HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-07-11 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING 23 The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 1:30 P.M:, Wednesday, July 11, 1973, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Present: Wallace Brt, Bobbie Jones, Clayton Powell, Larry Wood. Utility Representatives Present: David Tucker, Herbert Holcomb, Jack Whitting, Frank O'Donnell. Developers and/or Engineers: Mark Gentry, Dayton Stratton, Bryce Davis, Albert Green and other representatives of the University Baptist Church, Don Purvis, Jim Hatfield, David Malone, Harry Gray. The first item discussed was a large scale development plan submitted on TRINITY TEMPLE behalf of Trinity Temple Church, 1100 Rolling Hills Drive. The proposal 1100 Rolling Hills was represented by Mark Gentry. Comments were as follows: L.S.Development 1. Wallace Brt: They are presently served with 32 gal. trash containers. If they wish to change to a "lodal" container they should get in touch with me. 2. Clayton Powell: There is no storm drainage on Rolling Hills Drive and there is nothing you can do about it but let it fall. You might establish a grade on your driveway so it is lower on one point or the other to keep water from pooling in the middle of the driveway. You will need a curb cut permit for the proposed driveway. 3. Larry Wood: No comments. 4. David Tucker: I believe we have a telephone cable along the East side inside the subdivision to the East of you Will you leave your existing offices where they are? Mr. Gentry said they would retain the present offices and would also be building more offices. They probably would just add phones to those that are there rather than pulling the phones now in. Mr. Tucker said that with a masonry structure, the telephone company would need to talk to their architect and will probably need some kind of conduit. 5. Jack Whitting: Asked who will do the electrical work, but Mr. Gentry did not know yet. Mr. Whitting said they would probably want to come over into the vicinity of the new building with some underground and probably serve this with a pad mount to serve the entire complex. Ozarks Electric has got overhead back on the East property line which goes underground in back of the chapel. Whenever we get their load, we will know more about it. We need to get the primary closer to the load center. 6. Frank O'Donnell: Gas service to the East of you now. We probably will have to up -grade the service in some way. We need to work with the general contractor prior even to the plumbers submitting bids so they will know what they are talking about in bids. Mr. Gentry said they plan to begin construction in mid-August. Mr. O'Donnell asked that the general contractor contact the Gas Company before the plumbers start picking up bids. 7. Bobbie Jones: The Planning Office review has not been finished yet and Paul Mattke, Water & Sewer Superintendent, is not present. We need to know the square footage of the auditorium in order to figure the parking requirements. 23,A L_ Plat Review Committee 7-11-73 -2- Mr. Gentry said they were trying to work something out so they could use part of the property owned by C & W Manhattan Associates where K -Mart is and part of the Union Fidelity property between the church and the theatre building for parking. Mrs. Jones told them that any off-site parking must be approved by the Planning Commission and a letter agreeing to the use of the off-site parking by the property owner has been required in the past. As soon as the Planning Office review is completed and Paul Mattke's comments are received, this information will be forwarded to Trinity Temple. Dayton Stratton, Contractor was present to represent a large scale development plan submitted by Judge Maupin Cummings. The property for development is on the North side of Highway 62 West between Eastern Avenue and Lewis Avenue. MAUPIN CUMMINGS Comments were as follows: Highway 62 W. L.S. Development 1. Wallace Brt: How will we get to those docks off Eastern Avenue. If he wants to set a container in there, then we are in trouble. There is no way I can get that "mother truck" in there. I can get a pak-mor in there. If he desires to go with a lodal container, he must provide the necessary space for it and allow maneuvering room for the mother truck. We would like a concrete pad for it to sit on. 2. Clayton Powell: First of all we have additional right-of-way requirements. Lewis Avenue presently has 40 ft. and so does Eastern Avenue. We need 5 ft. on the East side of Lewis and 5 ft. on the West side of Eastern. State Highway 62 has 70 ft. and needs 80 ft. We request 5 ft. dedication on the North side of Highway 62 to meet the Major Street Plan. Mr. Stratton asked how a 5 ft. dedication along the North side of Highway 62 would affect the building setback. Bobbie Jones told him this 5 ft. was included in the required setback. The setback is 55 ft. without the dedication and 50 ft. with the dedication. The driveway requirements require a 50 ft. setback from intersection to driveway which means the driveway (the first one) on Lewis Street does not conform. It will have to be set back 50 ft. It is not quite clear whether this drive is intended to go all the way across from Lewis to Eastern. The plat book shows the existing building right on Eastern Avenue and about 5 ft. from Highway 62. If that drive is intended to be a through drive, then neither of those can be permitted. Lewis Avenue is possibly in an improvement district; those property owners have been contacted and on the initial petition we did have a sufficient number of signatures to enter into the engineering and estimate phase. The second drive North on Lewis, if a tile is not in place there, we will have to have a 15 inch tile for the barrow ditch. Since this is considered commercial activity, the maximum driveway width will be 40 ft. I would not be opposed to closing this unopened alley on the North if it is needed to meet some driveway setback requirements and also the right-of-way dedication for Highway 62. 3. Larry Wood: Suggested bringing one driveway in off Highway 62 and eliminate the first one off Lewis. He and Mr. Stratton thought this might also give a better parking lay out. Mr. Powell reminded Mr. Stratton that any driveway off Highway 62 would require a permit from the State Highway Department office in Springdale. 24 Plat Review Committee 7-11-73 -3- 25 4. Herbert Holcomb: SWEPCO has 3-phase or single-phase power available either at the NE corner of Lot 7 or the NW corner of Lot 12. Since he owns all the way through there, we can probably get the power up through the unopened alley. We would like to have our representative call on Mr. Stratton for additional information. I would not be opposed to closing the alley, but would like it subject to retaining all utility priviledges. 5. David Tucker: Asked if they knew where the water and sewer lines are. They did not. Mr. Tucker said the main toll EAS trunk cable goes down the West side of Lewis Avenue to Highway 62 on the South side, then continues West. If there is any excavation in this area, please contact us first. There is also a main telephone cable to Prairie Grove Telephone Company here. Telephone service to this building would in all probability come in the same way as electrical service. It is on the same pole line on Eastern Avenue as the power company is. 6. Frank O'Donnell: The Gas Company has a similar problem with gas lines along the West side of Eastern Avenue and along the North side of Highway 62 West. Give us a call before digging. We can work out service with you as you go along. 6. -.Bobbie Jones. Paul Mattke's comments will be forwarded as soon as received. He is not expected back in his office before July 16. We will have to check parking if it is redesigned. The proposed large scale development plan for the University Baptist UNIVERSITY BAPTIST Church on Lafayette Street was discussed next. Bryce Davis, Albert Green, CHURCH and other representatives of the Church were present. Comments were as Lafayette St. follows: L.S. Development 1. Wallace Brt: I am sure they will stay with cans on their sanitation service. This is fine with me, but if they do wish to change, I would like a pad to be built for the containers to sit on and plenty of room to get in and serve. it. They would probably have to eliminate 2 or 3 parking spaces to use a lodal. 2. Clayton Powell: Both Maple and Lafayette Streets are collectors. We would like a 5 ft. right-of-way dedication on Lafayette; 10 ft. on Maple; and would prefer 20 ft. on Maple to take out the severe jog on the intersection. That would eliminate one complete row of parking. We need 10 ft. of additional right-of-way on Vandeventer. If all the 10 ft. were dedicated on the East side, it would better align the street with the segment on the North side of Maple. There has been some discussion about a trade off to eliminate the bad corner on Maple in return for closing Vandeventer. I cannot arbitrarily do that. You would have to submit a petition to close it which would require the signatures of the other property owners on Vandeventer. If we had that 20 ft. on the South side of Maple, it would go a long way toward straightening out that jog. City Attorney David Malone said that if the Church is interested in closing Vandeventer and would be willing to dedicate some right-of-way on Maple, he would be glad to help get the petition together. Mr. Green said most of those present were interested, but it would have to be taken to the Board of Deacons before a decision could be reached. 25A • • Plat Review Committee 7-u-73 -4- Mr. Powell said they should keep all retaining walls 2 ft. inside their property lines. In their new parking lot construction and paving they should establish a grade to control drainage and funnel it toward the nearest storm drainage on the streets. If they do make the trade mentioned earlier, that would eliminate the first driveway on the East side of Vandeventer off Maple. Bryce Davis asked why they have to have the parking set back 25 ft. from the street for church parking on Sunday. Mr. Powell said he himself would be willing to vary that if the Church will go before the Board of Adjustment and get them to approve a variance, but he did not have the authority to vary it himself. **Further comments below. 3. Larry Wood: No comments. 4. Herbert Holcomb: If they close Vandeventer, we would like to retain utility rights on the existing street. We could eliminate distribution as the property is used by the church. We do have major power available on all three streets. They are now served off Vandeventer and Lafayette Streets. If this expansion takes place, we need to discuss with the Church the possibility of centralizing power service and going to a central meter. We are on the North side of your property along the South side of Maple. We would have to retain that pole line. **In further discussion about trying to straighten out Maple Street, Clayton Powell said that some adjustment might be given in right-of-way on Vandeventer even if Vandeventer cannot be closed since they do own property on both sides of the street. City Attorney David Malone said that 20 ft. is needed at the intersection of Vandeventer and Maple and tapering down to 10 ft. about half way across the Church's property with 10 ft. on to.the Church's East property line. 5. David Tucker: The telephone company has spent about 30 years building around this corner on Maple and Vandeventer and straightening out that corner will be a major problem for us. I cannot make any commitments on it, period. As far as our closing Vandeventer Street, I would like a letter as soon as possible and would have to have the commitment from someone else. There would be some easement requirements that would basically be in a straight line on the North side of your property from the East property line to the west property line to line up with Maple Street on the West. side if this is worked out. I do not know whether it would be underground or overhead. On Vandeventer, we have facilities that feed several houses. As soon as it is no longer required, we would go in and take our portion down because it is old and in bad shape. 6. Frank O'Donnell: The Gas Company would need to retain an easement on Vandeventer. We would have some line relocation of a 4 inch steel on that corner. Service wise, there is no problem. Mr. Green said they presently park 200 cars on the large parking area now. Mr. Davis said they have attendants to handle the parking. They have both on -street and off-street parking. If a car cannot be parked in such a way as to not block another car, we have the people leave their keys with the car, so the attendant can move it if necessary. 7. Bobbie Jones: As soon as Planning Office review and Paul Mattke's comments are finished, they will be forwarded. Only the Planning 26 Plat Review Committee 7-11-73 -5- Commission has the power to approve off-site parking. The Zoning Ordinance does not take into consideration attendant parking. The next matter discussed was a large scale development plan for the PURVIS SPORTING McIlroy property on North College. Don Purvis, Purvis Sporting Goods, (McIlroy propertth was present to represent the matter. He is proposing to make an addition N. College to the North end of the building he occupies. Comments were as follows: L.S.Development 1. Wallace Brt. No comments. 2. Clayton Powell: Larry Wood has suggested that we try to acquire the right-of-way for Green Acres Road to be extended to Township. It is on the current Major Street Plan. I think that would be a very good idea. It would enhance this property. Green Acres Road has developed rapidly with some medical offices on it. One of the owners is putting in storm drainage, curb, and gutter on the East side of Green Acres Road. I would like to request right-of-way for Green Acres Road to be extended. Possibly we could get 30 ft. on the West side of this property or maybe the full 60 ft. if he doesn't mind. We would like to explore it further. I don't see any drainage problems. There are no additional driveways needed. 3. Larry Wood: No comments other than what just discussed by Mr. Powell. 4. Herbert Holcomb: We worked out a main power supply to SpeedeeMart at the time the main Purvis store was built and the SpeedeeMart was built We put a power line through which now cuts across the footage for the proposed building. This was put in for the customers and was located with the contractors and builders at the time. I am sure we would now require that the owners give us easements for ar{y proposed relocation lines. There will be some expense in moving this line which we may have to talk to them about. We will probably need easements to retain service to the SpeedeeMart and possibly across the back. 5. David Tucker: Telephone comments are the same as power company's. 6. Frank O'Donnell: Will have to contact him on where the gas service is. 7. David Malone: Signs on this property meet the existing ordinance except they blink and flash. If you represent SpeedeeMart and Enterprise advise them of this. If you are expanding the building, those people have to be in compliance with the ordinance since they are on one piece of property. 8. Bobbie Jones: One other way in which the signs on location do not conform to the sign ordinance. It allows only one ground sign per piece of property not per business. Also probably some non-conformance in setbacks. They may continue, but if you remove one, it could not be replaced. We will send Paul Mattke's comments as soon as they are received. The next matter reviewed was a large scale development plan for Hatfield HATFIELD Pontiac and Cadillac to be located at Highway 112 and Highway 71 By- PONTIAC & CADILLAC pass. Jim Hatfield was present to represent the plan. Comments were as Highway 112 follows: L.S.Development 274 • Plat Review Committee 7-11-73 -6- 29 1. Wallace Brt: I have talked to you previously on containers. When you move to your new location you will have to go to either a lodal or garbage cans of no larger capacity than 32 gallons. Mr. Hatfield said they would use a lodal. Mr. Brt said they must provide adequate approach to the container and build a 6 ft. by 6 ft. concrete pad to set it on. He recommended the pad be 4" thick if reinforced concrete and 6" thick if not. He said that if they would contact him when they are ready for a container, the City can provide them with much better service than they have had. 2. Clayton Powell: Mr. Powell asked about the frontage road along the By-pass and also whether there is anyway possible to run Drake Street straight through to intersect with Highway 71. Mr. Hatfield and Mr. Wood explained that in discussions with the Planning Commission it had been decided to locate the service road along the South side of the property Mr. Hatfield is obtaining. Highway 112 is a minor arterial; we need 40 ft. of right-of-way from the centerline. I don't know what exists: The County road South of Highway 112 on the East property line ---the County subdivision and ge scale develop- ment plans call for a 60 ft. right-of-way with a doubt chip and oil seal with barrow ditches on each side. Therefore, we requ st a right-of-way dedication for 30 ft. from the existing centerline. think the service road on the South side is great. Construct this street to current City street standards. I may have more comments after I see the engineering plans and profiles on that. On internal drainage, I see he is storm draining his parking area He is using 10 -inch pipe at one point. I would suggest he use at least a 12 -inch if not a 15 -inch pipe. On public rights-of-way 15 -inch is the minimum size. Discuss with Dale Kendall, Arkansas Highway Department, Springdale, about tying the 24 -inch drain pipe into the 42 -inch on the By-pass. Are you proposing to construct the street (service road) or just to dedicate the right-of-way. Mr. Hatfield said he thought it is to be built now. You would be allowed up to a 40 ft. driveway in width for commercial develop- ment. Keep 25 ft. separation between all driveways ---one looks close but the distance is not indicated. The driveway on the County road adjacent to the service road is too close to the intersection. It will have to be set back 50 ft. from the intersection. I amy have further comments after I receive the plans and profiles for the service road. 3. Larry Wood: The body shop building needs to be 50 ft. off the right-of- way of the By-pass to be in keeping with the zoning ordinance. 4. David Tucker: Telephone facilities are available along Highway 112 and not in this area except to feed the fairground. We will just have to work with Mr. Hatfield on his inside telephone communications. Are all these buildings proposed to be built at once? Mr. Hatifeld said the "make-ready" and main building are definite. The body shop and "hold paint" building he is not sure when will be built yet. 5. Jack Whitting: We have a single phase line that comes across part of this property now. Three-phase power is available at the fairgrounds. We will just have to work with the engineer and architect to see where they want their load center and get easements to get into them. 5. Frank O'Donnell: Gas service is available on the East side of Highway 112 at Drake Street. We will make application to the Highway Department to 28 • Plat Review Committee 7-11-73 -7- make a crossing and provide service in this area. We would like to consult with your plumbing contractor on the piping system. 6. Bobbie Jones: Planning Office review is not complete. Mr. Wood is correct on the location of the 'body shop" building. There is r minimum 50 ft. setback from all street rights-of-way. Only the Board of Adjustment can vary this. When Paul Mattke's comments are received and the Planning Office review is finished, these will be forwarded to you. Mr. Hatfield said they might combine the body shop with the "hold paint" building and make it a'"T" shaped building. The next matter discussed was a proposed preliminary plat for Proposed Commercial Development to be developed by A. 0. White, Ralph Brophy, and David Malone. The plan was represented by David Malone and Harry Gray, Engineer. Comments were as follows: 1. David Malone: I have a financial interest in the development of this so I am appearing as someone interested. If you need legal advise, we will get it from someone else. The property has been there a long time and is zoned commercial. We want to make it clear this abuts Oak Manor Subdivision. Jack Burge owns two vacant lots in that addition. Mrs. Burge has said there will never be a street go through that property. We have had other calls from other people in the subdivision. From a legal standpoint we only have a 40 ft. ease- ment. There are protective covenants that prohibit using property for anything other than residential use. I told the other two partners that we could never look to opening it up. The only way I know to get a street through there would be if the City condemned it for right-of-way. We will have to do some buffering along the East line to protect the residential. Mr. Berry on the South actually owns all the way back to the South to Township Road. He has no other access. Mr. Seay has a piece of property which is completely landlocked. I don't see apy other way up to his property unless we dedicate this 25 ft. easement up to his. Mr. Hays who owns the property down to Highway 71 has no other access except the road we are proposing to put up through here. We are trying to provide street access to a lot of people who cannot get access themselves. We realize the proposal is less than perfect. We are showing a 50 ft. easement off to the North in case someone proposes to develop to the North in the future. The portion of road up to the development is existing easements filed of record years ago by the property owners. It will cost us considerably to get it in shape. 2. Wallace Brt: There is no way I can take a tender truck up there and turn it around. They have agreed they would build an additional access on this proposed easement for an extension to the North so I could pull a truck in that and be able to turn it around. COMMERCIAL SUBD. Malone, White, & Brophy North College Ave. Preliminary Plat 3. Clayton Powell: Since this street is coming in on College Avenue "on the skew" I would propose they have • 60 ft. radii and would require they get a permit from Dale Kendall, State Highway Department, Springdale. Mr. Malone said they are right between two concrete drainage structures. They would construct the maximum radii they could get in there between those structures. Should Mr. Seay someday desire to use this 25 ft. easement as a driveway and build a house up there it would either have to be maintained as a private 29 • Plat Review Committee 7-11-73 -8- driveway by the developer, of any improvements on it would have to be constructed to current minimum street standards. The elevation is a drastic fall from the East down to the street. This street would have to be storm drained from that point to College Avenue rather than allowing it to go in the street. We will not accept a sloped street fitting the terrain. I reserve any further comments until I see the street engineering plan and profiles. 4. Larry Wood: See some future zoning problems as a result of this. If we can't tie to that easement for a street, recommend this street be an easement. Bobbie Jones said they have to have street frontage to issue permits with individual ownership. Mr. Wood suggested working out something so the property owners would maintain the streets and still be permitted to sell lots, so the City will not have to maintain the street. 5. Herbert Holcomb: Will Mr. Berry dedicate his 25 ft all the way back to your East property line? Mr. Malone said they would each dedicate 25 ft. from College up to the East side of this property. Mr. Holcomb said power service will be brought up from College. There is a single-phase line up to Mr. Hays now. SWEPCO would like to go straight up the hill so they could get into the easement along the North and South of this development and follow the North and South lines to the East line. It would be very desirable if the plat were amended to show this street dedication. His other alternative would be to go to the North edge of the street and go up the hill. Or, if Mr. Berry would give SWEPCO a 25 ft. easement from property line to property line, it would accomplish the same thing for SWEPCO. 6. David Tucker: Telephone company's major source of lines will be from College Avenue and they will come up the same pole line as the power. Doubt telephone lines will be buried because of the terrain. 7. Frank O'Donnell: We have a 2 -inch gas line part way down the East side. We would propose to come in on this easement to the cul de sac then serve from the street. I see no problems. 8. Bobbie Jones: Planning Office review not complete. Paul Mattke?s comments will be forwarded when received. Mr. Malone said that Lot 1 has been sold for a motel subject to getting all these plats approved. The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 P.M. 30