HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-03-21 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING /o A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held March 21, 1974 at 9:00 A.M. in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Utility Representatives: Tommy Fincher, Clyde Terry, Randy Schneider, John Parker. Developers and/or Engineers: Chase Reid. Others Present: David McWethy, Bobbie Jones, Wally Brt, Clayton Powell, Iris Dees, Paul Mattke. The first item to be discussed was the Lake Fayetteville Park Project. Mr. Chase Reid with McClelland Engineers, was present to represent this. Comments were as follows: LAKE FAYETTEVITJ.F Park Proiect 1. Paul Mattke: I have secured a donation of a sewer lift station on the north side of the lake, donated by Mr. Sam Brownlee. We are in the process of obtaining it and making necessary repairs and clean-up. We will be happy to donate it to the school. It is complete and we will deliver it whenever they want it. We are in the process now of laying a small water, yard line from Zion Road down to the south pavilion area. I want the water meter to be located on Zion Road instead of where you are showing it. The old raw water line is being salvaged. Have you looked into the leakage at the slope of the dam? There are regulations of the State to maintain the grounds and someone will have to maintain it under those standards. That 16 -inch water line is being removed for installation of service line. Chase Reid said the pavement ends behind the existing boat house. That is all gravel on to the east. Paul Mattke asked how many places they were planning septic tanks on this project. Mr. Reid said there is only one; the one in the south pavilion. The other sites will tie on to sewer. Paul Mattke asked what the purpose of the chain link fence on the south near the pavilion was. Mr. Reid said that is the area of the spillway and has quite a high bank; (40-60 ft.) it is to keep kids and people from running off that bank. Chase Reid said on the boat dock area starting on the west side the fence will start in the lake and go parallel to the dam and out toward the entrance road. 2. Wally Brt: Who is going to take care of the grounds? David McWethy said the Buildings and Grounds Dept. of the City will take care of them for right now. I assume you will have trash containers in this area. Chase Reid said the containers are noted on the plans by a little octagon and details are on the back of the plans. There will be a little enclosure there. Wally Brt said they have 5 yard containers by the boat dock. He said the smaller containers could be emptied into that and the Sanitation Dept. would take it off from the main container. 3. Clayton Powell: There is nothing in my budget for any of this. The time scheduling will be critical. I don't want to delay the project but when I start street work, every man I have will be tied up. Chase Reid said the dirt work will be brought up to subgrade and the City will place the base materials and pave as noted on the plans. Clayton Powell said on the main entrance road the Street Dept. will have to be resr ponsible for paving or base and overlay to the terminal point. Mr. Reid said the parking space will be SB -2 by the City. Clayton Powell said placement of the auto stops is also the City's part of the project. Mr. Reid said the hiking trails will be done by the Boy Scouts this spring. Clayton Powell said he will have to make a thorough detailed study of these plans. My only responsibility is to provide the forced account labor and materials at the time schedule decided. I will work with the consulting engineer. We will cooperate to facilitate the completion of the park construction as timely as possible. Request all underground utilities be 2 ft. below any drainage structure or 4 ft. below surface grade of street or trail. Mr. Powell said it was his understanding that the City of Springdale and Washington Co. were also going to cooperate in the project. I will let the consulting engineer tell me when and what needs to be done. 101 Plat Review Committee March 21, 1974 Page Two /0� 4. John Parker: Some work has been done. We made provisions to remove our power lines. We have made a work order to provide underground to transformer locations by the baseball field. From that point on the contractor will take it. Chase Reid said Ozarks Electric will remove their line and service from the boat dock. We will have future service for this area from the west. Nr. Parker said they have their job order already completed to remove the existing overhead line to the old pump station. The work order for underground has to be submitted for approval. It is in good shape. 5. Tommy Fincher: We have not been contacted; will they need phones? Mr. Reid said they do not have any plans for telephone, but he will find out. There is an existing overhead phone line to the existing office. It may be too low for us to work in there. If it is, we will contact phone company about setting another pole, possibly raising it up, or some other solution. Since they are putting all electirc service under- ground, if we put in some more phones they would need to be underground. Mr. Reid said Mr. Ervan Wimberly or the schools should be contacted on the nature area. Tommy Fincher said he assumed that part is in Springdale's exchange. 6. Clyde Terry: You will not need TV service. No comments. 7. Bobbie Jones: You have only one parking area that is going to be paved? Mr. Reid said yes. Bobbie Jones said the zoning ordinance requires parking spaces with six or more spaces \be durable and dustless. What type signs are you having? Mr. Reid explained they would be directional and informational type signs. (Signs have already been made and are stored in the basement of the City Administration Bldg. Mr. Reid said they have no proposed gas in the area and none existing as far as he knew. 8. ChatIes McWhorter: No comments. 9. Frank O'Donnell* (not present - no comments). The next item for discussion was the large scale development plan DR. NETTLESHIP submitted by Dr. Anderson & Mae Nettleship. Attorney E.H. Martin 2500 Johnson Road was present to represent this. Comments were as follows: LSD Plan 1. John Parker, Tommy Fincher, and Clyde Terry had no comments. 2. Clayton Powell: 80 ft. of right-of-way is required on Johnson Road. Driveway access is to Johnson Road. If there are any additional driveways to be put in you will have to go to Fort Smith to get a permit. On the street right-of-way to meet the Major Street Plan requirements, would the owner prefer to wait? Mr. Martin said the owner would prefer to wait until the property is condemned. 3. Wally Brt: Do you want sanitation pick up? I am satisfied it will be the minimum of trash to be collected. I suggest you have one 32 -gallon container out there and we will pick up twice a week and you will be charged $3 a month after the water tap is made. You need to get in touch with me when you get ready for pick up. 4. Paul Mattke: I have sewer and water taps already made. Please don't block the access of any of the manholes. Don't put a building over the manholes. 5. Frank 0!Donnell: Comments same as before. (No gas in area) 6. David M:cWethy & Charles McWhorter: No comments. 7. Bobbie Jones: I have four parking spaces back 50 feet. Mr. Martin said the one marked is closer than 50 ft. I will move that one back. Bobbie said the parking 102 • • • Plat Review Committee March 21, 1974 Page Three area should be sealed. It could be sealed with oil to make it dustless. back before the Planning Commission. The last item discussed was the Washington Regional Medical Center proposed addition on North Street submitted by URS -Hewitt and Royer Architects. Comments were as follows: 1. Wally Brt: (Sanitation Supt.) I need to have 19 or 20 feet of clearance if I am to go under and load trash. They will have to make sure we have that clearance. They use a compactor. The architect should contact me on location of trash containers. X03 I will put this WASHINGTON REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER North Street Proposed Addition 2. Clayton Powell: North Street is a principal arterial street requiring 80 ft. of right -Of -way. Utilizing a part of the existing right-of-way and separating it with a median for a service drive would create incorrectable problems in the future should the street be widened. I would like to see more details from an engineering aspect. For them to encroach on part of the existing 40 ft. is totally undesirable. There is not enough detailed information on plans presented. I would like to discuss this with the architect and other representatives. 3. Paul Mattke: I would like to have more detail about this proposed area they are trying to cover on sheet 1-A. I need to have finished grades and must bring to their atten- tion that the present water service is at the southeast corner of the building. The water meter is there. Sewer service also is in that general area going to the south side of North Street. (Planning Office note: this is probably the line from the sewer main on the south side of North Street to the V.A. Hospital to the north). I don't believe there is sufficient depth in the sewer manhole,they will have to be tied into to serve this basement area. That needs checking very carefully. There cannot be any changes in the finished grade on North Street, I have a water main on the street side Just inside the north curb of North Street. That woiuld be exceedingly difficult to do anything with. 4. Bobbie Jones: They need one parking space for each bed. Parking should be back 25 ft. from property line and should be screened where it gets closer or up against the street right-of-way. There were no other comments. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 A.M. 103