HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-06-27 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITPA& MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 1:45 P.M., Wednesday, June 27, 1973, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. 20 Present: Bobbie Jones, Clayton Powell, Harold Lieberenz. Utility Representatives Present: Clyde Terry, Herbert Holcomb, Frank O'Donnell. Developers and/or Engineers: Wade Bishop. For discussion at this meeting was the proposed Final Plat of Bishop Final Plat of Addition, Unit 1 submitted by Wade Bishop. Comments were as follows: BISHOP ADDITION Unit 1 1. Herbert Holcomb: Requested that since this is the first phase and that there will be future phases, they go ahead and show the easement down the West side of Unit 1 as a 25 ft. easement, picking up the 122 ft. easement that will be on the second phase. This will make it easier to separate the gas, power, and communications. Three-phase power is available at the North end of the subdivision for the sewer lift for Paul Mattke's convenience. 2. Clyde Terry: No problems. 3. Frank O'Donnell: We have adequate distributuon lines at the Northease corner of Block 5 and this is where we would enter the subdivision, then extend South to serve this immediate area and extend on West for future service. In the event you want the whole thing piped at one time, then we would have to enter into a paid situation where we would reimburse you as meters came on service over a 3 -year period after we had piped it. 4. David Tucker: Not present, but had called and said everything is okay on this plat. 5. Clayton Powell: Since I received the original street engineering plans and profiles, I rendered my comments on the entire subdivision. I have not received any amended engineering plans and profiles. There is no provision whatsoever for any drainage in.the subdivision and there are numerous points where water will collect and stand. Mr. Powell originally requested that Bishop Drive be completed all the way to the West perimeter of the entire subdivision at this time, rather than doing it in segments as the different units of the sub- division is developed. After talking to Mr. Bishop Mr. Powell said he would accept finishing Bishop Drive to the West end of this unit if the street will be completed to the property perimeter in the next segment, . and if he will barricade the end of Bishop at the West end of this unit until he develops the second segment. This is to keep people from driving off the end of the street and out into the field. Once they establish the habit of doing this and the area is beaten down, the people try to get the City Street Department to maintain it for a turn around. On Bishop Drive, the plans show a low point at Station 6+25 which is currently on Unit 1 the termination point of Bishop Drive. 20A • • • Plat Review Committee 6-27-73 -2- On Richwood Street we have a low point at the intersection of Bishop Drive and Richwood Street (Station Oi-00) and then there is another break in the elevation where it runs back to the South at Station 7+00. All the other streets are the same. He is not presenting them for development at this time, but we may as well get them corrected too. Charolis has a low point at Station 7+50 with no provision for drainage. The North end of Charolis is the lowest point on the street. There is no provision for a drainage outlet on either of these streets ---Little Jon, Charolis, or Richwood. On Charolis the lowest point is on the North end of the street. We will have to crank in some storm drainage on these streets. The Planning Commission and Board of Directors have re-emphasized and reaffirmed the requirement for sidewalks. Sidewalks will be required From the South end of all three streets it is 936 ft. to the inter- section. Seven Hundred feet is the maximum length for on the street drainage. We will have to storm drain from 200 ft. South of Bishop Drive since all three streets drain to the North to Bishop Drive and then Bishop Drive drains back to the East. It may be possible to storm drain Bishop Drive to the East on out to the borrow ditches on Appleby Road, but with these low spots in the center of the subdivision, I don't know where it will go. Richwood is okay, but we have a low point on Charolis right in the center of the block. The maximum length for a dead-end street is supposed to be 500 ft.; with Richwood 900+ in length, the Planning Commission will need to vary that requirement if they approve of this. On the South perimeter of the property, they have left a 30 ft. strip for a future street, but it is not annotated as such. Richwood Street is not drawn to reflect the extension of the street to the North property line (right-of-way). Also, Appleby Road is only 40 ft. in right-of-way. I think we originally requested 5 ft. to widen Appleby Road. I don't see that dedication reflected. Mr. Bishop said that he would discuss the low spot on the street with his engineer. He said he knew Mr. Powell wouldn't have it and he didn't want it either. 6. Bobbie Jones: Certification for water & sewer systems should be signed by the City Water & Sewer Superintendent; certification for streets should be signed by the City Engineer; omit "Acting' by City Clerk title. The City Manager has written a letter to the Chairman of the Planning Commission requesting the Commission enforce the requirement for street lighting. Herbert Holcomb said in the past the City's policy on street lights has been to have a light on all intersections and somewhere near 250 to 300 ft. spacing elsewhere. He suggested they plan for one between Lots 16 and 17 and another between Lots 20 and 21 and one on the corner of Lot 13, all in Block 3. One can be placed on an existing pole at the intersection of Bishop Drive and Appleby Road. 21 Plat Review Committee 6-27-73 -3- 22 The 7. Harold Lieberenz: What about the turn radii on the intersection of Bishop Drive and Appleby Road? Mr. Powell said one is needed on the Northwest corner of this intersection. Richwood will have to be either a "drive", "lane", or "avenue". There is a City ordinance to the effect that "streets" run East-West and "avenues" run North-South. Mr. Lieberenz reviewed the terms of the subdivider's contract if Mr. Bishop chooses this form of guarantee in lieu of required improvements. meeting was adjourned at 2:45 P.M. PLANNING OFFICE advises a 5 ft. is needed where NOTE: I checked back with Mr. Holcomb 6-29-73 and he wide easement along the side property line of one lot street lots are to be located between two lots. Bobbie Jones 22