HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-08-22 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING d The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 1:30 P.M., Wednesday, August 22, 1973, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Present: Wallace Brt, Clayton Powell, David McWethy, Paul Mattke, Bobbie Jones. Utility Representatives Present: Herbert Holcomb, Clyde Terry, Frank O'Donnell. Developers and/or Engineers Present: R. Frank Sharp, Raymond Harrel Richard Hipp, Ervan Wimberly, Chase Reid. The first matter discussed was a proposed large scale development submitted by R. Frank Sharp for Ozark Mountain Smoke House to be located on Highway 62 West. Mr. Sharp was present. Comments and requirements were as follows: plan R. FRANK SHARP OZARK MTN. SMOKE HOUSE Highway 62 W. L.S. Development 1. Wallace Brt: Suggested Mr. Sharp use a lodal garbage container. Mr. Sharp said he was planning to have an inside garbage room in the building. Mr. Brt told him he would prefer the trash container be outside the building. He can provide better sanitation service if it is outside the building. Mr. Brt also recommended the container be set on a pad. Mr. Sharp said they will have loading docks at each end of the building 2. David McWethy: Requested a black and white drawing of a size not to exceed 14" by 18" if the drawing has to be redone for any reason. Otherwise the one submitted will do for copying purposes. 3. Clayton Powell: What are Planning Office requirements on the parking lot? Bobbie Jones said it is required to be surfaced with a durable and dust free surface. There should be a ditch along Smoke House Trail. The parking lot should be separated from the street by either a barrow ditch or by a curb and gutter. Designate driveway areas for people to pull in and out of rather than allowing them to pull in anywhere. Smoke House Trail is an existing dedicated gravel street. There should be a ditch on both sides of the road; if there isn't one there, you might have to open one up. You are limited to driveways 40 ft. wide with a minimum of 25 ft. separation. If Smoke House Trail has less than a 50 ft. ROW, we might require additional ROW. Mr. Sharp said he thought he had dedicated 50 ft. to the County for a road. 4. Herbert Holcomb. SWEPCO has adequate 3-phase power available on Smoke House Road. We are in agreement with him to rebuild some of our facilities in the area. Any adjustment we will work out with him. 5. Clyde Terry: Do you want TV cable in the proposed building? Mr. Sharp did not. Mr. Terry said his company would not be involved. However, if in the future they decide they do want TV cable, he felt there would be some way they could serve them. 6. Frank O'Donnell: Natural gas service is in the area now and Mr. O'Donnell did not know of any problems. 7. Bobbie Jones: Loading berths should be 50 ft. from other A or R zoned property. We would like to have driveways defined. Parking area and loading berths are to be surfaced with durable and dustless surface. No backing out into streets from parking or loading areas. 38A4 • • • Plat Review Committee -2- 8-22-73 8. Paul Mattke: Water is available from Highway 62 and from Smoke House. Trail; the line on Smoke House Trail will have less of a supply. If you need a great deal of water, you need to connect to the line on Highway 62. If your comsumption will not increase over your present requirements, the line in Smoke House Trail will be sufficient. You will probably need a pressure regulator. There is a proposed sewer line along Highway 62. We are in hopes to get it started this fall and should be completed within a year or 2 years. Your area is fairly complex, and it will be fairly later before it is completed. We do not expect to be able to provide you with sewer service before 14 years from this November and this is merely an estimate. The Committee reviewed with Raymond Marre, Architect, and Attorney Richard Hipp the large scale development plan submitted by James E. Holder for property on North College Avenue. Mr. Holder proposes to build a store for OTASCO. Comments and requirements were as follows: JAMES E. HOLDER OTASCO N. College Ave. L.S.Development 1. Wallace Brt: Mr. Brt and Mr. Marre discussed a location for the trash container. Mr. Marre said it could be set just South of the receiving door. Mr. Brt said he assumed they would have quite a lot of corrugated cardboard. He suggested they consider a static compactor. The Sanitation Department can handle this location with a lodal container if they break their boxes down. He recommended the lodal container have some sort of pad to set on. 2. David McWethy: Requested a vicinity map purposes. The one presented is adequate As far as the plans, I feel the Board of this. Requested a copy of the site plan on a black line print. on black and white for reproduction if nothing better is available. Directors would like to see in a size not to exceed 14" X 18" 3. Clayton Powell: I made the statement last week when you were not present that I felt that Lee Avenue should be developed. Maybe I can be further enlightened, but Lee Avenue is an existing dedicated on paper only. If you plan any use to the back of the building as far as freight trucks and so forth and if, as indicated, the property is under the same ownership, the way developers have done in the past in this town is to plat streets and subdivisions and develop so far and then stop. This is what happened to Lee Street North of Bertha. They developed Bertha and part of Lee and stopped. We would have to safeguard our City street standards and since this undoubtedly will be rezoned commercial, if it hasn't already. We can't close Lee Avenue because there are three residential lots on the East side of it; therefore, I'm going to have to request that Lee Street be developed from Bertha to the North property line. (David McWethy asked if this is a request or a requirement.) Mr. Powell said it is a requirement. Mr. Marre said the only property they will be using is the portion fronting on Highway 71. Mr. Powell said that is true, but then they have eliminated the three lots on the West side of Lee Avenue by the commercial development and this leaves the City with a gravel street to serve three lots on a street we can't close. If the same property owner owned the property on the East side of Lee Street, possibly they would cooperate or participate in the cost of the construction. Lee North of Bertha has not been accepted as a gravel street; we just accepted the dedication only. This is how we have inherited 44 miles of gravel streets in this town. Mr. Powell suggested that Mr. Holder participate 39 Plat Review Committee -3- 8-22-73 (G0 in the development of Lee Street North of Bertha and to the end of the street. This is a dead end street with an open driveway alongside Wyatt's Cafeteria; but techinically the street should terminate in a cul de sac, and then if any property owners in the area want to have a driveway from the cul de sac into the lot adjoining. Mr Marre said he already had permission to make the cut in the curb between the parking lots for the proposed OTASCO store and the existing Gibson's-Wyatt's parking lot. Mr. Powell insisted that Lee Avenue be developed. Richard Hipp said he felt sure Mr. Holder would agree to closing Lee Avenue. Mr. Powell said that unless the zoning is changed this cannot be done or you will have 3 residentially zoned lots without frontage on a street. Mr. Hipp said he felt that in the future Mr. Holder would want those 3 lots rezoned. It was pointed out that the area for development does not include those 3 lots but they are just shown because they are under the same ownership. Also to close Lee Street would cut the three lots on the East side of the street off from any street frontage. Mr. Marre said they have no intention to use the 3 platted lots at all ---all the freight will arrive from the front on College Avenue. Mr. Powell said that in this case he would agree with the representative of the property owner that we have to barricade Lee Avenue to prevent further access through there and to prevent public requests for maintenance of Lee Street by the City Street Department. Paul Mattke suggested a screen be erected between this development and the three platted lots. Bobbie Jones said there is nothing in the zoning ordinance to require a screen. Mr. Powell said he would rather barricade Lee Avenue as to require a screen. The screen would be fine but would not solve the Street Department problem. He had graveled and bladed the street once. Mr. Powell said he had asked for a service or frontage road from Millsap Road to Rolling Hills Drive but did not get any support and he was afraid other City officials will regret not requiring the service road. Mr Marre said he has contacted Dale Kendall with the Arkansas Highway Department concerning the driveway onto College. Mr. Powell asked that on the parking lot drainage it be controlled and tied into the drop inlets on College. 4. Herbert Holcomb: Have 3-phase power available from two directions. Looking at the total development, you have got a 5 -ft. easement down along what I call the Maple Crest development at the North end of the property. We have done our work across the front and it looks like the driveways have missed it and we would desire not to have to do any more relocation here for even the total development as it goes along. Then looking at the possibility of this future addition and the probable request for power in the rear of this building you don't have adequate easement to get by it even with an underground situation. We have a 3-phase line that comes up off Harold Street and it is coming right in ---it is on the Wheeler property now- —and it feeds the fire station, that's is 120-208 voltage at the present. We contacted Jim Bob Wheeler to see if he would let us go across his 80 ft. We have a single-phase line on the West side of Lee Street that serves a house on Lot 4 on the Northeast corner of that lot which is the Southeast corner of Mr. Holder's Lot 3. We are also about 80 ft. from the property just off Lot 5. If we could extend that 3-phase line coming off Harold Street then we could come in right on the rear lot line of this development. That would give rear lot service for all of this. Mr. Wheeler will not sign an easement. He owns Lot 5 and he doesn't want to cut himself off from 40_4 r • Plat Review Committee -4- 8-22-73 getting out to Lee Street although Lot 5 is zoned R-1. He would hope that it would go commercial along with this other. We would Tike to_ have a 10 -ft. easement we could file across the back of this development so we could serve those 4 Tots on Lee Street if they ever got out of Mr. Holder's control If this line became closed, which it could, if at the same time I recorded a 10 ft. easement along the South edge of Lot 3, I can get back to that same point. I can take a chance with'Jim Bob Wheeler if I've got the alternate route on Lot 3. Also, this would remove the necessity of having pole lines along College Avenue. Mr. Marre promised to ask Mr. Holder to give the 10 ft. easement along the East side of the property for development and along the South side of Lot 3. If Mr. Holder can get Mr. Wheeler to give him a 10 ft. easement across his property, the 10 ft. easement on Lot 3 will not be needed. 5. Clyde Terry: We have cable between Bertha and Harold and if we can get the 10 ft. easement on the South side of Lot 3 and across the back of the property for development, we can come in from the Southeast. Otherwise, we will have to come in from Highway 71 North and the 5 ft. easement will not be enough. We need a minimum of 10 ft. if we have to go that way. 6. Paul Mattke: The water line is under a parking lot between Lee Street and College Avenue and would be difficult to tap. They would need to go to College Avenue or Lee Street for service and furnish *obtain the necessary easements. Sewer is available from Lee Street. An easement needs to be recorded so that in the future if those lots are sold, they are protected. Floor elevations need to be checked to be sure you have enough grade to get into the sewer. I strongly recommend connection to the public sewer system. Could the building be moved South so it is 10 ft. off the North property line? You will have high water pressure and will want to put in a pressure regulator. 7. Frank O'Donnell: Arkansas Western Gas Company has the same problem as SWEPCO. We need an easement to correspond with his. We need to get to the Southwest corner of Lot 1. 8. Bobbie Jones: What is area of sign face? Mr. Marre said they can meet the square footage maximum of 75 sq. ft. and will set it back 40 ft. or whatever is required. Also the wall sign extends 1 ft. above the roof line. The ordinance calls for it not to exceed the height of the wall upon which it is mounted. Mr. Marre said they will comply with the regulations if they have to do so. Mr. Terry said he could not speak for the Telephone Company, but that he suspected they would have to bring service in from Highway 71. Mr. Hipp agreed to prepare the necessary easements for Mr. Holder to sign. The next matter was the proposed Final Plat of Winwood II, a WINWOOD II SUB. subdivision being developed by Fayetteville Land Company, Mildred Final Plat, Phase I Winborn, President. Ervan Wimberly and Chase Reid from McClelland Engineers were present to discuss the proposal. Comments and requirements were as follows: 1. Herbert Holcomh: Need additional easements. I have given them a copy of the plat with the additional easements needed marked on it. 2. David McWethy: Want a black line of the finished product and a vicinity map. 3. Clayton Powell: I think it is wonderful I have covered everything in 41 Plat Review Committee 8-22-73 qZ in my comments (letters) on the plans and profiles for streets and drainage. If there are any questions, look at my notes. Whoever gets -Lot 28 (Block 1) will have a real problem building on it. Mr. Wimberly said he thought Mr. Winborn would like to give it to the City as a park site sometime - 4. Clyde Terry: Need 15 ft. easement centered between Lots 21 and 22, Block 1. (Ervan Wimberly said that Mr. Holcomb had requested a 10 ft. easement along the entire East side of Block 1 and an additional 10 ft. easement between Lots 25 and 26, Block 1 and between Lots 24 and 27, Block 1 and between Lots 3 and 4, Block 2.) 5. Paul Mattke: Will the street leading to the North off Overcrest intersect with the private drive coming out of Winwood? What will happen to the private drive? Mr. Wimberly did not know. Mr. Mattke said he could not sign the plat in its present form. They must either have the improvements of streets, drainage, water and sewer completed or reword the signature block for him. He could not check the plat because he did not have the as-builts. If anything is wrong after the as-builts are received, the developer will have to bear the cost of correcting the plat. 6. Frank O'Donnell: Could we put gas lines down the two streets and stub service lines across behind the curb? Discussed. Mr. O'Donnell said they would work with them to get gas service in the most feasible way. 7. Bobbie Jones: Adjoining street rights-of-way and adjoining off-site utility easements should be shown. Some discussion was devoted to the proposed street names and the confusion that might be created to the utility companies. The next matter reviewed was a large scale development plan submitted SAM TAYLOR by Sam Taylor to construct a dwelling on Stone Bridge Road. The land Stone Bridge Rd. is question is more than one acre. Mr. Taylor was not present. Comments L.S.Development and requirements were as follows: 1. Clayton Powell: The plat book does not contain a dedicated street right- of-way. There will have to be a minimum of 50 ft. The two driveways are limited to 24 ft. in width with a minimum separation of 25 ft. A 24 -inch tile to underdrain the driveways will be required 2. Clyde Terry: There is no TV cable available and it will be quite some time before it is available. 3. Paul Mattke: I am not quite sure where the end of the 24 -inch water line is in relation to this property. If we can get to him we will be happy �£o serve him. There is no sewer at this time, but we are designing a sewer which we will try to consider serving this property from, but it may not be feasible. 4.;Frank O'Donnell: Natural gas lines are at least 1000 ft. from them, so for all practical purposes, natural gas service is not available. 5. Bobbie Jones: If sewer is not available, arpermit for a septic tank system must be obtained from the County Sanitarian: The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 R.M. 4�