HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-02-14 Minutes/05 MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 2:00 P.M. Wednesday, February 14, 1973, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Members Present: Paul Mattke, Charles McWhorter, Larry Wood, Clayton Powell, Bobbie Jones, Wallace Brt. Utility Representatives Present: Herbert Holcomb, Jim Miller, Clyde Terry. Developers and/or Engineers: Dayton Stratton, Julian Watts, Bryce Davis. The first matter discussed was a proposed large scale development plan for a JULIANWATTS car sales lot submitted by Julian Watts. Mr. Watts and Dayton Stratton were S. School present. Comments and requirements were as follows: L.S.Development 1. Clayton Powell - If you do any paving of parking areas, establish a grade so you will not have any drainage running down the driveways•into Highway 71. Try to make 'scupper drains or drop inlets. You might separate the parking areas with curb stops. 2. Larry Wood - No comments. 3. Jim Miller - No problems, telephone facilities are right down the street. 4. .Clyde Terry - No problems. 5. Paul Mattke - There is no sewer in the immediate area available to serve this property and it would probably cost about $4,000.00 to get sewer to it. He_considered the proper way to go would be to install public sewer but for this cause, unless he can get the rest of the property owners in the area to form a cooperative venture, the $4,000.00 would be out of scope. Before Mr. Mattke can give water service, Mr. Watts will have to have an approved septic tank permit and the necessary plumbing permit for both water and sewer. It would be nice if they could form a cooperative because there are enough residences in there to serve. Advised Mr. Watts how to see about a sewer improvement district. 6. Charles McWhorter - No problems. 7. Herbert Holcomb - There is adequate power available. 8. Wallace Brt - No problems. STRIKE & SPARE - BOYS, INC L.S.Develo.ilent - H .16 W The next matter discussed was a Large Scale Development for a "Strike and Spare" bowling alley and restaurant to be located on Highway 16 West, slightly West of Highway 71 By=pass. Bryce Davis represented Boys, Inc. Comments were as follows: 1. Clayton Powell - Driveway permits have to be obtained from the State Highway Department to gain access to Highway 16. If you plan to pave 40 • Plat Review Committee 2-14-73 Page 2 all the parking area, establish grades to put drainage in drop inlets. Suggested an access off western road leading into Maple Manor apartments. Right-of-ways are adequate. Do control drainage by collecting on the property with catch basins or drop inlets. 2. Larry Wood - No comments. 3. Jim Miller - Asked that developers and/or builder check back with Southwestern Bell in time for them to work out best access into the building. He suggested a pipe be buried where telephone lines cross parking areas so the cable could be slipped through it. 4. Clyde Terry - No problems, but wants to work with Bryce Davis on this. 5. Herbert Holcomb - Propose to come from West side of road into Maple Manor then go underground to the Southwest corner of the building. Will have 3 phase power. 6. Paul Mattke - Will provide water service from 8 inch line running into Maple Manor from the road on the west side. He will need a pressure regulator. Sewer service is available from sewer line in Maple Manor. They: must get an easement from the sewer line to the North edge of Maple Manor's property; Hie -believed it is about 75 ft. inside the property. Be sure your engineer checks the proposed sewer elevations to see that they are compatible with the Maple Manor sewer elevations. Requested 10 or 15 ft. wide easement along this South property line to serve balance of tract to the East. 7. Charles McWhorter - This may be a little more than 2 miles from our station. This would increase your insurance rates. Otherwise, no problems. Reminded him of the new requirements for hood units on the range in the restaurant. 8. Wallace Brt - He has agreed to leave a couple of parking spaces on the Southeast corner for lodal service. 9. Bobbie Jones Parking must be 5 £t. off South property line and screened or 20 feet without screening. Parking cannot be within 25 ft. of a public street if it is also within 50 ft. of "R" property (SW corner property). Driveway entrances are to be 50 feet from intersections of streets. (NW corner) MULTI -PROPERTIES, INC. Sequoyah Woods) - Pre.Sketch The Committee next had a discussion with Mr. Fox and Mr. Hodges with Urban Planning and Development Corporation on a preliminary sketch for a proposed preliminary subdivision plat containing two areas of "PUD" development sub- mitted by Multi -Properties, Inc. •