HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-08-18 MinutesMINUTES OF A PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING 62 The Fayetteville Plat Review Committee met at 3:30 P.M., Wednesday, August 16, 1971, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Present: Doug Williford, Ronnie Howerton, Paul Mattke, Harold Lieberenz, Utility Representatives: Clyde Terry, David Tucker. Developers & Engineers: Oran Whisler, Leon Edens, The first matter discussed was a continuation of the study from August 11, on the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints of Jesus Christ, Old Wire Road. Oran iWhisler was present on behalf of the Church. Comments were as follows: 1. Oran SWhisler: He had checked on the street to align with Hilldale. If the local Church people approve, they would go REORGANIZED ahead with it. He had a couple of questions: Would the CHURCH OF JESUS Church be assessed for curbs, gutters, improvements, etc. CHRIST OF LATTER in the future since most of the ROW as proposed would come off DAY SAINTS that property? He agreed to turn any information over to the Old;Wire Road bishopric as they hold title to the property. 2. Paul Mattke: Stated he could give no definite answer; if the • City wants the street opened to serve the public, the City ' would bear the cost. If the property owner requests the street to be opened, the property owner would share the expense. He stated he had no authority to say what the policy will be. Mr. Mattke did recommend public sewer. There would be a charge for bringing the 'sewer service to the property. Along Old Wire Road, the City has an easement 50 ft. wide on the North tapered to 35 ft. on the South (Tract 41.). 3. Harold Lieberenz: Explained the manner in which the street "easement" was dedicated by the Nazarene Church at Oakcliff and Old Missouri Road. In this manner they will keep control and maintenance of the property until such time as it is needed for street purposes. 4. David Tucker & Clyde Terry: Both requested a 15 ft. easement down the West side of the prop„rty. The City Engineer's drafting department had plotted the property on a map. It showed there is no overlap of this property with Sun Valley Addition. It also showed the proposed street dedication curving from Hilldale Northeasterly onto the Church property. Por. 0. A. Johnson owned the property to the South. He has not been contacted for his views on this. The proposal shows a portion of the proposed street coming off his property. . The second matter for discussion was a sketch of a proposed lot arrangement for Ken Lance & Leon Edens for property on Cabinet Lane. Comments were KEN LANCE & as follows: LEON EDENS Proposed Development 8-18-71 -2- 63 1'. Larry Wood: (By telephone) (a) No provision shown for service road to parallel By-pass. As alternate, suggested locating • 150 £t. off By -Pass. This would require cooperation of person owning property on the West side of Cabinet Lane and a possible swap of property with this person. (b) What is proposed for balance of property? (c) If Cabinet Lane is maintained to the By -Pass, a temporary turn around or cul-de-sac is needed. (d) Recommended Lots 1 through 8 be extended to the East property line. (e) Cabinet Lane should be a full width street. (f) If "a" above followed, Lots 9 and ten could be redrawn accordingly; if not, recommend extending to East property line. 2. Paul Mattke: No sewer service before 1973. The soil conditions are poor and he did not recommend septic tanks. There was a discussion concerning trying to get into the nearby lift station. If they do try to get into the lift station, the sewer service should be on the back of the property lines. Unless they are going to make a large amount of money, the project isn't big enough to develop and support the cost. He also mentioned the question of paving the street. 3. Clyde Terry & David Tucker: Need 15 ft, easement to go on back of property lines for TV cable and telephone and electrical. Leon Edens said he owned property adjacent to this and planned to eventually develop the portion to the East with his property. A portion of the property, • primarily to the North, is too low and poorly drained to develop. The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 P.M. •