HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-03-15 Minutes(1 0�5 r MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING lb The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 3:30 P.M., Wednesday, March 15, 1972, in the Central Fire Station, 303 West Center Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Present: Larry Wood, Clayton Powell, Harold Lieberenz, Charles McWhorter, Utility Representatives Present: Clyde Terry, Herbert Holcomb, Jack Whitting, David Tucker, Arnold Christie. Developers & Engineers: Byron Boyd, Ervan Wimberly, A. D. McAllister. The matter for consideration at this meeting was a large scale MAYFLOWER INVEST - development plan submitted by Mayflower Investment Company for MENT COMPANY property located on the East side of College Avenue, between Byron Boyd, Agent Harold Street and Rolling Hills Drive. The property is also College & Harold proposed to be divided into at least two separate ownerships also; L.S.Development so a subdivision waiver will also be'necessary. Comments and requirements were as follows: Arnold Christie: Need an easement to come from East property line into the K -Mart area with an easement. 2. Jack Whitting: Ozarks electrical will serve apartments, K -Mart and food outlet. Existing line runs down east side of this total property. Mr. Whitting showed Mr. Boyd and Mr. Wimberly where he needed easements. 3. Clyde Terry: Requested easements be brought all the way between the rows of houses running east and west and also between the houses and commercial properties. 4.02David Tucker: Facilities presently located on the NW corner of the Malco Theater property. Requested easement in grass area North of the theater 20 ft. wide. Also requested easement 71 ft. either side of line between K -Mart and residential, easement 15 ft, wide behind apartments (each row), 7j ft. wide from Rollings Hills Drive North to apartments along boundary between this property and Trinity Temple, 5. Charles McWhorter: Questioned how many fire hydrants were proposed. Mr. Wimberly said this has not all been settled yet. K -Mart wants two and will sprinkle. Mr. McWhorter said fire hydrants are needed in the residential areas also. Requested at least the East drive between K -Mart and the office area be kept open to traffic. 6. Herbert Holcomb: SWEPCO has a main power feeder going up the East side of Highway 71 and the South side of Harold Street and can reach what they will serve. If anything special is needed, they will work with the owner. Larry Wood: Four comments ----(1) Seems desirable to try to develop commercial frontage road across this piece of property that hopefully will tie with Millsap and the 3-15-72 -2- 106 Arkansas Western Gas road with possible signalization at Rolling Hills Drive. • (2) It looks like time to improve Harold Street,with the increased emphasis it will need some improvement. (3) It looks desirable to try to put some direction on some of these openings. Suggested that the North opening in back of K -Mart be a left turn only to keep traffic out of the residential area to the East. (4) Think you may have some opposition at the public hearing for deioning the proposed apartment area. He suggested flopping the plan to get the drive away from the single family homes to the East and suggested a green area between the single family and apartments. He also suggested they consider going two story on the apartments to provide more green space, If the frontage road is not feasible, he suggested right turns only on some of the access points on College, B. Clayton Powell: Requested developer develop Harold Street with curb, gutter, etc. to the centerline from College Avenue through this development. The City owns the property on the North side where the fire station is. The City would pay its share. Suggested improvement district to get both sides of the street improved including storm sewers, The Arkansas Highway Department is improving Highway 71 with four lanes, curb, gutter, storm sewer and catch basins and will improve the intersection also, The purpose of requesting a frontage road is to create • traffic safety. Recommended signalization of Rolling Hills Drive, (4)• David Tucker: Additional comment -.Southwestern Bell Telephone has a buried cable that crosses the highway to the North about 245 feet South of the NW corner of the pancake house property and runs North to Harold Street right-of-way and then goes East along Harold Street the total length of the project, 9. Harold Lieberenz: Letters are on file with the City from property owners to the East who are concerned about drainage on this property. Asked about old sewer lift station on the property. Screening fence required between the parking lot and the Church property and between parking and residential zoning across the street. Also pull parking 5 feet off the property line along the Church property. Ervan Wimberly of McClelland Engineers and Byron Boyd, Agent for Mayflower Investment Company were present. Mr. Boyd said he plans to flume the strip between K -Mart and the apartments. All the drives shown will be private drives, with no streets. He wanted all electrical service on the property to be underground. Mr. Wimberly said flopping the apartment plan and putting the drive to the West of the apartments would put their entrance against the trash area of K -Mart. He said • they had done a drainage survey of the property. The Arkansas Highway Department will extend the South box but will not enlarge it. The developer will replace the culvert across Harold Street and drain 3-15-72 -3- 107 it into the box on the North side of Harold Street, Both Mr, Boyd and Mr. Wimberly said there is 60 ft, of ROW existing on Harold • Street. Mr. Boyd requested that trees and landscaping be permitted instead of screening parking across the street from residential districts. Mr. Boyd said he felt that if he could get K -Mart to go along with the improvement of Harold Street the request for a frontage road on College Avenue should be waived. a 0 Clayton Powell asked that the landscaping shown not be in the street ROW but be located on the private property, He also said he was willing to compromise on the frontage road request, if he could get Harold Street property developed. A. D. McAllister, Attorney,was present. He requested the City vacate the platted easement across the South side of Lot 4, Block 1, Oakland Hills Addition. He said the easements on Lots 1, 2, and 3 have already been vacated and promised to submit a copy of the instrument to the Planning Office. The other matter for discussion was a proposed large scale development plan submitted on behalf of Whit Chevrolet, Inc. for property on the Southwest corner of Township Road and College Avenue. Comments were as follows: 1. David Tucker: Like to know where the NW corner of the property is. Requested 20 ft. easement along the West side. 2. Clyde Terry: No problems. 3. Clayton Powell: Will give comments later. 4. Herbert Holcomb: No. problems. All others were to submit comments later. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 P.M. r WHIT CHEVROLET College & Township