HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-01-19 MinutesI! • MINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING 94 The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 3:30 P.M., Wednesday, January 19, 1972, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas, Present: Larry Wood, Clayton Powell, Paul Mattke, Harold Lieberena. Utility Representatives: Jack Whitting, Herbert Holcomb, David Tucker, Clyde Terry, James Walker. Developers & Engineers: Wayne Bayley, Ervan Wimberly, James Walker. The first matter for discussion was a proposed replat of Lot 5, Block 9 of Parker's Plat of Valley View Acres submitted by Wayne Bayley. Mr. Bayley was present and was also represented by Ervan Wimberly. Comments and REPLAT LOT 59 requirements were as follows: BLOCK 9, PARKER'S 1. Harold Lieberenz: Need 10 ft. additional right-of-way on Leverett. Mr. Lieberens wanted to check with the City Attorney and see if the Planning Office could handle this without platting under the new amendment to the subdivision regulations. 2. Clayton Powell: Driveway entrances must be 60 ft. from the intersection on Poplar and Leverett Streets, 3. Larry Wood: Also mentioned 10 ft. additional right-of-way on Leverett and asked about showing access points on drawing. 4. Paul Mattke: No problems. 5. Herbert Holcomb: Discussed the necessity of locating an electrical service pole on the north We of the property. 6. David Tucker, Clyde Terry, and James Walker (gas company): No problem. Mr. Bayley agreed to the dedication of the 10 ft. of right-of-way and requested that if possible this be handled by the Planning Office under the new amendment to the subdivision regulations. Mr. Lieberens promised to check with the City Attorney on how it could be handled. The next matter for discussion was the proposed rerouting of Front Street A.W.REALTY S on the A. W. Realty Subdivision Plat approved by the Planning Commission Front Street but not yet accepted by the Board of Directors. A. W. Realty had requested Revision the plat not be accepted by the Board until they could work out a problem on the extension of Front Street outside the plat and south to Millsap Road. It was necessary to relocate Front Street within the subdivision in order to line up with the right-of-way Mr. Bassett was willing to give on the property to the south. James Walker was present on behalf of A. W. Realty; and Ervan Wimberly also represented the proposal. Comments and require- ments were as follows: 1. Clayton Powell: With the right-of-way for Front Street just 18 ft. from the Highway 71 right-of-way, this lobke like a dangerous intersection at Millsap Road. Paul Mattke agreed with Clayton Powell. 1-19-72 -2- 95 Mr. Wimberly and Mr. Walker pointed out that Mr. Bassett's property is shallow. Mr. Bassett has given 50 ft. for utilities and agreed to let them use it for a street also. He will not give more than 50 ft. Mr. Powell said the profile was okay and shows adequate drainage, etc. 2. Paul Mattke: Did not like the lack of distance between the proposed street and Highway 71 right-of-way, but conceded the City has to bend a little bit. 3. Larry Wood: No comments. 4. David Tucker: Did not think there were any problems. He had not received official confirmation on the use of this easement. 5. Clyde Terry: Will have to move Trans -Video lines when the power company moves their lines. 6. Herbert Holcomb: The prgposal as shown was worked out in cooperation with A. W. Realty and McClelland Engineers as the beat possible compromise`at this time. SWEPCO agreed to give them the right to build a street on the 50 ft. easement they have without releasing the easement as such. Mr. Walker requested a copy of the material of this meeting and notification of future meetings before other groups. The next matter for discussion was a preliminary subdivision plat submitted for Carson Subdivision, property outside the City Limits but within the Planning Area. Ervan Wimberly represented Mrs. M. C. Carson, owner and developer. Comments and requirements were as follows: 1. Larry Wood: A cul-de-sac shows on the vicinity map. Could it possibly connect in with this subdivision. Asked about possible r_ > access into other properties. He felt it important if possible. Mr. Wimberly said it was not possible to connect with the cul de sac. 2. Paul Mattke: No water or sewer services available there. Asked what was proposed for sewer. Questioned whether acme of the lots would handle septic tanks. 3. Jack Whitting: Ozarks Electric will need easements. He proposed to make a survey as to where lines should be and advise. 4. James Walker: Arkansas Western has a gas line on the south side of Highway 45. They will probably serve from the street. 5. David Tucker: Requested easements on the West side of Lots 1 and B; on the East side of Lot 2 to the North line of Lot 3; across IS North side of Lots 3 and 4; between Lots 3 and 4; between Lot 6 and Lots 7 and 9; and from a point South of the boundary between CARSON SUBD. Outside City 1-19-72 -3- 96 Lots 6 and 9 West to the East side of Lot 10. Easements requested to be 10 ft. each. 6. Harold Lieberenz: On previous subdivisions outside the City where public sewer service was not available, the Planning Commission required an engineer's certification that each lot will sustain separate private water and sewer systems. Requested Mr. Wimberly try to get outlets to North and East. Fft-lanning Commission also required plat covenants to regulate retbacks at least, 7. Clayton Powell: Since this falls under the provisions of the subdivision regulations, recommend streets be constructed to all City subdivision regulations, including drainage, curb, gutter, etc. Mr. Wimberly also said they propose a 30 ft. easement across the south end of Lot 8 for access, Je thought they might bring the street right -of way to the west line of Lot 10 before curving back to Highway 45 to provide street frontage for the Rubin Liner, Jr. property, At this time Mrs. Carson only wants to open up Lots 1, 2, 8, 7, and 9 and develop road around to the pond. This is in one of the rural water improvement areas. Septic tanks are planned, but he felt each lot was of sufficient size to sustain a septic tank. The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 P.M.