HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-08-07 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING (J The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 1:30 P.M., August 7, 1973, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. a Present: David McWethy, Bobbie Jones, Wallace Brt, Paul Mattke, �I� Charles McWhorter, 2 Utilities Representatives Present: David Tucker, Herbert Holcomb, Frank O'Donnell s. Developers and/or Engineers Present: Lloyd Hobbs, J. E. McClelland, James Lindsey The first matter discussed was the Large Scale Development plan for the 140 bed nursing home to be constructed on Old Missouri Road by Paul Young, Inc. Lloyd Hobbs was present to represent the Large Scale Development plan. Comments and requirements were as follows: 1. Wallace Brt: It does not matter whether you use cans or a container, but I would suggest a load -all container as it would be far better. Mr. Brt and Mr. Hobbs discussed a location for the container. Mr. Brt said that he needed an 8 ft. x 8 ft. pad. He suggested a concrete pad to set the container on. He said that the concrete would last much longer than asphalt. If they prefer to use cans they should use pre -molded holders and a pipe railing around the cans. Mr. Hobbs told Mr. Brt that they would probably use a °dumpsterll. 2. David McWethy: Requested a site -location map prepared with black lines and with a size no larger than 14 inches x 18 inches sometime after the final plan is prepared so that this can be copied and distributed to the Planning Commission_and Board of Directors. In the past, they have indicated their preferance to table it until they can get adequate maps. 3. David Tucker: Mr. Tucker asked if they would have room tele- phones in each room and Mr. Hobbs said that they would not. Mr. Tucker suggested that Mr. Hobbs check to see if there would be any rooms with telephones in them because they might have some clients that would room telephones. He asked that Mr. Hobbs provide him with a copy of the plans as soon as the basic floor plans are ready. Mr. Hobbs told him that they would be using the same identical plan 4as. the nursing home recently built in Rogers. Mr. Tucker requested a 2 inch conduit stubbed out of the equipment room under the building, then the telephone company would serve from there. He added that they would work with them on the individual telephone service. 73 PAUL YOUNG, INC. Old Missouri Rd. L.S.Development 4. Herbert Holcomb: SWEPCO has adequate three phase power along Old Missouri Road, the customer is providing right-of-way for the future street which is adequate. We will cooperate with him on either underground or overhead at the location he has indicated on his plans. 5. Charles McWhorter: Will this street be open now or after the building is built? Mr. Hobbs indicated that it would be opened back to the rear entrance.by the time the building is built. 33 Plat Review Committee Meeting - 2 August 7, 1973 Mr. McWhorter requested that there be no parking around the covered drive shown on the plans. He recommended that the building be sprinkled. 6. Paul Mattke: For high value, the area coverage on the existing hydrants is not adequate. This will result in a high insurance cost for the owner of the building. I do not know what you can do to improve it short of extending the water line over to inter- connect with the 36 inch line coming from Beaver. If this is done, this would give adequate fire flows and would give us something to then install hydrants on and give better hydrant:: spacing. As this is a proposed street I request that the water and sewer facilities to serve the area east and north should be provided at this time so we won't have to dig the street up in the future. I would think that the property owner of the balance of that property would be interested. If you did decide to do this, I would like to see the lines sized sufficiently to take care of future growth. What is this reserved area for? Mr. Hobbs said that the reserved area is simply land which they do not need now. He thought that there was a street along the south line of it. Mr. Mattke said that he thought this was a private drive belonging to the school, and that if there should be a street through there, that 150 ft. depth would be very difficult to something with. He added that they would need a pressure reducer on the water line. The connec- tion with the Beaver line, which Mr. Mattke had recommended earlier, he said would not really benefit the property to the east as much as it would benefit this property, because the property to the east already has a transmission line through it. Mr. Mattke suggested that in accepting the street the City make a stipulation that there were to be no lot splits along that street uhtil water and sewer services are provided. He said the plan, as drawn, does not cover the proposed street, and that plans and profiles for the sewer line have to be approved by himself and the. State Board of Health before construction can begin. Mr. Hobbs said that this would not cost him one penny more for insurance if he did not put the water line in. 7. Frank O'Donnell: No problem with gas service. We will need to get with you and check your load for meter size. 8. Bobbie Jones: The location for the trash container cannot take up any of the required parking spaces. Some of the parking spaces are located too close to the proposed street. Only the Board of Adjustment can vary the parking spaces required. J. E. McClelland was present to discuss with the Plat Review Committee the proposed plans for improvements in the City Park areas. Comments were as follows: 1. David McWethy: Are these structures designed by an Arkansas Registered Architect? Mr. McClelland said that they are not. David McWethy said that he would like to access to the originals so that he could make the copies he needed or have this on a black line of some sort. He asked about waste receptacles for Happy Hollow School and the Veterans Administration 1, CITY PARKS IMPROVEMENTS 34 J Plat Review Committee Meeting August 7, 1973 - 3 - 35 and asked if the picnic tables, chairs, and benches would be made out of concrete. Mr. McClelland said that they will be. Mr. David McWethy said that it was discussed that perhaps the. West Campus shop class could make the picnic tables, etc. out of redwood. 2. Wallace Brt: What type trash containers are proposed? Mr. McClelland said that it would simply be big barrels with covers on them. Mr. Brt said that by no means would he want any 50 gallon barrels and nothing any larger than 32 gallonssize. He said he would rather set load -all containers. He said that even a 6 year old child could put trash in either a 3 yard or 4 yard container. Mr. Brt said that he thought Shirley Thornsberry, Buildings and Grounds Superintendent, would be happier with 30 gallon containers. His men could empty into the load -all, then the Sanitation Department would empty the load -all. Mr. Brt said that his men would not go in with both trucks. David Mewethy asked if the schools did not already have load-alls, and was told that they do but there is no way that the parks system could use the same ones. The parks load -all containers could be set with the schools load -all containers, however, Mr. McClelland asked if this could not be handled internally. Mr. Brt continued to say that he did not want any underground containers, and if cans are used, they should be set in premolded containers. 3. David Tucker: The telephone company doesn't really have anything to do with these unless there is a chance that they want a pay telephone at some of the parks. On the Asbell parking area we have a pretty good size buried cable on the west side of Lewis Avenue. Be careful digging there. 4. Herbert Holcomb: With the exception of Asbell there are no power requirements. We have power available there and have already worked everything out with McClelland. We may have to set an additional pole. 5. Charles McWhorter: No comments or problems. 6. Paul Mattke: Water and sewer are available for Asbell; or Jefferson if they decide they want it; water is available for the Veterans Administration parks, but it is rather doubtful that sewer is available; water and sewer are available in the Happy Hollow Area it would have to run alittle ways to get to it; at Root School water is available on Highway 45 where we are at the east edge of the property; water and sewer are available for Butterfield School park; water and sewer available for the Hight.School. Mr. Mattke said that he wondered if they would not be coming back in the future to add water and sanitary facilities around the picnic areas. David Tucker asked if these would be for use by the schools only or for the general public. Mr. "McClelland said that the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation requires that these be available to the general public. David McWethy said that when these are developed and the others in progress are completed, Fayetteville will have 13 City parks In terms of facilities, geographic distribusion we will have the best park system in the state. 7. Frank O'Donnell: Mr. McClelland told Mr. O'Donnell that at Bates he needs to get the gas company approval of some screening that the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation requires around the meter enclosure. 35 • • • Plat Review Committee Meeting - 4 - August 7, 1973 Jim Lindsey was present tocreview the progress he is making on his Planned Unit Development in Hyland Park Subdivision. Comments were as follows: 1. Wallace Brt• The dwelling units will probably be served by cans. Get the pre -cast concrete pads for the cans, I think this is almost a necessity. It prevents cans from being turned over. You could have two per unit. On the recreation part of it, I would like a container placed there. Mr. Lindsey said that the future recreation would be a swimming pool and tennis courts. Mr. Brt said that a load -all container would not be necessary for the recreation unit but he would like to see the pre -cast holders there also if they did not use the container. 2. David McWethy: Before final plat stage Iu request: a plat and vicinity map in black line. 3. David Tucker: I never have gotten the answer to the problem about serving these units. We will have to work out whether it would be individual service or common service with some kind of legal document. I do not see any problems on it. We were talking about wiring through one man's house into another man's house. We might end up in a central point outside with a conduit into each apart- ment. 4. Herbert Holcomb: SWEPCO might have the same problem. The company would prefer we go to one pedestal with a separate meter on each one and come to the pedestal. Do you have any objection to giving a blanket easement over all of this? Mr. Lindsey said that he did not think there would be any objections. It was agreed that they would have to work together on the easements. 5. Charles McWhorter: I hope by the time he gets this project going we will be closer. I understand that he is working with Paul Mattke on spacing the fire hydrants. We will have fire protection available. 6. Paul Mattke: I am in the process of reviewing water and sewer facilities. The outside plans have already been reviewed and are under construction. There is no problem with utilities. We need to work with him the same as:ithe telephone company on the metering. We can either individual meter or bulk meter. Mr. Lindsey said that he wanted individual metering. We have to work with you on additional water and sewer lineseasements. 7. Frank O'Donnell: His comments duplicated those of the other utility companies, as to the servicing and metering services. 8. Bobbie Jones: In the required front setback, nothing is permitted to grow which materially impedes vision between the height of 30 inches and 10 ft. Parking areas with 3 or more spaces must be-' marked off or allow room for turning around on the property. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 P.M. 310 HYLAND PARK PUD 36