HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-06-20 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 1:30 P.M., Wednesday, June 20, 1973, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Present: Bobbie Jones, Paul Mattke, Clayton Powell, Utility Representatives Present: Herbert Holcomb, Clyde Terry, Frank O'Donnell, David Tucker. Developers & Engineers: Rev. Edward Salmon, Jerre Van Hoose, Wells Bone. The first item discussed was a large scale development plan proposed by Rev. Edward Salmon for property at 1616 West Maple Street. Rev. Salmon REV. ED SALMON was present. Comments were as follows: 1616 W. Maple L.S.Development 1. Bobbie Jones: One lot waiver (subdivision waiver) has already been done on the original parcel of property. Only three can be done altogether. 2. Paul Mattke: Concerned with two things: (1) We have not received back from your attorney the signed easements on that sewer line. We would like to have it back so we can record it. (2) I notice you have a septic tank planned; I am not in favor of a septic tank. Mr. Salmon said the easements have been signed. He said it is not possible to locate this building on this property and get it into the sewer. J. E. McClelland had "shot" that hill from every angle. There 1s no way to get to sewer except to go to Cleveland Street at a cost of $14,000.00. Mr. Mattke said that from the location of the guest house, it looks as if they could follow the contour and get into the sewer. Rev. Salmon said there was no way to get into the sewer line Mr. Mattke was talking about without pumping it uphill. The roof of the proposed house will be below the top of the manhole cover. Mr. Mattke said the information submitted by the engineering company indicated it is possible to place the house on the property and connect to public sewer; if this is not possible Mr. Mattke wants a letter from the Engineer verifying that there is no way to connect to the sewer line. There is no problem on water service. 3. Herbert Holcomb: Mr. Holcomb asked Rev. Salmon for future plans on the balance of the property he has retained as well as the parcels he is selling. Rev. Salmon said his plans are to build this house, move into it, sell his present residence, then come back through the Planning Commission to build a new house for himself North of this house. This house would then be used as a guest house. Lewis Jones is going to purchase the parcel to the Northeast and the Melcalfs want to build on the parcel on the Southeast. (A waiver of subdivision requirements has been granted to permit Mike Walden to purchase one parcel and build on it.) Mr. Holcomb said SWEPCO has power on each parcel as presently divided. 14 • • Plat Review Committee 6-20-73 -2- 4. Clyde Terry: No problem on this house, but there could be a problem on the second house when the time comes to build it. 5. Frank O'Donnell: Gas service dead ends on Maple Street across the street from the driveway. Rev. Salmon asked that if possible the gas line cross the street right-of-way at a point beyond the end of the pavement to avoid cutting the existing street. Mr. Mattke told Rev. Salmon that there is a 11 -inch galvanized water line on the South side of Maple Street. As far as availability of water, it has plenty, but only 40 lbs. of pressure. He recommended the builder increase the size of his plumbing to compensate for the low pressure (run one pipe size larger through the system in the house). 6. David Tucker: Concerned about what will happen to the balance of "Lot 5" (this parcel) North of this proposed house, and what will happen should it be sold. Rev. Salmon said his house will go on that and he will keep it --it is not for development. Mr. Tucker said he would have to work out the service with the property owner when the time comes. 7. Clayton Powell* was present but wanted to make an on-site inspection. He expressed concern about adequate street right-of-way, drainage and construction of streets if they have to be done around the perimeter of the property in question. He promised detailed comments later. Rev. Salmon said he did not want to have to pave that street (Maple Street) to the West line of his property. Mr. Powell came into the Planning Office 6-21-73 and reported the following findings and recommendations: Someone has built a driveway and filled the barrow ditch without the use of a drain tile. This is at the extreme West end of Maple Street on the North side of the street. As it appears to me, it seems to be the Walden house under construction. The street terminates about 50 feet farther West. I feel the street should be developed to the West perimeter of the property and dedicated as public right-of-way. Gray Street is an existing blacktop street with barrow ditches. I understand he has already dedicated an additional 10 ft. of right-of-way. I think the 50 ft. utility easement on the West end of this property should be dedicated as a utility and street dedication. If we don't get it now, this incremental development will only lend to further bottlenecks and dead end streets. Harold Lieberenz and Larry Wood were not present. Mr. Lieberenz said if issued, this permit would be issued for a single family residence. Any additional buildings on this property would have to be cleared through the Planning Commission before permits for them could be issued. Mr. Wood said that if practical, the dedication be acquired for Maple Street. Wells Bone and Jerre Van Hoose were present to Plat of Azalea Terrace, a proposed subdivision Comments were as follows: discuss the Preliminary south of Old Wire Road. AZALEA TERRACE Preliminary Plat 1. Paul Mattke: Mr. Mattke said he thought this subdivision should be interconnected with Brookside East to include the extension 15 • Plat Review Committee 6-20-73 -3- /4 of Azalea Terrace to cross the creek. Mr. Mattke would like to see Colette cross the creek also and tie in, but did not think we had provided a space for it on the other final plat (Planning Office note: Final Plat of Brookside East has not been submitted yet.) Colette should tie into Magnolia Drive. The 6 -inch water line should be extended to connect between Magnolia Way in this subdivision and Country Way in Brookside East Addition along the extension of Azalea Terrace. Will Azalea Terrace be paved all the way to Old Wire Road? It will be. The subdividers have obtained a right-of- way which will be deeded to the City. Then the water line should go all the way to Old Wire Road. I£ we pave this street, there will be some more lot splits between this subdivision and Old Wire Road and we will not have facilities to serve them. The green belt or drainage easement that is now left outside both of these developments should now be dedicated. It needs to be definitely on this plat or given to the lots. It should be shown on the plat, and the plat should be revised to show that before going to the Planning Commission. Suggest dedicating to the City as a drainage and utility easement or green belt if the City wants it. Mr. Mattke said he was not sure the City was ready to accept such dedications at this time, but felt that in time they would have problems if they did not accept them. Need an easement between Lots 10 and 11, 121 ft. either side of the centerline of the lots. Want to consider putting sewer through there and drop where it is shown across Lot 8 and up alongside Lot 9. 2. Clayton Powell: Now is the time for the City to save itself some problems in streets that are discontinuous and have narrow rights- of-way. Azalea Terrace definitely needs to be constructed across the creek and green belt to tie into a standard intersection with the platted Azalea Terrace to the south in Brookside East Addition. This street, by virtue of being a tie between Brookside East, proposed Azalea Terrace (subdivision) and Old Wire Road,will be a collector street and therefore should be 60 ft. in right-of-way. Otherwise, if Azalea Terrace is not constructed across the green belt and creek to interconnect the two subdivisions with Old Wire Road, this Brookside East Addition only has one access point which is Bois de Arc Lane via Winwood Drive which is already an overloaded collector street from Winwood I Subdivision, Winwood II Subdivision, platted to interconnect with Winwood Drive which is going to be so congested that should there be a natural disaster, we would have a disaster!! This 60 ft. width should go all the way to Country Way in Brookside East. Whether the City will participate with the developer on the cost of the bridge construction is for an ultimate decision by the City Manager and Board of Directors. We also need the extension of Colette Street to tie into Magnolia Drive. Otherwise, we will have an 1800 ft. long dead end street which the ordinance says is limited to 500 ft. maximum. Colette should further tie into Brookside East to intersect with Country Way because of the area in general with four subdivisions using only two existing points as access. We need more access into the area. Mr. Van Hoose said he did not question Mr. Powell's good thinking concerning Brookside East, but did question his going back and reviewing Brookside East when they were discussing Azalea Terrace. Mr. Powell said he had to refer to all these other subdivisions and compare them all together to see the bottlenecking we are getting into. 16 • Plat -Review Committee 6-20-73 17 Wells Bone said that the subdividers do have a connection to Highway 265 to the East. Jerre Van Hoose said that sometime these other lands are going to be developed and the City can require street extensions from or through them. Mr. Powell said he felt these proposals he had made are needed to take care of what will be developed here. Colette Street very definitely needs to tie into Magnolia and it is desirable to extend it on over to Country Way via the 25 ft. easement and some additional property either side of it. Jerre Van Hoose asked if the Colette Street is tied to Magnolia, where would these developers' improvement responsibility stop. Mr. Powell agreed the developer shouldn't have to develop past his property line, but would have to take care of drainage where paving stops. Paul Mattke suggested the developers try an improvement district to get the property owners to the North to participate in the cost. Mr. Powell said he wanted Mr. Van Hoose to work very carefully with him on this subdivision. The Corps of Engineers report does not cover this area. Mr. Powell would like soil samples to -see how high the water tables are and in some cases 6 inches of SB -2 is not adequate for bridging in impervious soils even though this may meet the minimum street standards. Otherwise, the preliminary plat does indicate adequate drainage. Any further comments will be given after he has received the plans and profiles. Now is the time for a decision to be made on the green belt and also whether the City will participate in the bridging of the creek for Colette and Azalea Terrace. Mr. Van Hoose said that one reason he had hesitated to show the connection of Colette was because of the reaction he expected from the people who live on that street and on Yvonne. Mr. Powell and Mr. Van Hoose discussed whether this development will enter Old Wire Road at a point close enough to Strawberry Hill to try to work together with curbing on Old Wire Road between the two. It is not. Mr. Powell asked if this is going to be an open ditch all the way to the creek on the east end or will they storm drain back to the property line and then have an open ditch. They plan to dust have an open ditch. Mr. Powell asked that the ditch be rip rapped. 3. Clyde Terry: Requested a 15 ft. easement on the West end along Lots 1 and 40 so he can loop. Retain the easement from the end of Colette (which Paul Mattke had said he did not need) to the south side of the subdivision. All other easements seem sufficient. 4. Herbert Holcomb: Have not actually gotten this tied in with Brookside East, but if we retain the easement shown straight across Magnolia, our problems are similar to those of the others. We also need the 15 ft. easement down the West side of the subdivision. We would like • • Plat Review Committee 6-20-73 -5- /2 to see the 20 ft. utility easement on the West side of Lot 9 retained. Other easements appear to be adequate. 5. David Tucker: The 15 ft. easement on the West of the subdivision takes care of all our problems. When will you start building in Brookside East? Probably next fall (Wells Bone). 6. Frank O'Donnell: Will you build the houses or just sell lots? Probably build the houses. Think we would put the gas line down one side of the street. We would come down Colette and hit Magnolia and stay behind the curb on the South side. Prior to any base work on the street we would extend a service line across to serve adjoining lots on the other side of the street. Gas meters could be set at the building line. Paul Mattke requested they keep the gas lines on the same side of the street as the water lines will be on. Jerre Van Hoose said they would put the water line 8 ft. back of the curb and the gas line 4 ft. back of the curb. Mr. Mattke requested that on the extension off Colette they keep a 10 ft. separation between the gas and sewer lines. Larry Wood was not present, but called and stated he agreed with Clayton Powell on the need for extending Colette. He suggested they furnish an elevation of a 50 year flood. 7. Bobbie Jones: Signatures of adjoining property owners are needed. Mr. Van Hoose said he would aim to get the signatures and corrections necessary in order to be on the Planning Commission agenda for July 10, 1973. The Committee discussed a large scale development plan submitted by Gerald & Marie Cates for property at Old Farmington Road and Highway 62 West. There was no one present to represent the proposal. Comments were as follows: 1. Wallace Brt: Suggest he get a two parking spaces would leave properly. This type container suggest he use one if possible and look at the site with him. "lodal" container. Deletion of enough room to serve a container is not mandantory, but I would and I will be glad to come out GERALD & MARIE CATES Hwy. 62 West L.S.Development 2. David Tucker: There is an existing power line that comes approximately straight off the North side of Old Farmington Road, then it makes a curve and goes along the North side of the stream. We have an over- head line to a point, then it is buried. We would like a 15 ft. easement centered on the pole line and buried cable. We will be glad to write it up if they will sign it. That will also be the way we will serve this property. 3. Frank O'Donnell: Gas service is available down on the highway or over on the East side. 4. Herbert Holcomb: 3-phase service is available immediately on the East side of the Old Farmington Road. We have discussed it with the developer previously and given him the voltage. 18 Plat -Review Committee 6-20-73 -6- )9 5. Paul Mattke: Water is available on Old Farmington Road about mid -way in the East edge of their property. Also, it is a 6 -inch water line. There is an 8 -inch water line along the South side of Highway 62. Sewer is not available yet. We will be asking for a sewer easement through their tract. Both water lines are high pressure, so he will need pressure regulators. 6. Clyde Terry: No problems. 7. Clayton Powell: Suggest this be held up until the Highway 62 Plan (Land Use) is firmed up and formalized. Refer to the Street Committee's recommendations requiring a frontage road on commercial property and backage road on residential property. We will have to have additional property on Old Farmington Road. He needs to work out the drainage and furnish a drainage easement. I would most definitely refer to the master plan for Highway 62 development and plan formulated by the Street Committee consisting of 3 members of the Board of Directors. The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 P.M. 19j