HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-02-28 Minutes(ttl V (ph • rX MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 3:30 P.M:, Wednesday, February 28, 1973, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Present: Wallace Brt,,;Paul Mattke, Charles McWhorter, Clayton Powell, Bobbie Jones. Utility Representatives Present: Jim Miller, Jack Whitting, Clyde Terry, Herbert Holcomb, Frank O'Donnell,: Developers and/or Engineers: Joe Fox, Bill Bequette, Doh Williams, Elizabeth Sheppard, Mrs. Roland Stubblefield.' The first matter discussed was a preliminary plat for Sequapah Woods, PRELIMINARY a subdivision to be located South of Highway 45, and East of PLAT, SEQUOXAH Highway 265. Joe Fox, of the Urban Planning and Development WOODS Corporation was present on behalf of the plat. Comments and requirements were as follows: 1. Wallace Brt: No comments on sanitation, until they get ready to develop the multi -family section. 2. Paul Mattke: Water and sewer are available within a reasonable distance. I feel sure they will provide the increased capacity needed to serve the high density areas. I will review the technical aspects of the detailed plans after they are submitted. The upper portion of this plat is in the high pressure plan. We will be asking the developer to participate in the costc.of improv- ing the pressure plane, and to pay their fair share of the cost. The high pressure plane is that area above the 1480 contour elevation. 3. Clayton Powell• I have not completed my review of the drainage plans as yet, but will have done so by next week. It appears that they have planned adequate drainage into:Lit. They should practice drainage and erosion control from the property to the nearest natural drainage. Mr. Fox has requested the elimination of sidewalks on the short cul de sac street. I cannot recommend this. He has proposed as an alternative in constructing these sidewalks to construct Joe Freda5tarr Road from Cherokee to Highway 45. •1f the Planning Commission and theiBoatd of Directors are willing to accept the improvement of Joe Fred'Starr Road in lieu of sidewalks on those short streets, I will certainly follow their recommendation. 4. Jim Miller: Requested information as to the size of project plan area A, B, C. Most of'the easements look satisfactory for our needs. 5. Clyde Terry: The platiisffine;for our needs. 6. Charles McWhorter: Do you anticipate any of the multi -family units will be three stories or higher? Mr. Fox did not. Mr. McWhorter was pleased with the number of fire hydrants. 7. Jack Whitting; The service of this property will be joint between Ozark Electric and S.W.E.P. Co. We will work together to successfully serve it. Some additional easements are needed in order to loop our service through. Mr. Whitting requested Page 2 Plat Review minutes Feb. 28, 1973 easements between Lots 177 and 178, 15 ft. wide, along the back side of Lot 178 and 179, 15 ft. wide, between Lots 48 and 49, and between 59 and 60. On the Southeast corner of Lot 166, between Lots 152 and 153, and between Lots 137 and 138. The width of easement needed was discussed with Mr. Fox. 113 8. Herbert Holcomb: Easements needed between Lots 45 and 46. Prefer to do a system plan with Jack Whitting of Ozark Elec- tric on this, and get together on the easements needed before the final plat is brought in. S.W.E.P.Co. wants all easements on the plat clearly labeled, "Utility Easements". I believe that we condemned the entire road, and we do have some special rights there. We are agreeable_ sharing this condemned ease- ment with Ozark Electric and ArkansaasCWesteern1Gas;asolong.:as.we go in in the future and set appoletiiithout having to move aline We may need more easement at a later date, but it is not too probable. 9. Frank O'Donnell: Asked for information as to which portions of the property were to be developed` first. General discussion followed concerning easements and otherimatters. Mr. Fox said that he had talked to Layman Drake, who owns the property immediately North of the center cul de sac, and Mr. Drake will not sell his property to them at this time. So they cannot extend that street to Highway 45. He stated that if it was agreeable, he would like to reduce the easement on the West side of the subdivision to a 15 ft. easement. There were no objections from the Plat Review members. He stated that he would like to make all side lot easements 15 ft. wide; exeept those easements for sewer and storm drainage would have to be also, and then these easements would be 25 ft. wide. Mr. Fox had understood from the abstract that there was an existing power trans- mission line easement which measured 50 ft. off the center line of Joe Fred Starr Road. He said this would be developed inVtwo phases. The first part of the develppment would be on the North 40 acres. He showed the members where the line would split the two phases. Mr. Fox said that they would not have anything to do with the structures in the High Density area. _-g ac :-con-was rmzt r ss, �.o Contac Larry Wood was not present. He contacted the Planning Office the next day and said that he would recommend that they go ahead and open the Eastern most cul to the north and stub it into the property line, so that an opening to Highway 45 could be made later. The Planning Office needs the signatures of the adjoining property owners on a copy of the plat before taking it to the Planning Commissions Mr. Fox would like to have this taken to the Planning Commission on March 6, and promised to have these signatures before that date. can Page 3 Plat Review Minutes Feb. 28, 1973 (14 The next matter reviewed was the Large Scale Development Plan submitted by Westark Real Estate, for property on the West WESTARK REAL ESTATE side of Highway 71 By -Pass, opposite the Washington County DEV. (Don Williams) Fair Grounds. This plan for Commercial development had been tabled at the previous Plat Review Committee meeting because of some questions raised by Larry Wood, and also because there was no one present to discuss these questions. Mr. Bequette and Don Williams, who has the Ford Tractor Agency, were present to discuss the drawing at this time. Mr..Wood was not present, but Mr. Bequette and Mr. Williams had a copy of the letter submitted by Mr. Wood. Comments were as follows: 1. Wallace Brt: Will work with them on this, regarding their sanitation needs. 2. Frank O'Donnell: Arkansas Western Gas has service in the area, and we just have to work out the details with them. 3. Jack Whitting: We have an existing line which goes over the top of this. Ozark needs an underground easement paralleling the By -Pass 15 ft. wide. Mr. Whitting asked if the existing overhead line would be a problem to the developer. Mr. Bequette said that it would not at this time, but it could when they get ready to develop the futeke portion ofkit However, he thought this could be worked out. 4. Charles McWhorter: I believe this is more than 2 miles from our nearest fire station, and this will increase your insurance rate. Will the buildings be a normal height? He was told they would be one story. Since there is no water or public water in this area, and they areppropoaing a well, Mr. McWhorter said he would like something there to back up the water supply. 5. Clyde Terry: We do not have cable available there, but do not anticipate that they will want it. 6. Jim Miller: Asked how many telephone lines they would need in there, and when told probably a couple, he said he didn't see any problems. 7. Clayton Powell: Mr. Powell stated that he lent his support to Larry Wood's letter concerning the commercial aspect of the property and the frontage road which he felt is desirable for the 71 By-pass. He also discussed the accesses to the By-pass. Mr. Bequette said that he understood that the man who drew the plans had called the Highway Dept. asdto the location of the accesses, and they had given him the figures for the location of them. Mr. Powell stated that unless they.have an access permit from the Highway Dept. that they should request one, and it was his understanding that the City'asked the Highway Dept. not to issue them along the By-pass. Mr. Bequette asked if they already had one, if the City could close it. Mr. Powell said that it depended on what the Planning Commission decided. Mr. Bequette said that they would propose to go either way the City required the access road, either down the front"adjoining. the By-pass or down the West side. Page 4 Plat Review Minutes Feb. 28, 1973 It had been Shown down the West side because the information given him was this was where the City wanted it: Their main interest is that they do have an access to the By-pass at this time. Mr. Powell said that with commercial development, he felt the frontage road should be along the By-pass, but with residen- tial development, it could be along the west property line. 8. Paul Mattke: Nearest available water is at Porter Road, and the City does not have anything programmed closer for another year. There will be sewer at the Porter Road location in_about,another year. We are not programmed for water or sewer(at;thisrlocation now. He recommended against the development without -public water and asked Mr. Bequette if he could get an easement across the property to the South, in order to bring a line from Porter Rd. He said if he could get an easement, and could share the cost of a transmission line, or to put a meter down on Porter Rd. and run a yard line up to the property for development. He urged Mr. Bequette and Mr. Williams to ase a public water supply, either through joint participation with the City on a water main, or at least some fire protection with a yard line. 9. Bobbie Jones: If the service road is relocated along the By-pass this will effect the setbacks of the first building proposed. Mr. Bequette promised revised drawings showing the service road and the building with sufficient setbacks in time for the next Planning Commission on March 6, 1973. ,7s FINAL PLAT The last item discussed was the proposed final plat for MEADOW BROOK FARMS Meadow Brook Farms, submitted by Mrs. Roland Stubblefield. Mrs. Roland Stubblefield Mrs. Stubblefield and Elizabeth Sheppard, with Crafton and Tull Engineers, were both present to represent the plat. Comments were as follows: 1. Charles McWhorter: No problems. 2. Clyde Terry: No problems. 3. Frank O'Donnell: Arkansas Western Gas has a high pressure gas line down Old Missouri Road, Be sure to call us before the bull- dozer comes in to to the work there. This is our only problem. 4. Paul Mattke: Have the contractor contact the City Sewer;andt' Water Dept., as well as Ark. Western Gas Company when he'gets ready to put in the sewer. I need typical water and sewer detail' sheets. 5. Clayton Powell: You have one section of street that looks like it will be 100 ft. of street with a 14.73% gradetthatawilL-have to be constructed in 6 inches of concrete, enforced xithf6x6z6x mesh wire. Construct the radius and intersection with Old Missouri Road. We would like drop inlets and catch basins at each side of the street, and it may be necessary to underdrain. 41 • Page 5 Plat Review Minutes Feb. 28, 1973 Mr. Powell wanted to know how long it would be before they plan to extend the street to the east. Mr. Stubblefield could not give a definite date, but said she did want to extend it to the east. On the basis of this, Mr. Powell recommended eliminating the cul de sac, because he said this leaves a very bad looking place when a street is extended and there has been a temporary cul there. We are planning to rebuild Old Missouri Road. If the property owners will participate, we will do the construction at no cost to them, except for the cost6of6building a curb. He requested that she keep this in mind for the balance of her property. Herbert Holcomb: No power problems. Jim Miller: Requested off-site easement from Mrs. Stubblefield on the West side of Old Missouri Road, one lot depth south of Stubblefield Road. Mr. Mattke discussed with Mrs; Sheppard the fact that the water and sewer plans had not yet received approval from the State Board of Health, and this must be done. He also discussed the detail plans needed. Bobbie Jones asked whether the street profiles had been submitted to the City Engineer and to the Street Supt. for approval. The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 P.M. 170