HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-10-25 Minutes0 0 MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 3:30 P.M., Wednesday, October 25, 1972, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas, Present: Clayton Powell. Charles McWhorter, Paul Mattke, Bobbie Jones. Utility Representatives: David Tucker, Clyde Terry, Jack Whitting. Developers and/or Engineers: Carl Russell,"P"ttis Watson, The first matter reviewed was a proposed large scale development plan submitted by Dr. Glen Fincher to construct medical offices for Dr. Fincher and Dr. Hutson on Green Acres Road. Carl Russell with Warren Segraves, Architect, was present to represent the plan, Comments and requirements were as follows: 10 I 1� 6 MEDICAL OFFICES1 for Drs. Finche and Hutson L.S.Developmenti Clayton Powell: Green Acres Road is an existing street. The G plan does not indicate a width for the driveway, request developer7 obtain a driveway and curb cut permit before constructing driveway, There has been a misunderstanding concerning the drain tile under the driveway. The City does not supply this tile. Mr. Powell did not approve the gravel parking lot on the North, but felt it should be paved,* however, he could not require paving. Establish grades in the parking lots to insure positive drainage. As long as the rechanneling of the creek is all done on the developers, own property, no problems, Do not shift the water onto adjoining property, 2. Charles McWhorter: No Comments, 3. David Tucker: The telephone company has already worked everything out with the property owner, 4* Clyde Terry: No problems whether they want service or not. 5. Paul Mattke: Water and sewer services are available and lines are adequately size&�(existing). Water and sewer lines should be kept with a minimun separation of 10 feet on service lines. Sewer and gas lines should be kept at least 10 ft. separation. In working <�o`n the creek channel, be careful not to break the sewer line nor to put it in the bottom of the channel, They will need to block or plug off the service to the existing house and install new water and sewer services. They will need about a 1�inch water meter, 1 6. Bobbie Jones: Reviewed written comments made September 15, 1972* Still need "lot of record" information to determine whether there is a subdivision conflict. Setbacks okay for zoning, Parking spaces sufficient, North parking lot must be sealed. Ordinance requires parking spaces along street be screened* Larry Wood has submitted the comment that Green Acres Road is a collector and the City should�have 30 ft. of ROW from the centerline of the street. �kerbert Holcomb had notified Mrs. Jones that he has already agreed on how to furnish power to this building. Any additional buildings will have to be worked out with him in the future, Carl Russell said he had heard Dr* Fincher might be planning to sell the South 80 ft, Mrs. Jones stated she needed definite information on whether this would be sold. 10�25-72 -2. 144 The next matter to be reviewed was the preliminary plat to replat REPIAT OF PART OF Lots 12 thru. 23, Block A, Block B, Block C. Block D, Lots 3 thru 14, BIRD HAVEN TERRACE Block E, and Lots 5 thru 14, Block F, Bird Haven Terrace submitted by Preliminary Plat Ottis Watson, Mr. Watson was present, Comments and requirements were as follows: 1. Charles McWhorter: No problems. 2. Jack Whitting: Need wider easements. Increase to 7J ft* Off rear of each lot in Blocks B. C. and D. On Lots 12 thru. 25, Block A increase easement by 2J ft. On Lots 3 thru 16, Block E. increase easement on West side to 15 ft. Do Not need additional easements on East side of Block F. In BlockC�Eand F. need easements to come through on Lots 7 and 12 in order to serve the center blocks, It would be much less of a problem to go underground because of the necessity for poles and guy wires if service is overhead. 3. David Tucker: Same requests as Mr. Whitting except request that the 5 ft. easement on the South side of Lot 3, Block #E be increased to 10 ft� 4. Clyde Terry: Same as Mr. Whitting. 5. Clayton Powell: Need 50 ft. rikht-of�way for all streets within the subdivision. Recommend the streets be constructed to the current City street standards. This area is rather flat, the blocks are approximately 1000 ft. long. Need street engineering plans, topos, and profiles before can complete review. 6. Paul Mattke: Water and sewer facilities will need to be constructed, Mr. Mattke has written a letter to McClelland Engineers on this project and he recommended the conditions in that letter be complied with. Water service should be provided as is our current policy. Mr. Mattke had not seen any engineering, but did not anticipate any problems. The letter to McClelland suggested a temporary septic disposal system utilizing two lots for lateral lines and then tying onto the new sewer system as soon as it is available, He said the soil there is pretty good, Fire hydrants will have to be,pr6vided. The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 P.M. Additional Planning Office Note: Original plat had 10 ft, easements along the North and East boundaries. This plat decreases those easements to 5 ft. along the East boundary and 7J ft. along the North line of Block D. The easements along the North line of Lot 16, Block F and Lot 16, Block E have been left off entirely. It is our opinion a minimum easement of 71 ft. should be shown here also.