HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-02-14 MinutesJ • .5D MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held February 14, 1974 at 9 A.M. in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Utility Representatives: Clyde Terry, Randy Schneider, Frank O'Donnell, Roy Hawkins. Engineers and/or Developers: Ervin Wimberly. Others Present: Bobbie Jones, Iris Dees, Wally Brt, Clayton Powell, Paul Mattke, Charles McWhorter. The first item to be discussed was the Preliminary Subdivision Plat PROFESSIONAL PLAZA for the Professional Plaza located on Zion Road. Ervin Wimberly Zion Road with McClelland Engineers was present to represent the plat. Preliminary Plat Comments were as follows: 1. Clayton Powell: According to the Major Street Plan, Zion Road is a collector street and 60 feet of right-of-way is required. We only have forty and we request the developer dedicate an additional 10 feet, or 30 feet from the center line. We would also ask that they underdrain the intersection there and participate with us in our street upgrading program by extending their curb and gutter to their east -west property lines. If they do this, we will set the grade and set the center line based on the new dedicated right-of-way and pave:the section from the existing pavement to the new curb and gutter they install. On the proposed street, I would like storm drainage put in at the northeast corner of Lot 7 and also directly across from there on the east side of the street and underdrain the street; and, whichever is most engineeringly feasible, either storm drain it out to the west perimeter in the ditch that Mr. Wimberly mentioned or storm drain it due north to the natural drainage ditch in that area. If the developer doesn't intend to extend the street to encompass the area to the North, I personally would prefer the street terminate at the cul-de-sac south of Lots 8 $ 9, then if he has intentions of, or later decides to, develop the property to the north then the street can be extended. Again, I suppose we can work this out on the street engineering plans and profiles. 2. Paul Mattke: He shows an 8 -inch water main coming into about the common lot line between Lots 11 $ 12 and reducing to 2 1/4 inches. Since they have a potential of about 26 acres in there, I think reducing that to 2 1/4 inches would be a mistake. I think it would be better to go ahead and continue that with at least a 6 -inch line from the fire hydrant on and end it with a "T" where you show that cul-de-sac and extend it to the west boundary. Otherwise, he's not going to be able to serve the balance of his land. I can only assume they are trying to go with septic disposal and I will not recommend the acceptance of newly platted areas with septic ystems. There are package facilities that can be installed and over the ultimate development of this area should prove very,very feasible. Ervin Wimberly said the developers feeling on this was thatbhe`has`the.120:acres;and he -spent a lot of money on this. His desire on the 8 acres is to not have a large initial cost on the front end of this project. Paul Mattke said by reducing the base cost of something you don't necessarily make it more feasible. Ervin Wimberly said they have talked with Bill Parette, County Sanitarian, and made perculation tests on the 8 -acre tract. Bill Parette said if everything met specifications then he would go along with it. Of course, we would have to submit it to the State Board of Health. Paul Mattke said he agreed with the Northwest Arkansas Regional Planning Commission study concerning septic contamination in Northwest Arkansas which specifically states in one instance that "a septic system functioning properly does not dispose of waste it conceals it". 3. Wally Brt: I assume he doesn't want to buy lodal containers. Ervin Wimberly said not initially, no. Ervin Wimberly believed it could be worked out as the lot develops to centrally locate them. I would like to see them have plastic cast 90� Plat Review Committee February 14, 1974 Page Two holders for their garbage cans and leave cans above ground. 4. Charles McWhorter: He was glad there will be a fire hydrant between Lots 11 $ 12. I was going to recommend the water line that Paul recommended. I'm not sure if it's within 2 miles of the station on Harold Street. If it's more than two miles the insurance may be a little higher. I don't see that I will have a problem with it. Ervin Wimberly said the offices will be one story. 5. Frank O'Donnell: Would it work out all right to run a main gas line down the west side of this proposed streetcandtthen we could run a service line for example that would serve Lots 13 $ 14 and 10 G 11. We could terminate at the northeast corner of Lot 7 and pick up Lots 8 , 9. I can write you a letter and set out some alternatives that the developer might go to that might save them some money. 6. Roy Hawkins: (Tel. Co. Rep.) Is there an easement at the back of this property at this time? Ervin Wimberly said they have not shown any at this time. Mr. Hawkins said he would like to see an easement in the back for the telephone company and requested 20 feet on the west side of the subdivision and 15 feet on the north and east sides of the subdivision. 7. Randy Schneider: We've got a pole line up to the back of Mr. Blair's property. I understand there is supposed to be an easement behind there somewhere linking this addition. That would probably get us into the ditch and we could probably serve Lots 7,8,9,10, $ 11. If we go underground, our company policy is that we usually serve 10 lots. If we don't serve ten, the customer has to pay the difference between overhead and underground. We would need a 7 1/2 foot easement on the south side of Lot 7 and on the North side of Lot 11 in order for us to loop feed this. Ervin Wimberly said the developer would want to go underground. Mr. Schneider said the pole line comes right in behind his property somewhere from Springdale. 8. Clyde Terry: Warner Cable has an existing buried TV line down the east side of this existing drive. This feeds Hillbilly Holler. I feel sure this line will have to be relocated. The requested easement will be enough for us. We would probably have to move to the back side of the lots. 9. Larry Wood: (Telephoned) He requested a preliminary plat of the whole area. He did not recommend septic tanks. 10. Bobbie Jones: I need signatures of adjoining property owners. The setbacks in R-0 are a minimum of 30 feet and this seems to scale 25 feet. On the final plat you need to put a note that setbacks will be 50 feet with parking between the building and rights-of-way. This will come up on each building permit, but I would like some way of warning the person buying the lot. Bobbie Jones said she wondered how it would affect your building•with;..septicc.tanks=iftmuchi66f;the property has to be paved for parking. 11. David McWethy: Where are the sidewalks and street lights going to be? Ervin Wimberly said he didn't know that they needed to be on the preliminary plat and Bobbie Jones said as of an amendment to the ordinance they must put it on the preliminary plat in the future. Mr. Wimberly said they would probably build them on the east side, around the cul-de-sac, and across the north side of the street to the west. Bobbie Jones said the street light requirement called for lights of 8,000 lumen mercury vapor at each end of the cul-de-sac and at intervals of no more than 300 feet. You'll also need one at the intersection of this new street with Zion Road. Mr Wimberly thought they needed two. Bobbie Jones said some easements may be needed for street lights. 91 j 1/4 • i • • Plat Review Committee February 14, 1974 Page Three 12. Jack Whitting: (Ozark Electric Rep. - telephoned) We will serve the lots from the street. We will place a transformer between Lots 1 & 2 and another one between Lots 4 & 5. The developer will need to make up the additional cost (above the City rate schedule) in putting in street lights. The developer should check with Ozark Electric on policy for underground service. We may need additional easements along the street for electrical service. We will check that on the final plat. The next item for discussion was a proposal to add a coaches FAYETTEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL office to an existing building on the property of Harmon Playfield Fayetteville High School near Harmon Playfield. Coaches Office Bobbie Jones explained she was checking on this because it is more than one acre. She pointed out the existing building is built across the dedicated right-of-way for Treadwell Street. Comments were as follows: 1. The follwing had no comments: Wally Brt, Charles McWhorter, Frank O'Donnell, Randy Schneider, Clyde Terry. 2. Clayton Powell: It seems the Fayetteville School District is a separate government entitywith taxing powers and they do have their own maintenance department to maintain their own grounds. Since none of the streets that appear on the plat are actually developed, I do not oppose the extension of this existing building; however, since they are a government entity,:I think they should abandon the dedication of Delaware Street which does not exist and the development of Treadwell Street west of its termination at the east fence of the football stadium I also suggest that the platted lots on the school grounds be abandoned since they are not going to be developed as 50 -foot lots. We have taken extensive pains to relocate Harmon Avenue which terminates at the north fence for the Boys Club This street does go down the west side to the ticket booth of the football stadium. If they go through with this construction, that should be the newly dedicated public street. They should maintain the parking lot area themselves. There is no dedicated street that extends from the north football gate south through the parking lots to the high school over on Stone Street. It is my feelings that this extreme conglomeration be corrected and proceed to the extending of that building and give the coaches an office. If they accept our proposal to correct and reroute Harmon Street and dedicate that new street right-of-way down to the fence where it veers west and runs to the west perimeter of the fence. Make that one public dedicated street and we will have something to work from. 3. Paul Mattke: We have a sewer line on the west side of the building. I see no problem with this proposal. Bobbie Jones had mailed requests for comments on a lot split (subdivision waiver) to take 5 feet off the east side of Lot 2 for Lot 1 and to take 5 feet off the east side of Lot 3 for Lot 2 (Capitol Tobacco Co.) . She requested those who had not already commented to do so. CAPITOL TOBACCO CO. Subdivision Waiver Lot Split 1. Clayton Powell: I disagree with that proposal because in developing Birch Street into Industrial property the developer has improved this where their engineer put a drainage ditch. It would have been better but more costly had they storm drained across the south side of these lots and taken the drainage ditch to the creek to the west. If they want to storm drain across the west lot and improve this then fine. I can't abandon or change lot lines since that is designated as drainage for the developed Birch Street the former owner did construct. They did give 5 feet when Birch Street was built. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 A.M. 92