HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-10-31 Minutes• • • f) MIMEO MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMII'1'Eh MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at in the Board Room of the Chamber of Commerce, Arkansas. 1:30 P.M., Wednesday, October 31, 1973, 123 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Present: Charles McWhorter, Clayton Powell, Wallace Brt, David McWethy, Harold Lieberenz, Paul Mattke, Bobbie Jones. Utility Representatives: John Parker, Clyde Terry, Frank O'Donnell. Developers and/or Engineers: Link Luckett, Dayton Stratton. The first matter reviewed was a Large Scale Development Plan WAREHOUSE submitted by Dayton Stratton and Link Luckett for a warehouse E. 19th Street to be located on the end of .east 19th Street. Mr. Luckett LSD Plan and Mr. Stratton were present. Mr. Stratton said the section line comes down on the west side of this property. The Major Street Plan has a future street projected down that section line to extend to College Avenue. He asked if they would be allowed to infringe on the required setback which would be 30 feet for the Major Street Plan and 50 feet for zoning or 80 feet. And then, when and if the street was actually put through there,could they take that portion off. Harold Lieberenz told them that the only body who can waive the Major Street Plan is the Board of Directors. If the Major Street Plan can be determined and the developers disagree with the determination, they would have to take the matter to the Planning Commission and City Board, bedause if_that istshown on the Major Street Plan the setback has to be from the future street. Mr. Stratton said the drawing they had submitted complies with the Major Street Plan. Comments and requirements were as follows: 1. Charles McWhorter: Asked what type of building it would be and what it would be used for. Mr. Stratton said it would be a metal building and would be used for storage only. Mr. McWhorter said there was no problem because he could get down to serve the building if necessary. 2. Clayton Powell: He said he and Mr. Stratton had discussed this previously. The new Major Street Plan as adopted reflects College Avenue extended through this property to Pump Station Road which intersects with Cato Springs Road on the west. A collector street right-of-way requires 60 feet right-of-way and he has a setback measured from the section line of 80 feet. Normally, these major streets are placed on the section line, the centerline, of the street right-of-way being on the centerline of the section line. I do not feel there would be any necessity to request the street be developed at this time so long as the right-of-way is reserved. On 19th Street the plat book reflects 40 foot right-of-way, which being a minor or residential street requires a 50 foot right-of-way. We would request a 5 feet dedication on the north side from Mr. Stratton's property which would be one half of the additional 10 feet required. I see no drainage problems since the drainage is to the north and east. Since 19th Street is an existing gravel street in use in the City, there is no requirement for this developer to make any improvements to the street. We have discussed the possibility of forming an improvement district for 19th Street. Mr. Powell asked Mr. Stratton if he still had any plans along this line. Mr. Stratton said that for the time being he plans to use it as it is, but if they are able to acquire more land up and down 19th Street they would want to improve it. Mr. Powell said that if the centerline for College Avenue extended is on the section line and this property runs to the section line it looks like they are in good shape on this one. Mr. Stratton asked him what the procedure is to get the streets widened and blacktopped in the City. Mr. Powell said that gravel streets are maintained as they exist when they are annexed into the City. Any widening or improvements to the street would have to rest with the property owners if they 66 • • • Plat Review Committee -2- October 31, 1973 should want to initiate an improvement district and a majority of the property owners agree they would have to pay only their proportionate share. 3. Wallace Brt: He asked Mr. Stratton if they would just be transporting in and out or would they be doing any uncrating there. Mr. Stratton said there intentions at the present time were just to transport goods in and out. If he found it required a trash container, he would get a lodal unit, and that there is plenty of room to manuever a truck around, 4. David McWethy: Requested a vicinity map showing the relation of this property to Highway 71. The file was checked and he decided the one in the file would suffice. 5. John Parker: He asked if the developers would need anything besides just lights • at this property and they told him they would not. Mr. Parker said they have a single phase linerunning right in front of this property but he did not know whether the transformer would be large enough. He said they would probably provide permanent service from a point toward the southeast corner of the building. Mr. Stratton said he had thought about an outside mercury vapor light. Mr. Parker said he saw no problems on this. 6. Clyde Terry: I don't think we have any problems on this. I'm sure the cable would be available if they want it but doubt that they will want it. 7. Paul Mattke: Asked if they would need water and sewer and Mr. Stratton said they did not plan any. Mr. Mattke said there was no problem and added that if they need water and sewer services, water is available right across the street. He said if they wish to have a sprinkler system they would have a problem. The only supply they have runs between 500 and 600 GPM's. Sewer is available about 1200 feet to the north and could probably get to it if they need sanitary sewer facilities. If they do not require any services there is no problem, if they do require them it is possible to serve them. 8. Frank O'Donnell: Asked if they knew about the high pressure gas line and they said that they did. He asked if they would be able to set back -the 25 feet required from it and they said that they would. Mr. O'Donnell offered to have Arkansas Western Gas employees stake the line for them. Mr. Luckett said that the people from the gas company had already come down and located the line for them and they have exposed it so there is no problem. They will not need any gas service. 9. Harold Lieberenz: No comments. 10. Bobbie Jones: Asked about any sign they might have proposed. Mr. Luckett said that they would stay within the sign ordinance requirements on signs. 11 Larry Wood: (not present but telephoned information in) He said they would need 30 feet of right-of-way for extension of College Avenue and asked about 19th Street. 12. Tommy Fincher: (Southwestern Bell Representative) He was not present but telephoned that there would be no problems. The next matter discussed was a proposal for a storage building STORAGE BLDG. PROPOSAL on property owned by Hanna Marine. Dayton Stratton was present Hanna Marine to discuss the proposal. Comments were as follows: 1. Charles McWhorter: Asked the proposed use of the new building and Mr. Stratton said it was for storage. Mr. McWhorter said the driveway definitely will have to be opened to a minimum r)idth of 15 feet and kept open because that is the only way they have of getting into this property. He said if the driveway is kept open and at a minimum of 15 feet there would be no problem. Mr. Stratton saigJ,they plan • 2• Plat Review Committee -3- October 31, 1973 to renew the driveway and he also said there would be no utilities in this building. Clayton Powell: I don't see any problems with this, the right-of-way for Government Avenue is an existing 50 foot right-of-way. Since this is of a commericial nature, he can have a 40 foot wide driveway if he so desires. I don't see any other problem. The Major Street Plan does not reflect anything in the way of future streets, so he is better off on this one than he was the last one. 3. Wallace Brt: If he is just going to store boats in this, I see no problem. 4. David McWethy: I would like to know the distances from this property to the trailer park to the west, to Hanna Marine south, to west 6th Street to the south, and to Prairie Street to the north. Mr. Stratton said that Hanna Marine owns all the property clear to the corner and has one line of trailers between this property and the Hanna Marine property. Mr. McWethy asked for a vicinity map showing where the current Hanna Marine sales area is. 5. John Parker: Asked if they would not have any power lines or -anything and Mr. Stratton said that Mr. Hanna had not mentioned any to him. Mr. Parker said that they do have existing single phase line to this trailer and there is a pole with a transformer just west of this existing building so they can reach it. If he does need lights, they can serve him. 6. Clyde Terry: I know that he doesn't need cable to this building, but I am interested in this line of trailers. Will they be moved out or what? Mr. Stratton said they would not be moved out. Mr. Terry said that TV cable has a buried cable just on the north side of that line of trailers. Mr. Stratton said the only excavation they will do will be on the site of the building. Mr. Terry said there was no problem. 7. Paul Mattke: Water and sewer are available from Government Avenue, so we have no problem if he should ever need services. 8. Frank O'Donnell: No.pfoblem. 9. Harold Lieberenz: No problem. 10. Bobbie Jones: I have not finished my review but will contact if I have any problems. 11. Larry Wood: (not present - telephoned in) He asked Bobbie Jones to check right-of-way on Government Avenue. 12. Tommy Fincher: (Southwestern Bell Representative) He telephoned in that he saw no problem. This portion of the meeting was adjourned at 2:20 P.M. Mr Lieberenz and Clayton Powell, Street Superintendent, discussed with all the other utility services a problem which Mr. Powell has had in drainage easements where utility services are crossing those easements, either going to a dwelling or with a main line. Mr. Lieberenz said that the biggest problem seems to have been in the area of Butterfield Addition and Sun Valley Addition. He said he had checked with SWEPCO and they bury all their lines 36 inches or better. Ozark buries all their secondary lines 24 inches or better and their primary lines 48 inches or better. He said that where it is known that an •easement islfor utility and drainage purposes both then it will have to be a wider easement. Mr. Powell said their minimum drain tile size is 15 inches but the one most commonly used is and 18 -inch tile which is 24 inches at the bell end and it would have to have six inches of cover over it so the utility lines should be one to two feet under the tile. He said this is an acute:problem, not only on main lines but also for service lines. He asked that any time utility lines have to cross a public easement for drainage that they maintain a minimum depth of 4 feet from the established grade of the drainage ditch. He cited 68 69_A Plat Review Committee _4_ October 31, 1973 problems that he had had in cleaning out drainage ditches where builders had pushed the debris off into the drainage ditch, the utilities had been put in, and then when he • came along to clear out the drainage ditch he ripped a lot of the lines out. The City had had quite a costly bill in having these lines placed. He said he also had observed utility service lines only inches below the ground surface in these drainage ditches. The meeting was finally adjourned at 2:45 P.M. • •