HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-03-07 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held on March 7, 1974 at 9:00 A.M. in the • Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Utility Representatives: Randy Schneider, John Parker, Tommy Fincher, Clyde Terry, Frank O'Donnell, Jack Whitting. Engineers and/or Developers: - Mr. Bailey, Jim Lindsey, Loris Stanton. Others Present:; David McWethy, Bobbie Jones, Iris Dees, Pat McGetrick, Charles McWhorter, Wally Brt, Larry Wood. The first item to be discussed was the large scale development plan D.D. BAILEY submitted by Mr. D.D. Bailey to construct a barn on property south of Bailey Drive Bailey Drive. Mr. Bailey was present. Comments were as follows: LSD 1. Randy Schneider & John Parker: (SWEPCO) We already have a pole: line built down there. There is a little lane or private drive there and he needs to have a point of attachment on the barn high enough to maintain 18 feet of clearance across the private drive. 2. Tommy Fincher: They do not need telephone. No comment. 3. Clyde Terry: They do not need TV cable. No comment. 4. David McWethy: No comment. 5. Pat McGetrick: Request that 5 feet of additional right-of-way be dedicated on Bailey • Drive. Mr. Bailey said he would have to check with his wife on this because she owns the property where the right-of-way would have to be dedicated. 6. Charles McWhorter: No comment. 7. Wally Brt: No comment. 8. Larry Wood: No comment. 9. Frank O'Donnell: He does not need gas. No comment. 10. Paul Mattke: No comment. 11. Bobbie Jones: She requested a legal description. Mr. Bailey said the abstractor is bringing the abstract up to date and agreed to furnish her a legal description. She cautioned Mr. Bailey to get clearance through the Planning Office before you buy or sell any property so we can check it out. Mr. Bailey asked about property owned by Mr. Ramey and discussed buying it back. Bobbie Jones saw no problem with this as long as he buys all of the property Mr. Ramey has. The second item for discussion was the Replat of'Part of Block 4, Hyland Park, Phase I, submitted by Jim Lindsey to develop a Planned Unit Development. HYLAND PARK, PHASE I Rplat of part of Block 4 Planned Unit Dev. 1. John Parker: (SWEPCO) We will serve it all and put a conduit under the tennis court. • We request that you furnish us with a layout of driveways. We will have to survey an easement and spell it out. Until this bottom (second part) is built, it will be a radial feed and not a loop feed. We can't complete the loop until the second part is in. 2. Tommy Fincher: We will have to get with SWEPCO and the TV cable. and get a common easement spelled out. How many units do you anticipate., Jim Lindsey said. the 16 shown_here and probably an additional 11 or 12 below the bluff on the next phase. 97 Plat Review Committee March 7, 1974 Page Two 3. Clyde Terry: We made arrangements to serve this whole area down off of Rockcliff Road. I will work with SWEPCO and Fayette Tree and Trench and Telephone Company to get this one problem of getting into property worked out. 4. David McWethy: Are all of these lots going to be on City sewer? Mr. Lindsey said yes. David asked about street lights. John Parker said they have a proposal for street lights that they have worked out.on the original final plat. We can't get a street light every 300 ft. David McWethy said he didn't see any problem with this. David McWethy said the street lights should be shown on the plat and asked about pedestrian parkways or walkways. Mr. Lindsey said they will be shown. We are going to go along the lower side of the bluff with steps up to the upper level. David McWethy asked what size the lights are going to be and John Parker said 175 watts, 8,000 lumen lights. David said that would be adequate. The City can't require street lights on private drives. 5. Pat McGetrick: If he is going to have 20 ft. drives he will be all right. 6. Charles McWhorter: He is out of the three mile range, but I don't anticipate any problems. 7. Wally Brt: Since it is such a long way from the road to the house on most of these, I request that you supply me with a radius of 30 ft. on the driveways. We need to get an agreement with the property owners to come down the private drives to pick up garbage. 8. Larry Wood: A correction should be made in the zoning classification to show R-1, Low Density Residential. 9. Frank O'Donnell: I don't see any problems. 10. Bobbie Jones: On a couple of setbakcs for the lots themselves they are shown at an angle and should be shown at a direct line. We will need a site plan of the curb cuts, driveways, buildings, utility lines, easements, etc. shown. Pat McGetrick said they have a plan for storm drainage already submitted. Bobbie Jones said buildings themselves should be 25 ft. from street right-of-way and an ammended plat to show lot breakdown must be submitted. I need dimensions of setbakcs from building to property lines and street right-of-way. Show 50 ft. for street right-of-way and identify tennis court. Bobbie Jones said there is a limitation on length of cul-de-sac as 500 feet but this can be taken before the Planning Commission for a variance. 11. Paul Mattke: He saw no problems as. long as they stay with master metering. By going with that we are eliminating the need for on-site main construction. See no problems. The next item for discussion was the Planned Unit Development to be located at Old Wire Road and Old Missour Road submitted by James 0. Witt, Jr., and L.L. Stanton. Loris Stanton was present and said the water line and gas go all the way around the exterior. The sewer line is about 12 ft. deep and can reach property. The buildings would be two would be a 3 -bedroom unit. Comments were as follows: 1. John Parker: Will this be common property? Mr. Stanton said it would. John Parker said that SWEPCO plans to serve underground and try to serve loop feed. We want a specific easement laid out and ask that private roads be shown. Loris Stanton said pedestrian ways will probably be concrete. He didn't believe there was any way they could go through the buildings and garages. LORIS STANTON Old Wire Rd. & Mo. PUD stories and each unit 98 • • • Plat Review Committee :March 7, 1974 Page Three 2. Tommy Fincher: (S.W. Bell Tel. Co.) Do you prefer to serve these from the back? Mr. Stanton said he didn't object to these being served or buried in front. Mr. Fincher said they would have to put 4 -ft. pedestals on the buildings. He said once they are attached they really don't look so bad. Tommy Fincher said he would have to get with Mr. Stanton and the other utilities and work out the easements. Mr. Stanton said he would appreciate it if Mr. Fincher would just show on these plats where he thought the easements would be and he could show it to his architect. 3. Clyde Terry: There doesn't seem to be any place to put the cable, or hook it up. We will work with SWEPCO and the telephone company and work feeds out where they will be satisfying as much as possible. We will need easements. Some of us will go ,in the same ditch. I would like to have a copy when you show private roads. 4. David McWethy: Could we have a vicinity map of this? Also, I would like a black -line print of this. Show size of sidewalks and material they will be constructed of. 5. Pat McGetrick: We request 20 ft. of additional right-of-way on Old Wire Road and 5 ft. of right-of-way on Collette. Loris Stanton said the setback for Old Wire Road is shown according to the Major Street Plan at the time the survey was made. It was pointed out that the recent amendment to the Major Street Plan did change the maximum right-of-way required for Old Wire Road. Mr. Stanton said all internal streets will be privately owned. Mr. McGetrick said he would like to see the parking space moved to 50 ft. from the existing Old Wire Road because it is in the curve. He said he needs Old Missouri Road to be shown on the drawing to pinpoint and check the other roads. The distance from the parking area and shoulder is only 50 ft. If that road is ever widened you will have only 35 ft. or so. I would like to see curb and gutter around that portion of Old Wire Road. Collette is dirt and you may want to improve that, 6. Charles McWhorter: Will Collette eventually tie into the other subdivision? I see no problems. 7. Wally Brt: I think access should be granted to any utility or service vehicle to use the drives. 8. Larry Wood: He asked if they were planning on doing any reworking of Old Wire and Old Missouri Road intersection. They were not. He suggested a redesigning on the west end at all three access points. 9. Paul Mattke: Water and sewer are available and I encourage you to have maintenance organization. 10. Frank O'Donnell* Do you have any objection to the meter being against the house? It can be hidden with shrubs. We will make a layout and get back to you. I see no problems in serving the area. 11. Bobbie Jones: In addition to vicinity map, we need a legal description. The site map should show location and dimension of existing right-of-way for Old Wire Road and Collette and proposed dedications. There should be a drawing from the survey. We do need 40 ft. from the centerline of existing Old Wire Road and 25 ft. from centerline of existing Collettee. Your setback from the new right-of-way should be 25 ft. I am not sure that would apply to the garage. No conveyance of property can be made until the developer has complied with subdivision regulations. We will need to divide this into lots someway. Each individual lot would have to be at least 1600 ft. Our setbacks are figured from roof overhang. 99 Plat Review Committee March 7, 1974 Page Four The last item for discussion was the large scale development plan to move a 121 X 241 building on the property on the east side of Johnson Road. Comments were as follows: X00 DR. NETTLESHIP 2500 Johnson Rd. LSD Plan 1. John Parker: (SWEPCO) We already have service from across the road. See no problems. 2. Tommy Fincher: We have telephone service to the site. 3. Clyde Terry: I assume they do not want IV cable. We do not have service available. 4. David McWethy: No comment. 5. Pat McCetrick: (Street Dept.) We need 20 feet of additional right-of-way all along Johnson Road. We would like to request 60 feet of right-of-way for the proposed collector street to meet the Major Street Plan. 6. Larry Wood: (Planning Consultant) We need right-of-way for the minor arterial and proposed collector street. 7. Frank 01Donnell: We do not have any gas available. 8. Paul Mattke: Water and sewer are available and taps have already been made. I see no problem. 9. Harold Lieberenz: Was the building moved in there in one section or two sections? Was there an addition built on to it after it reached the site? Any free-standing signs must not exceed 16 square feet and the total height of the sign is limited to 30 feet from the right-of-way. They must get a sign permit before erecting a sign. We advise getting a permit even before ordering a sign. Wall signs are permitted in A-1. The sign can be illuminated but they have to be back 35 feet from the right-of- way. 10. Wally Brt: No problems 11. Charles McWhorter: No problems. 12. Bobbie Jones: We need 40 feet of right-of-way from the centerline of Township Road. The minimum setback of the building would be 75 feet from the centerline of Township. They will need a permit for driveways from the state. The Major Street Plan calls for a 60 foot wide proposed collector street diagonally across the property. A Plant Nursery is a conditional use and requires approval of the Planning Commission. The legal description goes to the east right-of-way of the railroad. We request a Quitclaim or right-of-way deed for existing right-of-way. Any future development on this property will require approval of the Planning Commission. The property owner should take this into consideration and before they are ready to begin construction should submit a detailed plot plan for review as a_large scale development and allow sufficient time for processing. 1004 • • •