HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-04-19 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met April 19, 1973 in the Directors Room, City Fayetteville, Arkansas. Present: Charles McWhorter, Wally Brt, Clayton Powell, Larry Wood, Bobbie Jones Utility Representatives Present: David Tucker, Frank O'Donnell, Clyde Terry Developers and/or Engineers: James Lindsey For discussion today was the Lindsey -Broyles Subdivision and planned unit development known as':_-Hylandd)Park. James E. Lindsey was present to represent the plan. Comments were as follows: 1. Charles McWhorter: Mr. McWhorter stated that he had nothing to HYLAND PARK comment on except the terrain, which is just something we shall PRELIMINARY have to live with. He appreciated the offer of the fire station, PLAT but did not see how he could locate in that spot and cover the Industrial Park. The City will have a station within 3 miles of his residence when they do get a station out there. 2. Wally Brt: Mr. Brt stated that his only concern was the proposed townhouse unit. He encouraged the use of lodal containers and recommended concrete pads, and preferred that they did ,not have anything around them. They need plenty of room to get in and out. Wally Brt asked the other members of the Committee to consider moving the meeting up to 1:00 P.M on Wednesdays. 3. Larry Wood: Mr. Wood stated he stfl7l.ihaddahquestion on how to calaulate the number of dwelling units in the area. He expressed the desire to get together with David Malone and discuss this with him. He asked Mr. Lindsey if he has eliminated the commer- cial part shown on the previous drawing. Mr. Lindsey said they have. He said that when they went .to the Planning Commission, they would have.a land use drawing to show for the townhouse portion. They intend to make a survey to determine if the market is there. If it is not, they might come back with a replat of that area. Mr. Wood asked Mr. Lindsey to have his engineers to check with the Arkansas Highway Dept. on what they plan to do with the grade of Highway 265 eventually. 4. David Tucker: Mr. Tucker said that it:appears to him that they will be able to use the rear lot lines rather than the streets for t elephone service lines. He requested a 20 ft. easement on the North side to put a large feeder cable•in to feed this and the development to the East. Mr. Lindsey asked if this service would be underground, and Mr. Tucker said it depended on how heavy the rock is there. They need a 12 inch vertical separation between his line and the electrical power line if they are in the same trench.on this North line. The land Along Highway 265 washes very badly, and they will almost have to put the distribution for this on Rockcliff Drive. He said that it might be necessary to request larger than normal easements because of the terrain. Mr. Tucker cautioned Mr. Lindsey to keep in mind some of the legal at 3:30 P.M., Wednesday, Administration Building, ierl , • Plat Review Minutes April 19, 1973 Page 2 aspects which may require that telephone facilities be separated for each unit. He said this can get to be complicated. In the next phase, some of the telephone service will have to be aerial.;5. Herbert Holcomb•,_Mr. Holcomb asked what the final disposition of the water pump station site has been, and Mr. Lindsey said that it will still be there. Bobbie Jones said that Paul }lattke, Water and Sewer Supt., has asked for a 30 X 40 ft. pump station site near the connection with Highway 265. Mr. Holcomb said that SWEPCO's policy is that they will estimate and furnish up to 40¢ per running foot of mainline extension and the developer pays anything in excess of that. If they can all go in together, (utility services), they can go up to 700 before the developer starts paying for the cost. For underground, they go 36 inches deep, but they might have to cut it back some if they hit heavy rock. Since they are going to keep the pumpstation site in this area around Highway 265, Mr. Holcomb said he would like to cross the highway overhead with a three phase line, and go into the pump station, then go underground. Mr. Holcomb said he would like to leave it so they could cooperate with the developers on him furnishing rear lot easements according to the accepted plat as needed in connection with the power and telephone companies. He said they would need at least a 20 ft. easement along Highway 265.. Mr. Holcomb cautioned Mr. Lindsey that they had better tile the open drain along Highway 265 where the utility services cross it, or it will cut away and make a bad trench there. 6. Jack Whitting: Mr. Lindsey asked Mr. Whitting whether he planned to leave the overhead power line that is on the property now. Mr. Whitting said he would like„to leave it there until they get the development p started then come out on the road. 7. Frank O'Donnell: Mr. O'Donnell asked Mr. Lindsey about the meter location in the event they might choose to run the gas service down the street. 8. Clyde Terry: Trans -Video will go joint with Southwestern Bell and SWEPCO and the easements will be worked out. 9. Bobbie Jones: You need 40 ft. of Right of Way from the centerline of existing Highway 265. The 55 ft. wide lot is too small. The smallest lot frontage at the street that you can have is 56ft. and any less than 70 ft., the engineer needs to furnish proof that it will be 70 ft. wide at the 25 ft. setback line. The streets should be 50 ft. in street R.O.W. Mr. Lindsey said they would deed a 30 £t. by 40 ft. site for the water pump station, and the water storage site, they will deed a 150 ft. by 150 ft. site on the Northern boundary of their property, lying just East of where Canteberry Road intersects their property. Mr. Lindsey said that he would like to request someone to investigate the possibility of.themn obtaining a building permit at a specified site within a future phase of the subdivision, and whether it could be done without filing a final plat. 188 Plat Review Minutes April 19, 1973 Page 3 10. Clayton Powell: Starting with the intersection of Highway 265 and Hyland Park Drive, a permit from the State Highway Department in c:Sp'ingdale is required. For informational purposes, I recommended they install a 4 ft. by 5 ft. box culvert there. On Hyland Park Drive from the intersection to (east) drainage breaking point, it is a distance of 679 feet. The plat shows one drop inlet on the Southeast side of the intersection, with Rock Cliff Drive. Another drop inlet on the north side at this point and underdraining of the street is recommended. The two drop inlets on Rock Cliff Drive, 477 ft. south of the Hyland Park intersection are adequate. The west bank of the drainage ditch on Highway 265 should be rip - rapped since there will be a large volume of water emptying into the ditch from the drop inlets discussed above. A concrete swale across Franklin Drive intersection with Hyland Park is needed. Franklin Drive has a very steep grade and the distanc.ekfrO-MpHy_land aP .ntc: to -_Rock -,Cliff is 672 ft. A drop inlet " '''on'each.side of Franklin Drive_ approximately 400 ft. south of Hyland Park is needed. Underdrain the street and storm drain to the drop inlet at the intersection with Rock Cliff Drive. Franklin Drive should have a drop inlet on each side at the intersection with Rock Cliff, the intersection underdrained, and a drop inlet on the south side of Rock Cliff and Rock Cliff underdrained to tie the storm drainage together. If the lot on the east perimeter of Rock Cliff in Phase I is developed, then a drainage structure should be constructed to facilitate the large volume of water in the natural drainage ditch that exists there. I recommended a 4 ft. by 5 ft. box culvert, with floors, toe walls and wing walls. An adequate drainage structure for this same ditch at the east perimeter of Hyland Park (Phase I), should be constructed if lots are to be developed to this point. All streets terminating in dead ends for Phase I should be enclosed with curb and gutter and barricades to control traffic and drainage. If Phase II is abandoned, then the dead ends should have terminal cul-de-sacs. All these open drainage ditches should be improved and rip -rapped and dedicated as drainage easements on the final plat. Once we have a dedicated easement this prevents builders and construction workers from making a mess out of them and filling them up. The drainage ditch should have sides sloped to 3 to 4 ratioand rip rap the floor. I donft have the final grade of streets, etc. These comments are based on the preliminary and the topo map. There may be some changes when the final plat comes in. The meeting was adjourned at 4:55 P.M.