HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-10-04 MinutesMINUTES OF A PIAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING )41 1 The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 3:30 P.M., Wednesdays October 4, 1972 in the Decision Room) Chamber of Comnerces 123 West Mountain Streets Fayetteville, Arkansas* Is Present: Paul Mattket Charles McWhorterp Bobbie Jones. Utility Representatives: Jim Millerp Clyde Terry, Jack Whitting, Herbert Holcombe Developers and/or Engineers: Charles Wuest The matter for diiscussion at-ithis meeting: Preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision outside the city and inside the planning area PEARSON�WUEST ADDo be known as Pearson-Wuest Subdivisions Charles Wuest was present to Outsicfe city represent the proposals Comments are requirements were as follows: le Jack Whitting: SWEPCO has a one hundred 6itty one K.V. line down one side of the road, and the city has a line down the other side of the proposed road. The proposed lots are long enough that, depending on where the house is located, we would have problems reaching them with service.drops. If electrical service goes undergrounds whether we could come in from the back of the lot or from the front would depend on where the house is situated on the lot. We don't really have a solution as to how to get service in there, and will probably have to '� k it out with the develo er. If he decides to go work it wor _p undergrounds it wouldn't be near the problem as with an over- head line* We would have to work on each lot as the houses are built. If we have to go overhead, we need a minimum of 20 ft. easements* Fifteen (15) ft. is justnnot enough. The 20 ft, might have to be increased if we have excessive trees, etc, We have a problem just getting into the property* The lot on the corner which has the big shade trees on it would be a problem for us when we relocate. We must maintain a separation between separate utility lines of a distance equal to the height of the poles. 2e Clyde Terry: No facilities available and no plans to run it out that far at t�is times But obviouslys in the not too distant future, we will be able to service thise 3* Charles McWhorter: No comments I 4e Paul Mattke: Water not available at the present times Hope to have a major line built out Wyman Road near heret and a minor road up in the area within two years* It depends on the finAncing. Don't see any hang-ups nowe Sewer is fairly close. We are building a line as part of the HO projects (EPA) and will have a line just about a quarter of a mile out which will be a major collectors I can't see why we can't let him tie in at that time. The sewer should be in AID at about the same time span as the water* Within 2 years, both should be there. I 4?� Regarding the raw water lines at Lake Sequoah in the general area of this road, when they get ready to: 1) file the plat 2) build the street, we request permission to help them locate so we can adjust, and so they will not build the street over the raw water line. We do mind them building the street in the easementp but don't want paving overl�-the line itself. The road on the East side of the subdivision should be brought up to at least 50 ft. street width in dedication, or 60 ft. R.O.W. if the county requires 60 ft. I do not believe that they will have much success with wells in this subdivision. They should check with the county to get county road designations for the streets. 5. Herbert Holcomb: The only comments are that he is restricted by the transmission line easement crossing the property. The easement should be shown on the plat, and the setbacks should be off the easement. Check on the width of the easement. 6* Jim Miller: No comments* Believe that telephone service can be given fairly easily. 7. Bobbie Jones: Need the signatures of the property owners to the North, South and West on the plat before it can go through the Planning Commissiono Should provide a cul de sac on the end of the proposed streete Regarding the coirments given, Mr. Wuest said that the fence line for the existing fende, he thinks, are a good 40 ft. apart on the existing road, maybe more. He had not discussed whether service would be underground or overhead on electrical. He had just planned to open the lots up and to sell the lots and whatever else he had to do at this time, He said that he realized water and sewer were a problem, but that'-'�he thought he could selectively sell lots without them. Bobbie Jones reSLueiL2dthe Plat Review EAST GATE #2 Committee members" look at the revision to he re I'minary plat for Eastgate #2p which had been approved by the Planning Commission over a year ago. The preliminary plat approval is good for one year, unless work is actively proceeding on the project, The only comments were that Paul Mattke said that the streets drainage, water and sewer plans must be submitted/.'-for�-%,approval J before construction can begin, Since Clayton Powell was not present, this matter was to be referred to him for ccmnents, also. The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 P -MO