HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-05-31 MinutesMINUTES OF A PIAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING 114 The Plat Review Committee met at 3:30 P.M., Wednesday, May Z 1972, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Present: Clayton Powell, Paul Mattke, David Faught (Housing Authority), Harold Lieberenz, Donald Grimes (City Manager). Utility Representatives Present: Jack Whitting, Clyde Terry, Herbert Holcomb, David Tucker. Developers & Engineers: Jimmiy Crownover, Carmen Lierly, Bryce Davis, Bob Burban. The first matter discussed was the proposed Lierly the City but within the Fayetteville Planning Area. and Carmen Lierly represented the preliminary plat, requirements were as follows: 1. Subdivision, outside Jimmy Crownover Comments and LIERLY SUBDIVISION Preliminary Plat Outside City uacx nnitting: uzarxs Ltectric has a line along the North of the property along the County Road. With the lots 305 fte deep, they cannot give overhead service from the easements along the backs of the lots if the houses are built on the front of the lots. Requested an easement be provided along the fronts of the lots. Mentioned possibility of going underground, 2. Clyde Terry: Nearest service about 10 miles from this area. 3. Paul Mattke: No City water- and sewer and probably will be about 10 years before there will be any. How are you planning to serve sewer and water: Mr. Lierly said it would be individual wells and septic tanks. He has a meeting June 1 to attend on water development for this area and surrounding properties. 4. Clayton Powell: Stated he had proposed several months ago that any subdivision within the Planning Area jurisdiction develop subdivision streets according to street specifications as they would be inside City limits. Otherwise, if we go with rural street specifications contained in the subdivision regulations, the right-of-way of Lierly Land and Weir County Road should be 80 ft. and Velma should be 60 ft. Turn radii should be 30 ft. on minor streets. A drainage plan should have been presented with the preliminary drawings. Need tile for each driveway at each lot. If the Planning Commission continues torgoEalong with unpaved streets within the Planning Area, Mr. Powell stated he would want at least those minimum standards met (60 ft. ROW on Velma; 80 ft. ROW on Weir and Lierly; 30 ft. radii; and tile at each driveway on.each street). JinrV Crownover said he thought Lierly Lane already has a 50 ft. ROW existing, 5. Harold Lieberenz: Asked whether they had run perc tests; they • have not, they submitted thevletter on the basis of the type of soil there and past experience. Mr. Lieberenz asked if • 5-31-72 -2- they could get 100 ft. separation of water and sewer on lots 6 through 10 on Lierly Lane. He and Mr. Crownover discussed the State's proposed regulations to come into effect June 10. Mr. Crownover said they were depending on rural water district before the smaller lots develop. 71;5' Mr. Lieberenz reviewed with Mr. Crownover past subdivisions processed outside the City as to requirements the Planning Commission had made on certification of the lots suitability for septic tanks and street improvements required. He noted that the subdivision regulations require that lots having both wells and septic tanks have a minimum lot area of 202000 sq. ft. Lots 6 through 10 are not that large. 6! David Tucker: (Arrived late) Plat okay as drawn. The next matter discussed was the proposed large scale development plan for a Minute Man on West Dickson Street. Bryce Davis and Bob Burban were present to represent the proposal. Comments and requirements were as follows: 1. Herbert Holcomb: Have existing service up the North side of the alley or drive and can serve the proposed building from that point. Not sure if it is a legal alley, probably just there by use; been there since 1928. 2. Clyde Terry: No problems. 3. Paul Mattke: Think there is a sewer line in the alley that comes up to the West property line. Would prefer to serve from the alleyway, to avoid having to cut Dickson Street, MINUTE MAN Dickson St. L.S.Development 4. Harold Lieberenz: Any can washers or something like that? The City frowns on washing them outside *4�this causes health problems with the County Sanitarian and hazards with motorists. Check with Bill Parette on can washing facilities. Watson Street is a very narrow street. Is there a large radius to turn out there? Will the developer make any improvements? No on both counts. Discussed with Mr. Burban the existing and proposed sign regulations and told him the sign as presented would require a variance under either regulations. Asked if East walls would be solid brick or would there be windows in them. Only an exit door. 5. Clayton Powell: Campbell Avenue has only 23 ft. ROW; requested additional 131 ft. Dickson Street has 55 ft. ROW; requested 2J ft, to meet Major Street Plan. Mr. Powell thought Dickson should be 80 ft. on the Major Street Plan. Asked that swales direct drainage coming out of parking lot into a box culvert) with a grille cover over it to keep drainage out of Dickson Driveways are 46 ft. including radii; they should be no more than 40 ft, in width. Retaining walls can be built on the 5-31-72 -3- t property line with the approval of the City Engineer; !otherwise, it would have to be set back 2 ft. Mr. Powell suggested they go along with the 2 ft. setback. i Mr. Burban said they need the retaining wall because their parking lot will not be the same elevation of the property next to it and they don't want cars dropping over the edge. 6. David Tucker: Service in this area on Dickson Street. Would prefer to put in underground which would require a 1 inch plastic pipe out of the building and to Dickson Street. Otherwise, no problems. The last matter discussed was a large scale development for a proposed expansion of the Doctors Building on Spring and Locust. There were no representatives of the proposal present. Comments and requirements were as follows: DOCTORS BUILDING CORP.I Spring St. & Locust 1. David Tucker: There are a lot of problems involved with Urban Renewal on this. Mr. Tucker stated he had met with the architects several times, but still does not have a solution. The plot plan itself is fine, but the telephone company must replace its facilities on Meadow, Church and Locust. Everyone present discussed with David Faught,.Assistant Executive Director of the Housing Authority, the problems each faced with the Urban Renewal and also the effect their problems had on this proposal. Mr. Faught suggested the parking lots should be sloped to their center, then put in grate inlets, and put all 'surfacer. water into storm drains. 2. Clayton Powell: Grade parking lots into storm drains and into proposed storm drains. The City has to put in a 60 inch storm drain; will go with a box culvert if possible or possibly two, one on each side. Will need additional right-of-way on Church Street (10 ft.) and on Locust (5 ft.). Need to properly drain entire parking areas into storm sewer instead of having a slotted curb. 3. Harold Lieberena: Major Street Plan requires widening of Church Street 10 ft, on each side and Locust Street 5 fto on each side. Off street parking should be located 25 ft* off streets and screened and 5 ft. off South property line. 4. David Faught: Urban Renewal requires either a 12 ft, landscaped area or a 6 ft, decorative architectural screen betweencthis_.�% and adjacent residential areas, Notify of any building permit applications, rezonings, or Board of Adjustment appeals in the Urban Renewal area. The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 P.M. 1