HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-11-15 MinutesHa MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETIDC 406 The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 3:30 P.M., Wednesday, , November 15, 1972, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. I Present: Paul Mattke, Clayton Powell, David McWethy, Bobbie Jones. Utility Representatives Present: Clyde Terry, Herbert Holcomb, Jim Miller. Developers and/or Engineers Present: Mrs. Roland Stubblefield, John Lyon, Richard Hipp, Thomas C. Comley, Frank Vineyard, Lee Taylor, The first matter discussed was the Preliminary Plat for the proposed subdivision of Meadow Brook Farm submitted by Mrs. Roland Stubblefield. Present to discuss the plat were Mrs. Stubblefield, John Lyon, and MEADOW BROOK FARM Richard Hipp. Comments and requirements were as follows: UNIT 1 1. Paul Mattke: Water and sewer are available. Will need Preliminary Plat final engineering design submitted so Mr. Mattke can review it before any construction is begun. See nothing of any significant nature wrong with this. Mr. Mattke asked for some idea of future street patterns and utility arrangements for the balance of Mrs. Stubblefield's property. He said what is done here should be compatible with the rest of the area development, Mr. Lyons presented a preliminary plat, though not a valid one of both Mrs. Stubblefield's and her brother-in-law's property, He stated that when the property is finally platted there were several changes which he felt would be necessary, Mr. Mattke thought a 50 ft. street would be adequate for this location. He did feel the water line should be an 8�inch line. The sewer line should be sized to drain the whole watershed as it develops, 2. Charles McWhorter: No problem on this, 3. Clayton Powell: Suggested Old Missouri Road be increased to 80 ft. right-of-way. Construct this new street to current City street standards for a residential street, but requested right-of-way for a 60 ft, street, as he felt this might develop as a collector in the future. The cul-de-sac must be permanently enclosed with curb and gutter until.such time as you extend it. The cul should have a 35 ft, driving radius, flaw line to flaw line. Should the street ever be extended, the excessive right-of�way would revert back to the adjoining property owners. Where the street joins Old Missouri Road, there is a rather steep incline; put two drop inlets in the intersection and dump the water into the barrow ditch on Old Missouri Road. .0 4. Clyde Terry & Jim Miller: No problems, I* H 9 —2. U-15-72 5. Herbert Holcomb: Have pole line down the West side of Old Missouri Road, Easements are adequate, It will depend on how deep the rock goes as to whether there would be any cost to the developer to go underground, There was some discussion about the amoufit'of rock in this area. Mrs. Stubblefield was concerned about whether or not making the street 60 ft. wide would come far enough over into her own yard to make it necessary to take out a raw of beautiful trees she has there. She said her primary concern at this time is to get City water to her own home and to make available a lot for her sister to build next to her. She hoped the subdivision would alleviate some of the cost to her on these, Mr. Mattke suggested she not wait for the subdivision to run water to her�Jown house. He told her,)�that the cost per lot would be higher on a small subdivision such as this than it would be on a large one. Mr. Iyon asked that the name of the subdivision be changed to "Meadow Brook Farm, Unit 19, and said he would make some changes in the plat and have it ready to go before the Planning Commission on December 5. He promised to submit copies of the sketch of all the Stubblefield property before that time. To save on cost of street consfkuction, he proposed to pull the cul de sac back from the East side of the last lots but to show a street dedication all the way to the East lot line, The next matter discussed was a large scale development plan submitted by Thomas C. Comley for Garland Avenue Apartments previously discussed GARIAND AVE, APTS, on November 1, 1972. Mr. Comley, Frank Vineyard and Lee Taylor were Thomas C. Comley present to discuss some points with Clayton Powell. L.S.Develo=ent Mr. Comley's comments were that all the things brought out earlier by Clayton Powell have been worked out except one item,, the 20 ft, street easement down the South property line. There are utility easements piled on top of the ol&Evin!)s Farm plat. The utility companies will be requested to approve�closing this 20 ft. street, but it will not affect the utility easements at all. This 20 ft. street is half, or 10 ft.,on Ken Claire and 10 ft. on this property. Mr. Comley. agreed to give 10 ft. of right-of-way across this project to widen Garland. He thought some had been given when Ken Claire was built, but did not know how much. He said he could not give any off Ken Claire at this time because he is not its sole owner. If the drainage pattern Mr. Powell suggested is natural, the engineers have said it would be no problem. Ken Claire will pay their part and the 20 ft. reservation between the two projects will be finished with curbing in the parking area. Melmar Drive was dedicated, built and paid for by Mr. Comley. At that time, he wanted to come straight through, but was asked to curve it with the idea that they would let the traffic come through, but the curve would slaw it down and make it safer, Mr. Comley proposed to run a curb across the 20 ft. street just West of where it intersects with Melmar. Then only the extreme East parking lot ofthis development would empty into Melmar. He said it would prove-too'expensive for them to increase this 20 ft, into a 50 ft, street�.*becauserof.the amount of land they would not be able to use, They would lose all their parking on the South. He said thetelephone company should already be covered with an easement. He promised the sign for the project would comply with whatever regulations the City has in effect at that time, 11-15-72 �2- 150 Bobbie Jones requested Mr. Comley submit "lot of record" information. Clayton Powell explained his reasons for his recommendations. Sycamore is going to be developed as a through street from Garland to College. North Street is the only other through street. If he could get a 50 ft. right-of-way here, Poplar could become a through street from Garland to Gregg Avenue. He suggested the City might could give some concessions on setbacks or parking in order to do this. Otherwise, he agreed with Mr. Comley on blocking off this 20 ft, street, He would like to retain the 20 ft. easement running North-South within the Evin's Farm plat for drainage purposes. He proposed that if we cannot get this 20 ft. East-West easement made into a 50 ft. street, then the Planning Commission approve Mr. Comley proposal to block it off. He accepted Mr. Comleyts drainage proposal, The last matter discussed was a proposal by Carco Rentals, Inc. to CARCO REATALS construct a service building on the Airport property South of the present Hwy. 71 South terminal building. The building would be fore the purpose of servicing Conditional U cars rented by the three auto rental agencies and would contain car wash L.S.Developme facilities. Carco has a lease agreement with the City granting them the right to construct a building which would become the property of the City when they vacate it. There was no one present on this, Comments were as follows: 1. Paul Mattke: Water is available from Highway 71, Sewer will be about 18 months away and he recommended that they wait until sewer is available as he did not see any way to get a septic system to work in this area, 2. Clayton Powelle. Agreed with Mr. Mattke. Mr. Powell had used the Airport as the subject of his Master's thesis and conducted on site studies and reviewed engineering studies conducted by ESCON Iaboratories. He could not find any place where a septic system would work. The existing ones for the terminal and hangar have a history of backing up, The ground water level is approximately 6 inches below the highest surface elevation. Adding-, more waste water to the area is just going to add more standing surface water which will add to the rapid deterioration of the airport runway, A percolation test has been submitted by Carco Rentals. Mr. Lieberenz was not present, but advised that future septic tank systems must be approved by the State Board of Health and that Bill Parette, Washington County Sanitarian, is the local State Health Authority. (This is scheduled before the Planning Commission as "Airports" are conditional uses and this comprises more than one acre.) The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 P9M9