HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-03-14 Minutesr MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING. The Fayetteville Plat'Review Committee met at 3:30 P.M., March 14, 1973 in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Ark. Present: Larry,Wood, Paul Mattke, Charles McWhorter, Bobbie Jones, Doug Williford, Pat McKedrick. Utility Representatives: Jack Whitting, Jim Miller, Clyde Terry, Developers and/or Engineers: James Lindsey, Gene Reese, Otis Stobaugh For discussion today, was a proposed subdivision plat and planned LINDSEY-BROYLES unit development, submitted by James E. Lindsey and Frank Broyles, Proposed Subd. presently the Lindsey -Broyles Project. Jim Lindsey an'tth nenReese, with Crafton-Tull and Assoc. were present. Comments were as follows: 1. Charles McWhorter: Mr. McWhorter asked whether they plan to tie the streets in this project into the streets in the sub- divisions north of this. Mr. Reese said he was quite sure those streets are dedicated to the property line and that they do anticipate connecting them. Mr. McWhorter said that he liked the number of fire hydrants they had in the plan, and when asked by Mr. Lindsey if he had any interest in a fire station in this immediate area, he said not in this immediate area. Mr. McWhorter asked that the street names be such as they would not conflict or be easily confused with other streets inctheccity. Mr. McWhorter also asked whether the townhouses in the planned unit development portion of it would be two story townhouses. They said that they would be, and there would be an architectural review committee. There would be 10 or 12 types of approved townhouses to be built there, and the others would have to be approved by them. Mr. McWhorter said that by the time they are ready to come in with a final plat on this, he can let them know about the future fire station site. 2. Larry Wood: Asked whether it was engineeringly feasible to get a tie onto Rockwood Trail. The M.S.P. does not require anything in here between 16 and 45, Jilt Mr. Wood said that we need to get a tie through for traffic circulation. He said there is no east west or north -south movement potential in this. Mr. Wood asked whether they were stubbing the cull out to the property line, and was told they had not :considered`it yet. Highway 265 needs 40 ft. R.O.W. from the center line to meet the MSP. Larry Wood recommended that the area along the bluffs, shown as having conservation easement, be taken out of individual lots, and be put into the ownership of the association. He was concerned about whether the two culls in the southeast corner would be sufficient to provide ade- quate service to that area. He also recommended a conser- vation easement around the southeast corner of the subdivision, where the topography gets rather rough. • • Plat Review Minutes Page 2 March 14, 1973 Jim Lindsey told the utility people that they would like to go underground with the electrical, and asked whether that became a problem. 3. Jack Whitting: Said that inorder to give service there adequately, they may not be able to go to the back lot lines and still reach the houses --on some.of those deep lots. He asked that when they get the subdivision firm enough:. to where they are sure they are not going to change any lots, they may check back with him and give him a copy of the plat to work out the locations of transformers. 4. Paul Mattke: Fire hydrants should_be located at 1,000 ft. intervals, from center of hydrant, to centerodf hydrant. This should have all structures within 500 ft. of a fire hydrant. Move the booster pump station presently shown closer to Highway 265. He asked the develop- ers to provide the City with a future water tank site in his develop- ment in the nature of 1i acres to two acres, and to provide a water pump station site down near Highway 265. Water storage tanks must be at or above the elevation of 1680 ft. He asked the engineers in the design of this subdivision, to design it so it can be dis- connected from the present water system, and reconnected into the future water system, with a minimum of cost. Sewereservice is available, and they are making plans to connect to it. Mr. Lindsey said that in the mid -east section, there is an area they cannot serve with the existing system, until they put in a pump station. He asked about septic tanks ori 7 or 8 lots. Mr. Mattke said as the ultimate development will provide sewer for all of the areas, that these areas should be sewered. Either they should connect,tol)public sewer, or they should wait until Phase IICto'be developed. Mr. Mattke asked for an inter -connection on water lines at Canteberry and on Lovers Lane where the existing water line is. He said the water storage tank site is necessary because fire protection is not available from the high pressure system, within the low range specified by the National Fire Underwriters. The present water system has plenty of water capacity for home use, but will not and does not have sufficient capacity for fire protection. Fire protection will not be available until the water storage tank is constructed by the City. This development will not make the system that is in existance any less adequate than it already is. The developer will construct the off-site portion of the sewer. Mr. Mattke said he thought they should provide for street connections or stub -outs out of this subdivision to adjacent subdivisions that may be developed to the south and east. He suggested another tie to the south, just to the east of the draw between elevations 1400 and 1475 ft. The plats dould be submitted on paper 18 inches by 23 inches. The topo may be submitted on pages 24 inches X 30 inches, with a scale of 1 inch to 100 ft. or 1 inch to 200 ft.__0n the. construction of the water tower and pumping station, if.th'eideveioper <wishethT o add architectural features to these, and they will not affect the functional character of them, and is willing to bear any increased cost, the City will be agreeable to cooperate. Asa • Plat Review Minutes Page 3 March 14, 1973 5. Doug Williford: Mr. Williford was asked by Jim Reese if it would be possible to have a greeneryb;area in the cul-de-sac. Mr. Williford said the R.O.W. would not allow for this. Mr. Williford suggested curb inlets, normally at 300 to 350 ft. intervals, avoid drainage across the street, curb delevations and underdrain elevations are to be shown on the street profile. Mr. Williford felt another out- let to Highway 265, preferably north of the one presently shown, was very critical. 6. Jim Miller: The electrical, telephone and TV companies will get together with the developer and work out the easement requirements and everything together. On'jthe back lot lines where the power company transformer pads are, if%the telephone is in the same trench, you will have to take out a ground wire. 7. Bobbie Jones: Harold Lieberenz had reviewed the plat and had given his written commentscto Mrs. Jones. Mr Lieberenz questioned whether the lot frontage is sufficient for certain lots. Also the lot buildable width. Easements are needed at the rear of the lots. Radii are needed at street ROW intersections. The ROW of Highway 265 needs to be checked against the M.S.P. Adjacent property owners need to be shown on the plat, as well as evidence that they have seen the proposed project. The plat showing street easements of lots needs to be reduced to one inch is 200 ft. on 474 18 inch by 23 inch sheets. Mr. Lieberenz questioned whether after building setbacks_a nice size house could be constructed on some of the lots(3uecto the;.'sha`pe:or width of those lots. This needs to be checked. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 P.M: 163