HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-05-24 MinutesMINUTES OF A PINT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING ill The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 3:45 P.M., Wednesday, May 24, 1972, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas, Present: Paul Mattke, Clayton Powell, Charles McWhorter, Utility Representatives Present: Herbert Holcomb, Clyde Terry, David Tucker, Developers, Engineers, Etc.: Mike Watson, Hugh R. Kincaid, John Fletcher, Sam Robinson. The matter for discussion at this meeting was a large scale 'development SAM ROBINSON, JRo plan for a proposed medical office complex on the East side of College KINCAID & CO. Avenue between North Street and Baxter Street. Representatives of the North to Baxter project who were present were: Mike Watson, Real Estate Representative, on E. side of Hugh R. Kincaid, Attorney, John Fletcher, Architect, and Sam Robinson, College Avenue Developer. Comments and requirements were as follows: L.S.Development-� 1. Clayton Powell: Had checked all street rights-of-way surrounding this development. North Street is 32 feet wide on the Southeast corner of the intersection of North Street and College Avenue and down to Waneetah Street where it widens to 40 feet right- of-way with the additional width to the South of the section line. Eight feet is needed to square the street width to 40 ft., then if additional is needed for the Major Street Plan, work from there. College Avenue only has 60 ft. of right-of-way between North Street and Maple Street. 20 ft. additional as(ehown on the plan would square up the street. Baxter Street has 40 ft. of right-of-way. He recommended the City Board of Directors vary the requirement for 50 ft. of right-of-way (Major Street Plan), accept the present 40 fte right-of-way in exchange for additional right-of-way on College and North Streets. The intersection of College and North Street is in the TOPICS for construction of turn radii, widening to three lanes, and a turn bay. Mr. Powell felt that under the TOPICS program, it is necessary to get additional right-of-way for North Street dedicated at this time. Mr. Powell acknowledged to Mr. Robinson that the present roadbed of North Street makes it appear that there might be more existing right-of-way on the North side of North Street on the other side of College, but said in recon- struction the Street Department squares up the intersections and tries to line up the centerline of the roadbed with the centerline of the right-of-way. Mr. Powell requested 18 ft. additional right-of-way for North Street and stated he personally was willing to work for a 60 ft. wide street rather than the 80 ft. shown on the Major Street Plan with the remaining 10 ft* to come off the North side of North Street: The driveways are acceptable. The drainage would come out into College Avenue, then into the storm drains. 5-24-72 -2- 112 2. Luther Tharp: Checked the revision which located the trash receptacles and said that if no parking is to be on either • side, it is satisfactory as shown. 3. Paul Mattke: The building will be 65 feet high: the top 45 feet cannot get water pressure directly off the water pressure system and the lower 20 feet will have low pressure. The highest elevation at which water can be supplied is 1480 and then you can get only 30 lbs, pressure. It would be necessary to install a private pressuring system. It would be best to supply both water and sewer off Baxter. There is only a 6 -inch sewer in -Baxter, andii",.will have to look carefully at what you are putting in th re a or you may overload it. There is no lack of water, it just does not have any pressure. There is a 4 inch high pressure line going up Baxter Street to the water tank, but the cost of reducing pressure off that line would be greater than increasing pressure off the other line. The Water Department will single meter the building. Requested an easement to cover the water line and sewer line along the East property line. 4. Charles McWhorter: Will building be sprinkle d�Y, No. The overhead walkway between the building and parking garage must be a minimum of 14 ft. above the ground and he would prefer it to be 15 ft. • 5. Herbert Holcomb: SWEPCO has a pole line which comes up from Baxter and feeds out into the property. It is apparently just across the lots with no right-of-way easement, but if the developer finds an easement, SWEPCO can handle that. There is a driveway where SWEPCO needs to anchor this line. Would probably need to serve development off North Street. fSWEPCO has an underground commercial policy they could offer in which they could put a power pole on the Northeast corner of the property then go underground to the building. The developer would have to supply two 4 inch PVC pull ducts. SWEPCO will need a 10 ft. by 10 ft. area near the building for a pad mount transformer. By the parking area at the Southeast corner of the main building looks ideal. They can use a vault if the developer prefers, but the developer would have to construct it. Both buildings can be on a single meter; but they prefer separate meters if there is different ownerships. Separate metering can be done with a pad mount transformer. Will want to retain a pole line along the North side of Baxter. Can eliminate anchor only if satisfactory with telephone and Trans -Video. 6. David Tucker: Telephone company has a line through the property, but it only serves the property included in this site plan. They will have to retain a pole and guy wire on the North side • of Baxter Street. There was considerable discussion as to whether the existing pole (where a proposed driveway is shown) could be moved. Herbert Holcomb did not think it could be moved over 3 ft. if that far. 5-24-72 Requested a 10 ft. easement along the East side of the property to get from North Street to Baxter Street so • that sometime in the future they can take this all out. They prefer a straight easement, but if this cannot be worked out, they will accept one that follows the East line of the property. The easement the City has (if they have one) is probably written only for the City and the utility companies cannot use that one. A public easement would be best. Mr. Tucker asked that the builder consider the possibility that the doctors may want to tie the buildingds telephone system in with the hospital's. Doctors are beginning to want stations off the hospital switchboard. Should that develop, the main feeder system is the second pole East from College on North. The telephone company has an under- ground subway that ends at that pole. From this location they will feed into a mechanical room somewhere inside the building. Did not think the developer would want a central switchboard. Require 4 ft. by 8 ft. wall space inside the mechanical room and a riser (chase or conduit) up through the building so the telephones can branch up. The new communication building at the University is ideally designed. Requested they be sure to make the chase or conduit large enough. Requested either a conduit out from under the parking area . so they could trench in to it, or if cheaper, the developer could take a PVC to the electrical pole at the Northeast corner and the telephone company can pick it up there. Clyde Terry: This will necessitate rebuilding a large expensive line in order to vacate the easement Trans - Video now has. This is the main feeder line servicing the whole Northeast section of town. Trans -Video's main line must be rebuilt from Willow and Cleburne and they will need an easement along the East property line (prefer a straight line) from Baxter to North Street a minimum of 15 ft. in width. To serve buildings, requested a 2 inch pipe alongside the telephone company's 4 inch FVC and a 2 inch conduit inside the building to serve. Requested a meeting with the developer to discuss size of conduits and how they can get into the different offices after the plans are drawn. 8. Bobbie Jones: Property must be rezoned. Buildings are too close to College Avenue and Baxter Street for R-0 zoning. When moving main building to the East, watch the setback from the East property line. It must be at least 58 ft. from the East property line. According to Major Street Plan additional right-of-way is needed as follows: 5 ft. on Baxter Street; 28 ft. on North Street; and 20 ft, on • College Avenue, Larry Wood and Harold Lieberenz were not present to comment. The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 P.M.