HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-03-28 Minutes7 • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held March 28, 1974 at 9:00 A.M. in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. UTILITY REPRESENTATIVES: Clyde Terry, Tommy Fincher, Jack Whitting, Frank O'Donnell, Randy Schneider. ENGINEERS and/or DEVELOPERS: Jim Lindsey, Neal Albright, Jerry Sweetser. OTHERS PRESENT: Paul Mattke, David McWethy, Bobbie Jones, Iris Dees, Clayton Powell. The first item to be discussed was the Revised Preliminary Plat for Phase II of the Hyland Park Subdivision ( a planned unit development) being developed by Hyland Park, Inc., James E. Lindsey, President. Jim Lindsey was present. Comments were as follows: HYLAND PARK Phase II Revised Preliminary Plat 1. David McWethy: Your sidewalks and street lights should be shown on the preliminary plat. David said the new requirements call for street lights at intersecting streets and every 300 ft. between. Jim Lindsey said they will comply with the requirements. David McWethy left at 9:15 A.M. 2. Jack Whitting: We will probably come in along the road and put lateral lines to serve two houses. This will be underground. We will provide service. We don't have all the details worked out just yet. We can get by with a 10 ft. easement alongside and outside of the street right-of-way. 3. Clyde Terry: We need a minimum of 25 ft. easement by the existing Ozark Electric pole line coming from Phase I on the west side and then 25 ft. due east to the northwest corner of Lot 19. This is!for telephone, electric, and TV cable. We will let you know if anything else comes up after we do some more planning. 4. Tommy Fincher: We would like this Phase shown on a sketch like the ,first preliminary so we can see how it related to the overall plan. I think we will need a 15 ft. easement. Jim Lindsey said he would supply everyone with such a drawing. 5. Clayton Powell: Your "Boston Mountain Driven is an extension of Canterbury Road and should be called by the same name. The low density nature of this Phase II of Hyland Park is much better than.the street layout on the first preliminary plat because you have that bluff. The length of the street does exceed the 1,000 ft. maximum for a dead end street in hilly terrain and the 1400 ft. maximum length for a residential block. I prefer this plan over the other one because of the steepness of the grade and rough terrain andso_forth on the first one. When I receive the street engineering plan and profiles we will get down to drainage and street design. 6. Frank O'Donnell: We would have to extend south on Canterbury Road from our existing service and lay within the street on one side or the other. Do you know which side the water main will be on yet? We will need to look at it further after hater line locations are decided on. I will call you if anything pertinent comes up. 7. Charles McWhorter: No comments. 8. Bobbie Jones: The easements should be labeled utility easements, drainage easements, or whatever they are. I think the vicinity sketch is needed by everyone. The sidewalks and street lights should be shown and a street light at each cul-de-sac should be shown. The width of the right-of-ways should be shown on the platting and the radius of the common property inside the cul-de-sacs. The Chairman of the Planning Commission now is Morton Gitelman. I can't get some of the outside distances to add up to the total combined lengths of the lots. For instance, the 104 J Plat Review Committee March 28, 1974 Page Two • distance along the south sides of Lots 14, 15, 16; the distance along the north Side of Lots 19,20,21, etc. and along the southwest side of Lots 12 and 13. Bobbie Jones asked what the 60 ft. jog in boundary along the north side of Lots 19,20,21,etc. is. Jim Lindsey said they are going to leave that for a possible future street if it were determined suitable. Bobbie Jones said the site for water facilities should be shown some way. I would suggest giving it a Lot number with a note on the plat that that Lot has been approved by the Planning Commission as a site for a water storage tank or however it is to be used. Bobbie Jones asked if this does not quite touch the right- of-way of Lovers Lane. Jim Lindsey said it does and they considered just following the easement line shown through Lots 1,2, and 3 so that a'.street could get in the east. Bobbie Jones asked if they had the original property owners signature. Jim Lindsey said they did. Bobbie Jones advised Mr. Lindsey, Mr. Sweetser, and Mr. Albright that when they get to the construction stages, to be sure to have their contractors call Mr. Mattke and Mr. Powell for those inspections needed. I will furnish you a list of the stages at which inspections are needed. This is very important. The next item for discussion was addition to the Preliminary Plat Subdivision. Jerry Sweetser and Comments were as follows: the proposed amendment to and for Bogan, Eason and Sweetser Neal Albright were present. JERRY D SWEETSER Bogan, Eason, Sweetser Preliminary Plat ADD. 1. David McWethy: Your street lights don't conform with the new rules for 300 ft. spacing. Jerry Sweetser said they will comply. 2. Jack Whitting: We will serve Lots 5-14, Block 5 and all of Block 7. This will be underground. The easements look good. We need a 10 ft. easement ( give 5 ft. on either side of the lot line ) between Lots 12 and 13, Block 5 and Lots 8 and 9 in Block 7 to get down to the rear of Block 7. We need a 10 ft. easement but if we have some other utilities in the easements we will need more than that. There will be a street light between Lots 11 -and 12 (Block 5) so we will need to keep that on. There will be one on the corner of Lot 14 (Block 5) and then one between Lots 8 and 9 (Block 5). We will need a 10 ft. easement between Lots 8 and 9, Block 5 for street light. (Bobbie Jones said she thoughtishe would like to get McWethy's comments on the spacing of street lights. She thought they might agree on a spacing of 350 ft. but she would have to find out.) The transformers and lines will be in the back of the lots. One transformer will probably serve 8 lots. 3. Randy Schneider: We will serve Lots 1-4, Block 5 and all of Block 6. Jerry Sweetser said he would like for them to go underground. If you can get a 350 ft. waiver for street lights or so we will go between Lots 1 and 2, Block 5 and place a street light on the north side of the street. We will need an 8 ft. easement there. Neal Albright said that would give them about 315 ft. there and the rest of the easements are alright. 4. Clyde Terry: We need no extra easements. This looks sufficient for us. I think 15 ft. will be all right along the south side of Blocks 6 and 7 if the gas is not in there. 5. Tommy Fincher: I can't see any problems with the proposed easements. We will serve straight down. We need 20 ft. easement along the south side of Blocks 6 and 7. Jerry Sweetser agreed to give 20 ft. to fit all the utilities in. 6. Frank O'Donnell: We would prefer to lay in the street on the same side as the water. Jerry Sweetser said he would rather they service the lots from the back. Mr. O'Donnell _ 105 , Plat Review Committee March 28, 1974 Page Three iC agreed to increase the easement along the rear of the lots and Mr. Sweetser agreed to increase the easement along the rear (south) of Blocks 6 and 7 to 20 ft. 7. Clayton Powell: I would like to compliment property owners and engineer. This complies with our street requirements. I would like to see all the lots in Block 7 reduced to approximately 95 ft. lot width so we can extend the street down the east side of Lot 10. Jerry Sweetser said this was designed as it is for a traffic reason... to try to cut down on undesireable traffic there. Jerry Sweetser said they don't want to filter all of Strawberry Hill traffic, etc. through this subdivision. We hopefully encourage a neighborhood idea. Jerry Sweetser said he would like to take that 5 acres to the east and possibly some day give it to the City for a park. Clayton Powell said there is no conflict with the Major Street Plan. When I receive the engineering plans and spec- ifications we will consider the storm drainage. 8. Bobbie Jones: I believe we have an error in the legal description. It is ekactly 100 ft: difference between this drawing and the earlier one from the northeast corner of the Si, SE, 25-17-30. On the east -west dimensions I believe the 950 ft. should be 1050 ft. and the 1332.61 ft. should.be 1432.61 ft. Bobbie Jones mentioned that Meadowbrook Farm had 60 ft. of right -ofwgron Elaine and this shows 50 ft. Mr. Sweetser and Mr. Powell discussed this. Mr. Sweetser agreed to widen the street right-of-way on Elaine to 60 ft. making the lots 125 ft. deep. Bobbie Jones said easements should be labeled "utility" and/or "drainage" easements. Have the property owners on the south and west seen the plat? I need a black line print and three copies or so with revisions. The meeting adjourned at 10:25 A.M. 106 -4 A oEAYETTt`. FAYETTEVILLE, ARICANSAS P. 0. DRAWER F 72701 April 5, 1974 Mrs. Bobbie Jones City Planning Administrator. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Re: Preliminary plat for Hyland Park - Phase II Dear Mrs. Jones: 15011 521-7700 I agree with Mr. Powell's comments that Boston Mountain Drive should be a continuation of Canterbury Road. I feel the cul street, Boston Mountain View, should be designed and necessary space provided for it to extend to inter -connect with Hyland Park Road. This type of street network may be very nice for exclusive residential development but it creates traffic and vehicular movement bottlenecks. This adds approximately another mile of travel for fire protection equip- ment tryingto reach this facility and a single incident can completely block access to the entire addition. In addition, this forces the entire traffic flow of this area through an adjacent .subdivision which was designed and built prior to our present street design standards and can only create traffic head -aches for the citizens of this area. Water service is available from Canterbury Road although ultimate piping size and design will provide for a water storage tank and transmission system. Request the water storage tank site be shown on this plat. I have discussed sewage services for this area and do not recommend acceptance of this preliminary plat without public sewers being provided. PWM/skb Yours truly, Paul W. Mattke City Engineer EECEIV'EQ ,1 ;nril,:c 01 Ire PL:d'MI>iQ AtgTTEVI:.a. 01;.p! ;:u' 107 1081 • FAYETTEVILLE, 11) ARKANSAS P. 0. DRAWER F Mrs. Bobbie Jones City Planning Administrator Fayetteville, AR 72701 72701 (501) 521-7700 April 5, 1974 Re: Bogan, Eason & Sweetser preliminary plat addition Dear Mrs. Jones: I have discussed the water development with Mr. Albright, the engineer for this developement,and have pretty much worked out the details concerning it. This addition, of course, will be required to connect to sewer. I am very happy to see this addition being expanded and inter -connecting with the existing Meadowbrook Farm Addition. I whole-heartedly recommend acceptance of this preliminary plat; assuming that they will proceed with the development of this plat and that both public water and sewer will be provided. PWM/skb Paul W. Mattke City Engineer RECEIVED 1974 Ay- OF CRY pi nvnfsi Y,,IF, /yw, _YLI