HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-04-18 Minutes• IA meeting of • at 9:00 A.M. Arkansas. • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held April 18, 1974, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES - Clyde Terry, Tommy Fincher, Randy Schneider, Frank O'Donnell, and Jack Whitting. ENGINEERS AND/OR DEVELOPERS: Ervan Wimberly, Dayton Stratton, Charles Hubbard, and Jim Lindsey. OTHERS PRESENT: David McWethy, Iris Dees, Bobbie Jones, Wally Brt, and Clayton Powell. The first item for discussion was the Red Ball Transfer and Storage Company Large Scale Development Plan to construct a storage warehouse on Ash Street West of Birch Avenue. Charles Hubbard was present. Comments were as follows: 1. Randy Schneider: I need to know how far this building is from existing roads. We have a pole line I believe down Birch Avenue. Clayton Powell said we have developed on Birch Avenue down to 50 feet past this Ash Street dedicated right-of-way. Bobbie Jones said it is 309 feet from the right-of-way of Birch Avenue to the building. Mr. Hubbard said the property line is up to the right-of-way of Ash Street. Randy Schneider asked what his electrical requirements could be. Mr. Hubbard said the contractor talked to terms of 50 to 100 amps. Randy Schneider requested a high enough mast to clear trucks going through there. We will need 2 weeks notice for this. 2. Clyde Terry: We do not have cable up there at this time. Mr. Hubbard said he did not foresee any need for TV. 3. Tommy Fincher: How many telephone lines will you need? Mr. Hubbard said presently they have 2 lines in his office and he will need 2 lines initially and ultimately 3 or 4. We would probably want to go underground to this building. Mr. Fincher asked if they would be willing to provide a conduit (a plastic PVC with a 2 inch pipe). Mr. Fincher said that they can replace service this way if something happens underground. We will get with you on the detailed plans. 4. David McWethy: No problems. 5. Wally Brt: We pick up at your present location but you might be interested in a lod-al container. A 4 yard container is $385.00 and a 6 yard container is $505.00. It is $1.00 per cubic yard per pick up. Wally Brt said he thought one container would take care of it. Contact me if you want this. If might be a good idea to put the container on a concrete slab. RED BALL TRANSFER AND STORAGE BLDG. LSD 6. Frank O'Donnell: Do you desire natural gas. Mr. Hubbard said yes I think so. Mr. O'Donnell said that they don't have anything in the immediate area but we can figure something out. Mr. Hubbard said there were no plans for heating the warehouse. Mr. O'Donnell said that he would get with you and work it out. 7. Clayton Powell: Ash Street is an existing public street right-of-way dedication but it does not exist as far as an improved street is concerned. Birch Street has been constructed to City Street Standard to a point approximately 111 • Plat Review Committee April 18, 1974 - 2 50 feet South of Ash Street dedicated right-of-way. The developer presented the preliminary plat for this individual site and the indication is that they were going to develop Ash Street from Birch Street East to the dedicated right-of-way of Chestnut Avenue, and construct Chestnut Avenue to Sycamore Street and from Sycamore back East to the railroad crossing. Dedications have been made on all these streets to meet the Major Street Plan. The City is expecting to receive some urban development funds to construct on at grade crossing across the railroad to tie to Sycamore Street on the east. These developers propose to develop Sycamore West through the property line which is East of Skull Creek. An additional grant is being granted to bridge Skull Creek and to tie Sycamore Street into Leverett Street and then the street network will be complete in this area. I did give approval because of the steel price increase to begin construction so the purchaserscould purchase this lot. My stipulations were that the building cannot be occupied or used commercially, industrially or residentially until the street is constructed to City Street Standards. The purchaser has an Attorney and the Attorney has contacted me and is writing into his contract that the developer will have the street cut to subgrade and base materials and curb and gutter installed no later than October of 1974, which is the target date of the building. 8. Bobbie Jones: The people Mr. Hubbard is buying property from are giving right-of-way. If they did not file a plat they should do it by deed dedication. She did not have any confirmation of the dedication. Mrs. Jones said the size of the building exceeds the maximum size in the Building Code for the type of construction, and they would need to talk to Mr. Lieberenz or Mr. Hoffman. Otherr. than the 5 ft. dedication Mr. Powell was talking about, she said that she had no other comments. 9. Paul Mattke: Hubbard - property west of the ditch. Paul Mattke said the City has sewer easements parallel to the ditch. I have sewer on Birch Street and on Poplar - water on Poplar and Sycamore. I have yet to see sewer and water development plans for this area. It will be some time near the end of August before I will be able to review any plans received as of now. The Water and Sewer lines should be installed before the street is paved. It was explained to Mr. Hubbard that once the street is paved it can be cut only by order the Board of Directors. They might have to tunnel under the street. Also, plans for water and sewer extensions have to approved by the State Board of Health as well as Paul Mattke. This is also a lengthy process. The next item for discussion was a Replat of Block 4, Phase I of Hyland HYLAND PARK Park. Mr Jim Lindsey was present and said he is not going to do a con- Replat of dominium development on this but plans to convert that area into lots. Blk 4, Phase I (We will have to give you an easement from here near the front so it will just be common property.) 1. Paul Mattke: Please bring your water and sewer plans in. Jim Lindsey said that they had their water plan. If we go out ohethe road with sewer, we will have to be about 12 ft. deep. Some of the property owners are in agreement for an easement across their property for sewer so it wont:.t be out in the street. Mr. Lindsey asked the utility companies to provide him a layout for their services so they would not get into overlaps. Mr. Lindsey said the telephone company could serve Lots 4, 5, & 6 from the rear. On Lots 1,2, and 3 there will be no way to serve from the rear. Mr. Lindsey said SWEPCO would have to serve Lots 8 and 9 from the street. He said the gas company may find some rock on Franklin and Lots 5 and 6 are pretty shallow. The utility companies for this area were in general agreeable with what Mr. Lindsey wanted. • • • 7 4 Plat Review Committee April 18, 1974 2. Wally Brt: No comments. -3- 3. Clayton Powell: I have no objections to street patterns. Drainage has not changed. 4. Bobbie Jones: Have them write in Block 4 - Phase I, Hyland Park in the legal description and show width of street rights-of-way and certification on streets. There should be a space for the date it will be approved by the Board of Directors in certification. 5. Jack Whitting: Only a small portion of one lot is in our area. SWEPCO will serve it all. The next item discussed was A's Fish House for property owned by George Davis, Jr. on South School South of Ninth Street. Ervan Wimberly and Dayton Stratton were present. A's FISH HOUSE S. School Street ISD 1. Paul Mattke: I have a water line on Highway 71. The sewer line lays on the east side of the highway. We will have to push under the street. The sewer line actually lays east of those buildings on the east side of the highway. Ervan Wimberly said Mr. Davis said he had found a manhole south of the Gulf Station and they could get into it by raising the building. Mr. Wimberly said there are intentions to develop the north half of the property in the future. 2. Bobbie Jones: The zoning.on this is split. The east part is C-2 and the rest is I-1. You have a 25 -foot side setback in the I-1•cff Eitvan:Wimbeflyosaid-whehothe 12' alley was closed 16' was dedicated off the west side of these lots. Bobbie Jones said the zoning does split at the closed alley. He could petition to have the west portion rezoned to C-2 also. If he does not, he may not be able to use those two lots north of this. With the west portion zoned I-1, we will have to show part of Lots 2 and 23 as part of this develop- ment when the Building Permit is issued. They must have plans approved by the State Board of Health before permit can be issued. Bobbie said the building code could require an additional setback. Bobbie said that David McWethy asked that the screening for the lod-al container be shown. The Planning Commission wants screening on three sides. This is in the fire zone. 3. Clyde Terry: I believe the State Highway Department is in the process of widening the highway. Paul Mattke said he thought this was to be done within the next two years. 4. Randy Schneider: I have a pole in the driveway and you will have to pay us to move it. We can serve you from the back if you prefer. We could serve it from the back where you have the arrows if you want under- ground. You need to have a high enough mast so we can clear this parking area if we serve overhead. Dayton Stratton said they will need approx- imately 300 amps. 5. Clyde Terry: Dayton Stratton said it is possible they might want TV service. Mr. Terry said if they go overhead they will need a point high enough for them to attach to. We are going to have to come in from the front. If you could put in a 1 -inch conduit for us, we will serve underground. We are on the west side of the highway on SWEPCO's pole. We will be able to serve it some way. Let me know if Mr. Davis does want cable service and see if I can come around the back. 6. Tommy Fincher: Mr: Stratton said he would prefer underground service 113 Plat Review Committee April 18,1974 -4- but he will check with Mr. Davis. Mr. Fincher said the telephone company would need a 14 inch conduit if he wants service. 7. Clayton Powell: Does the north and south perimeter abutt Ninth Street and 11th street? Mr. Wimberly said it abutts Ninth Street but not llth. • Mr. Powell said he agreed with Mr. Mattke that the property should be replatted. There was some comment about the closure of Ninth Street. There are no topo lines on the site plan.itI would appreciate the drainage being rechanneled to the drainage structure. On the Highway 71 right-of-way our City Major Street Plan requires 80 ft. of right-of-way for principal arterial streets. I think A.H.D. requires 120', State requirements would prevail. The driveway permit will have to be issued by the regional people in Ft Smith. 2 r 7.1 8. Frank O'Donnell: Gas is available. Mr. Stratton said he thought Mr. Davis would want to come in the building from the back side. Mr. O'Donnell said he would call Mr. Wimberly later for information. 9. Wally Brt: No comments. No problem getting in there at the pad. Leave the front of it open. The next item for discussion was an addition to the CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY Campbell Soup Company. Mr. Wimberly was present to represent Addition this and said it would be an addition of a personnel office. LSD 1. Paul Mattke: No comments. 2. Clayton Powell: 15th Street is a minor arterial street. We need to insure that we have adequate right-of-way in that area. We would like to request any additional right-of-way dedication necessary. 3. Tommy Fincher: If they require phone service they should get with the properr: people in our organization and we need a conduit. Dean Lumbart should be contacted. 4. Clyde Terry: They have never requested cable TV. We do not have it available. There were no further comments. 3 The next item was the Fayetteville Nature Study Center FAYETTEVIJJF NATURE STUDY being developed by Fayetteville Public Schools at the CENTER Lake Fayetteville Park. Lake Fayetteville Park • LSD 1. Jack Whitting: I need to know if they are going overhead or underground. Bobbie Jones called Ben Winborn and he said he thought 100 amps is enough. They want overhead service. Mr. Whitting said the building looks low and Ozark Electric will need a periscope entrance at least 10 ft. high where they attach electric power to the building. 2. Frank O'Donnell: I will contact Mr. Winborn to see if he wants gas. 3. Clayton Powell• The vocational heavy equipment operators school will do this construction. That is a very steep grade and I hope they will provide for adequate drainage. 4. Bobbie Jones: Looks like parking is far enough off the road. There should be no problem but they should seal coat that parking area and have wheel barriers. Mr. Powell commented that an SB -2 base was not suitable for seal coat because it is not dustless. Chip and oil is the least they can use to make it dustless.