HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-09-26 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville -Plat Review Committee Met at 1:30 P.M., Wednesday, September 26, 1973, in the Directors Room, City.Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. • • Present:, Wallace Brt,_David McWethy, Larry Wood, Bobbie Jones, Charles McWhorter. Utility Representatives Present: •Herbert. Holcomb, John R. G. Parker, Randy Schneider, Clyde Terry, Frank O'Donnell, Jack Whitting. Developers and/or Engineers present:. -Mike Watson, Jim Lindsey, Don Grissom, Danny Garrison. _ Herbert Holcomb introduced John Parker and Randy Schneider. They will.be taking !!! his place and' working with the Fayetteville distribution for SWEPCO. He said f.i that Mr. Schneider frill be assisting Mr. Parker until he is able to take over it and work with distribution himself. SAM ROBINSON, JR. . North & College The first item disehised was the proposed revisions to the Medical Building to be constructed on the East side of College Avenue between North Street and Baxter Lane: Mike Watson was present to meet with the Committee. Comments were as'foilows: • T. Wallace Brt: I Have already talked to Mr. Watson and he has agreed to cut a curb on one of the parking lots back and if he does, I see no reason why we can't get the sanitation trucks in. io t') a' 11 n ci y - 11F rl 2. David McWethy: This will eventually go to the Board of Directors. With the 0 agenda that the Board gets, we send them copies of these things. Request either a black line print we can copy on our Xerox machine or 25 copies of this. Mr. Watson promised the 25 copies. t( 2 3. Larry Wood: What happened to the right-of-way of Baxter Lane? .Was it officially waived on the first go round? Mr. Watson said they gave an additional'5 ft in the form of an easement. Mr. Wood asked about the right-of-way of North Street. Mr. Watson said there would be an 18 ft. right-of-way dedication plus an additional 4 ft. easement. He said they have tried to draw in'on this plan where the street is supposed to Le. He said the plans for that:intersection call for a 42 ft. wide street with the North line on the retaining wall on the. North Side of North Street. He said they were not sure where the 42 ft. winds up on this property. Mr. Wood asked what happened to the original lay out. Mr. Watson said the parking • structure was too expensive. 141. .Wood. said he assumed the two main openings on North Street and Baxter Lane are designed to be.a flowthrough and that the 'principal traffic would be flowing on the East side of the building. He said he had seen a lot of conflict in parking lay outs like this where people are backing out into the moving traffic. All of the parking to the East of it has to be Funneled to these points. He said he saw conflicts up.and down this flow through parking and asked how close he was on parking requirements. Mr. Watson said he had had to squeeze all the parking out of the lot he could: • 4. Clyde Terry: I have talked to Mike Watson about a 5 ft. easement on the East side of the 10 ft. easement that the highway department wants and running North and South along the East side of North College. Will the pole in the sidewalk on College be moved? Herbert Holcomb said- that SWEPCO has to have a crossover pole on the corner of North and College, either the existing one down in the sidewalk or one which he had talked to Mr. Watson about earlier. Mr. Watson said they would not lower that corner any lower than the retaining wall. 52 53 Plat Review Committee 9-26-73 -2- David Tucker suggested the utilities leave -their service as it --is until the developer gets his:grading finished: Clyde Terry said that the TV. ; cable -must remove their service from the middle of this lot before he can ,. move any of the_houses out. .This line is the main cable for the Northeast part of the City, Mr. Watson. suggested that the TV cable be temporarily, put on the pole lines on Baxter. and_ College until the houses are moved. Mr; Terry did not think there were enough poles up to do -that. He asked if the 5 ft. easement would be cut down any lower. Mr. Watson said it would only be smoothed up even with the retain; wall. -, Mr. Terry said he -thought they could go on and bury the cable permanently. Mr. Watson said there are a few old elms in there, but they did not want to keep them arwway. Mi. Terry ,.and Mr. Watson decided -to go out on the -site after the meeting and work out a_solution.. TV cable will need a 2 -inch PVC duct for cable. (from Property Line) • 5. John Parker: How high will the traffic standard at North and College be? Traffic Superintendent Perry Franklin was consulted and told the Committee the minimum.. height to the bottom of the signal would be 17 ft.; they would order 22 ft. poles, and the height to the -top of the pole would be 20 ft. ' Mr. Parker.said SWEPCO will have to -feed from: North'Street alsb. He requested a 4 -inch PVC duct from the property line and asked for a 10 ft. easement to cover the duct. Mr. Watson said the transformer location is now on the south end.of the building. Mr. Parker said SWEPCO will probably -.come down the driveway and•over:to the pad. -He asked for the easement' again and said there have apparently been some difficulties•in other areas where they did not have the easement: • 6. David Tucker:.. We will havetodeal directly with the architect and contractor. He.requested_a 4 -inch PVC pull duct from the property line.. He felt a.5 ft. easement might be enought with all utilities in the same ditch.'. 7:..:.Charles McWhorter: • Will •there be any built-in fire protection? Mr. Watson' ..said there would be standpipes. Mr. McWhorter said he would recommend 2 standpipes. He recommended- the building be sprinklered, but said he could not require'it The curb on the South -parking lot may have to be Out back in order to.:get the fire truck in and around the building.- He was told the main entrance would be on..the East and that there would•be no parking against _,the west side.of the..building, other than what will be under'the building. • 8. Frank O'Donnell: Gas Company.win serve off'Baxter Street and will work out meter locationwith the builder --the contractor will take it from'the ,property line, in any case. If the meter is to beat the building, we .will probably need a 5 ft. ROW. easement. •- 9.. Bobbie Jones:. He is going to the Board of Adjustment for some parking requirement variances. .. Jim Lindsey, Don Grissom, and Danny Final Plat of Hyland Park, Phase I. 1. Clyde Terry: Me will be in the 2.. David McWethy: Asked about a -vicinity map, but decided to copy the one from the preliminary plat in the Planning Office files. Requested black line of a size not. to, exceed 14" by 18".. Garrison were present to represent the Comments were as follows: HYLAND PARK, PHASE I Final Plat' same ditch with the telephone -company, 1 54__A i Plat Review Committee -3- 9-26-73 3. Larry Wood: No comments. 4. David Tucker: Asked about the common' property areas and whether they were going to be easements. He asked if they would be blacktopped. Mr. Lindsey said they would have a sidewalk in them. Mr. Garrison said they would belong to all the property owners in the project that in the covenants and restrictions, there are provisions for easements. The easements can be installed over the common property with the mutual agreement of the Board of Directors of the Association. Mr. Tucker said he would prefer these state utility easements as well as common property. Mr. Lindsey said he would not want to use that term on the recreation areas and swimming pool. asked that on thisplat the areasproperity Tucker er f be so designated on the plat. Mr. Garrison asked if itwould not bejust as well, it is just as legal, to have that written into the covenants that are recorded. He said this plat refers back to the covenant and restrictions that are recorded. Bobbie Jones said there might be problems with this because when the plat is put on the plat book, the City goes by what is shown on the plat and her office cannot enforce subdivision covenants. This was discussed at length. David Tucker said it would be better to settle now how all the utilities are going into the easement and common property and to have the detail of it on the plat. He said the gas company could be on one side of the sidewalk and the telephone and TV and electric could be in the same trench on the other side of the sidewalk. You will need the telephone, TV and electric on the property side of the sidewalk. Mr. Lindsey said the property owner's association will maintain the common property. 5. John Parker: Be sure the word utility easement gets in. There are some places where we will need side lot easements. He said he had basically shown • street lights at all intersections and one in between. 6. Frank O'Donnell: everything okay. 7. Jack Whitting: There is a bluff on the northeast portion of the plat, but as long as he has a 10 ft. easement on the side lot lines with 5 ft. either side of the line it is okay. 8. Charles McWhorter: Don't want any fire hydrants in this common property. Don Grissam said they would go with a 15 ft. common property with a 20 ft. utility easement (overlapping). He agreed to show a 10 ft. side lot easement centered on each lot line. Bobbie Jones said the problem with this is when one person buys two lots and wants to build his house across the center lot line. This easement could be vacated by a replat or the City Attorney has vacated some with an ordinance or some such instrument approved by the City Board. 9. Bobbie Jones: Where the plat referes to the ROW of Crossover Road (Hwy. 265), is that the new ROW or the old ROW. It should be drawn on the plat with dimensions. The Plat book shows 60 ft. ROW; 80 ft. is needed. Mr. Grissam said there is a common property and utility easement area not shown on this plat which would be included in the Phase II. The utility companies requested that it be dedicated at this time. The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 P.M. Paul Mattke and Clayton Powell were absent. Their comments received later follow this page.