HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-05-02 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 1:00 P.M., Wednesday, May 2, 1973, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Present: Wallace Brt; Clayton Powell; Bobbie Jones; Paul Mattke; Larry Wood. Utility Representatives: David Tucker; Clyde Terry; Herbert Holcomb. Engineers and/or Developers: Ervan Wimberly. One of the matters for discussion today was the request, submitted by McClelland Engineers, for a waiver of the sidewalk requirements for Winwood II Subdivision, a subdivision of the J. R. Boston property. The property is being subdivided by Fayetteville Land Company. Ervan Wimberly represented the request. Comments were as follows: WINWOOD II SURD. Waiver of Sidewalks 1. Clayton Powell: Original comments in Mr. Powell's letter of March 12, 1973, pertaining to street construction, drainage, and drainage easements remain the same. In regard to the engineering tints letter of April 20 requesting waiver of sidewalks, this particular letter does not set forth the cost estimates that was contained in the one for Bird Haven Terrace whereby the engineering firm says that sidewalks would cost $200 to $300 per lot. I take exception to that statement since the sidewalks required by the City Ordinance 1790 are the combination curb, gutter, and sidewalks, and the City concrete bid price for combination sidewalk, curb, and gutter is only 15$ per lineal foot greater than just the curb and gutter price. In any case, the curb and gutter must be broken out when the builder decides where the driveway will be located and 15¢ per ft. on a 100 ft. lot will only increase the cost $15.00 per lot in this case. Should the developer decide to use a set back sidewalk separate from the curb and gutter in lieu of the combination curb, gutter, and sidewalk, then the cost will be slightly greater; however, if the street.curb and gutter is properly engineered and the sidewalk grade or elevation, then I do not feel it would be necessary to have to break out a set back sidewalk for the construction of the driveway. I would like to again emphasize the fact that all existing curb and gutters at driveway locations at the time of building has to be broken out regardless and this is commonly referred to as a curb cut and does require a permit Therefore, for the public health and safety I feel that Ordinance 1750 which requires sidewalks in all subdivisions should be fully complied with. Mr. Wimberly asked Mr. Powell if the City's price for sidewalks with curb and gutter included the dirt work for the same or does it just include the placing of the concrete. Mr. Wimberly said his price and estimate included all the earth work and also the additional asphalt required because of the deletion of a gutter, the additional earth work required and back dressing the sidewalks --primarily the additional earth work for the sidewalk. They have obtained two prices from two different contractors in town. Private developers do not have the advantage of a yearly bid price. There has been a very significant increase in the cost of materials in the past b months. Mr. Wimberly said his cost figures out to be $3.00 per footladditiohilrfor_a _type'of sidewalk. 1 Plat Review 5-2-73 -2- Mr. Wimberly said that he personally did not recommend the turned down lip as he considered it very poor engineering. Mr. Powell said the cost of 15¢ per foot did not include the dirt work. He agreed that he also preferred the set back sidewalk, but said it was a matter of economics when the Board of Directors approved the combination type. 2. Paul Mattke: On sidewalks, technically there is no issue in sidewalks engineeringly. I personally am in favor of sidewalks, but this is a personal feeling. I can see more justification for sidewalks in Winwood II than in Bird Haven Terrace because there is not a school near Bird Haven Terrace. Personally I prefer sidewalks, but it is a matter of preference. A request had also been submitted for a waiver of sidewalks in Bird Haven Terrace (replat) submitted by McClelland Engineers on behalf of the developer, Ottis Watson. Comments were as follows: BIRD HAVEN TERRACE <Replat of a Part of 1. Clayton Powell: Same comments as on Winwood II Subdivision except refer to his letter of February 7, 1973. 2. Paul Mattke: See comments on Winwood II. Mr. Wimberly said his comments given on Winwood Il; would also apply here. A large scale development plan had been submitted by McClelland Engineers for NWA Development Company, Inc. to locate a restaurant on property on Millsap Road. Ervan Wimberly represented the proposal. Comments were as follows: NWA DEVELOPMENT CO. L.S. Development 1. Wallace Brt: Suggested they use a lodal container for trash service and that it be placed on a concrete pad so the elevation of the container is between 4 and 6 inches above the level of the street or ground level. Mr. Wimberly said the restaurant would only be open in the evenings. They decided on locating the lodal container on the North side of the building between the building and the parking lot. 2. Clayton Powell: The present ROW width for Millsap is 40 ft.. Since it is to be developed, we need 50 ft. for that segment. Requested 5 ft. be dedicated on the North side; this needs to be dedicated at this time. The standard street specifications apply. Curb, inlets and drainage control at the intersection looks great. Since the grade is all to the West, I request he Swale his curb and gutters into where there should be barrow ditches on the gravel portion. The intersection of Highway 71B and the frontage road is currently not paved. Is this improvement intended to be connected to the pavement of Highway 71 B? Mr. Wimberly said it is to be and that part of the paving is to be done by the Arkansas Highway Department. Since this is an existing street existing onto Highway 71B, check with Dale Kendall with the Arkansas Highway Department to see if he wants to render any guidelines. 3. Clyde Terry: Cable TV service is existing. Plat Review 5-2-73 -3- 3 4. David Tucker: We have a 900 pair buried cable along the East side of the highway ROW. Then we have a buried cable (do not know the size) that crosses the frontage road to the East and goes East to the first utility pole. Our plans are to go East on Millsap Road with underground cable to serve the uses off Millsap Road, but at this time we do not plan to change the existing service until more complete plans on the bank are submitted. 5. Larry Wood: No comments. 6. Paul Mattke: Will this stay under one ownership? Mr. Wimberly said the property will remain under one ownership. Mr. Mattke said they can only have one structure per sewer connection. Mr. Wimberly said that before the frontage road was built, the property owner had gotten two sewer taps and a water tap and had brought the water and sewer across the frontage Road to the Northwest corner of the property. Mr. Mattke asked what they proposed to do for the reserved piece of property. He stated he believed they should proceed with this as a development and believed they should bring water line up Millsap Road and bring the sewer either up the North line of the property or along Millsap Road, but that they should be designed and built according to the City's specifications and donated to the City for ownership and operation. The small line on Millsap Road now is not large enough to furnish fire protection. If these mains are not installed now, the land to the East will not be able to get access to these City facilities. Mr. Wimberly asked why this property owner should have to build a sewer main when he has sewer and water service to his property now. He said he knew that if the property owner builds a main, it is for everybody to tie onto. Mr. Mattke recommended this proceed as any other development. These facilities should be provided through the property. If the Board (of Directors) upholds recommendation, you will have to extend those mains. 7. Herbert Holcomb: Where SWEPCO goes into Arkansas Western Gas property, on the North line of this property, we have 3 phase power going to the East up that line and a point to tap it is about 355 feet from the West of the frontage road. We go up on a dedicated easement as far as Arkansas Western Gas is concerned, and we are prepared to build a switching station. We would work with the developer on Millsap Road, but we are not prepared at this time to just eliminate that line on Millsap Road. We can get 3 phase from the rear under some existing company policies. We can work with the developer on this. The proposed Final Plat of Strawberry Hill, a subdivision off Old Wire STRAWBERRY HILL Road was reviewed. Ervan Wimberly represented the proposal. Comments Final Plat were as follows: Mr. Wimberly said that ROW for the street on the West side has been officially dedicated by deed to the City and has been presented to City Attorney David Malone. Lots 9 and 10, Block 2, actually touch the ROW; the street as drawn in is the gravel road. This street will be curbed and guttered all the way down to Old Wire Road. Lot 10, Block 2, has been added to the subdivision • • Plat Review 5-2-73 -4- since the preliminary plat was approved. Lot 10 was in two separate ownerships, the developers purchased it, and have combined the two separate properties to make one lot. The East 30 ft. of Oak Bailey Road was dedicated as a ROW and Mr. Wimberly said he could furnish an ordinance number where the City Board accepted it. The subdivider is dedicating an additional 20 ft. of ROW. 1. Larry Wood: Building setback lines should be shown and rights- of-way from centerline of existing streets should be dimensioned. 2. Clayton Powell: Refer to my letter of February 9 to the engineering firm making recommendations and suggestions for streets and drainage with the exception of sub -paragraph F-4, Page 2 which was deleted through compromise and further discussions. Drainage from the cul de sacs for Blueberry Lane, Mayberry Lane, and Huckleberry Lane. On the preliminary plat there existed a 15 ft. utility easement between Block 2 and Block 3 and on out to Old Wire Road where the drainage goes. We need to increase that easement to 20 ft. since the only way for drainage from Huckleberry and Mayberry to traverse from the South boundary of this property to the drainage ditch on the North side of Old Wire Road is through this route. l There is no way to control the drainage from these culs except from that easement. Need a 50 ft. minimum ROW dedicated for the extension of Strawberry Drive down to Old Wire Road. Mr. Wimberly said there is one place where they have only 40 ft. and that is all they can get at that location. This is the deed he mentioned earlier having given to David Malone. The developer will build a 30 ft. street. Mr. Powell recommended that the Planning Commission waive the width requirement at that one location and accept the street as proposed to be dedicated. However, his comments on the request to waive sidewalks in this subdivision are the same as given for Winwood II and the Replat of Bird Haven Terrace. There has been some discussion on the curb and gutter abutting Old Wire Road. On Lots 12 through 15, Block 4, the City will widen the street to their curb and gutter line if they put the curb and gutter in. He requested that they establish their flow line 15 ft. from the centerline of the street. 3. Paul Mattke: We will need the balance of those off-site water and sewer easements, or at least a copy of them. Construction is not complete so they need a contract or some other guarantee of improvements. Plans and specifications are approved and construction is underway, but I will need to review them in view of the changing lot lines. It was noted that the change in lot lines and the reduction of the number of lots in Block 1, reduces the number of lots which cannot be on sewer. Mr. Wimberly said he would get the revised street specifications to Clayton Powell. 4. Clyde Terry: Lot changes do not affect us much. Easements are adequate. Plat Review 5-2-73 -5- 5. David Tucker: Request a 10 ft. easement on the South side (along the street) of Lot 7, Block.]4 primarily because we have put a plastic pipe under the street there. This change in lot lines will delay the telephone company approximately 30 days because it added 55 ft. to our main feeder cable and we will have to reorder. 6. Herbert Holcomb: The easement is not altered any. We have no objections to the change in lot lines. Easements as shown should be adequate Larry Wood reviewed with the Plat Review Committee his study of the area bounded by Highway 16 By-pass on the North, Highway 71B on the East and Highway 71 By-pass on the South and West. Land uses' and zoning were discussed as well as the best locations for streets to serve the industrial areas. LARRY WOOD Study The preliminary plat of Clover Creek Subdivision, a Replat of a Part of CLOVER CREEK SUBD Meadowlark Addition submitted by E & J Development Company, Inc. was Prelimina Plat discussed. Ervan Wimberly was present to represent the subdivision. Comments were as follows: 1. David Tucker: Request a 15 ft. easement on all rear lot lines. On the East side of the North-South street, need a 15 ft. ease- ment between Lots 7 and 8 in Block 1; between Lots 10 and 11, Block 1; and between Lots 13 and 14, Block 1. Need a 15 ft. wide easement between Lots 2 and 3, Block 6 and along the South side also. 2. Clyde Terry: Same as telephone company. 3. Larry Wood: No comments at this time. If his recommendation on the study for this area is residential, he did not see any problems with the plat. 4. Herbert Holcomb: The plat has an absence of easements in it. SWEPCO would like the priviledge of having a rear lot easement as much as possible. We need a 15 ft. easement between Lots 8 and 9, Block 2; between Lots 15 and 16, Block 2; down the West side of Lots 5 and 6, Block 3; down the West side of Lots 5 and 6, Block 4; between Lots 9 and 11 and between Lots 10 and 12, Block 5. Also need a 15 ft. wide easement around the North, East and West side of Phase 2. Also need an easement between Lots 2 and 3, Block 5. These easements are for underground service; overhead service would probably require easements East and West. These easements discussed will be subject to the developers requests for either overhead or underground service and final contractural agreements with the company for serving the area. 5. Paul Mattke: Fire hydrant locations will need to be revised to cover all areas of the subdivision so that a hydrant is within 500 feet of all areas within this subdivision. Water and sewer are available. You may need an easement across Shakespeare to get to the 8 inch existing water line serving Shakespeare. • • Plat Review 5-2-73 -6- 6. Clayton Powell* The area to the East is nothing but a swamp and part of this subdivision gets even closer to Cato Springs Creek. According to the flood study of the Corps of Engineers, the Town Branch floods at 1220 elevation on the North side of Cato Springs Road and the terminal cul de sac on Town Street is 1222 ft. which is only 2 ft. above the flood level. What happens when it rains? Two drop inlets are shown on Michael Avenue. Mr. Powell'felt there was not enough drainage shown on the plat. Mr. Wimberly felt the drainage shown on the plat was adequate. He said there is no water on this 15 acres except what falls on it. *)lengthy discussion was held on drainage, types of drainage structures, etc. No agreement was reached. The subdivider is requesting a waiver of sidewalks. The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 P.M. 6