HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-10-17 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITrt:H, MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 1:30 P.M., in the Direcotrs Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas, on October 17, 1973. Present: Paul Mattke, David McWethy, Pat McGetrick, Bobbie Jones Utility Representatives Present: Clyde Terry, Jack Whitting, John R.G. Parker, Tommy Fincher Developers and/or Engineers: Neal Albright, Jerry Sweetser, Harry Gray, Lu Indor£ The first matter discussed was the proposed Final Plat of the Brophy Addition - Phase II. Mr. Harry Gray, the,.engineer, was present to represent the plat. Comments were as follows: BROPHY ADDITION Final Plat, Phase II 1. Pat McGetrick: (Street Dept.) Debbie Street shows to be over 300 feet of street length with grades of about 20%. The ordinance lists a maximum grade of 15% with a 300 foot maximum length. If it is to be built, it should be closed in the winter time during bad weather. He requested the developer consider developing Jimmie Lane from this subdivision down to Township Road. He had not finished the review of the plans and profiles yet. 2. David McWethy: He requested a black line print of the proposed plat. 3. Paul Mattke: I am very glad to see a final plat of Phase II being presented. Water and sewer are available and can be extended to serve this area for which I have engineering plans and specifications from Mr. Gray to accomplish this. I see no technical problems involved in providing water and sewer service to this property. I will be completing my review shortly. The:plat should my monuments will be provided as indicated and then Mr. Gray should indicate the location of the pins and monuments on the plat. 4 X 4 concrete monuments are required at subdivision corners and at changes in direction along the perimeter of the subdivision and steel pins are required along lot lines that Mr. Gray should code accordingly. He didn't think it wise to file a final plat before installation of all utilities. This can necessitate a replat. 4. Clyde Terry: We would need a 15 -foot easement at the south end of Block 1, Lot 6. I believe all other easements would be sufficient. 5. Tommy Fincher: This particular easement Mr. Terry requested would also be what we would need. Otherwise, I think everything is ok. 6. Jack Whitting: I would like to have for an anchor. It would not have to 15 feet wide and 25 feet deep on the an easement between lot 7 and 8 in Block 1 be all the way through. I want it to be front of the lot. 7. John Parker: I think the easements that are there will be all right and additional easements for street lights will not be needed. 8. Bobbie Jones: There should be a title block for the Building Inspector to sign on the building setback lines. The legal description and the subdivision block should bear reference to the original plat. I want to check with the City Attorney on the manner to correct the erroneous easement on the original plat. Sidewalks are required and the Planning Commission wants a not: on the plat as to where that will be corrected. The plat book does contain a "Debra" Street and this does seem to conflict Mr. Gray said the utilities will be overhead. 62 i • • Plat Review Committee -2- October 17, 1973 The next matter for discussion was the preliminary Bogan, Eason, & Sweetser Addition. Jerry Sweetser engineer, were present. Comments were as follows: 63 plat for the Bogan, Eason & Sweetser and Neal Albright, ADDITION Preliminary Plat 1. David McWethy: Requested a black line print of the preliminary plat. He asked if they planned to have sidewalks and Mr. Albright said they would have them on one side of the street. Mr. McWethy said Mr. Albright should make a note on the final plat to indicate which side of the street the sidewalks would be on. 2. Pat McGetrick: I would like to know when yiou develop this road if you will develop the street stub. (Bobbie Jones said the improvement of street stubs has been required on recent subdivision plats.) He said he would need a 30 foot wide drainage easement from the end of the cul-de-sac to Mud Creek. Acceptance of this preliminary plat does not mean acceptance and approval of the street plans and profiles. He asked if it would be a private road or a public street. Mr. Albright said that they were contemplating condominium in Block 1 around each side of a private drive with swimming pool and recreational facilities in the center and that he thought their intention was to turn this over to a professional planner. Mr. McGetric did ask that this be noted as a private drive on the final plat. 3. Paul Mattke: Water and sewer is available within reasonable distance of this side. I will ask that the sewer be brought to serve this property by gravity flow rather than a forced main or a pumped system. I also believe that at this time if they include this area in Block 1 in this plat that we should discuss a drainage utility easement along this creek. He requested about 50 feet either side of the center line and the same thing at the extreme east end of the development. Sweetser asked if this would give them the right to go in and remove their dam. Mr. Mattke said no, we ultimately could but we would have to acquire the other^halfjof-it first. I don't think you will have to worry about the dam. He suggested at this point to put a utility easement at least around the perimeter of Block 1 and added that they cannot put public utilities in a private road. Easements to cover the utilities would have to be secured. The city does not take blanket easements. 4. Clyde Terry: At this time we have no cable available to serve this area but we do have plans to extend it out in the future - possibly by the time they get ready for service. As far as easements are concerned, I need the same easements as Mr. Fincher with Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. He asked for a 15 -foot easement down the west side of Lot 1, Block 3, and 15 -foot wide easement across the north side of Lots 1-8 of Block 3. He asked what they were going to do with Block 1 and Mr. Sweetser said it would be a closed area with a private street more on the drive basis. It was decided that easements can be acquired at that time depending on the development plans. 5. Tommy Fincher: He requested a 15 -foot easement along the north side of Block 2 all the way to Block 1. He wanted a 15 -foot easement all along the south edge of Block 4, and a 20 -foot easement between Lots 10 and 11 in Block 4. He requested a 15 -foot easement along the north side of the street across the 150 -foot .area not being platted between Blocks 1 and 3 and an easement on the west side of Lot 1 going north 15 foot wide and 15 feet east through Lots 1-8 of Block 3. 6. Jack Whitting: He asked if all utilities will be underground and they will be. He said the 15 -foot easement requested by the telephone company may not be adequate for all the utilities. He asked if there will be natural gas and there will be. Then he said they will need larger easements. He would need access to the street for street lights - 300 feet (300 feet is the mediocre spacing for street lights. Be asked for easements 5 feet either side of the lot line 63 • • Plat Review Committee -3- October 17, 1973 l0� between Lots 2 and 3 in Block 3 and between Lots 5 and 6 in Block 3. He needs a 15 -foot easement down the east side of Lot 8, Block 3 and around the cul-de-sac outside the street right-of-way then south to the south line of the subdivision. 7. John Parker: This property is serviced by both Southwestern Electric Power Company and Ozarks Electric and the boundary line between the two services follows the east line of Block 1 and_'the line between Lots 10 and 11 of Block 4. They would use the same rear lot easements as the other utilities. Jerry Sweetser asked that all street lights be located on the north side of the street because that is where the sidewalks will be located. We have an existing overhead line across the back of Lots 1 throught6, Block 4. Mr. Sweetser asked about the chances of getting them to put a line underground. Mr. Parker said this could be done if Mr. Sweetser is willing to pay the expense of replacing the overhead with underground and can get Meadow Brook Farm to change over. Mr. Sweetser decided it was not that important then Mr. Parker said that they could make a loop out of this and go underground to get into it. He did not feel it justified going underground for the 5 lots in Block 2 and Lots 7-10 in Block 4. Without Block 1 it doesn't Justify it. Easements would be the same. He asked for 5 feet either side of the lot line between Lots 3 and 4, Block 2 for street lights. Mr. Sweetser said they might come back on Block 1 and put a cul-de-sac street in and divide it up into lots. 8. Bobbie Jones: Asked Neal Albright to recheck the legal description wording because he left out a part he should have left in. She asked him to use ditto marks on lot lines where measurements are the same as those on adjoining lots and to show easements and make revisions before it is scheduled for the Planning Commission. Also, to note location for sidewalks and add a notation to indicate proposed use of Block 1. She said it may be necessary to file a replat of Block 1 to show easements needed to serve the development plan of Block 1 when that plan is firmed up andto create lots for transfer of ownership. Block 1 must conform to the zoning and subdivision regulations for Planned Unit Development. The last matter for discussion was the Large Scale Development LUTHERAN CHURCH plan for an addition to the Lutheran Church, located on the corner corner of of Rolling Hills Drive and Old Missouri Road. Mr. Lu Indorf Rolling Hills Dr. and was present. Some of the following comments were given at Old Missouri Road the meeting and others were given over the phone. Comments were as follows: 1. Paul Mattke: If water and sewer are already there, I don't see any problem. 2. John Parker: I don't anticipate any problems we can't work out. If a pole or line should have to be moved it would be at their expense. (after the meeting) (phone)- Mr. Parker went to the church site to look over the situation. He saw no problems for their immediate expansion which is the red colored area on the plan. The area to the north and west for future expansion which is colored blue is serviced by an overhead line and a pole is right in the middle of where they are planning to build. They will have to work something out with the church when it comes up in the future. • 3. Tommy Fincher: (phone)- We have a drop going right in there and I don't foresee any problems. 4. Clyde Terry: (phone)- Mr. Indorf told me he would not be interested in any TV cables. 64 Plat Review Committee October 17, 1973 5. Frank O'Donnell: (phone)- He said the church should notify him if they need help on sizing pipe and/or if their gas requirement may necessitate a need for a larger meter. They would probably be able to see if they need one from the plot plan. These are the only things he anticipated. 6. Charles McWhorter: (phone)- He said there was no problem as long as they met the Building Code. He did comment that the effect of sunlight on the shake roof causes steam or mist to rise and they had had some calls in the past from area residents who thought the building was on fire. 7. Clayton Powell- (phone)- The 60 -foot right-of-way that exists for that property is adequate and does comply with the current Major Street Plan. Old Missouri Road is scheduled for reconstruction from Old Wire Road to Stubblefield Road. The City is responsible for maintaining the street -at its present -width.-. Current ordinance and policies permit the property owner to participate without going through the formalities of the street improvement district. To widen said street to meet the current City street standards, we would request that the property ._, owner pay only for the curb and gutter along the perimeter along the property and also the storm drainage tile. The City will sustain the cost of the materials to widen the street to the curb and gutter, provide all labor and equipment cost and this is much more convenient and much, much less expensive to the property owner than going through the formal street improvement district. The street will then be 30 feet wide, meet all current City street specifications and the property value will appreciate much more than the cost of the improvement. 8. Wally Brt: (phone)- They are getting service by cans now. If they would want a container the Sanitation Department would go ahead and put one in. They would require a concrete pad 6 X 10 feet located in a place where their truck would be able to get in and out. However, the pad and container would not be mandatory but they could have a container if they desired it. The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 P.M. • 65