HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-12-05 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEL MEETING 9z A Plat Review Committee Meeting was held December 5, 1973 at 1:30 P.M. in the Director's Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Utility Representatives: Frank O'Donnell, Kenneth Wagner, John Parker, Clyde Terry, Jack Whitting, Tommy Fincher. Engineers/Developers: Others Present: The meeting was Neal Albright, David Rose, Allan Hoekstra, Duane Wimberly, Don Phillips. David McWethy, Bobbie Jones, Iris Dees, Larry Wood, Clayton Powell, and City Manager, Donald Grimes. called to order. The first item for discussion was a large scale development plan to construct a Sambo's Restaurant on property south of the Northwest Arkansas Plaza. Mr. Allan Hoekstra, Mall Manager of the Northwest Arkansas Plaza was present.to represent General Growth. He stated that two gentlemen with the home office had planned to be snowed in at Des Moines, Iowa. Comments were as follows: Randy Schneider, Nelson, Ervin Wally Brt, Paul Mattke, SAMBO'S RESTAURANT Highway 71 North L.S. Development present but were 1. Charles McWhorter: (Telephoned) It appears they are putting a fire hydrant on the north side. This will be done by the developer. I want to be sure they do this in accordance with the Water Department specifications. It would be nice if they could open that access road. 2. Allan Hoekstra: He mentioned Sambo's has revised some of their plan and are sending the revised plans here. Larry Wood asked if the service road on the north side was going to be dedicated or private. Al Hoekstra said it would be dedicated but it has not been yet. Larry Wood recommended that it be private and Mr. Hoekstra said he would confer with his associates. Mr. Hoekstra said he would find out if the service road could remain private instead of dedicated and he would find out the TV requirements and telephone requirements for Sambo's. He said he would try to work out some mutual service line for this and anything else in the future. He said the frontage road along the east extends all the way in front of their property within a few feet of the Nelson Funeral Home line. He then passed around a picture showing where the frontage road ends and where Stearns Road ends. He said the road going along the north side of Sambo's, hopefully at first, will be able to extend the length of Sambo's to the west and in the future that road will go all the way back. He said on their Master Street Plan they have an entrance that will come off the top parking lot to meet this road when it gets to the back and curbs are already there for that. He refreshed the Committee's memory on what the mall tried to do about the access Road. He said at one time they were going to commit $20,000 for flashing signals as was the City. He said as he understood the County Judge would not contribute his share. After this statement an alternative was suggested by Mr. Nelson. Mr. Hoekstra read a newspaper article of July 23, 1973 in which he quoted "Highway Department Officials also felt the access rued that runs from the entrance to the mall should be open, however, Donald Grimes said, Duane Nelson, owner of the funeral home, refuses to consider allowing the road to be used". He thought it was clear what the Highway Department wanted. He said he had letters from last summer to Mr. Gray, Highway official, to look into the problems. 3. Jack Whitting: (Ozark Electric) He was concerned with the service entrance and its location. He said he foresaw no problems with power in that area. He requested an electrical easement on the north property line on the south side of this proposed access road. He said that they would be going to the northwest corner of this piece of property of Samba's and adjoining property from the west .... and they will serve the motel from a different service line. 4. Clyde Terry: He wanted to know if they plan to put TV cable in and said he was sure they would find some way to serve Sambo's if they want it. He said he would prefer 72 • • • Plat Review Committee December 5, 1973 Page Two the south entrance on the south property line. He asked Mr. Hoekstra if the motel was part of the same company and he replied, no. 5. Tommy Fincher: He said he would be interested in working out some way on the south side where they could bring an entrance on the south property line to ultimately serve both ways. He added that they do have a buried cable in a joint trench with Mr. Terry on the frontage road. 6. Larry Wood: He thought the service road should be private and asked Clayton Powell if he saw any reason why that service road should be dedicated on that north line. 7. Clayton Powell* He agreed with Mr. Wood that the access road from:the service road to the parking lot be a private drive. He said he had had several meetings with the mall management, their attorneys, and owner of Nelson's Funeral Home on the service road extending straight through down there. The more they congest the area the greater the problem is going to be. It has been through the County, the City Management, and the State. He suggested the people who wish to develop this property negotiate with Nelson's Funeral Home and open up that service road completely from Stearn's Road up to the Mall entrance. This is the basis for his agreeing with Mr. Wood. At this time Mr. Donald Grimes, City Manager, was called into the meeting to discuss the access road. He said when the County and State said this was not their problem he got stubborn, and he thought he had a right to get stubborn because it's a State and Federal Highway. And yet the Highway Department said they have no money with which to participate in the improvements at the Mall, and the County said it has no responsibility. He said he didn't believe the City has full responsibility to pay all the bills out there. He added frankly, "I don't know what the answer is to get if off dead center. I realize it puts the Mall on the spot." He asked Mr. Nelson if he could participate in the cost of a road at the back of the Mall and Mr. Nelson said not on that day. Discussion ensued about an overpass, creeper lanes, and the £our-laning of U.S. 71. Mr. Nelson asked that they consider this proposal: That he would donate the land and the Mall donate the material and go around between the motel and funeral home then behind the motel and come up on the west ledge. This would seem to be the least cost. Mr. Hoekstra said that was the exact proposal made on September 6 by Mr. Nelson and it would mean the Mall would have to build a road on his property of at least 7,000 to 8,000 feet back then across to the north on his property from 400 feet or so and then clear across their lower property of 600 feet and back toward the front another 1000 feet to get people to Samba's. Al Hoekstra said that the Highway Department had changed their plans on Highway 71 after assisting General Growth in locating their access points and the hill had not been cut down as much as it was originally proposed to be. Had they stayed with their plans, the sight distance would have been better. Larry Wood asked about condemnation proceedings. and Mr. Grimes said there were none filed due to the cost. Mr. Grimes asked how much ROW we have and Clayton Powell said at Shepard: Lane it tapers down to approximately 80 feet to be reducing the west side and down to the intersection at Stearn's where it's supposed to be a turn around it widens out to 225 feet to include that one leaf of Clover leaf. From Shepard north to the Springdale City limits it's about 95 feet and the west ROW line tapers down at Shepard and we have 80 feet of ROW. Mr. Grimes said in his mind he questioned what Mr. Hoekstra proposed to do in opening the access road and wondered if it would really solve the congestion problem. He wondered if going to the rear might not be the thing to do. Mr. Hoekstra said whether access was at the frontor the back you still have to get them across the two lanes on Highway 71. There was some discussion about long range future plans or 1990 plans for the Highway and the Mall. Al Hoekstra gave some comments on stop gap measures. Mr. Grimes said he thought Mr. Hoekstra, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Powell, a representative of the Highway Department and himself should have a meeting of their own on the access road and he said he would try to set a meeting the next week. He suggested the Committee go on with the meeting. • 73 • • • t Plat Review Committee December 5, 1973 Page Three Mr. Powell proposed they table this matter until the access problem was cleared up and Bobbie Jones asked to hear from the remaining Committee members before they tabled the meeting on Sambo's. 8. John Parker: This is not in our area. 9. David McWethy: He said it would be helpful if they had a vicinity map with more detailed respect to dimensions and show present location of Nelson's and perhaps a little more depth to the west. Also requested frontage road be shown. 10. Wally Brt: He asked Mr. Hoekstra to find out if the proposed pad was in the northwest corner. He said he did not want the concrete pad enclosed and he could provide a six-yard container that would adequately take care of the garbage. He also asked Mr. Hoekstra to find out if they were going to have a loading dock.... it looked like the map indicated one. 11 Frank O'Donnell* He said they could serve the gas meter shown in the northwest corner. The proposed building site remains essentially the same. He said they would come off their existing line immediately to the north that lays along the south entrance way to the plaza up on top of the bank. 12. Paul Mattke: He requested a general site map showing the proposed site for Sambo's as well as the other sites. He said he was interested in the break up of tracts of land. He asked if they could indicate any significant changes in the topography to the north. 13. Bobbie Jones: She asked if General Growth would retain ownership of the property or would the property be sold to Sambo's. Mr. Hoekstra said he was not sure but he thought they had sold the grounds to the motel and he would let her know if they sold ground or if they are renting to Sambo's. She informed him that a sign permit must be obtained separately from a building permit and must meet the sign ordinance. She said the roof overhang of the building needed to be 50 feet from the street ROW. She added, if the road were not dedicated it would not have to be 50 feet. The next item discussed was the large scale development D. NELSON'S BARN plan submitted by Duane Nelson to construct a barn W. of 3939 N. College Avenue on property west of Nelson's Funeral Home, 3939 North L.S. Development Plan College Avenue. Mr. Nelson was present and said he had a 10,000 hay bale barn and he would need an underground cable to put a light in his barn. He assured the Committee that he would be putting the cable in at his expense. Comments were as follows: 1. Jack Whitting and John Parker: They weren't sure which company should service him but since the property was his own and he dust needed a light in his barn, there would be no problem to work out something. 2. Bobbie Jones: Said it meets the 100 foot setback from the north property line and is in the proper zone - A-1. The following had no comments: Clyde Terry, Tommy Fincher, David McWethy, Wally Brt, Frank O'Donnell, Charles McWhorter, Paul Mattke, and Clayton Powell The next matter to be reviewed was the proposed Final Plat ROSEWOOD ESTATES r for Rosewood Estates, David and Carolyn Anne Rose, David and Carolyn Rose Subdividers. Mr. David Rose and Mr. Neal Albright, Final Plat Engineer, were present. Comments were as follows: 74 r Plat Review Committee December 5, 1973 Page Four Jack Whitting: He said if it met the City requirements everything looked okay, but he would like to request a 15 -foot easement between Lots 6 & 7 north of Lot 5 for a length of 40 feet. 2. Clyde Terry: Conferred with David Rose, Neal Albright, Jack Whitting and Tommy Fincher and said they wanted a 15 -foot easement measured from the center pin on the lot line between Lots 6 and 7 from the line of Lot 5 for a length of 40 feet. 3. Tommy Fincher: He was in agreement on the 15 -foot easement. 4. John Parker: Said this was not applicable to SWEPCO. 5. Clayton Powell: Suggested that the developer improve and install storm drainage in the drainage easement between Lots 1 and 2.... because in the 1974 Budget he has a storm drainage project scheduled from Elizabeth all the way to Stanton Avenue. I am requesting also, that all utilities and service lines be placed a minimum of 4 feet deep or 2 feet below the established floor of any natural drainage ditch, and 2 feet under any drainage structures included in the street design. 6. Frank O'Donnell: Said they presently have gas service to everything but Lots 4,5,6, and 7 and propose to come from aline on the east side of the development across the cul-de-sac and then dead end. 7. Paul Mattke: He said Mr. Albright would need to improve on his dimensions and make them more clear. He said a length was needed for the easement across the front of Lot 6 and the easement across.the south side of Lot 10 should be increased to 15 feet. He explained there would be a 108X 12' water pump station in the northeast corner of Lot 1 where there is a little jog in the easement. It will have cyclone fence around it and a native stone veneer. He said the building would be about 10z feet high. He requested a building permit for the pump station. 8. Bobbie Jones: Requested that Mr. Albright -1- distinguish what are drainage easements and what are utility easements. She asked what the 50 feet in Lot 4 was and was told it was a building setback - covenated. She asked that Mr. Albright dimension each of the utility easements and each of the building setbacks. Mr. Albright said between Lots 1 and 8 he is widening the street right-of-way 10 feet on each side according to Mr. Powell's specifications and there will be 20 -foot lanes each side of the mailbox median with a 10 -foot right-of-way behind the curb on each side and a street light in the middle of that. Bobbie also requested street names be put on the plat and that "corner" be corrected in the legal description. She added that the streets and utilities needed to be revised in the signature block and Mr. Albright asked her to furnish him with the correct wording. The Committee's next item was the proposed Final Plat for Clover Creek; E & J Development, Inc., Subdivider. Clover Creek is a replat of a part of Meadowlark Addition. Mr. Ervin Wimberly was present. Comments were as follows: CLOVER CREEK E & J Development Phase II :Final Plat 1. Clyde Terry: No problems. Appears easements are sufficient. 2. Tommy Fincher: Asked how deep the sewer line was and Mr. Wimberly said it was about 15 feet between Lots 38 & 39 and about 7 feet deep between Lots 23 & 24. Mr. Fincher saw no problems. 3. John Parker: Said the easements look fine but they will not be able to provide service to Lots 30 and 31 until Phase II is developed and Mrs. Edmiston is aware of it. He said they are going underground and eventually plan to make two loops out of it and until Phase II is completed those lots will be in part of the loop. He said Lots 1-14 will be served by existing overhead line that they are aware of. 75 Plat Review Committee December 5, 1973 Page Five 76, 4. David McWethy: Requested street lights and sidewalks be shown on the plat. 5. Clayton Powell: Said they have final approved street plans and profiles. He asked if Mr. Wimberly could put in a double reverse curve or reverse curve where Lorena Lane is extended from the existing Lorena Lane rather than having the double width dedicated and the off -set jog. Mr. Wimberly said he thought they could leave a 105 foot right - of -way there, 6. Frank O'Donnell: Said they would go in the easements with Mr. Terry and Mr. Fincher and also Mr. Parker. He thought this would be rather close and Mr. Wimberly double check and see if they couldn't make the easements 20 feet instead of 15 feet, specifi- cally across the north side of Lots 39 through 44. 7. Paul Mattke: Requested 15 ft. easement between Lots 19 and 20. Name the streets. Set 4 X 4 concrete monuments at all subdivision corners and iron pins at all lot corners and changes in alignment. Along the creek these should be off -set and the plat should clearly show the distance of the off -set. A note should be placed on the plat explaining the code to differentiate between pins and monuments. Mr. Mattke thought there should be a street stub to the south to allow access to that property. He thought he remembered this being discussed on the Preliminary Plat. Mr. Wimberly could not remember this being discussed previously. A utility easement is needed out the end of each cul-de-sac. 8. Bobbie Jones: Said utility and drainage easements were needed at the end of the cul-de-sacs and that these easements must be clearly defined. She questioned how they were going to build on Lot 39 and Lot 22 and Mr. Wimberly said they can build and they will not go over the sewer easement. She said since some easements that are shown were not in the legal description she thought they would need a separate written instrument and then pick them up on Phase II plat as well She asked if the street stubs were going to be constructed now and Mr. Wimberly said no, they were going to leave a lip for drainage. She added that he needed to change ownersand owner on the Certificate of Ownership and Dedication to E & J Development Company, President and Secretary. On the water and sewer statement he needs City of Fayetteville as well as meets state requirement. Since this is a corporation, change Certificate of Ownership and Dedication to be signed by the President and Secretary of E & J Development Company. Correct the legal description. It reads "Beginning at a point 170 feet East"; it is drawn to begin 170 feet West. The last matter for discussion was the request of Doctors Building Corporation, 241 West Spring Street, to use lot at -220 West Meadow Street for additional parking. Don Phillips was present. Comments were as follows: D. PHILLIPS' PARKING LOT 220 West Meadow Street L.S. Development Plan 1. Frank O'Donnell: He said the Gas Company does have a gas line going up the east side of the parking lot but he didn't think there would be any excavation to present a problem. 2. Clayton Powell: He said it would be fine as long as it did not exceed the 40 foot, width required for a commercial driveway. He added that he would like to divert the parking lot drainage into the storm drainage being constructed on Spring Street. • 3. Don Phillips: He said he will have the contractor coordinate with the Gas Company and make sure there are no problems. The following had no comments: Clyde Terry, Tommy Fincher, John Parker, David McWethy, Wally Brt, Charles McWhorter, and Paul Mattke. Bobbie Jones did comment that if the parking lot was within 20 feet of other property it would require screening. The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 P.M. 76 I