on this plat when it goes to the Planning Commission. She told them to chnform to the minimum 25 ft. setback from street right-of-way and cover rear yard and side setbacks in their covenant. She said a building permit would not be issued for outside the City but they will have Plumbing Permits She suggested they might want to covenant the type of structures that can be built and the Planning Office would like a copy of the covenants. She asked if they had been to the County Judge on this at all. Herb said he wanted to incorporate these changes and then go to the Judge. Bobbie Jones asked Clayton Powell if he was asking for right-of-way along Joe Fred Starr Road on this plat and if he intended for his request to cover the property. Clayton Powell said it would be convenient to dedicate the entire length at this time, if they;are-constructed to gravel street standards. Bobbie asked what the frontage of the property you are retaining. Dr. Stanberry said he was retaining about 800 ft. and Herb said 839.36 ft. Mr. Christner thought the request for 30 ft. from the centerline of Joe Fred Starr Road was excessive. Dr. Stanberry asked how they planned to get it along Broccard's property to the North. Clayton Powell said if it comes into the City it would be by condemnation of if Mr. Broccard decides to subdivide he will "get the same treatment" as Dr. Stanberry is getting now. Mr. Christner said there is dill some question about the future use of the parcel at the north end of Block 1. It may be used for townhouses, divided into lots, or omitted entirely from the final plat. 9. Larry Wood: (Additional comments) He requested a preliminary plat on all of Dr. Stanberry's property. Dr. Stanberry said 20 acres is what he is retaining. Mr Wood asked for a 25 ft. dedication from the centerline of Joe Fred Starr. Road. I17 I�� • • • Plat Review Committee April 25, 1974 Page Four Larry Wood asked where Willow Road was going at the north end. Mr. Chriatner said it would depend on what's done. If it dead'ends;there will be a cul-de-sac there. The meeting adjourned at 10:25 P.M.