HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-04-11 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 3:30 P.M., Wednesday, April 11, 1973, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. 165 Present: Paul Mattke, Clayton Powell, Wallace Brt, Bobbie Jones. Utility Representatives Present: Frank O'Donnell, David Tucker, Clyde Terry. Developers and/or Engineers: James A Pennington. For discussion today was a proposed large scale development plan PENNINGTON CONST. CO submitted for property on Township Road by Pennington Construction L.S.Development Company. James A. Pennington was present. Comments were as follows: Township Rd. 1. Wallace Brt: Encouraged Mr. Pennington to use lodal containers for sanitation service. Mr. Pennington said what they will have in the way of refuse will be primarily scraps of wood, sawdust, and that sort of thing, and asked if the sanitation department would pick them up. Mr. Brt said they would provided they are' cut so they are not over 2 to 21 feet in length. Mr. Brt asked if there would be any steel or sheet metal scraps. He said they would pick up sheet metal. He asked to have the container on a concrete platform of some type. Mr. Pennington said they do not intend a loading dock as such, the back of the building will just be high enough that you can back a truck up to it. He asked if they could put the lodal on wheels and roll it inside, then roll it back outside to empty it. Mr. Brt preferred to have it stationary as it would be easier for his department to pick up. He said it takes a 60 ft. or larger radius to turn the tender truck around and said there seems to be plenty of room on the plot plan. ) Clayton Powell;) Township Road as it exists is 40 ft. in right-of-way. Under the existing Major Street Plan it is a major arterial; under the proposed it will become a minor arterial requiring 80 ft. of right-of-way. It is our policy to request the developer to dedicate half of the needed right-of-way. Mr. Pennington asked if he could give an easement rather than a deed. Mr. Powell said he would prefer that the right-of-way be dedicated. Also, driveway permits will have to be obtained from the Arkansas Highway Department. Mr. Pennington said he had talked to them and had given them a certified check on this and that the driveways as shown were what they had specified. Mr. Powell said he noticed an 18 inch tile on the East driveway and Nat a Swale on the West one. Mr. Pennington said that is what the Highway Department required. Mr. Powell felt that if one is needed on the East driveway, one would be needed on the West one also. Mr. Pennington said he could not see any advantage to having one in either driveway. After further discussion, Mr. Powell said he would call Dale Kendall with the Arkansas Highway Department and discuss this with him. Regarding rechannelization of the drainage ditch, Mr. Pennington said all he planned to do was straighten it out some. Mr. Powell asked that he go ahead and ma -e that a 20 ft. drainage easement. Mr. Pennington said he is going to trade some property with Luther Flora in straightening out the ditch. Mr. Powell said that after the drainage ditch is developed the City will maintain it if it is dedicated to the City, but that until it is developed and dedicated there is nothing they can do. A 20 ft. easement is necessary to get the City's equipment dawn through there. • Plat Review Committee 4-11-73 -2- Establish drainage grade and channel all drainage back to the tile on the back and put in a catch basin. Mr. Pennington said he did not have in mind putting in a hard surface except in front. He said on the question of the dedication of right-of-way, he would do whatever is necessary to get that thing cleared. Need a drainage easement for the creek across the back 30 ft. in width. 3. David Tucker: Fayetteville -Springdale toll cable runs down the front of this property approximately 4 ft. deep. Call the telephone company and they will come out when Mr. Pennington gets ready to put in his water line across there. Facilities to serve this are buried in front with that toll cable. We will have to get in there and dig it up to serve this. They would like to do this at the point between the area for immediate development and the area remaining to the East not being developed. This would make it easier when that area does develop. The telephone company would like to have Mr. Pennington install a 2 inch conduit out from under the blacktop to the building. They would like to put a terminal inside the building to handle phones from anywhere in the building. Mr. Tucker suggested the East side door as a good location. They will furnish and install a metal box 15 inches wide and 54 inches high where the conduit comes up to serve the phones. 4. Clyde Terry: Mr. Pennington told Mr. Terry they did not anticipate needing TV cable service. Mr. Terry suggested he might want to go ahead and put in a 14 inch conduit alongside the telephone conduit so they could provide service in the future if it is wanted. There is no cable service there at this time, but there will be in the future. If the conduit is not put in now, they can just put in a drop later. 5. Paul Mattke: Water service is no problem—water is on the other side of the road. He will have to cross the highway with water. Mr. Pennington suggested bringing the water across at the same point the telephone will come out of the groiind Mr. Mattke said there is a sewer line in back. It is very rocky ground; he could not guarantee they could get deep enough to get under the creek and get into the sewer. He suggested they use cast iron to cross the creek with the sewer. He recommended the floor elevation of the building be at least 1 ft. higher than therbank of the creek. A pressure regulator will be needed on the water as the water pressure has about 350 ft. of head on it. 6. Frank O'Donnell: Mr. Pennington said he wanted enough gas service to keep the chill off the building and heat an office. Mr. O'Donnell said they are a little West of this location. He is to check its location out further. 7. Herbert Holcomb was not present but had called to say all the details of power service had been worked out with Mr. Pennington. 8. Bobbie Jones: A Board of Adjustment variance will be needed on the setback from street right-of-way. Any sign must conform to the sign regulations. Need at least one truck berth 10 ft. by 30 ft. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 P.M.