HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-01-24 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING A meeting of the Plat Review Committee was held at 9:00 A.M., January 24, 1974 in the Directors's Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. • Utility Representatives: Tommy Fincher, Clyde Terry, Frank O'Donnell, Randy Schneider, Roy Hawkins- S.W. Bell Telephone. Developers and/or Engineers: Jim January Others Present: Bobbie Jones, Wally Brt, Iris Dees. The only item for discussion was a Large Scale Development plan for Ozark Floors, 928 North College Avenue. Mr. Jim January was present, Comments were as follows: • • OZARK FLOORS 928 N. College LSD Plan 1. Tommy Fincher: (Southwestern Bell Telephone Rep.) Tommy,Fincher said they have an existing line going over where the warehouse will be at this time. The pole belongs to SWEPCO and they have a work order to remove it within the next month or so. He had no other comments since Mr. January did not want a phone in this addition. 2. Clyde Terry: They would not want a TV cable so there would be no problem. He said they will have to remove their old cable from those poles also. 3. Wally Brt. He asked if they plan to leave the existing lodal container in the same place and Mr. January said yes, they are adding on to the south end of the existing building. Mr. Brt suggested they build a-slabito set the-lodal container on about two feet from the wall. Wally Brt said there is no way they can come off of College. The truck has a standard transmission and the driver must put the truck in neutral, hold his feet on the clutch and brakes and operate levers, etc. to lift the container all at the same time. On a slope such as this, he has his hands full. Jim January said they would :put a bumper of some type near the ground. 4. Larry Wood: (Telephoned) No comments. 5. Charles McWhorter: (Telephoned) No comments. David McWethy and Clayton Powell were unable to be reached at this time. Their comments, if any, will be recorded and given to Mr. January in writing later. Mr. Mattke was unable to attend but sent a letter to Mr. January. 6. Paul Mattke: A copy of Mr. Mattke's written comments was given to Mr. January. Bobbie Jones felt there were three main points in the letter that Mr. January should pay special attention to. 1.)The dimensions on the plat book are different from the ones on the plan. Prior to 1900 Mr. Mattke says all legal descriptions were written to the center of a street and some of these are still carried that way. Bobbie Jones asked that Mr. January find exactly what his north -south dimensions are. She thought the property north of him had been surveyed and he might be able to check the location of Baxter Street from their pins. 2.) Will you need additional water end sewer service and Jim January said no. Bobbie said they will::have to come off Cleburn or Baxter in the future if you want them. The Major Street Plan designates College as an 80 -ft. arterial street and Cleburn and Baxter as 50 -ft. minor streets. The plat book shows 6o feet on College, and 40 feet on Cleburn and Baxter. In figuring setbacks we take 1/2 of the difference and increase your setbacks by that. This would be 5 feet for Cleburn and Baxter and 10 feet for College. On a Large Scale Development they usually request a ROW dedication. It is required on subdivision plats. 3.) Mr. Mattke had some comments on the building right up on the corner. Bobbie Jones asked if Mr. January 86 Plat Review Committee January 24, 1974 Page Two has any replies or rebuttles that he put them in writing and she would see that Mr. Mattke gets a copy and put one in her files. Jim January said they are just planning the warehouse expansion on the back side of the lot and it does tie in the entire property. At this time we do not plan any relocation of the other building. 7. Frank O'Donnell: He said he would check for sure but he didntt foresee any =. problems now. 8. Randy Snider: The only problem they might have would be the two—family residence at 924 N. College.said Mr. Snider (SWEPCO Rep.). Before they remove the existing line they need to know how far the addition would be from the residence so they can decide where to set the pole. An easement may be needed. He will work with Mr. January on these matters. Jim January said the end of the building will be 15 feet north of the retaining wall which is the property line on the south. Q. L 9. Bobbie Jones: Bobbie said this will go to the Board of Adjustment for a variance on II January 28, 1974. She said she would supply the Street Superintendent's comments in •) writing to Mr. January. Bobbie Jones said in addition to the actual physical street he may have comments on the drainage, curb, and driveways. Mr. January said the drainage is not good because Baxter Street drains into his driveway and across his a property. Bobbie said Mr. Powell might have some comments on how you could correct e. it. She asked if he had ever had the property surveyed. She would like copies of ] it if he has to straighten out the question raised by Mr. Mattke. j S The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 A.M.