HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-04-25 Minutes• MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 1:00 P.M., Wednesday, April 25, 1973, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Present: Wally Brt, PatMcGedrick, Charles McWhorter, Bobbie Jones, Utility Representatives Present: David Tucker, Clyde Terry, Frank O'Donnell Developers and/or Engineers: Don Hunnicutt, with Brennan -Boyd Const. Co. For discussion today was the plot plan for the proposed Armstrong Brothers Tool Co., a L.S.D. plan to be located in the Industrial Park. Don Hunnicutt, representative of the construction company. on the project was present. Comments were as follows: rqv ARMSTRONG BROTHERS TOOL COMPANY Industrial Park L.S. Development 1. Wally Brt: Mr. Brt stated that he needed to talk to the representatives of the company, before he could assure them whether he would be able to serve this facility at all. He was concerned that the type of refuse might be such as would damage his tender trucks. If service can be given, he will try to serve the building with lodal containers, and asked that before they construct any type of pads or anything, that they have the Armstrong plant manager contact him and discuss the type of containers needed. I£ lodal containers are to be used, the pads should not be less than 6 inches thick and of concrete construction. There will need to be plenty of room for maneuver- ing, and they need to set the containers in a location where there aren't any wires overhead, or where the building does not overhang. Also, they need to be sure that the area will not be blocked by parkingi Mr. Brt again asked that the Armstrong manager contact him to discuss the sanitation services. 2. Pat McGedrick: Clayton Powell, Street Supt., is on vacation, and Pat McGedrick represents the Street Dept. At the driveway entrance, they will need to have at least twin 24 inch culverts or a box culvert across the ditch. Mr. McGedrick did not feel it was a good idea to direct the creek alongside the railroad track. He suggested that they swing it down and make an arc to keep the creek withina Armstrong's property line. He also said they should avoid the two_c90 d gree_'ttfrns shown on the plan. There is quite a bit of water coming down through there now, and the plan, as shown, would cause too much maintenance in order to maintain it. He felt the culvert where the railroad spur branches off should be retained as a 24 inch culvert, and said he felt they would need another one where the creek crosses the spur on the Arpistrong property. The work outside the property line on the rail- road spur will be taken care of by either the city or by Frisco rail- road.On the South side of the plot plan, inhere they run water into the road ditch, they would probably need to rip rap_`it;ctoiiprevent, erosion. Where you tie the swales into the creek, make sure'you have enough erosion control on the opposite side, so that it does not erode into it. • 3. Charles McWhorter: Mr. McWhorter asked whether the building‘wouldYbe'. ) sprinkled or standpiped. Mr. Hunnicutt said they will have three fire hydrants outside, with 3 hose stations outside. He later said they would have 2 or 3 hose cabinets outside and one or two hose cabinets inside. The entire building will not be sprinkled, but the office and manufactur- ing area will be. Forging and steel storage areas will not be sprinkled. Mr. McWhorter asked whether they would be able to cross the driveway and get down to the South side of the building, if it became necessary. He said it might be necessary to restrict an area of the parking. He asked the approximate completion date of the project and was told that Arm- strong would like to have the building completed by the first of Sept. Mr. McWhorter said that at this time, they do hot have a fire station near this; otherwise, he sees no problems. They do plan to locate a fire station near the Industrial Park in the near future. 4. Frank O'Donnell: Mr. O'Donnell asked Mr. Hunnicutt if he had any back- ground about the gas meter locations, or whether any discussion had been had between the representatives of Armstrong and someone else within the Gas Co. Mr. Hunicutt did not have anyQ'knowledge of such information. Mr. O'Donnell said the gas company has not yet gotten lines to this area, but will have. He asked questions about the approximate gas load requirements for the company and whether the forge would be gas fire or electrical. Mr. O'Donnell and Mr. Hunnicutt are to get together to work out some of the details, but Mr. O'Donnell said gas service will be available. Mr. Hunnicutt said the plumbing will be done by Fagan of Ft. Smith. David Tucker: There are no telephone facilities in this area, except one cable going out Black Oak jtoad>, which is already full. He did not see any possibility of getting full service in there by Sept.>1. He said he could get a construction phone in he thought. They have a project they are working on at the present time to replace the cable going down Black Oak Road, with a larger cable, which would provide adequate service. But theproject has not been approved yet, and will take time to construct after approval. He asked Mr. Hunnicutt to put in an order for a construction phone as soon as he found out when they would be starting construction. They discussed the possibility of coming in on the same line with S••E.P.Co. Mr. Tucker said that;i7 �'on temporary lines, they have to set way out in the property and the lines cannot be used permanently, they expect to be reimbursed for the cost of the poleuline. Mr. Tucker asked where the mechanical room would be located in the building. They decided it would be best to put in a temporary line with the power service until the future building is built. In order to do this, they need to put in a 1 inch plastic pipe directly from the pole nearest the electrical transformer, bypassing the trans- former with this conduit into the building, unless they want overhead service. This conduit should come into the building and come up where - ever they want the telephone company to put a terminal inside. After Mr. Hunnicutt gets a set of electrical plans, Mr. Tucker said that he needed to tie that down more. From under there they put this terminal, they should have a minimum of a 2 inch pipe stubbed out to the east to go to the future building. If the temperature in any section will exceed 125 degrees,constantly (for periods of 3-4 hours) then the phone wires should be conduit, and the conduit should be 3/4 inch. 141 (61 6. Clyde Terry: Mr. Terry asked whether Armstrong would request TV cable service. Mr. Hunnicutt did not know. Mr. Terry said they have no cable available there now, and if they want it, Trans - Video will have to build lines to get into the Industrial Park. If they think they may want TV cable service, they should stub out for Trans -Video the sane as for telephone service. 7. Bobbie Jones: Harold Lieberenz, Inspection Supt., had 2 questions. He was puzzled by the reference on mechanical sitesplan to a pump house. He was also checking on an ordinance which designates a minimum elevation for the floor level of the building in the Indus- trial Park. He had not been able to locate the ordinance, but Mrs. Jones had checked with an engineer who assured her that this building was not below that elevation. This will be confirmed. Mrs. Jones had vi reewed the plan':and had the following comments: On the parking,100 spaces are shown, and it scales out to be adequate for a 10 ft. X 20 ft. spaces. For the immediate building, 33 spaces are needed, but when the future building is built, a total of ('255 spaces will be required. The parking area should be improved by grading and draining, the surface should be sealed and wheel or bumper guards should be installed to prevent the cars from extending out of the parking areas. A minimum of one 10 ft. X 30 ft. loading berth is needed for the immediate building. When the future building is built, 3 would be needed. The building setbacks are satisfactory. Article 7, 15 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that Industrial Park plans submit a landscaping plan for the front 10 ft. of the property before a building permit can be issued. Grading, draining and main- tenance of the overall plot are required. Since the property to the west is outside the City, a bumper strip will not be required on the west property line. No signs are indicated on the plan. The Sign Ordinance would permit a free-standing sign, 300,square feet, maximum size, 100 ft. setback from the street R•OLiW., with a maximum height of 30 ft. above the street level. Only one ground sign is permitted on this piece of property. A wall sign would be permitted with unlimited size; however, the sign cannot extend above the roof or past the ends of the building and would be limited to a 10 inch maximum projection from the wall. No roof signs would be permitted. erojPermitted projecting signs would be so small, I feel they would not want them. No legal description or vicini p map was submitted with thepplen. Paul Mattke, City Engineer, had a conflicting appointment. He is to submit his comments in writing, and these will be forRarded to Mr. Hunnicutt. Herbert Holcomb, with SWEPCO, was not present. He had talked to Mr. Hunnicutt previously, and had called the Planning Office to state that power will be available to the tract, and they have no problems with easements, except any special ones which may be required by the developer. Larry Wood, with the Regional Planning Commission, had called to say he had no comments on the plan. Mr. Hunnicutt said that when they build the immediate building, they will go ahead and dress the future building site to sub -grade level. He requested that copies of these minutes be mailed to him. The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 P.M. • P.A ETTEVILLE, AM ANSA S P. 0. DRAWER F Mrs. Bobbie Jones City Planning Administrator Fayetteville, AR 72701 72701 (501) 443-4301 Apri 1 30, 1973 Re: Armstrong Brothers Tool Company Dear Mrs. Jones:' I wish to reemphasize the comments made by Mr. McGedrick and further add that the proposed routing of the drainage is unacceptable. They were notified they could reroute the drainage within their property, they can not relocate it onto adjacent property. Reference sheet number 300 - Water & Sewer service is available along Industrial Park Road. Request valve pit detail be changed to seperate the water service from the fire -protection line. Our tapping fee includes the water meter vault and service line to connect to the water meter. The city will furnish the water meter and the customer will then be responsible for the line from the meter on to his building. The fire -protection connection will be a seperate tap and tapping fee. Should they have any additional questions I will be happy to discuss these with them. PWM/skb • s truly Paul W. Mattke City Engineer RECEIVED. APR 3 0,1973 OFFICE OF AITC. PLAnMIKa iAY6T•6YUJAa ii:P7J:SA0