HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-01-09 Minutes• A MEETING OF THE PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 1:40 P.M., Wednesday, January 9, in the Directors' Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Present: Paul Mattke, Bobbie Jones, Iris Dees, David McWethy. Utility Representatives Present: Developers and/or Engineers: Clyde Terry, Tommy Fincher, Jack Whitting, Kenneth Wagner. 1974 Dr. Jan Turley, Forrest Drake, Lee Boss, Bob Nickle. The first item for discussion was the large scale development plan for Boss and Company to construct an office building on North College. Mr. Bob Nickle, Forrest Drake, and Lee Boss were present to represent this. Comments were as follows: GAJJFRY OF HOMES Boss & Company 2550 N. College LSD Plan 1. Kenneth Wagner: Arkansas Western Gas does not have any line in that immediate area. We do have the two main lines just to the east and we have a highway crossing just to the south. We will get with the builder to try and work out something to get gas in that immediate area. He asked how close the property was to the drainage ditch and Forrest Drake said the:parcel of,land`being developed is 150 feet from the drainage ditch and the building is 27 feet inside the parcel of land for development. 2. Tommy Fincher: He asked Bob Nickle how many telephone lines he would ultimately have. Mr. Nickle said they would probably have between 15 and 30. We will have a staff of between 15 and 25 salesmen over the next 5 or 10 years. Mr. Fincher said this would require the telephone company to have a cable entrance and their existing cable is now on the west side of Highway 71. He made the request that Boss and Co. provide him with a 2 -inch PVC conduit out of the building under their - parking area and to the property line or somewhere close where they can go down the existing pole into the building with the service. The pole is on the north end of this property next to Brophy's property. Mr. Pincher asked if they were going to have a utility room. It was then pointed out to him on the plans. Mr. Fincher said they would have a telephone company representative get in touch with either Lee Boss or Bob Nickle and work out a plan with them on the telephone lines in the building. Mr. Fincher said they would come in from the west across the highway then bury a trench up 150 feet around and then back south to your pipe that you will stub out on your property. He asked permission to bury this and they granted it. He would bury this 25 feet south of the centerline of the existing street which would be on their property. This would make it about on the property line if there was a 50 foot dedication of street. 3. Clyde Terry: Asked if they would want an underground cable and was would. He requested a separate 1 -inch pipe (PVC) parallel with the company and in the same trench, if they go underground. Service is and there will be no problem. told they telephone available 4. David McWethy: Asked if additional right-of-way is needed. Bobbie Jones said there is currently 80 ft. on College and that is all the Major Street Plan requires He asked what would happen to the mobile home on their present site. Lee Boss said it will be taken off the property where it is now. He said they would like to make a private nursery out of it for their employees' children and those of their customers and locate it on the back of this property. If this was not possible, he supposed he would move it to a mobile home park. 81� r • o: • Plat Review Committee -2- 1-9-74 5. Paul Mattke:Asked that Mr. Boss cooperate with Brophy, White and Malone to get a full 50 ft. right-of-way for the street they are planning to put in. Water is available on the West side of College Avenue. This will be a little expensive as we cannot cut the street and must push under it. This can be done. The sewer main is under the street and we cannot cut the street. In anticipation of further development along College Avenue, we made some stub outs along this area. We did not have a tract break up, so I don't know if there is one on your property. If a stub out is on your property, it won't be any trouble at all. If one is not on your property, you will have to get an easement across someone else's property to get to a stub out. There is a manhole at the corner by Brophy's future street, but I believe Mr. Brophy has some property between it and you. Also you will have to check the grade to see if you could get into it. You should be aware there is a potential problem in getting to sewer. I have just received the stub out locations. My layouts are referenced to highway stations and I will have to convert them to my mapping system. No easements"are needed for water and sewer if all the service lines are on their private property. A pressure regulator will be needed; the water pressure is high. Will the 1501 by 1501 be sold off? Mr. Boss said it would not. They plan to develop more 1 -story buildings around it. Mr. Mattke suggested the future development of the rest of the property be considered in sizing the water and sewer lines. Offices do not put much demand on water and sewer services, but restaurants put a high demand on them. Mr. Mattke requested the legal description of the total property. 6..i John Parker: (telephoned comments) Do not see any problem that cannot be worked out. Contact him at SWEPCO and advise what your requirements are. 7. Larry Wood: (telephoned comments) Be sure the City has 40 feet of ROW from the centerline. 8. Charles McWhorter: (telephoned comments) No. comment. 9. Wally Brt: (telephoned comments) Will they want a lodal container or will they use garbage cans. If they use cans, they must be above ground. 10. Bobbie Jones: Have plans been stamped by an Arkansas architect? They have. Get permits from State Highway Department on driveways and also check with the City Street Superintendent. Work with Mr. Mattke and others on what they need. 11.... Clayton Powell• (submitted later due to weather conditions) According to our plat book we have adequate right-of-way for College Avenue. College Avenue has just undergone extensive reconstruction incorporating storm drainage and curb and gutters. Although a State Highway Department permit is required for these driveway entrances onto College Avenue, the City driveway requirements must also be met These require 25 ft. separation between the curb cuts and allow a maximum driveway width of 40 ft. for commercial driveways. Also, parking lot drainage can- not be emptied out onto the street surface. If storm drainage does not exist in this area, then this will have to be resolved with the State Highway Department and also the City Street Superintendent. They did not indicate on their plan whether this storm drainage was in existence or not. We understand that some informal negotiations have transpired between the Gallery of Homes and the property owners to the East and North. If the property to the North and East is to be opened up, then half the street ROW, which would be 25 ft., on the North property line should be dedicated as a street ROW or an easement. The property owners involved will have to resolve who will be responsible for the construction and cost of the street. If this results in excessive street ROW requirements, then the excessive amount can be abandoned at a later date. 82 J Plat Review Committee -3- 1-9-74 1 The next item for discussion was the large scale development plan to construct a doctors' office in the 1300 block of Zion Road approximately 4 mile East of Northwest Arkansas Plaza. Dr. Jan Turley was present to represent the proposal. Comments were as follows: BROOKS, BRANDON & TURLEY 1300 block Zion Rd. 1. Dr. Turley: We have purchased 15 acres on which we propose to construct L.S.Development a urology office for myself, Dr. Brandon and Dr. Brooks. We anticipate selling some of this to others for doctors offices. We would like to go ahead and build our office. We propose to build a road off Zion Road„ up to the parking area. We plan to use a septic tank temporarily We would like to have sewer, but from the economic standpoint it would cost us too much. We have had a perc test done and the soil is very good out there. The building will be on a concrete slab. 2. Paul Mattke: Even though a water line does run through the property we will need to locate a water meter on Zion Road. I caution you to be very careful working around this main; it is large and it is very old. It could very easily give you trouble, and it would be dramatic if it were to break. Dr. Turley said they were aware of this. He said the concrete over the water line will be poured in sections in case the water line does ever have to be worked on. Mr. Mattke said the terms of the easement are that 1f they have to dig up the water line, the cost of the repairs to the pavement would be at the property owner's expense. He suggested the smaller the concrete slabs were over this line, the less area would be affected if they had to work on the line. Mr. Mattke did not recommend a septic tank, but said he did recognize the situation. If the Planning Commission rules that, as a temporary measure, this should have a septic tank, his recommendation was that there be no future developments on this or the adjoining property without sewer service and that utilities be provided and built. He said he would hate to see the same argument used 6 or 7 times. We now have sewer on Stearns Road and that line could be extended over very nicely to this tract. Dr. Turley said it would cost them $60,000 to put sewer and a street in and that would equal the cost of the building. Mr. Mattke said the water pressure will be high and they will need a pressure regulator to protect their plumbing fixtures. He asked if they had any special requirements. Dr. Turley knew of none other than just for an X -Ray machine. 3. Jack Whitting: Asked Dr. Turley if he needed single phase or 3-phase power. Dr. Turley did not know. Mr. Whitting said he could supply 2 -phase power from transformers he has in stock, but with 3-phase power he has to order them and that can take 6 months to a year. Dr.'Turley said they propose to use overhead service up to about 100 feet from the building, then go underground. He said he was told underground service would be 3 times as costly. Mr. Whitting said that Ozarks Electric did not charge that much, they require the property owner to open the trench and close it. Dr. Turley thought it would be a little early to go underground because of possible future development. Mr. Whitting requested a 15 ft. easement if the service is to be overhead, but said he would need perhaps a 25 ft. easement if the service is underground. 4. Kenneth Wagner: Arkansas Western Gas has a 2 -inch gas main on the South side of Zion'Road. Should you build a second building later, you could put 2 lbs. of pressure on it;'and by installing two regulators you can use this same line. We can provide service without any problems. We will try to set the gas meter just as far away from the driveway as we can. Dr. Turley said they wanted to screen the gas and water meters with shrubbery or something. Mr. Wagner requested a 25 ft. utility easement for all utilities. 83 Piat Review Committee -4- 1-9-74 5. Tommy Fincher: Southwestern Bell furnishes underground telephone lines without expense. We feel it is more economical through the years. We can go aerial but your appearance would be enhanced if we were underground. Mr. Fincher asked about the requirements for outside telephone lines. Dr. Turley said they now have two outside lines and a line to Rogers and do not feel there is a need to increase the number. There are three doctors there now and will possibly have four later. Mr. Fincher said they have a big feeder route designed to go down Stearns Road and would like to ultimately serve this 15 acres from that direction. Mr. Fincher said they would like a 25 ft. easement, but they could manage with a 15 ft. easement. 6. Clyde Terry: They do not want TV and I have no comments except that if they want TV in the future a 15 -foot easement would not be enough. 7. David McWethy: When this property was rezoned Sid Davis, the Attorney, indicated the access would be from the South. Mr. McWethy wondered whether they could have an -access road through R-2 into an R-0 District without dedicating a public right- of-way and building it according to City street standards. Mr. Turley said the R-2 is also part of their property and they could, if they so desired, build the office in the R-2 portion. Mr. McWethy said he merely wished to point out that there might be a conflict on this matter. He asked Bobbie Jones for her opinion on this. She said she did not know. An office can be built on an acre or more in R-2 with approval of the Planning Commission. She could not recall .an instance in which a building permit had been issued for commercial property inrwhich a building permit had been issued for commercial property in which the access was through a lower zoning classification. She would have to consult with Harold Lieberenz and the City Attorney on this. If it were a dedicated street, it would be different, she felt. 8. Charles McWhorter: (telephoned) No comments. 9. Wally Brt: (telephoned) The 8 X 10 concrete pad is fine, but do not put the redwood fence around it and leave the entrance wide enough. 10. Larry Wood: (telephoned) 30 feet from the centerline of Zion Road is needed for right-of-way on either side. He did not recommend septic tank. He did recommend an entrance drive be from the south (Stearns Rd.) or moved to the west of the property rather ;than east as this would not put so much pressure on the residential property to the east. 11 Bobbie Jones: The Major Street Plan does require 30 feet of right-of-way from the centerline of Zion Road. I don*t think the proposed sign will be permitted as you show it. Check with Mr. Lieberenz, Inspection Superintendent, on this. I also question R-0 access through R-2. The setbacks are okay. I also remembered the indication to the Planning Commission and Board of Directors was that the access would be from the south and that you were going to try to get on sewer. I question whether they will approve additional buildings on septic tank. Before you sell anything you must:process a subdivision plat. Bobbie Jones cautioned him to work with the Street Superintendent for the street and have plan and specifications approved before construction and have construction inspected as it is done if you wish to use this road for future street purposes. Bobbie Jones needed a Xerox copy of that one page on the abstract when Coger acquired the.property to chock against subdivision requirements. Dr. Turley said to contact Bob Moore at the Springdale First National Bank. 84 3) • • • • -19 Plat Review Committee -5- 1-9-74 12. Clayton Powell: (submitted later due to weather conditions) I concur with Larry Woo&is comment on the need for 30 ft. of ROW from the centerline of Zion Road. I recommend or concur with Larry Wood"s comment on relocating the driveway. Since there is sufficient frontage there, there is no need in crowding against the property line. We would like to maintain the separation of driveways. A driveway or curb cut permit is required Drainage from the parking area and driveway should be picked up in drop inlets at the drainage tile underdraining the driveway, and should not be carried out into Zion Road. Also, we are in a campaign or program of up=grading all existing streets that do not have curb and gutter or storm drainage. We request their cooperation in our campaign by installing curb and gutter along the perfifieter of their property abutting Zion Road. If they are willing to do this, we will establish the flow line and grade for the installation of the curb and gutter and also pave the strip between the existing pavement and over to the curb and gutter. If they expect to utilize the proposed driveway for a future street, then the driveway must be constructed to current City street standards and all buildings and parking lots must meet setback requirements from that street. As the building and parking lot is now illustrated, it would block any future extension of the driveway to the South or back laying property. The maximum length for a dead end street or a cul de sac street is 1000 ft. and this will have to be kept in mind in future development of the property. Also, we cannot exceed the maximum length of a City block which is 1400 ft. The street will have to connect to another street. If the street tied into Stearns Road, that would solve the problem, but if it doesn't he would have to have a loop street which would give the access required Dr. Turley requested a letter listing all these requirements and requested costs of lodals and fees for dumping them. As soon as Clayton Powell's comments are received they will be forwarded to you. was Bobbie Jones comment. She asked that Dr. Turley please provide his reaction to Mr. Powells comments in writing to the Planning Office. Bobbie Jones said after he has submitted reactions to Clayton Powell's comments this will go to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission meets January 22 and if any dedications (ROW or easements) are involved it will go to the Board of Directors. The meeting adjourned at 3:15 P.M. NOTE: Cost of lodals-4 cubic yard'containers is $385.00. Six cubic yard containers are $495.00. / It will be $1.00 per cubic yards per dump. 85A • TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE SUBJECT DATE 64 Luthern Church (LSD) 10-17-73 66 Warehouse (19th Street) 10-31-73 67 Hanna Marine (Storage Building) 10-31-73 70 Jerry D. Sweetser Subd. (Prel, Plat) 11-25-73 72 Sambo's Restaurant (LSD) 12-5-73 74 Dwayne Nelson's Barn (LSD) 12-5-73 74 Rosewood Estates (Final Plat) 12-5-73 75 Clover Creek Phase II (Final Plat) 12-5-73 76 Don Phillips' Parking Lot. (Doctors Building) 12-5-73 77 Truck Center, Inc. (LSD) 12-12-73 78 Sambo's Restaurant (LSD) 12-19-73 81 Gallery of Homes (office'bldg. on College) 1-9-74 83 Brooks, Brandon, and Turley (LSD) 1-9-74 86 Ozark Floors (LSD) 1-24-74 88 Gordon Wilkins (house on Ridgely Dr.) 2-7-74 88, Leo Thomas (modular home and move trailer) 2-7-74 90 Professional Plaza (Prel. Plat) 2-14-74 92 Fayetteville High School (Coaches Office) 2-14-74 92 Capitol Tobacco Co. (Subdivision Waiver) 2-14-74 93 Buckner Friendship Baptist Church 2-21-74 95 Dayton Stratton (Drake Field) (Maintenance Bdg.) 2-28-74 96 Professional Plaza (Conditional Use) 2-28-74 97 D. D. Bailey's Barn (Bailey Dr.) 3-7-74 97 Hyland Park, Phase I Replat of part of Block 4 (PUD) 3-7-74 98 Loris Stanton (PUD) 3-7-74 100. Dr. Nettleship (LSD) 3-7-74 101' Lake Fayetteville Project 3-21-74 102 Dr. Nettleship (LSD) 3-21-74 103 Washington Regional Medical Center (Proposed Addition) 3-28-74 3-21-74 104 & 107 Hyland Park Phase II (Revised Prel. Plat) 3-28-74 105 & 108 Bogan, Eason, and Sweetser Addition (Prel, Plat)