HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-07-18 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMIT1tt MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 1:45 P.M., Wednesday, July 18, 1973, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Present: Bobbie Jones, Wallace Brt, Clayton Powell, Charles McWhorter. Utility Representatives Present: Frank O'Donnell 7David Tucker. Developers and/or Engineers: Kirk McClelland, J. E. McClelland. For discussion today was a proposed restaurant to be called "GRANDMA'S" submitted by Kirk McClelland and to be located on the West side of Johnson Road on the former Mack S. Young property. Kirk McClelland and J. E. McClelland were present;to discuss the proposal. Comments were as follows: 3/ GRANDMA'S STEAKHOUSE Johnson Road L. S. Development 1. Frank O'Donnell: This is a negotiation type thing. We are a long way from available services, but we have been in contact with Mr. McClelland. 2. Herbert Holcomb: (Not present, but left phone message). In view of the request for development at this time, we have adequate power as it exists. 3. Clayton Powell' The 60 ft. shown on the South side will be okay. I think the zoning ordinance will require it to abut a public street or have public street access. If the access into the property (on the North) is a public street, it will have to meet the full street standards ---50 ft. in ROW, etc. You will need an intersection permit from Dale Kendall with the Arkansas State Highway Department in Springdale. We cannot accept a low water bridge on a public street. The parking area will have to be separated from the street by a curb and gutter. Since the ''terrain slopes to the creek, your drainage will go that way. Design parking area so it will drain. Zoning ordinance requires parking area be dust free. Design parking area so it does not drain out into the street. Need 30 ft. minimum radius on street intersections. May have additional comments after I see the street plans and profiles. J. E. McClelland asked about the fact that although there is frontage up here onto the Johnson Road, there is a railroad separating it. Mr. Powell said that since the property is separated from the Johnson Road by the railroad track you would have to contact George Allison, local Road Master for the Frisco Railroad, whether it is a private or public crossing. Mr. McClelland said they had been trying to procure a location which has a restful, pleasing, natural atmosphere with plenty of trees around an older house. With that idea in mind and because the road on the North does not go anywhere, they would like to not have to pave it so that the natural, pastoral atmosphere can be maintained. Mr. Powell said that the dust that would be created would draw complaints from customers as well as the proprietor. Mr. Powell warned of the possibility of water undercutting around the bridge. Mr. Powell said that if it is approved to have a public street with the atmosphere described and unpaved as desired by Mr. McClelland, he would like for this to be covered in a contract, approved by the Planning Commission Board of Adjustment and Board of Directors, and with the owners that if it should be permitted to be a gravel street (public), that if any change in 3� • Plat Review Committee 7-18-73 -2- 2 2 - land land use, ownership, further development of this tract, or things of this nature developed that it would have to be improved. He would also like to have it understood that if there is to be arty oiling or dust control of this road, it would be at the proprietor's expense. He would rather see it remain as a private road to be maintained by the owners, if it could clear zoning that way. 4. Wallace Brt: It is a necessity that this road, whether private or public, meet the County requirements for width for me to get in and pick up sanitation. Request you get a lodal container. Design radius on service driveway so I can get in and out. No overhead wires where the container will be located. Need a.concrete pad to set the container on. This truck requires a 70 ft. turning radius. 5. Charles McWhorter: Any road you can fix that will handle the sanitation truck will also handle our fire trucks. Would like to see a fire hydrant on the West side of the railroad track. If you can get a fire plug on the West side of Johnson Road and it is within 1000 ft., we can reach it, but your insurance rates will be higher. If something else will be built on the rest of the property in the future, something will have to be developed in addition to this. 6. David Tucker: Asked what type telephone service they wanted? One pay phone, 2 business lines, fire alarm, and burglar alarm ---no Muzak. A cable will have to be run over there. Will want to have an underground cable. Stub out a 12 inch conduit from the building. Southwestern Bell will prepare the easement needed to cover the cable and it can be written to cover TV cable and electrical services also. Mr. Tucker gave a cost figure for all three services going in the same trench. David Tucker said there is a $100.00 per utility fee for crossing railroad right- of-way. If it is a public street crossing railroad right-of-way with utility lines in it, there is no charge. In view of this and other comments made earlier, J. E. McClelland proposed to bring a street stub across the railroad right-of-way and build a cul de sac. The private drive would then lead off the cul de sac. This would also give a street that could have a street name identifiable with the restaurant, which Kirk McClelland had requested. He said they`.hoped'to call the street the "Over the Hills and Through the Woods Road." Their second choice which they really did not like was "Red Riding Road." Everyone present expressed their approval of having the street stub and cul de sac cross the railroad. 7. Bobbie Jones: If the road along the North is to be a public street, the parking will have to be set back 25 ft. from the right-of-way. If it remains private property, the parking will have to be set back 5 ft. from adjoining residential property and screened or 20 ft. without screening. If it is a public street, the parking will have to be screened even with the 25 ft. setback. The proposed sign will have to be 40 ft. from street right-of-way, 75 sq. ft. maximum size, 30 ft. maximum height. Only one ground sign is permitted on this entire property. The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 P.M.