HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-05-16 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 1:00 P.M., Wednesday, May 16, 1973, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Present: Wallace Brt, Clayton Powell, Paul Mattke, Lonnie Farrar (Asst Fire Chief), Bobbie Jones. Utility Representatives Present: David Tucker, Clyde Terry, Kenneth Wagner, Herbert Holcomb. Developers and/or Engineers: Bob Winn, Harry Gray. A building permit application has been submitted to remodel the old "Rockwood Club". Bob Winn of B & B, Inc., the contractor on the outside work on the building, was present. Comments were as follows: GEN. MANAGEMENT CORP. (Formerly Rockwood Clut 1. Wallace Brt: Will the existing drive around the back side of 24th Street) the building remain open? Mr. Winn did not know. He said his company only wants to put the outside mansard roof on the building. He had been asked to show a parking layout and had drawn one, but was not sure it would meet with the approval of the owner or developer. Mr. Brt asked whether they wanted to use a lodal for sanitation service or garbage cans. Mr. Winn did not know. Mr. Brt said they would either have to delete a couple of parking spaces or improve the driveway around the building. He suggested they use a lodal container and asked that Mr. Winn have Mr. Thronesberry get in touch with him. For a lodal container they will need a' 6 inch concrete pad to place it on. If they use garbage cans, they will still need a concrete pad with railings all the way around it to prevent animals from knocking them over. Mr. Brt said he did not want the pad completely closed off with a solid wall. 2. Clayton Powell: Mr. Powell said he is familiar with 24th Street. He asked what is proposed on driveway openings. Mr. Winn said they plan to use the existing driveways which are approximately 24 ft. wide. Mr. Powell asked how they had arrived at the 60 ft. ROW for 24th Street. Mr. Winn said he obtained it off the City Plat Book. Mr. Powell suggested they check on deeds or surveys as all he has ever been able to confirm is 40 ft. He thought a drafting error had been made when the draftsman put Country Club Estates in the Plat Book. That subdivider had dedicated 60 ft. of ROW inside the subdivision. Mr. Powell said that both the existing and proposed Major Street Plan called for a 60 ft. ROW and he hoped the property owner would be willing to dedicate his 10 ft. share at this time. He asked that the building setback lines, parking lots, etc. be measured from the 60 ft. ROW line. There is a street improvement district in the preliminary stages. The City is ready to proceed with the final stage. There is a possibility that the district would carry and it would be an additional expense to him. This drawing shows curb and gutters separating the parking lot from the street. Mr. Powell needs to know if the parking area will be paved. They cannot let drainage from a paved parking lot go out into the street. When it is learned what is to be done, Mr. Powell would like to know then he can make his final Plat Review Committee 5-16-73 -2- recommendations. He would appreciate him dedicating 10 ft. of additional right-of-way at this time. 3. Clyde Terry: Trans -Video has a cable buried out near the ditch. If they do any digging in this area, notify Trans -Video first. To provide TV cable service into the building, we should have conduit coming to some location or else contact Trans -Video and let them pre -wire it. The underground line through here will be replaced with an overhead line. They might want to work off an overhead drop. A location is needed on the outside of the building for a splitter. 4. Herbert Holcomb: You will probably need three phase service. This will require some contribution from the developer. We have existing three phase service on the North side of 24th Street to the property. Mr. Winn said his suggestion to General Management and Thronesberry will be a pad mount transformer and underground service. (Note: The General Management referred to here is not the same developer as the one for Northwest Arkansas Plaza.) 5. David Tucker: There are existing telephone facilities on the South side of 24th Street underground. If you go with underground power, Mr. Tucker recommended that you install a 2 -inch plastic conduit in the same trench so they could run a cable into the building. If the use of the building ever changed to a use needing more telephone lines, it would be easier to adjust. 6. Kenneth Wagner: What will the heating be? Mr. Winn said for the present it is gas and the gas meter is located on Highway 71. Mr. Wagner said Arkansas Western Gas would require that the piping conform to the current policy they are working under. This line from Highway 71 crosses another piece of property and probably does not have an easement covering it. That property owner could cut the line so there would be not service. The line should be replaced. There is a line on the South side of 24th Street. The Gas Company will run the line to this property line and let the developer take it from there. The pipe must be wrapped, the meter set back from any parking area, and need to have a line that will maintain 90 lb. of pressure. The meter could be set out front or located back on the property. Clayton Powell said it would be better to set it back because of a problem they have in the older parts of town where the meters are located in the street ROW. 7. Lonnie Farrar: No comments from the Fire Department. 8. Paul Mattke: (Mr. Winn told Mr. Mattke he thought this property is about 600 ft. from the intersection of Highway 71 and 24th Street). Mr. Mattke said they will have a sewer manhole at that intersection on the Northeast corner of 24th and South School. He thought this facility should go on sewer. He has a very good contract price on this job and he thought he could probably change the construction • plans enough to get sewer brought up to the Southwest corner for sewer if the developer wishes to do so. The developer would have to bear the cost of this extension, but it is a very good price. The developer would be charged the increased contract price. Water is available from 24th Street. We have an &-inch water main 8 Plat Review Committee 5-16-73 -3- on the South side of 24th Street. Mr. Mattke could not remember what water service is into this building now, nor where the line it is served from is located. It thould be served from 24th Street. You will need the plumber to take out a new tap and bring the yard line over 24th Street. The tap fee will cover the cost of crossing 24th Street and setting a new meter. Mr. Winn asked if it is possible to leave the service as it is. Mr. Mattke said it is possible, but that he felt sure they are crossing some private property for which there probably are not any easements. If so, the property owner could put them out of service. Also, he felt their needs will be different and said the existing line probably will not meet those requirements. If the developer wishes to have that sewer line extended, I would like to have a written agreement from him so that I can proceed with the design of the change. I can quote him a price on this. I will need to make those changes as soon as possible if I am going to get this good price. If I don't get it while the contractor is in there working, it will be higher in cost. 9. Harold Lieberenz: Mr. Lieberenz was not present, but had submitted his comments on the zoning and building code. All signs and sign poles either on or off the property will be required to be removed and sign permits obtained to erect any new signs. Before any work can be done inside the building a floor plan must be submitted for review and approval after the floor plan has been approved by the State Board of Health. Number of parking spaces appears to be sufficient. Spaces should be 10 ft. by 20 ft; parking area is to be dustless with wheel bumper guards; parking area to be set back 15 ft. from street ROW and screened along the front. These and other written comments were given to Mr. Winn. Mr. Winn requested 2 copies of these minutes be mailed to him at P. 0. Box 509, Springdale, Arkansas, 72764. Mr. Winn's phone number is 751-9059. A Final Plat to plat a Phase II of Brophy Addition was reviewed. Harry BROPHY ADDITION Gray, Engineer, was present. Comments were as follows: PHASE II Proposed Final 1. David Tucker: No, comments. Plat 2. Clyde Terry: In fine shapeon this. Trans -Video will need a 15 ft. easement in the future along the South side of the property line on the East side of Jimmie Lane. 3. Larry Wood: (Not present, but called in.) Recommend he go ahead and finish out loop of Karen and Jimode Lane and not get into a quarter mile long cul de sac. Ask Fire Chief his opinion of a 1300 ft. dead end street. 4. Kenneth Wagner: On Karen Avenue, Lots 18 and 19, just West of Lot 19 we came straight off the high pressure main line about 300 ft. due East and about 300 ft. due North. At the time, I don't think there were any easements in there. On Lot 18 we are probably 20 to 25 ft. off the easement. On Lot 19, we will be about 10 ft. off the easement; we just -catch a little corner of it. Then we wind up in the easement that runs East and West North of Lot 18. • • Plat Review Committee 5-16-73 -4- There are two 8 -inch lines that run parallel with the street right-of-way. 5. Herbert Holcomb: Referring to Mr. Wagner's comments on where the gas line is located, Mr. Holcomb said he had a copy of a letter he wrote in 1971 regarding closing the easement between Lot 18 and any proposed lot to the West of Lot 18. Mr. Holcomb asked that all the easements and future and proposed easements that are on the plat be filed as actual easements for use at this time. SWEPCO is serving the first unit of this on easements that are not on file. We need this shown as a present easement and future street on the North side. Do Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 fit the dimensions furnished us in Phase I? Asked that easements we have outside the subdivision be dedicated. 6. Paul Mattke: I have never been contacted about closing the easements on the West side of Lot 18, or at lease do not remember it. Do not think they can close one without checking with all the utilities. (Mr. Holcomb said this occurred about February, 1971.) I would not approve closing the easement on Lot 19 because I have a sewer in that easement. Apparently there is a significant dimensional error between the recorded plat and what exists on the ground. Mr. Mattke asked that the Engineer verify that all the utilities are in the easements as shown on the proposed plat. If the survey is right and the previous plat is wrong, you will find they are exactly 40 ft. off. I want to be sure the utilities as installed are in the easements on this plat and on the plat already filed. Mr. Mattke requested certification. He wanted the sewer line checked, but thought the water line is okay. Mr. Wagner said he would like the gas line checked also. Mr. Mattke felt the sewer line was in one location and Mr. Gray felt it was in a different location. Mr. Mattke will need the water and sewer plans on Phase II and also a topo before he can act on the plat. These things should be reviewed before taking the plat any further. Also need plans and profiles on drainage and streets as well as water and sewer. Mr. Mattke felt Mr. Brophy should go ahead and subdivide all his property at this time. 7. Clayton Powell: Agree with Larry Wood on looping of Karen Avenue and Jimmie Lane. I have seen a 1958 plat with various dedications on which the major portion remains undeveloped. I would like to see one final plat on the entire property so I can know what dedications he is making, eliminating the reservation that he can control the extension of the public streets, remove the 6 ft. strip he wants to retain. The 1968 plat has a cul de sac on Karen which has not been constructed. Mr. Powell requested the lots on Jimmie Lane be shown, the street across the North and the diagonal one be extended to College Avenue. He wanted all the property divided into Lots and Blocks at this time with plans for streets and easements and plans for drainage structures. He asked that Jimmie Lane be constructed to current street standards 10 Plat Review Committee / ( 5-16-73 -5- from Township Road northward to the end of the street and that it be tied back to Karen Avenue. We do not want a 1300 ft. long terminal street when the ordinance limits them to 500 ft. Mr. Powell said he would not approve anything on a final inspection until he knows what is going to be done, it is done by lot and block numbers, and the public dedications are made Harry Gray requested copies of these minutes be mailed to him at 945 Rush Drive. The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 P.M. 11