HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-02-21 Minutes• L I MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING q3 A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held February 21, 1974 at 9:00 A.M. in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Utility Representatives: Clyde Terry. Developer: Ronald Godfrey. OthersPresent: Bobbie Jones, Paul Mattke, Clayton Powell, David McWethy, Wally Brt Iris Dees. The only item for discussion was the large scale development for an addition to Buckner Friendship Baptist Church located at 2750 Wyman Road. Ronald Godfrey was present to represent the proposal. Comments were as follows: BUCKNER FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH 2750 Wyman Road LSD Plan 1. Clyde Terry: They do not want TV cable so there is no problem. 2. Clayton Powell: Although the Major Street Plan only requires an additional 5 feet of right-of-way on each street I will request that you dedicate 10 feet of right- of-way on Wyman Road and Stone Bridge Road because I think this will develop as a collector. Mr. Godfrey found this acceptable. Mr. Powell said Wyman Road is scheduled for paving from Crossover Road to the Eastern city limits. He saidethe City street maintenance ordinance says that when a street is scheduled for paving if the property owners are willing to cooperate and pay for the curb and guttering in connection with this paving, we will do all of the construction, all of the base work, establish the grades and set the center line of the street on the right-of-way and then pave from the edge of the existing street to the flow line makings your side of the street up to current City street standards. Clayton Powell requested Ronald Godfrey to take this information back to his Church Committee and tell them the City is willing to do this in congunction with their construction as well as the City street paving. It will enhance the value of the property and make the property more aesthetically pleasing. You would have to storm drain along Wyman Road if you put in curb and gutter. If there were any street widening you would probably have to remove or replace the retaining wall. Since the drainage does come from the parking lot onto the street, maybe you could put scuper drains from the sides of the driveway to dump the water into the drainage ditch rather than into the street. The gravel does wash onto the street. Mr. Godfrey asked Mr. Powell about the storm drain. He said the crest of the hill is right in the driveway and it drains both ways; would they still need the storm drain since it is not that much of a ditch. Clayton Powell said he would only need the storm drain if the church decided to go with the curb and gutter. If the crest is here as you say, we could put in a curb drop inlet or catch basin on the corner to catch the water that flowed in the curb and gutter. If that would be the case, you would only be speaking of approximately $460 for curb and gutter. 3. Paul Mattke: He asked what the purpose of the retaining wall was. Mr. Godfrey said it is existing now and it's about 3 feet high. Mr. Mattke was concerned that it might interfer with sight distance. He said the City is in design stages now of a water main to go through the area approximately where the retaining wall is. Mr. Godfrey said it was just there to hold back the soil and infact, when you get around the retaining wall on Stone Bridge Road it lust slopes off down into the ditch. Paul Mattke said they have sewer lines planned to go up the west side of Stone Bridge Road this spring. If you are going to make the requested dedications of right-of-way, I will need a 10 -foot easement on Stone Bridge Road and a 15 -foot easement on Wyman. I will need 20 and 25 foot easements if you do not make the dedications that is from the existing right-of-way. We will have fire hydrants when we bring the water through and the church can probably'save money on fire insurance premiums. 93 • • • Plat Review Committee February 21, 1974 Page Two 4. Wally Brt: No problems. 5. David McWethy: No comments. 6. Jack Whitting: (Rep. of Ozark Electric - telephoned) We have service in there already, I see no problem. 7. Roy Hawkins: (Rep. of S.W. Bell Tel. Co. - telephoned) They have nothing within 60 yards of where the proposed addition is. He sees no problems. 8. Bobbie Jones: She said an additional 3 parking spaces are needed. There is a total of 28 spaces required. Mr. Godfrey said it was just a rough gravel parking lot. Bobbie Jones discussed parking requirements including durable and dustless surface, screening along the south side of parking, and wheel stops. There are no problems on setbacks of parking or building. She requested a revised drawing showing dedications and revised parking spaces. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 A.M. 94