HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-04-10 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Plat Review Committee was held Wednesday, April 10, 1974, at 1:30 P.M. in the downstairs lounge at City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: Tommy Fincher, Clyde Terry, Jack Whitting, Frank O'Donnell. DEVELOPER: Mr. & Mrs. Donald Watts. OTHERS PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Iris Dees, Clayton Powell, Paul Mattke, Mr, Bud Allen of the County Planning Board, Larry Wood, Planning Consultant. The first item for discussion was a request for a subdivision waiver (lot split) to divide property owned by Mrs. Pearl Walker and sell a portion of it to Mr. & Mrs. Donald Watts. The Watts already own the property immediately North of Mrs. Walker. DONALD WATTS Subdivision Waiver 1. Frank O'Donnell: We have gas line on that side of the street but it should not affect this lot split. No problems. 2. Clyde Terry: No problems. 3. Tommy Fincher: No comments. It was decided the one Southwestern Electric pole was on the property the Watts already own. 4. Clayton Powell* The only request I have is the additional street right-of-way dedication to meet the Major Street Plan. Part of this property has 60 feet of right-of-way across the front of it and part of it has 70 ft, of right-of-way along the front of it. This is an 80 ft. arterial street on the Major Street Plan and we will need 40,feet of right-of-way from the centerline of Mission along this property. Mr. Watts agreed to dedicate 40 ft. of right-of-way from the centerline of Mission on the property he now has and on the property he is acquiring. Mr. Powell agreed to have the right-of-way needed surveyed and have the City Attorney prepare the street deed. Mr. Powell did not ask for right-of-way off the balance of Mrs. Walker's property at this time. 5. Bobbie Jones: You need to get a driveway permit from the business office if you put in any new driveways. 6. Paul Mattke: No problems. Water and sewer are available. 7. Randy Schneider: (SWEPCO - telephoned comments) No problems. The next item discussed was a request by Leonard Kendall for a waiver . LEONARD KENDALL of subdivision requirements. (outside the City) This was Subdivision Waiver presented to the Planning Commission on April 9, 1974 and they tabled this to allow time for a response from the County Planning Board. 1. Frank O'Donnell: We need a 20 ft. easement as they show on the latest drawing. Then there would be no problem. 2. Clayton Powell: The "private road" needs to be dedicated and made a County road. I have seen disputes on this sort of thing. One of the parties on it could barricade it and cut off access to the other properties. Mr. Powell cited the various types of problems the City has in situations similar to this. They do need to dedicate 30 ft. of right-of-way from the centerline of the two Salem Roads. One difference 'OA A Plat Review Committee April 10, 1974 Page Two on street specifications within the Planning Area outside the City is that they can have • paved streets with barrow ditches in lieu of curb and gutter. • • 3. Larry Wood: A subdivision plat should be filed and regular subdivision process gone through. In effect this is a subdivision. 4. Tommy Fincher: We have telephone cable "along two of our County roads around this. If it is done like it shows and the "private road" not dedicated, we are in trouble to serve property in the lower part - it would be impossible. I think it would be a definite advantage to get some easements and dedicate street for all concerned. To serve these from the back of the property we need an easement running north and south. I need to be furnished with easements to get access to every piece of propert; 5. Clyde Terry: I agree with them. We need the; -same type of easements as the telephone company. 6. Jack Whitting: We have an overhead line serving Bruce and Leonard Kendall and an overhead line on the opposite side of the road: 7. Paul Mattke: We will be running part of our rural water lines along what we call Salem Road from the west going east. We will have a short line going east to cover only a part of this property. The developer will have to submit water extension plans if he wants to serve off of public water system. Sewer is not going to be available in this area within a reasonable time I suggest easements be written around the front and back of these lots so that by the time water and sewer facilities are available there is a place to put them. The latest amendment to subdivision ordinance requires subdividers putting in private water and sewage disposal systems within the growth area must have the approval of both the County Sanitarian and the City Engineer. Mr. Mattke said that the following standards apply: WELLS - State law now requires that well builders have to be licensed and bonded. He wants assurance that the well builder will be licensed and bonded. He would like to have a plan of the well to include the depth of casing, the well log and the location of any potential sources of contamination within 300 ft. of the well. Sources of contamination are things such as feed lots, septic tanks, drainage ditches, etc. When the well is drilled and pumped he will need an analysis showing the well meets public health service standards for potable water. SEPTIC TANKS - Septic tanks must comply with State Bulletin #13. 8. Bud Alien (Administrator with County Planning Board): The County's requirements or regulations are written to require a minimum of 60 ft. of right-of-way. The Judge can accept less but it would be an exception and it is not something done every day. We would request that dedication of right-of-way be made and the County maintain the roads. 9. Bobbie Jones: She was concerned about lack of frontage on a public road with a private road. The last item discussed was the proposed addition to the Fayetteville East Campus School to attach the bandroom to the main building. 1. Paul Mattke: I will send in my comments later. FAYETTEVILLE EAST CAMPUS HIGH SCHOOL Stone Street pandroom Addition 2. Frank 0/Donnell: I don't know of any problem. I will call if there is. There were no problems from any; of the other members of the Committee. The:meeting was adjourned at 2:45 P.M. 010