HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-09-19 MinutesPresent: Bobbie Jones, Wally Brt, Paul Mattke, Clayton Powell. Utility Representatives Present: Clyde Terry, Herbert Holcomb, Jack Whitting, Frank O'Donnell, David Tucker.. Developers and/or Engineers: David & Carolyn Rose, Neal Albright, Dayton Stratton, Thomas 0. Duncan(interested third party). The first matter discussed was the proposed Preliminary Plat of Rosewood ROSEWOOD ESTATES Estates Addition, David M & Carolyn Anne Rose, Owners; Mr. & Mrs. Rose Preliminary Plat and Neal Albright, their engineer, were present to represent the plat. Mr. Albright submitted a written request for three variances: 1) Omit sidewalks; 2) Maximum length of dead-end streets; and 3) Excessive grades on street. Comments and requirements were as follows: 1. Paul Mattke: I have met with Neal Albright concerning the availability of water and sewer for this addition. He has the information to proceed with the design. There is basically no problem; it is within reasonable distance; it just needs to be extended Wand through the site by the developer. As soon as he has engineering plans prepared, I am ready to review them. When he gets his final water and sewer plans, we may need some additional right-of-way, depending on how he is going to serve it. Mr. Mattke asked for a set of other utility and drainage plans with the water and sewer plans. 2. Clayton Powell: I have already met with Neal Albright, the engineer for this project. In his letter of September 18, he has pointed out the variances required I will state that due to the low density and nature of this subdivision, I don't see any problem with waiving the maximum length for a dead end oul de sac street which is'500 ft. In this case, the 15% grade for a distance in excess of 300 ft.; again with the concrete street construction, adequate base material and storm drainage, I see no problem with the land use which is low density residential. The only times he should have heavy traffic in there is when the homes are built and people are moving in. This is where the City has run into a critical problem ---the storm drainage will have to be brought back out onto the surface of the existing streets to the North to be carried off. This will add to the rapid deterioration of those streets. As these existing streets are extended or existing subdivisions are extended, we are going to have more of this accute type problem. This points out deficencies in the past. Mr. Thomas 0. Duncan, 2749 Elizabeth, owns a lot East of the proposed development. He was present to ask some questions about drainage. He said a big portion of the run-off will come right down through his and his neighbor's property. He agreed with Mr. Powell that this is the natural course of the run-off now. Mr. Duncan said he did not object to the plat, was proud Mr. Rose was making such large lots so he would not be cutting many trees, but was concerned about the drainage. He explained how he and his neighbor had put in drain tile and concrete to try to deal with the drainage problem and that at one time water had gotten up to the foundation of his house. 46 J MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 1:30 P.M., Wednesday, September 19, • 1973, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. • • • • Plat Review Committee -2- 9-19-73 Mr. Powell added that he thought the utility people would want widen utility easements to the North and East because the City will have to carry some of the drainage out through easements instead of storm dra the full length of those existing streets (Sheryl, Oaks Manor, and others We've got to have the routes to take it. There is an existing 10 ft. easement (in other subdivisions); I would like that widened to a minimum of 20 ft., preferably 25 ft. You need 25 ft. to get in with a tractor or you can never get anything done. This is by no means approval of the street plans and profiles which the engineer has attached to the preliminary plat. He has proposed to make a divided access lane with one way in and one way out with a median for mailboxes. As far as the specific variances requested: I have no objection to the length of the dead-end or cul street and I have no objection to the grade as long as adequate base material and proper concrete construction of that portion is provided. The sidewalks is a matter for the Board of Directors to deal with; they haven't resolved final policies on sidewalks yet. • 2. Larry Wood: Mr. Wood was not present, but had called the Planning Office. He wanted more opportunity to look at the plat. He is trying to find out the ownership of property in this area. He knowsit is all cut up in difficult pieces of property to work withand wants to reserve his comments until he has checked into that. Mr. Powell interjected that he thought this would be a highly desirable residential enclave. For Mr. Rose's own benefit, he suggested he consider discontinuing the streets _ " before he gets to his property line, so that commercial traffic and traffic from other subdivisions cannot in the future be routed through there. One street does discontinue short of the property line, but the other one culs out into the adjoining property. Mr. Powell suggested terminating that street within his property. Mr. Rose said the cul de sac had been located because there was a flat area there, rather than to have the cul de sac on the slope. Mr. Rose said the property adjoining there is all owned by one man and he has no intention of doing anything about putting a through street through there. His other access is dubious because part of it belongs to someone else. Bobbie Jones added that she thought Mr. Wood would have some comments concerning taking streets through to the property lines to allow access into adjoining properties. 3. Wally Brt: Cannot get sanitation trucks up there in icy weather. Mr. Brt said, -"If we are fortunate enough to get up there, then God help us coming down!" We should be able to get up there once a week, though. 4. Clyde Terry: The telephone company has a blanket easement that will also cover us. 5. David Tucker: I have already talked to Neal Albright. We requested an easement to serve Lots 4 through 6 because we have an overhead pole line joining Ozarks Electric that will serve Lots 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, and 10. So really all we are talking about is Lots 415, 6, and 7. Mr. Tucker requested 25 ft. wide easements between Lots 2 and 3; and between Lots 6 and 7 and Lot 5. He requested a 20 ft. wide easement on the South. side of Lots 3, 4, and 5, all the way around Lot 5 to Lot 7. Mr. Rose asked if he could get by on a 20 ft. easement. Mr. Tucker said that he had asked for the 25 ft. easement because this is heavily wooded, and that if they confine him to too narrow a space he has no choice but to take out trees. If they have 47 Plat Review Committee 9-19-73 enough room, they try to work around the trees. Mr. Rose asked for his assurance they would do this and Nr. Tucker said they would try to do their best. If at some time in the future, they did not need the easement around Lots 3, 4, and 5, it might could be closed. 6. Jack Whitting: In addition to the other easements requested by the telephone company, Ozarks Electric requests a 15 ft. easement off the street right-of-way around the South cul de sac.' Mr. Rose requested that in this area the electric and telephone try to get their lines a little deeper than usual. 7. Frank O'Donnell: Arkansas Western Gas would come up between Lots 2 and 3 and dead end at the Southeast corner of Lot 7 and would come down the cul de sac part way and pick up Lot 4. We would hope to use the same easement requested by Arkansas Western Gas and would dead end somewhere across the draw. We could come down along the streets behind the curbs and serve that way, but the cost would be considerably more to the developer. 7. Bobbie Jones: Asked about street names. Mr. Rose said they would like to be able to have the addresses be No. 1 Rosewood Estates, No. 2 Rosewood Estates, etc. Paul Mattke explained that if that was done here, then it would have to be done on Others and soon you would have no numbering or naming system either. David Tucker said this would be a real problem for the Fire Department and for all utility companies when every little subdivision has a peculiar street name to it and somebody has a fire. Mr. Mattke said that Sheryl should run North and South in the subdivision. Mr. Powell said the action of the Planning Commission and Board of Directors on this subdivision will be a precedent case. He realized that Fayetteville has streets with an excess of 15% grade and very much in excess of 300 ft. According to our present policy, etc. land with grades in excess of 15% cannot be developed. Mr. Rose said his intent was to try to keep the subdivision in its natural state. Bobbie Jones requested a copy of the plat containing the signatures of the adjoining property owners before it goes to the Planning Commission and a revised copy of the plat showing the easements and any corrections he has been asked to make and that this be a black -line copy. Fire Chief McWhorter called latter and said that he did not particularly like those cul de sacs, but they are legal. He would prefer streets to connect. Next the Large Scale Development for the East 16 Animal was discussed. EAST 16 ANIMAL Dayton Stratton was present to represent this development. Comments HOSP. LSD were as follows: 1. Paul Mattke: They will tie to existing on-site water and sewer. There is no problem. 2. Wallace Brt: No problem. 3. Clayton Powell: This is just an expansion of an existing developed area. There will be no new streets. Any drainage problems that may be created by this new building will be on private property; therefore the Street Department has no problems. 4. Clyde Terry: TV cable not involved. 48� • • • Plat Review Committee - 4 - September 19, 1973 5. David Tucker: Telephone company has no problems. 6. Jack Whitting: Ozarks Electric has no problems. 7. Frank O'Donnell: Gas company has no problems. The next item for discussion was the request by the Northwest National Bank to place a temporary building on a site at 3500 North College Avenue. No one was present to represent the request. Comments were as follows: 1. Paul Mattke: Liked this location for a temporary facility much more than the one where they wanted to put it before at the southeast corner of Millsap and College Avenue. NW NAT'Z BANK temporary bldg. 2. Clayton Powell: Millsap Road exists. They have proposed to develop a 30 ft. wide street to City Street Standards (current). I am still waiting on their answer on their proposal to improve Millsap from Highway 71 to their property line. Street plans and profiles have been approved. I have no objection to the location of a mobile temporary bank. 3. David Tucker: They will have to buy and set a pole themselves for us to attach to. We will not attach to a mobile home on a long span. 4. Herbert Holcomb: How do they propose to handle parking and driving up to it? (No answer). SWEPCO can furnish electrical power off Millsap Road ---there is presently a transformer down there. The pole the tele- phone company uses could be used for electrical power. To do that, the pole would have to be in excess of 25 ft. tall above grade and ade- quately guyed. They would have to build their own meter service on the electric pole. 5. Frank O'Donnell: Gas company can probably serve them from Millsap Road. 6. Bobbie Jones: Temporary building will not meet zoning setbacks. I feel it should be processed through the Board of Adjustment for a variance. The next item was a request for a lot split, Mr. Warren West. No one was present LOT SPLII to represent the request. Comments were as follows: Warren West 1. David Tucker: I asked to review this Warren & Pauline West property and the reason for it was that I wanted to know what they are going to do with Township Road. After talking to Mr. Herbert Holcomb, I withdraw that request. If they come in with a subdivision, we would like some kind of right-of-way along the South. We are still hoping that Township Road will be opened up East some day. Herbert Holcomb: We have no objections to the waiver. We have present facilities, because of his cooperation in the past, to be able to serve the lots adequately. 3. Clyde Terry: No problem. We will join with power and telephone and will ride their poles in where necessary. 4. Clayton Powell: Feel they should follow the full procedures for it regardless of size. If it is going to be a subdivision we need to adequately administrate it and adequate administration includes going before all the boards and committees. Even though Old Wire Road is an existing paved street, it is a minor arterial street on the Major Street Plan with an 80 ft. right-of-way (49) • PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING - 5 September 19, 1973 requirement with dedication to be 40 ft. from the centerline of the existing right -of -may. As a note to the Planning Commission, please point out with all humility, that last week when they committed the City to do surveying of private property to insure that we had adequate street right-of-way, ordinances state that property owners are responsible for establishing their property lines. That is in an ordinance and if we have to go out and survey or engineer for everybody that wants a building permit, we need about 200 people in our engineering department. 5. Paul Mattke: Water is available from Old Wire Road. Sewer is available from Old Wire Road. Sewer is available from the South edge of his property. I suggest he record an easement across the back of proposed Lots 1, 2, and 3 and an easement across the remaining portion he is 'retaining, so that these lots will be able to connect to sewer. They will have to run an 31 individual sewer service for each lot or the City sewer main will have to �.; be extended to the lots and a suitable dedication of easements made. They should connect to public sewer; I think that is a must. a p 6. Frank O'Donnell: Gas service is on the opposite side of Old Wire Road and we would insist on a 10 ft. easement across the front of each of those lots back of the additional street right-of-way needed. 7. Larry Wood: Should ask for right-of-way for Old Wire Road and Township Road. 8. Charles McWhorter: Can't say that his putting 3 lots on Old Wire Road would bother us. It would be nice to have Township Road tie to Winwood. 9. Bobbie Jones: This was referred to the Plat Review because I was concerned about approving a lot split myself because of rights-of-way needed and also easements. The next item was also a request for a lot split, Mr. William B Carmichael. LOT SPLIT No one was present to represent the request. Comments were as follows: William Carmichael 1. David Tucker: No objection. 2. Herbert Holcomb: SWEPCO has no objection. He will execute the pro- posed 15 ft. easement as a private easement to us of allow us to serve him. 3. Clyde Terry: No problem on TV cable. We will join with power and tele- phone and ride their poles in where necessary. 4. Clayton Powell: Feel they should follow the full subdivision procedures for it regardless of size. If it is going to be a subdivision we need to adequately administrate it and adequate administration includes going before all the board and committees. Winwood Drive is a collector street by use (Major Street Plan designates is as residential). Highway 45 is a principal arterial requiring a 100 ft. right-of-way. In that area, we only have 50 ft. of right-of-way. We need a dedication of 50 ft. of right -of -may from the centerline of the existing right-of-way. There shouldn't be any street development connected with these lots, but the dedication of the additional right-of-way is very necessary. 5. Paul Mattke: Request that there be a 10 ft. easement, 5 ft. either side of the lot line between each lot, so if the property to the rear splits they can get in with sewer and water. It is a suggestion, not a re- quirement, that they include in the deeds a private easement to bring utilities across. 50 5� • Plat Review Committee Meeting - 6 - September 19, 1973 6. Larry Wood: Ask for right-of-way and easements. 7. Charles McWhorter: Does not affect me. 8. Bobbie Jones: This was referred to the P1arReview Committee because of the easements and right-of-way question. The next item for discussion was the Large Scale Development submitted by Pat Tobin. PAT No one was present to represent the development. Comments were as follows: TOBIN LSD 1. David Tucker: No problem. 2. Herbert Holcomb: Facilities are presently in place. We would prefer that the variance be grated because we have built to serve his other buildings. We are as close to that creek as we can get and the line is already in place. 3. Clyde Terry: We do not have TV cable facilities for that as of now. 4. Paul Mattke: He should connect this building to public sewer. He may be planning to do so; but I think it should be a requirement. If it is not to be connected to public sewer, not only should the variance not be granted, but further utilization should be prohibited. No comments on the variance requested other than that. Water service is available from Township Road. All his existing buildings are already on sewer. 5. Clayton Powell: Township Road is designated a minor arterial street. Driveway accesses ---this portion of Township Road is a State highway. He • will have to have his driveway permit and driveway tile sized by the State Highway Maintenance Office in Springdale. The parking lot should be separated from the street by curb and gutter which was not ennumerated from his last building and was not included in construction. This requirement has been imposed on other builders and developers on Township Road and we think it only fair that is be required for this building. • 6. Frank O'Donnell: Gas facilities ends about 40 ft. -East of Sublet Creek. If he desires gas service, we.will just work it out as it comes up. 7. Larry Wood: Building appears to be right on the property line. We will have trouble meeting 25 ft. side setback on that lot. The parking on his existing building is perpendicular on the plan. This one shows angular parking with circulation out of the other parking lot. He has a conflict. I think it would be better to have the parking all the same. 8. Bobbie Jones: Former City Attorney, David Malone, prepared a street deed on Mr. Tobin's property for 40 ft. from the centerline of Township Road. Ism not sure if it covers the full width of his property. A variance will be necessary from the Board of Adjustment. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 P.M.