HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-12-15 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee Meeting met at 3:30 P.M., Wednesday, December 15, 1971, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Present: Harold Lieberenz, Clayton Powell, Paul Mattke (arrived late). Utility Representatives: Jack Whitting, Clyde Terry, Herbert Holcomb. Developers & Engineers: Albert Miller, Benny Winborn, FIi The first matter discussed was the Happy Hollow School Plans, being processed through the Planning Commission as a conditional use request HAPPY HOLLOW SCHOOL and a large scale development. Benny Winborn was present to represent Conditional Use the school. The Plat Review Committee had earlier reviewed the plans L. S. Development without a representative of the school being present on December 1, 1971. Additional comments were as follows: 1. Jack Whitting: Ozarks Electric needs easement across the school property to get back to the transformer location. 2. Clyde Terry: Discussed proposed TV outlets with Mr. Winborn, Mr. Winborn thought they would only need two or three. 3. Benny Winborn: The School does not plan to extend Ray Street north as a street. They do not plan to improve 4th Street back to Happy Hollow Road. They have given some thought to trying to go to the east along the schools south property line and north along part of the east boundary line to get into some kind of street lay out with Cummings and Goff (Red Arrow No. 3). Mr. Winborn agreed to supply the easements requested December 1 and at the present meeting. He also agreed to submit proof of "lot of record" to the Planning Office. 4. Clayton Powell: The Street Department had been led to believe that.,the school was going to construct 4th Street as a City street and also Ray Street and on that basis had been instructed to improve Happy Hollow Road for the school. If the City Manager approves of the school building a driveway off the end of Ray Street, that is fine; however they need an improved street into the school. Paul Mattke, City Engineer and Water & Sewer Superintendent, had not arrived. Mr. Winborn left. The next matter discussed was the large scale development plan submitted by Albert Miller. Mr. Miller was present. He is having to retire from the automotive repair business because of health. He has constructed a double garage with storage behind his house at 1863 South School and wishes to work part time out of it. The property is zoned C-2 in front and I-1 across the back. Comments were as follows: ALBERT J. MILLER 1863 South School 1. Herbert Holcomb: No problem. Mr. Clack to the south has already agreed to give an easement for electrical service. 12-15-71 -2- 89 2. Clyde Terry: Not involved. 3• Clayton Powell: Discussed existing driveways with Mr. Miller. No problem. 4• Paul Mattke: (Arrived while Mr. Powell talking to Mr. Miller). No.problem. 5, Harold Lieberenz: Will process through the Planning Commission, but they will have to resolve the requirement to pave 80% of the lot, and to construct a raised curb of not less than 6 inches in height along the entire street property line, except for driveway opening. Mr. Miller left. Clayton Powell said that Mr. Howe, City Manager, had discussed with him POLICY the situation of people building beyond dead end streets and cul-de-sacs. Private drives He had told him the street extension or driveway had to be constructed off dead end to the standards of the existing street before approving a building permit. streets The next matter discussed was a large scale development plan submitted JERRY SWEETSER by Jerry Sweetser for the Northwest corner of North Street and Gregg North & Gregg Avenue. Mr. Sweetser was not present. Comments were as follows: L.S.Development 1. Herbert Holcomb: SWEPCO has a 3-phase line along the west edge of the property that may or may not be covered by an easement which could be used as a point of service. 2. Clyde Terry: Trans -Video needs to come in off Gregg Avenue to the center of building "b" and around on the south to the center of building "all. When Mr. Sweetser does next phase, they will again come off Gregg to the north side of the buildings. 3. Paul Mattke: Mr. Sweetser has added fill over a sewer line covered by easement. If it is over 12 feet under the surface, he must either remove the overburden or replace the line with cast iron. Requested topo of existing and finished grades. Buildings Phase lb and Phase 2a need to be pulled back farther from the sewer line. They need 15 to 20 feet clearance. 4. Clayton Powell: Felt driveway to the west should be moved in 60 ft. from the West property line, also it would balance the location of the driveways. Mr. Sweetser must route drainage. -11 5. Harold Lieberenz: What is proposed height of buildings? Will any exceed 20 ft? Identification sign would be limited to 10 sq. ft. by existing ordinance. Will either need 20 ft. of distance between north property line and Northeast'parking area or parking must be screened. Mr. Lieberenz instructed the Planning Administrator to notify Mr. Sweetser is and send a copy of these comments to him and hold scheduling# before the Planning Commission until any problems are worked out: 12-15-71 -3- 90 Herbert Holcomb said he had been in contact with a nephew of L. C. Barnes L.C. BARNES and thought he might assist him in getting the 25 ft. easement Mr. Holcomb needed across the south of the Barnes property. Paul Mattke stated that the dedication for Fourth Street into the Happy Hollow School property is a right-of-way dedication and not a street HAPPY HOLLN SCH. easement. Any improvements on this right-of-way must comply with the minimum City street standards. Mr. Mattke promised a written statement on this. (Mr. Mattke's letter follows this page.) The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 P.M. • • F.A,YETT7MV2LLI', W&1RI<AW8AS P. O. DRAWER F 72701 (501) 443-4301 December 16, 1971 Mrs. Bobbie Jones Planning Admin-strator City of Fayetteville Fayetteville, Ark. 72701 Reference: Happy Hollow School Site Dear Bobbie: In addition to comments I made prior to this, I wish to add the following: 1. Recommend that 4th Street be opened and brought to minimum street standards to include necessary base, asphalt wearing surface, curbs and gutters. As this is a school site, recommend sidewalks be included on both sides of this street. In addition to this a drainage structure should be provided to prevent pond- ing of water to the North of 4th Street, 2. Ray Street should be dedicated to extend to the North edge of the school property as a future street and utility easement, although I do not feel that they should be required at this time to bring this to meet street standards unless they wish to do so. 3. Keeping in mind that compliance with the above is presently being required on all developements, approval in this case would be tantamount to aberrating our subdivision regulations. I, therefore, must recommend disapproval of this plat, unless com- pliance with the above recommendations is acceptable with the School Board. Yours truly, 1� / Paul W. Matt 111 City Engineer 91