HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-10-03 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING 7.� The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 1:30 P:M, in -the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas, on October 3, 1973. . - _7i -- Present:— City Manager Donald Grimes Paul Mattke, Bobbie Jones. Utility Representatives: Frank O'Donnell,.David Tucker, Tommy Fincher, Jack . Whitting. Dayton Stratton. •• the. proposed hangar building to be located.at was present to.discuss the proposal. Comments TYSON'S HANGAR Develo era and or �� P /Engineers: The first matter reviewed was Drake'Field.- Dayton Stratton were as follows: Drake Field 1. Donald Grimes: Paul Mattke will_Vhave some comments after,he talks to FEE. The problems I see that you,might run into'are:• 1)'theminimum .'distance you will have to locate: from the fuel- farm,.. We want to allow for future expansion -of the fuelfarm,,but.do not wantany wasted space -- 2) we will have to talk to,the.FAA::about the building height: 3) whether we have to set back from the highway ROW fence. or can build right up' against it. (A subsequent check of AHD plans on -file in the City Engineer's office indicated there_ is:,76_ft. between the fence:on the Airport property and ,the highway ROW.) The lease calls for a 100' by.100' plot of ground; the 'location isflexible and.we can set aside the -plot of ground needed. They want to put in the toilet facilities but not hook them up until the sewer line is in. Mr. Stratton said he would have to build a ramp out to the taxiway strip. He will put in the bathroom fixtures, but not hook them up. There will be two outside faucetts. He asked if that wasn't a sewer line being laid out there now. Mr. Grimes said that is a replacement on a water main. He said sewer will come in a few months. That will be a.pressure main and we will have to rework: that entire system at. the airport and take it to one central point. 2. David McWethy: Requested a black line drawing of the building site•and proposed building in a little more detail. Mr. Stratton said he would have elevations of the proposed building in a few days. 3. Wallace Brt: suggested,a lodal container but said it is not mandantbry. The lodal would have to be set on a -pad. No solution to the location of the container could be found at this meeting. Mr. Grimes said there will be a new security fence going up and the gates will be kept locked. Mr. Brt said if they would contact him when the fence is up, he will go and see where one can be put. 4. Clayton Powell: No comments;:: -.This entails a contract and getting FAA clearance. The City Engineer is designated to co-ordinate all this. 5. David Tucker introduced Tommy Fincher to take his place with the telephone company. Mr. Fincher asked what they will need in the way of telephone service, Mr. Stratton did not know of anything except just an ordinary•; phone line. 6. Frank O'Donnell:. Not involved, they do not want gas service. 7. John Parker: Not present, but had called -the Planning Office . He said he did not see any problems other Willem. restrictions imposed on us as far as pole heights. We have plenty of power on the East side of the highway. They may want to go underground. Have the builder contact us. 54A Plat Review Committee -2- 10-3-73 Mr. Grimes asked what they planned to do with their excavated materials. Mr. Stratton said there would • be very little. •- • 8. Bobbie Jones: Are they going to want a sign on that building? He._will have . a limitation on the size of sign permitted in=that;zone.-They should contact Harold Lieberenz for a sign permit 9. Charles. McWhorter: Not'present, but telephoned•to'say'he'had no problems'. 10. Paul Mattke: I just spent an hour on the phone with the.FAA and. the State Fire Marshall's Office and I found out that there are basically no requirements for the location of this facility in relation to the fuel.storage facility . there. It is up to us,'we need to locate it far enough away to allow future expansion of.that tank farm, about 40 to :50 ft. from the existing tanks would be adequate. - A Form 7460-1 will have to be filled out and submitted to the FAA which will take approximately 30 to 45 days for their review and approval. I will be' happy to'fill it Out and submit -it, but I will need additional information from Tyson's concerning the design'of this hangar and•we will -have to pin down the exact location before I can submit,the•form.--I have the forms on the way .to me from the FAA. If. Tyson's can get me this information, I will fill the forms out and submit them. • I have yet_to check this for conformance with Part 77 of the FAA regulations as amended May 16, 1971: I do have the regulation, but have not had time to check itfor zoning, but so long as it isless than the height of the existing hangar facility I don't see any problem, other than I -may have to apply for a waiver to install it. (The next•matter discussed wasjthe proposal by Parker RushineJr. to develop'theaters on Highwayi265. There .was no one present to discuss this. Comments PERSIMMON HILL were as follows( Hiwy.265-Theater L.S.Development 1.. David McWethy: Requested a vicinity map indicating more precisely where this is' on Highway 265, especially in respect tot a Highland Park Subdivision Development. If hejine drawings of the theaters themselves, I think the directors-would.like to see them:' 2. Wallace Brt: .The road has to be widened before I can get a sanitation truck over it. I want them to have a lodal container. I want to have the lodal container located where the existing homes are 1101.1. If I get off in one of those ravines I will never get out. It will require a pad 8 ft: X 10 ft. to set the container on. The pad should be -of reinforced 4-inoh concrete or nonreinforced 6 -inch concrete., Beforetl�can provide them this type of service there will have to be a lot of work done on the road or trail.' 3• Clayton Powell: 'From the property line of this`:plat it indicates a private • driveway. Since the city does not issue driveway permits on state highways, and since this was cut on the existing portion of state Highway 265, they should:get their driveway permit from the Arkansas Highway Department office. in Springdale. 'If'it is going to be a dedicated street for the city to maintain, then it.will brave to. be. dedicated and built tothe minimum city street standards. It can be maintained by the property owner as a private drive. Stone Bridge Road terminates at the. property line. There are 'no right-of-way requirements as long as the extension of Stone Bridge Road is maintained as a private driveway. L have not had.'time•to check the court- house on the right-of-way for Highway 265... The major street plan requires 80 feet of right-of-way. 'I want to check the courthouse since our plat' 55 Plat Review Committee -3- October 3, 1973 52. book is not complete enough and to cover this portion of it. If:the.'developer wants to maintain this as a private drive that is fine with me If he has a public street there, I want to see the complete engineering plans and profiles including topographic map. Mr. Clayton Powell said that he thought the curb cut regulation should be put under the enforcement of the Inspection Department and should be regulated so that:people obtain their curb cut permit at the same time they obtain their building permit. He thought it would be better enforced in this manner. 4. Tommy Fincher: I do not know his requirements for telephone one space for private home that is remote. We will probably this from the Stone Bridge Road route. He has an:electrical Our nearest service now is probably Stone Bridge Road and to could probably go ahead and serve to the private homes joint company./Oe wants some additional lines:spread out in these may have to get a signed easement. service. I see have to serve easement on here. this house. We with the .:power theaters. We 5. Jack Whitting: We have a line already through there and this shows the easement across it. We would like to ask for another easement on the underground easement 15 feet wide between the northwest quarter and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 13 for future service. If he needs service into these buildings we will have to work it out on an individual basis. 6. Frank O'Donnell: Arkansas Western Gas can serve them off the property line on Highway 265 if he so desires. 7. Paul Mattke: Sewer service will be available with completion of the Highland Park off-site improvements. With the exception of that, water service will be available from Highway 265. I would like to have more information as to what their requirements are going to be but I am quite sure we will have enough service there with the water and sewer lines programmed for construction within the next two years. I also think if it is going to be a public road in there it should be dedicated and constructed to minimum street standards. If there will be sewer or water line extension constructed into the property, we will need the engineering details to go with it. 8. BobbiCJones:. Theaters are a conditional use in the R-1 district and are permitted on appeal to the Planning Commission. Because of the numerous unanswered questions this matter Uitl be referred back to Mr. Parker before going to the Planning Commission. Wallace Bit added the following statement: If it stays a private drive from the property line to his existing home, it will still have to be widened if he wants sanitation service. He can set a lodal container at his property line. 9. John Parker: Not present but had called to say that SWEPCO was not involved. 10. Charles McWhorter: Not present but had called to say if the theater meets the Building Code, he will have no :qualms. The last item reviewed by the Plat Review Committee was the proposed improvements to the Orthopedic Clinic at North College and Sycamore under Large Scale Development Plan. There was no one present to represent this. ORTHOPEDIC CLINIC • Comments were as follows: North College & Sycamore L.S.Development 56 Plat Review Committee -4- October 3, 1973 1. Wallace Brt: If they would like to change from cans to a lodal container I would be very pleased but it is not a requirement. If they do wish to change they need to contact me regarding the type of container and its location. 2. David McWethy: I would like a copy of the elevations if they have drawings of the proposed second story. 3. Clayton Powell: The most recent street plan designates Sycamore as a collector street requiring a 60 foot right-of-way. The plat book reflects only a 40 foot right-of-way. However, this portion of Sycamore Street from College Avenue to Woolsey Avenue is currently under construction in an improvement district. The City Attorney has in his possession the engineering plans and profiles and the exact legal descriptions and the square footage of additional right- of-way needed on both the south and north side of Sycamore Street at College. It will exceed the 60 foot requirement because our engineering plans and profiles call for four -lane intersections separated by a , median. We are approaching that point:rapidly in our construction and with the approaching inclement weather and the already sustained delays we have got to, "do or die". We either stay in our existing right-of-way or we complete these negotiations and get the additional right-of-way if they want the street completed this year. This should be done before any construction is done on the property. On the private drive at the west side of this property the last information I had City Manager, Don Grimes, and myself met with John Power and a McDonald representative on the site and discussed the improvement of that private driveway. Itawas to remain a private driveway except the city was going to have perpetual permission to use it as an access to the V.A. Park. And:for, and in consideration of this favor McDonald's would pay for materials to pave that private driveway back to the driveway running east and west into their rear parking lot. We are negotiating with them to pay for the materials at a cost of $600.00 for us just to pave that driveway. If it is going to be a dedicated street, I have not been advised. 4. Paul Mattke: Water and sewer service are available to the property. However, if they are going to need additional water and sewer connections they will have to be made prior to paving of Sycamore Street or they will be unable to receive those connections. We will not cut College without an act of the Board of Directors nor will we cut Sycamore after it is paved without action of the Board of Directors. If'they are doubling their area they -may get beyond the capacity they presently have. 5. Tommy Fincher: Their requirements for telephone service could easily double. Presently we are serving that with an aerial drop off Sycamore Street. It looks like we need to think about an entrance with a cable we would like to bury underground. In these situations we require the property owner to furnish usrwith a conduit to the. property line. I do not know what the power company intends to do, normally we can work together. I would like to see the floor plan of the building because we need to talk about conduit within the building as well as into the building. 6. Frank O'Donnell: They have their existing meter in the west office and it is adequate for the future expansion. However, the contractor will have to move it north to the north edge of their building on the proposed building. 7. John Parker: Mr. Parker was not present but had called the planning office and said he did not see any problems with that other than he was sure they would have to work out a :possible relocation ofyrep Qrvice on the building and ask that the contractor contact him at Sv1En,0. 57 A • y Plat Review Committee -5- October 3, 1973 8. Charles McWhorter: He was not present but had called and said that there was no problem on this. The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 P.M. 58 Bobbie Jones . 10.k-73 MEMO from.. Date ❑ City Manager ❑ Sanitation Superintendent ❑ Building Inspector ❑ Street Superintendent ❑ City Controller ❑ Water and Sewer Superintendent ❑ Fire Chief ❑ Planning ❑ Police Chief ❑ Mayor and Board ❑ City Attorney ❑ In addition to the continents given on the proposed Tyson's Hangar at the Municipal Airport, Mr. Mattke said he has also checked the Airport Zoning under the latest FAA regulation and from the information. he has been provided, which is very sketchy, there appears to be no conflict. However, he needs a detailed site location map that will enable him to determine the location of the hangar in relation to other improvements so that he can come up with co-ordinates. He stressed he has got to have specific location because he must have specific latitudional and longitudional co-ordinates to submit to the FAA. 41 • 59 •