HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-09-29 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING 71 % The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 3:30 P.M., Wednesday, September 29, 1971, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Present: Larry Wood, Paul Mattke, Harold Lieberenz, Clayton Powell. Utility Representatives Present: Herbert Holcomb, David Tucker, Clyde Terry. Developers & Engineers: Duane Nelson, Kenny Bell, Odell Taylor. The first matter for consideration was a development plan submitted by Duane Nelson for construction of a "Ramada Inn." A lengthy discussion DUANE NELSON was held between the various representatives and Mr. Nelson. Some L.S.Development comments were as follows: 1. Harold Lieberenz: Informed Mr. Nelson that the Subdivision Regulations state land cannot be divided, etc, unless by a plat approved by the Planning Commission. If Mr: Nelson proposed to sell the property, it should be subdivided. At any rate the plan must be reviewed by and approved by the Planning Commission because it is larger than one acre. Mr. Nelson said he still owns the property and has no intention of selling it. He has signed a ground lease with Ramada Inn. He further stated he had left room between this development and the funeral home for a 60 ft. street to the West. He does not plan to build that street now. 2. Larry Wood: Does the existing access road tie in with the Sears property? Mr. Nelson said it does not and he does not want it to do so for a long time. That is a private drive out of the parking lot for the funeral home. The existing service road was discussed. Mr. Nelson said he had dedicated to someone (the State ?) that road, the State built it and is to maintain it. The portion from the existing entrance to Highway 71 South is dedicated; but not the portion across the front of the funeral home. He said he was told the road was built so the City could get off the highway and over to a pump station. 3. Herbert Holcomb: Will come across the highway South of this site and then go North to the site. Will eventually need a good easement across the South line of all Mr. Nelson's property between Mr. Nelson and Mr. Steele. If they can get this easement in the future and at this time have an easement from Mr. Nelson's South property line along the East property line as far North as the proposed service station, everything else can be worked out. Mr. Nelson was interested in the service being underground. 4. David Tucker: Telephone company must make decision on whether they will continue to bring service on the West side of Highway 71 South from the Sears development. Transmission suffers under this arrangement. . There was a discussion concerning whether the utilities could be placed inf'� the ROW for the existing service road. 9-29-71 -2- 72 5. Paul Mattke: Area for immediate development not in flood plane. Sewer service will come in from the West. Mr. Mattke told Mr. Nelson the most desirable route to bring water in: tie to existing water line at the South side of Ozark Windows, cross Highway 71, come down the front of Mr. Nelson's property to the future 60 ft, street, turn West, enter the property there. In the future go to the West until it is South of the Southwest corner of Sears, then loop. A fire plug is necessary every 50 to 300 ft. Fire insurance premiums are increased if a commercial building is more than 150 ft. from a fire plug. Mr. Mattke suggested 3 fire plugs. (Mr. Mattke left the meeting.) 6. Larry Wood: (1) Requested tie with access road to Sears property; think it is seriously needed. (2) Recommended tie 60 ft. street to the West down now either by easement or dedication. (3) Property only zoned commercial back to the middle of the swimming pool. Approximately 250 ft, on the West half of the development zoned A-1. ,7j. Clayton Powell: One drawing shows access road ROW 40 ft.; another shows ROW 50 ft. Which is correct? No notations about drainage, radii, or turn radii. Turn -ins should be a minimum of 30 ft. radius. Streets themselves should be 30 ft. wide with curb and gutter; sidewalks are desirable, but not required. Turn radius off access road into parking lot should be 30 ft. 8. Harold Lieberenz: Questioned whether future units (80) would be motel or rental? Mr. Nelson said they would be motel. Told Mr. Nelson building permit cannot be issued even if Planning Commission approves plan before zoning is corrected on West portion of property. A permit might could be issued on the "commercial" building only before then. Requested copy of recording information showing book and page where recorded to show it was recorded prior to June 29, 1970. Sign extremely large and maybe higher than ordinance will permit. Told Mr. Nelson what regulations are for signs. State Board of Health approval necessary on swimming pool and cafe before permit can be issued. Promised to advise Conley Napier. Mr. Nelson said his contract said if they were unable to erect a competing sign, it could void the whole project. He also said he could be penalized for each day he delayed construction. In summary, Mr. Nelson was told (1) Initiate rezoning petition to cover 300 ft. more commercial property (this would protect parking area for future units as well). (2) Process Large Scale Development through the Planning Commission October 5. (3) Get book and page and when property recorded. (4) Easement down East side for utilities. The next matter discussed was a Large Scale Development Plan submitted by Kenny Bell for property on Highway 62 West. Mr. Bell and Odell Taylor, KENNY BELL Attorney, were present. The property to the East is owned by Mr. Medley. L.S.Development is Comments were as follows: 9-29-71 -3- 73 1. Paul Mattke: Believe water line is on the South side of the Highway. There is no sewer service available. • 2. Utility Companies: All utilities agreed it would be better to bring service down behind the buildings, across the middle of the Bell property. Mr. Bell was to check with Mr. Medley to see if the lines could also be brought through the middle of his property; if not, he promised an easement down the East side of his property and another across the middle from East to West. 3. Harold Lieberenz: Questioned Mr. Bell as to his plans for the balance of his property. Mr. Bell said he hopes to build one building at a time, rent or lease them, and phase out of the salvage business completely. He asked about moving the proposed building as close to the East property line as possible. Mr.. Lieberenz told Mr. Bell that in order to sell these buildings it would be necessary for him to subdivide the property. If he did not sell, the Planning Commission must review under a Large Scale Development Plan. If he plans more buildings, he should submit at least two next time instead of one at a time. Mr. Lieberenz warned Mr. Bell not to order a sign without first checking with him. He promised to check the Building Code, etc. to see how far from the East property line the building must be. The next matter discussed was a Large Scale Development Plan submitted by the American Legion, Shelton -Tucker Post # 27, for a concession stand at • the American Legion Ballpark. Comments were as follows: AMERICAN LEGION BALLPARK 1. Paul Mattke: Sewer service available in Shenandoah Mobile Home Park. They would have to pay the cost of bringing the sewer line in. Water line somewhere on the property, but it would be easier to get water service from the line at the Mobile Home Park, 2. David Tucker: Underground telephone line running from Southwest corner of property directly to electrical pole by stand. They cannot build over that. Check, think building will need to be relocated enough to clear that line. It was noted that a letter had been received from Mrs. Clay Yoe stating her intentions regarding a future street down the West side°of Dr. Whiteside's property. It was also noted that Mr. Jacks (Ernest Jacks) had suggested DR. WHITESIDE dedication of a 25 ft. easement for future street to tie down the location of the street and that he thoughtMrS Yoe would be willing to do the same. The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 P.M. 0