HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-08-23 Minutes151 MINUTES OF A PIAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat, Review�COmmittee met at 3:30 P.M., Wednesday, August 23, 1972, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Present: Paul Mattke, Clayton Powell, Donald Grimes, Bobbie Jones, Utility Representatives: Jack Whitting, David Tucker, Herbert Holcomb, Clyde Terry, Developers & Engij��Iers: Ervan Wimberly, Gary Hayden (McClelland Engineers) 0 The first matter for discussion was the proposed revised subdivision CARSON MEADOWS plat of property outside the City submitted by Mrs. Rema Carson and Outside City known as Carson Meadows. Ervan Wimberly and Gar7 Hayden were present, Comments were as follows: 1. Jack Whitting: Requested easements between Lots .13 and.14 and ID between Lots 14 and 15, also East and West between Lots 9 and 10 and Lots 8 and 3.10 and along the North side of Lot 14 with enough room on Lots 15 and 13 for anchoring. Easements to be 20 ft. wide. If they have underground electrical service, they don't need the anchor room. Need 20 ft. at the corner of Lots 1 and 2 (Northwest corner of Lot 2). The 50 ft. easement on the East side is a limited utility easement because of the present service already in there. 2. David Tucker: No additional easements needed besides those requested by Mrs Whitting, 39 Clyde Terry: Same as Mrs Whitting, In addition need to be able to get along the South side of the South street (Woodsedge Road), 4. Paul Mattke: Requested 25 ft. easement along the South side of Highway 45 as the State will not permit utilities in highway right-of-way. What is the proposed source of water supply? J 5. Clayton Powell: All rights-of-way are shown 50 ft. wide. The intersection at Highway 45 will have to have a permit from the Arkansas Highway Department Office in Springdale. They will determine the size of the drain tile, etc. The natural drainage should be adhered to. Would prefer streets be devel�ped to City's minimum street standards. 6. Bobbie Jones: Will there be any covenants on use? Have perk tests been made? Mr. Wimberly said Mrs. Carson only plans to sell a couple of lots each year. Perk tests were not run on each lot but were run on four different locations within the subdivision. He pointed out an error in lot dimension which he said has been corrected. The next matter reviewed was the preliminary plat of the proposed Je Re BOSTON PROP, subdivision of the Je Re Boston property. Mr. Wimberly and Mr. Hayden Preliminary Plat represented this plat also* Comments and requirements were as follows: 8-23-72 -2- David Tucker: Already have facilities to serve Lots 1 through 20, Block 2. Easements shown on Lots 20 through 26, Block 2. Lots 2 through 10, Block 1, and from Lot 2 to Lot 22, Block 3 are sufficient. Requested an additional easement to go West between Lots 10 and 11 and Lots 12 and 13 in Block 3 and along the East side of Lot 15, Also need an easement along the South side of Lots I and 2, Block 3. All of the above easements, to be 15 ft. wide. Make drainage easement drainage and utility easement, 2o Herbert Holcomb: Asked that easement on the East side of Lot 15, Block 3. be carried on across Lots 14 and 16'. Block 3. There is only a 15 ft, wide drainage easement between Blocks 2 and 3. Experience in other subdivisions has been that you need an additional 10 ft. easement on one side or the other in which to put utilities. Utility services must be located at least 10 ft. off the cut in order to be secure. Need rear lot easements on the West side of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1. May want an easement between Lots 18 and 19, Block 2. 3. Paul Mattke: Lot 10, Block 1 is the area most readily sewered. How do they propose to build on loot 8, Block 1? They might want to look into realigning a section of sewer and putting in a couple of manholes; otherwise Lot 8 seems useless. Suggest hydrant at the West end of the project be moved to the East and keep about 1,000 ft.sei�iwation between hydrants, Move the hydrant between Lots 18 ara'19,_Block 2. to between Lots 17 and 18., Block 2. Around the cul-de-sac bend the 2� inch water line around so it lies behind the curb, How will you sewer Lots 5 through 19, Block 2? The sewer is very shallow. Can't sewer Lots 1 through 4. Block 1 for the same reason. Probably can't sewer Lot 12 as shown; probably have to run a spur up bi3twden Lots 12 and 13 and 11 and 12 to pick up that lot. Can run a sewer line down the street in front of Block 2 and sewer Block 2 that way, but it will add a lot of feet of sewer. Why are lots shown so large? There seems to be a lot of wasted space in this subdivision& Suggested 25 ft. utility and drainage easement either side of the centerline of the creek between Blocks 2 and 3. Would like to get the sewer line and manholes out of the creek. Lots 25 and 26, Block 2 cannot be sewered:_Off� this line either, Clayton Powell: What arrangements are to be made to close the existing private gravel street between Overcrest and Susan Drive in Winwood Estates? This should be closed off where the public dedication ends, Where new streets tie into existing Elmwood Drive and Overcrest, construct as standard intersections with no offset in the street intersections. Radii at intersections should be a minimum Of 30 ft. Develop cul-de-sac with curb and gutter and with a minimum radius of 35 ft. on the curb. There are no provisions for drainage to come off the cul -4e -sac I unless there are catch basins with under drainine.yand storm 8-23-72 .3- 133 drains to the natural drainage between Lots 8 and 9, Block 3. Also, establish grade in cul-de-sac to insure positive drainage or construct catch basins and storm drain. In Block 2, Lots 25 and 26 have a natural drainage ditch which I cannot see how they can be built on and leave the drainage ditch open unless they plan to build a box culvert. This also applies to Lot 11, Block 3 and Lot 4. Block 1. Recommended the street on the South end in a cul�de-sac rather than intersecting with Wirrwood Drive. There is already a drainage problem on Winwood Drive. There is a box culvert in place where the intersection is proposed. The 1 -foot deep, man-made ditch cuts across Lots 1 and 4. Block 2, and Lot 6. Block 3. You must maintain provision for drainage that already exists there. There is a similar problem with the existing natural drainage ditch running through Lot 17,�Block 2. hitting the corner of Lot 16, Block 3. and crossing Lot 22, Block 3. The ditch terminates in Lot 1.1, Block 3. This ditch should be continued to connect with the other ditch running through Lot 11, Block 3. Drainage facilities will have to be provided to utilize those lots. Also, where these two ditches cross the street underdrain (storm drains) it. Along with the underdrains construct catch basins on each side of the street to take out water on the street surface rather than flattening the crown on the street surface, With this creek bed running between the lots in Block 3, which will be collecting a vast amount of water and will create drainage problems at the North terminaiion of the development if provisions for the drainage easement are not made and constructed to the natural drainage ditch which is fartheir' to the North. Provide full 50 ft. dedication for street on the South all the way to the West line of the subdivision. All streets should be constructed the full length of,a'U lots developed. Construct catch basins on this street to take off the surface water at the point of natural drainage (creek bed), Experience in the past year indicates that there are insurmountable drainage problems in the Wheeler -Sawyer Addition that are going to affect this also. We must have provision for catch basins and storm drainage to carry excessive water off the street. Ervan Wimberly said Lot 10, Block 1 would not be included in the subdivisjon at this time. He said the lots were designed this large because any smaller lots and they would have to reroute the creek. City Manager Donald Grimes said he thought the City should anticipate that the street to be developed within this subdivision which connects Overcrest and Winwood Drive is going to become,at least temporarily, a cut-off�bb�;ween Old Wire Road and Highway 45 and will carrvy a lot of traffic. Mr. Wimberly handed out plate of the Industrial Park to be reviewed a week later. Some preliminar7 comments were given at this time. Herbert Holcomb said SWEPCO has decided not to go ahead with building a substation on Lot 1. He requested a rear lot easement 15 ft. wide all the way down the West INDUSTRIAL PARK side of the Industrial Park, and a 10 ft. wide easement along the North Preliminary Plat edge of Lot 4 to the River, He asked that utility easements be clearly labeled.Ilutility easements" because of a recent court ruling in which they 10 I* do B-23-72 .4- 134 were denied use of an easement because it did not contain the word utility. The 50 ft. utility easement in Lot 1 is actually a 100 ft. utility easement. Clayton Powell said former City Manager Wesleyirowe had agreed to allow Thrasher -May to construct a street through Lot i to an apartment complex they plan. This will leave this lot unusable because of setbacks, etc, City Manager Donald Grimes asked Clayton Powell whether it would be cheaper to keep the present base and level and just widen out Black Oak Road then curb, gutter and pave it, or to rework the road bed. Paul Mattke said he felt they should work off the present base because of a water line in the road. Clayton Powell said he thought all streets in the Industrial Park should have 80 ft. right-of-way, The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 P -M*