HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-09-27 Minutes0 40 13cl MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 3:30 P.M., Wednesday, September 27, 1972, in the Decision Room, Chamber of Commerce, 123 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Present; Paul Mattke, Clayton Powell, David McWethy, Bobbie Jones, Luther Tharp, Charles McWhorter. Utility Representatives: Clyde Terry, Jim Miller, Herbert Holcomb. Developers and/or Engineers: None, The matter for review at this meeting was a proposed large scale development submitted by Paul Young III for a nursing home to be known as Apple Tree Inn. There were no representatives of the proposal present. Mr. Young had advised the Planning Office earlier that both he and his son must be out of town APPLE TREE INN on this date. He passed the following information alo Administrator, who relayed it to the Committee: to the Planning (Paul Young III) Appleby Road L.S.Development In order to got the necessary financing, it will be necessary to pave Appleby Road from Highway 71 across the width of the property being developed. The site has been approved by the State Board of Health. State Board of Health has tentatively approved the preliminary building plans with modifications. Modifications have been made and are ready to submit plans to State Bcla:i 1 7 ' d of Health. Plans have also been submitted to HUD, but no answer is back yet. There is a 12 -inch sever main 200 feet North of the North end-l'of the property and also at the SW corner of -,---Murphy's property. There is also a 12�inch water main through the middle of the 50 acre tract owned by Mr. Young, 1. Luther Tharp: The plot plan does not show anything in the way of garbage service and access to it. Have developer contact the Sanitation Superintendent, 2. Clyde Terry: Need utility room for TV and telephone, Will need developer to furnish conduit or prepare some way to run TV cable to the proper locations. These should be drawn in the plans. Please contact Trans�Video. 3. Jim Miller: (Southwestern Bell) How many phones will they want? Do they want an outlet in each room? Can provide service down Appleby Road, but will need a 20 ft. easement on North, East and West sides. Have developer contact Southwestern Bell and supply more information, Both Southwestern Bell and Trans�Video would like copies of the floor plan, 4. Herbert Holcomb: SWEPCO has a pole line down the East side of this property, Some easement along the East line would be desirable with other utilities because if there is a development of the property to the North in the future we could utilize that, Will attempt to utilize the power line along the East side from the SE corner, Will work with developer on whether additional easements are needed. 5. Paul Mattke: Recommended developer contact Water & Sewer Department and let us help him locate the 16 -inch Lake Fayetteville'viater line. 1� 9lllll27-72 .2. 140 Mr. Mattke did not agree with Mr. Young on where the water line is located. Water & Sewer Department records indicate it is about 300 feet,46at of the drive-in fence which would put it under the proposed site. It is important to find the location of this water line, Recomm nd they go to the sewer to the North. Also recommend put in some fire hydrants; each hydrant would cover within 300 fte 6. Charles McWhorter: Need fire hydrants; recorm nd two. Recommend building be sprinkled. Need a spread of 50 ft. centered in front of canopy restricted from parking for fire lane. Provide fire extinguishers on each wing; at least two lollll1b. AeB.C. Approved of building laid out in wings. Much easier to isolate a wing in case of fire, 7. Clayton Powell: Think Appleby Road should be up -graded on the Major Street Plan from a minor street to a collector street due to the high density development activity thelophy's Mobile Home Park, Springbrock Mobile Home Park, Wade Bishop's subdivision with an approved preliminary plat for 102 lots, and this nursing home. In any case, the street right-�4llllway must be widened from the existing 40 ft. (*) to 60 ft. Otherwise, before any development starts, since it is a requirement by the State Board of Health and HUD, that a bond be posted for the development of the street regardless of any improvement district initiated, If an improvement district is initiated and carries, we would like to see it cal at least to the East of the Bishop subdivision (Mr. Bishop might participate if enough moral persuasion is exercised). The public parking area extending for 450 ft. on Appleby Road will 10 have to be limited access, We can permit 40 ft. driveway entrances with a minimum ci�25 ft* between these driveways. There is no tol information; the ol drainage could be a serious problem. The design of the building with roof save drainage will be going in all. directions. We can't have drainage damaging other abutting properties. These are my only comments before I see more detailed plans and profiles. I would Me to discuss with him the possibility of a street dedication along the North and West perimeter of his (overall) property. Definitely need 10 ft. additional right-ofllllway on North sidle of Appleby Road at this time, The present width of Appleby Road was discussed. Many of those present questioned whether there might be 40 ft* existing. They felt there might be no more than 30 fl Paul Mal said that it seems that in the courts all you can hold to for right-ol is what is between the fences, 8. Bobbie Jones: Need 35 ft. setback from North property line for laundry building. Must have 1 parking space per bed, believe they have 76 room with 2 beds each. The parking must be drawn on the plans, must be located 25 ft. from street right�ofllllway, must be located 5 ft. from side and rear property lines and screened or 20 ft. from side and rear property lines without screening* Parking must be graded, drained, and surfaced, and must have wheel barriers or curbs for all parking. Curb along the frontof the property with drive openings onlyo Screen front parking. Parking spaces should all be 10 ft. by 20 ft. Need additional right-of-way on Appleby Road, The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 PeMe