HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-11-24 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING 82 The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 3:30 P.M., Wednesday, November 24, 1971, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Present: Paul Mattke, Harold Lieberenz, Clayton Powell, Utility Representatives: Arnold Christie, Herbert Holcomb, Clyde Terry, David Tucker, Jack Whitting. Engineers & Developers: Herb Christner, Bryce Davis, Loris Stanton, Don Pitts. The first matter discussed was the plans submitted for the proposed WAYNE HINKLE MOBILE Wayne Hinkle Mobile Home Park. Comments and requirements listed below HOME PARK were given to Herb Christner, who was present. Highway 16 East 1. Paul Mattke: Owner needs to -surrender a sewer tap letter to the Water & Sewer Department. There will be no pumping of sewer required now. Mr. Mattke felt a 50 ft. street through the mobile home park to connect with Wyman Road is needed. 2. David Tucker: His studies indicate this property lacks 30 to 40 ft. touching Wyman Road. Plans to serve from the Southwest corner of the property off Highway 16. Hinkle had promised to provide a 15 ft. easement. Changes in easements shown on the submitted plans are: a. Does not need easement on East and South part of Space 15, unless the developer wants it left in. b. Need a 10 ft. easement (centered on the line between spaces) between Space 13 and Space 14• C. Original drawing had an easement between Spaces 21 and 22 which has been omitted from recent drawings. A 15 ft. easement is needed there. d. Need a 10 ft, easement between Spaces 7 and 8 and between Spaces 26 and 27. 3. Jack Whitting & Clyde Terry: Requested same easements as telephone company. 4. Harold Lieberenz: Parking area must be at least seal coated. Need 30 ft. turn radii off Highway 16. Need proof of "lot of record." 5. Arnold Christie: There is an 8 -inch, high pressure, gas main through parts of Spaces 60, 612 62, and 63. No building can be placed within 25 ft. of that main. They have not advised him whether they propose to move it or not. The possibility of swapping locations of Spaces 60 through 63 and the recreation area was discussed. Mr. Christie said it would still have to be lowered, but it is not as great a problem . to lower it as it is to relocate it. They also discussed locating it on the edge of the road bed. In addition to comments listed here, the Committee wish to abide by comments and requirements from meetings held 9-11-70, 2-19-71, & 3-12-71 also. n 11-24-71 -2-, 83 Mr. Lieberenz told Mr. Christner that Larry Wood was not present and promised to forward his comments when they were received. '. The next matter discussed was the proposed Informal Plat of Don F. Payte INFORMAL PLAT Property. Mr. Christner and Loris Stanton discussed this with the OF DON F. Committee. The property is located North and East of Happy Hollow Road PAYTE PROPERTY and runs across to Highway 265. Comments and requirements were as follows: 1. Mrs. Payte proposes to sell the house and 28 acres out of the 160 acre tract. 2. Harold Lieberenz: Need adjacent property owner signature for property to the South. Why was Tract "B" not brought all the way to Happy Hollow Road? Mr. Stanton said there were two reasons: (1) Purchaser did not want that particular piece of property. (2) Mrs. Payte thought in the interest of future development of the balance of the property, it might be better to retain this strip. Mrs. Payte purchased separately the 100 ft. by 200 ft. parcel of property South of the Southeast corner of subject property. 3. Paul Mattke: Asked whether the property owner would grant an easement along the two branches. Future sewer line will probably follow one of them. Mr. Stanton said the sales contract calls for water and sewer easements across Tract B for Water and sewer. There is a 2411 water line in an easement from the SE corner of the entire tract shown on the plat to serve the existing house. • Mr. Mattke said he would like to run a profile on where he needs the easement for the future sewer line. 4. Arnold Christie: No comments. 5. Herbert Holcomb: Requested easement to cover existing line from the 25 ft. easement shown up to the house. The telephone and TV are on the same line. A 10 ft. easement is needed. 6. David Tucker: Telephone line goes all the way back to Highway 265. An easement can be written to cover from the house to Highway 265. 7. Clyde Terry: No easement requested at this time, if will have an opportunity to get an easement on the West property line when Tract "A" develops. Mr. Lieberenz again noted that Larry Wood was not present and reserved the right to get his comments and forward them to Mr. Christner and Mr. Stanton. He wanted this checked against the Major Street Plan. The next matter discussed was the large scale development plan submitted by Bryce Davis for Maple Manor Apartments on Highway 71 By-pass south of Highway 16 West, Mr. Davis was present. Mr. Davis made the following remarks: MAPLE MANOR APTS. L.S.Development '?Developer is definitely going to build the service road off Highway 16 71 By-pass to South side of property being developed%with a dedicated right-of-way. If the City wishes, they will dedicate Marvin Avenue to the boundary of the project, but do not wish to dedicate inside the project. A utility 10 11-24-71 -3- 84 easement will be dedicated regardless. Mr. Davis said the reason they do not wish to dedicate this inside the project is that they wish to reserve the right to police it themselves and if conditions warrant it to putgate across it. That road is not shown against the property to the because Russell Jacks, the owner, said he did not want to participate in the cost of the road. Mr. Davis said he could not subdivide the property because they did not'�own it yet. They signed a contract to purchase the property in 1969, but do not have the deed yet. It is set up so they can get title to it in stages. They have no objections to giving a 50 ft. easement for service road on all the property, but do not want to build it past the project's South boundary. Comments from the Committee were as follows: 1. Paul Mattke: Need to look at overall use of this property and surrounding area. Have worked out verbal deal on joint effort to extend water and sewer lines, but it is only verbal agreement. There might have to be some changes in the location of water and sewer lines. Mr. Mattke is waiting for the engineers' to submit water and sewer details. 2. Arnold Christie: No comments. 3. Herbert Holcomb: Definitely want easement down 300 ft. road. Will work with blanket easement inside project. 4. David Tucker: Requested meeting of telephone, electric, and TV • before they get ready for a building permit. Telephone service will have to come from the intersection of Highway 16 and Highway 71 By- pass. Requested easement on or around December 15. (Herbert Holcomb noted that the transformer pads must stay clear of water and gas lines.) 5. Clyde Terry: Need to study further. 6. Luther Tharp: (Not present, but contacted the Planning Office). Lodal or garbage pad for building 118C" -not accessible to truck. 7. Clayton Powell: Requested streets be built 31 ft. in width flow line to flow line and turn radii be at least 15 ft, on dedicated streets. Questioned drainage? catch basins? and storm sewers? Mr. Mr. Davis said the dedicated streets will be built to the width requested. They do not wish to dedicate Marvin Avenue and Marvin Circle. The streets are designed to carry the water inside the project and will drain to the Southeast corner and go under the by-pass. 8. Harold Lieberenz: Discussed the setbacks and heights of two buildings. They are okay unless over 20 ft. in height. Mr. Davis said the lenders are agrees his to closing the deal in December. He would like to get a building permit and start in January. (Bobbie Jones contacted David Malone, City Attorney, the next day. He had reviewed Mr. Davis' files on the purchase of the property. Mr. Malone's opinion was that Mr. Davis still must comply with the Subdivision Regulations.) 11-24-71 -4- 85 The next matter discussed was the large scale development plan submitted DON PITTS by Don Pitts on the "Overholt property" off the North end of Wheeler Avenue. (Overholt's) He stated he has purchased the property, but the Overholt's have a lifetime Wheeler Ave. estate on the property, Mr. Pitts wants to build one house to the West of and facing the last house built there. Comments were as follows: 1. Herbert Holcomb, Clyde Terry, David Tucker: Need to figure out how to get service to it from existing lines. Also, would like to know what to plan for in the future. 2. Luther Tharp: (Not present, but informed the Planning Office there is no problem.) 3. Paul Mattke: Wanted to study further, and later advised the Planning Office that water service is there. If Mr. Pitts keeps the floor elevation high enough, he can get on sewer. If he sets too far to the West, he will have a grade problem getting into the sewer. He definitely cannot have a basement. Without being able to tie onto the sewer, Mr. Mattke would not recommend approval. 4• Clayton Powell: Mr. Pitts will construct a driveway to the residence off the end of the street, The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 P.M. CI