HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-12-19 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 1:45 P.M., Wednesday, December 19, 1973, in the llirectors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Present: Paul Mattke, Clayton Powell, Bobbie Jones, Iris Dees, David McWethy, Wallace Brt. Utility Representatives Present: Clyde Terry. Developers and/or Engineers: Al Hoekstra. The only item for discussion was a large scale development plan SAMBO'3 RESTAURANT to construct a Sambo's Restaurant on property owned by General N. College Ave. Growth and to be located between Nelson's Funeral Home) and (General Growth) Northwest Arkansas Plaza. This matter had been tabled by the Plat L.S.Develonment Review Committee on December 5, 1973. Al Hoekstra, Manager of Northwest Arkansas Plaza, was present to represent General Growth. Comments were as follows: 1. Frank O'Donnell: (Telephoned) Arkansas Western Gas will serve from their existing line which is North of the proposed building. The gas meter will be at the location shown on the original plan. 2. Jack Whitting: (Telephoned) Ozarks Electric will come along the North side of the property to the back corner. It has been suggested that the transformer be located for the extension to come in so Ozarks can serve the next building to the West on the same transformer. 3. Tommy Fincher: (Not)present) Mr. Fincher had; asked Mr. Hoekstra to check on the telephone requirements of Sambo's. Mr. Hoekstra reported that they want a private phone by the cash register with an extension to the manager's office and one pay phone, all these to be inside the building. 4. Clyde Terry: It is my understanding the telephone company wanted to come in along the South line in order to feed something to the South of this in the future. They will need an easement there. Regardless of whether or not Sambo's wants TV cable, I would like a 15 ft. easement along this South property line for use of the TV cable and Telephone Company for the future. 5. Wallace Brt: There is not enough room for the sanitation truck to turn in and service the lodal as it is located. He suggested they put it in the northwest corner of the plan. Mr. Hoekstra suggested they turn the lodal a quarter turn, facing it to the southwest, and then have the truck come in the south driveway, circle the building and pick it up. Mr. Brt considered this satisfactory and said they could enclose 3 sides of the lodal pad, but to leave the side where the truck picks it up open. Mr. Hoekstra said they would leave as much clearance around the lodal as there is around the one at Bowens Restaurant (between the lodal and the sides of the enclosure.) 6. Clayton Powell: In our meeting with City Manager Grimes we resolved most of our problems with frontage roads, accesses, etc. The proposed access road right-of-way, which will be a public dedication, must be 50 ft. from the back of the curb of the existing drive to the North (Leading into the shopping center). I must have detailed engineering plans and profiles for the dedicated street which is the proposed access road. On the site plan they have listed 26 notes. 78.4 Plat Review Committee -2- 12-19-73 • --17. • • Notes No. 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 22, 24, 25, and 26 pertain to the street and Typical Drawings No. 2, 3, and 8 also pertain to the proposed access road, a public dedicated street. The engineer needs to check with me on Note No. 22. Those drains and concrete catch basins are fine, but he proposes to use 8 in. diameter pipe. This is fine in his parking lot if he desires, but on under drains or public dedications, the minimum size drain tile is 15 in., reinforced concrete pipe, Arkansas Highway Department specification Class 3. The engineer has done a good job. I'll give Mr. Hoekstra a copy of our Ordinance 1790 which contains our typical concrete structures drawing for streets. The aggregate base material for streets must be SB -2, not hillside gravel. We require sub -base to be rolled to a 90% standard proctor density and a 10 plastic index or better. This is sub -base preparation and then base preparation, etc. I'll compliment them on Note No 11 " all service lines to be a minimum of 48 in. deep or as required by local codes." He wouldn't have that in there if he hadn't had that in practice in other towns and this is the problem I've had in Fayetteville with utility lines being 6 in. under the surface blocking all my drainage attempts. When the engineering plans and profiles are submitted to me for the street. and the public dedicated improvements, I'll make my comments to those in detail. Mr. Hoekstra agreed to have the Sambo's engineer call Mr. Powell and discuss specifications. Paul Mattke: I have yet to receive the information I requested at the last meeting. I'm still requesting the same information. I would like a general site development plan showing the location of streets, roads, other utilities, special terrain features, any changes in terrain features, retaining walls, storm drains, present contours, as well as proposed contours. What is the future site development going to look like if it is different from the present? Mr. Hoekstra said he could get all the information Mr. Mattke requested with the exception of the break up of tracts of land and that beyond what is shown on the plan he has with him, they have no idea what the break ups of land might be. He said there will only be one change of grade and he will obtain that for Mr. Mattke. Mr. Hoekstra said the back 80, or so many, acres now has trees on it. Someday it may be residential or something else. Mr. Mattke requested present plans on it at this time. As long as their area make up is generally the same configuration. He said he was using this information for selection of utility routing. As long as they do not change boundaries, it doesn't matter what goes inside the boundaries as long as he has something there to serve it. Mr. Mattke said he anticipated a water main extension, but not a sewer main extension at this time. On the water main extension both he and the State Board of Health will have to approve the plans before construction. He said one requirement he would place would be that they will have at least one fire hydrant to install, possibly several. This will be a high value area, all areas within 250 ft. of a hydrant will be covered. My recommendation is that they not proceed any further until we have these detailed plans. I will need sufficient time to study them. If they have plans for utilities to serve this area, they just might coincide with mine. (Mr. Mattke emphasized the importance of his receiving the information he had requested by saying that when Ramada Inn was built they had the building built, then discovered they did not have any water at the site. He said he did not wish to get involved in something like that again.) Mr. Mattke requested the engineer or architect give him a peak out or water consumption figure on this restaurant; and if it could be obtained on the motel the same information for that as well. 79 Plat Review Committee -3- 12-19-73 Mr. Mattke said he did not wish to comment on streets. He did say that both the City Manager and Street Superintendent know his feelings on streets. • 8. Bobbie Jones: The sign location, size and height will have to conform to the current sign regulations. These require the sign be set back 40 ft. from any street right-of-way, be no more than 30 ft. higher than the roadbed, and I believe the 120 sq. ft. you propose is okay. Along a controlled access highway you are allowed a maximum of 200 sq. £t. of sign face. The sign may be illuminated, but cannot have any flashing or blinking lights ---illumination must be constant. The sign must be 1 ft. from `side property lines. A separate permit does have to be obtained on the sign. The State Board of Health must approve the plans before a building permit will be issued on the restaurant. The plans must be stamped by an Arkansas registered architect. The parking area will be paved, I am sure, and there will be the curbs constructed as shown. Mr. Hoekstra said this would be a lease and not a sale of property. Mrs. Jones said one 10' X 25' truck berth is required One or more of the parking sapces against the West side of the building will be lost for that. If you have 5 cars parked there, a truck cannot get in. The truck berth should be located so they do not have to back into it from the street and do not have to back out of it into the street. If you lose a couple of parking spaces, you will still have the required number. • • 9. David McWethy: Requested a black line print of plan, preferably in a size not to exceed 14" by 18". The meeting was adjourned at 2:20 P.M. 80