HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-04-27 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION A meeting of the Fayetteville Planning Commission was held on Monday, April 27, 1992 in the- Board of Directors Room on the second floor of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Jana Lynn Britton, Tom Suchecki, Jett Cato, Kenneth Pummill J. E. Springborn, Jack Cleghorn, and Jerry Allred Chuck Nickle and Joe Tarvin Sharon Langley, members of the press and others Mr. Cleghorn called the meeting to order and explained that Commissioner Nickle was out of town so he would be chairing the meeting and Ms. Little and Mr. Bunn were unavailable for the meeting so Ms. Langley would be filling in for them. MINUTES The minutes of the regular Planning Commission Meeting of April 13, 1992 were approved as distributed. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - WAREHOUSE DEVELOPMENT BURT HANNA - 5 SIDE OF 15TH, W OF ARMSTRONG AVE. The next item on the agenda was a request for approval of a Large Scale Development for Warehousing presented by Burt Hanna for property located on the south side of 15th Street, west of Armstrong Avenue. The property is zoned I-1, Light Industrial. Ms. Langley then gave the City Engineer's report, as follows: The development consists of warehouses on 8.8 acres, with the potential of further subdivision at a later date. There were no significant comments by any of the utilities present. All easements were considered adequate. The 24 -foot drive along the east side may be improved to City standards at a future date and become a city street. Mr. Bunn had recommended the large scale development be approved subject to plat review and subdivision committee comments; construction of a sidewalk along 15th Street; approval of the plans for water and sewer extensions; approval of the plans for the 24 -foot drive on the east side of the development; and a grading plan. Mr Hanna stated he was present to answer any questions the Commission might have. MOTION Mr. Allred moved to grant the large scale development subject to staff comments. Ms. Britton seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. PRELIMINARY PLAT - QUAIL CREEK SUBDIVISION, PHASES II & III MEL MILHOLLAND - S OF APPLEBY, E OF GREGG The next item was a request for approval of a preliminary plat of Phases II and III of Quail Creek Subdivision located south of Appleby and east of Gregg Avenue, presented by Mel Milholland on behalf of Charm Homes. The property is zoned R - la I • • • Planning Commission April 27, 1992 Page 2 1.5, Moderate Density Residential, and contains 24.49 acres with 63 lots proposed. Ms. Langley presented the City Engineer's report: This preliminary plat was being submitted by Milholland Engineers on behalf of the owners, Wade and Peggy Bishop. The development consists of 63 lots on 24.5 acres. This is a re- submittal of the original plat that had been approved by the Planning Commission several years earlier. There was considerable discussion on the easements by the various utilities present. There were several easement changes requested and approved by the owner. There was some discussion as to whether the developer needed to stipulate the exact use of the lots on the plat (whether duplexes would be constructed or whether the lots would be single family only). The Staff felt that the ordinances required that the use be stated on the plat while the developer felt the zoning allowed them to utilize the lots either way without having to designate the use beforehand. At the Subdivision Committee meeting there had been discussion from the audience concerning traffic problems in the area and a specific drainage problem. Ms. Britton had suggested that sufficient right-of-way be reserved so that Clymer Drive could be extended to the north to serve additional property. Mr. Bunn had recommended approval of the preliminary plat subject to plat review and subdivision comments; approval of a grading plan; approval of water, sewer, streets, and drainage plans; construction of sidewalks in accordance with City ordinances; and payment of park fees. Ms. Britton stated the reason she believed Clymer should have a right-of-way dedicated at the north end was not to benefit Quail Creek Subdivision but because the Martins (adjoining property owners) might desire to subdivide their property at some future date. She further stated she would prefer there was not another cul-de-sac. Mr. Milholland stated he concurred with most of the staff comments. Ms. Britton noted the minutes from the 1985 meeting showed a wavier had been given allowing fewer street lights but there was no reason why. She asked why that wavier had been requested and granted. Mr. Milholland stated he did not remember receiving the waiver or why it had been requested. Ms. Britton stated the street lighting had been discussed by one of the property owners at the Subdivision Meeting. She explained they had told the property owner the street lighting was as required but later found out about the waiver. Mr. Milholland noted that the ordinance required a street light every 300 feet. Ms. Britton stated there were only three street lights in Phase I. Mr. Allred stated the waiver was for 450 feet. In response to a question from Mr. Allred, Ms. Langley explained the waiver would not apply to any development except Phase I. Mr. Milholland explained that at times the street lights were 310 feet or 330 feet apart instead of exactly 300 feet. Ms. Langley stated she believed Mr. Bunn did allow a slight variance but Mr. Milholland would have to receive permission from Mr. Bunn to space the lighting further apart than 300 feet. S • • • Planning Commission April 27, 1992 Page 3 Mr. Milholland stated it was common procedure to space the lighting slightly over 300 feet. MOTION Mr. Suchecki moved to approve the plat subject to staff recommendations. Mr. Pummill seconded the motion. Ms. Britton asked if the motion included right-of-way at the end of Clymer. Mr. Suchecki stated it did not. Mr. Allred asked if that included street lights according to city code. Mr. Suchecki stated it did include a stipulation that city ordinances be followed. The motion passed with Commissioners Cleghorn, Allred, Pummill, Suchecki, and Cato voting "yes" and Commissioners Britton and Springborn voting "no". WAIVER OF SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS - LOT SPLIT #1 DAVE JORGENSEN - S OF WEDINGTON DR., W OF 54TH AVE. The next item on the agenda was a request for a waiver of subdivision regulations for lot split #1 requested by Dave Jorgensen on behalf of Bill Lazenby, for property located south of Wedington Drive, west of 54th Avenue. The property is zoned A-1, Agriculture. Me. Langley submitted Don Bunn's report: This is a proposed first split of property located west of 54th Street and adjacent to Highway 16 West (Wedington). The original property consists of 5 acres. The proposal is to split the property into two tracts of 2.5 acres each. Each lot would have approximately 206 feet of frontage on Highway 16. Each of the lots meets the City's zoning requirements for A-1 property. Water is available on the north side of Highway 16. Sewer is available on the west side of the property and is directly available to Tract 1. Sewer will have to be extended to serve Tract 2. Mr. Bunn recommended approval of the lot split subject to construction of sidewalks along Highway 16; extension of sewer to serve Tract 2; payment of parks fees for the newly created lot; and coordination with the other utilities for necessary services. In response to a question from Ms. Britton, Mr. Jorgensen stated the plans were to construct single family homes on both tracts of land. MOTION Mr. Springborn moved to approve the lot split subject to staff comments. Mr. Pummill seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. REVIEW OF CONDITIONAL USE 91-7 - SKATEBOARD PARK LOCATED AT 505 PRAIRIE The next item was review of Conditional Use 91-7 for a skateboard park located at 505 Prairie. The property is zoned I-1, Heavy Commercial - Light Industrial. �G • • • Planning Commission April 27, 1992 Page 4 Me. Langley explained that on April 22, 1991 the Planning Commission had approved a conditional use for the skateboard park with a one year review. She stated the Planning Office had not received any complaints from the neighboring residents in the last year. She further stated Mr. Neal Crawford, applicant for the conditional use, desired to continue the skateboard park. She stated Mr. Freeman Woods, Inspection Supervisor, had recommended approval of the conditional use subject to engineering design of construction, obtaining building permits, and meeting safety requirements of the building code. She explained Mr. Wood had previously contacted Mr. Crawford. Mr. Wood had reported Mr. Crawford had apparently ignored the City's requests regarding the safety codes. Mr. Allred pointed out that enforcement was an Inspection Department function, not the Planning Commission's. Mr. Crawford stated he had attempted to get a building permit but was told he would have to have an engineer's drawing of the ramps. He further stated he had contacted every engineering firm in town but, because of the liability implications, no one would do such certified drawings. He explained he had contacted the skateboard parks in Tulsa, Oklahoma and Springfield, Missouri but neither had been required by their cities to provide such drawings. He stated he was more than willing to meet the city's specifications, if they would tell him what they were. After considerable discussion it was determined this was not a Planning Commission function. MOTION Mr. Pummill moved to approve the conditional use. Mr. Springborn seconded the motion. Mr. Allred asked if the approval needed to be for one year. Ms. Langley stated it did not; that the approval was for the lifetime of the business. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Cleghorn noted he would still like to receive the target dates for the Vision Project. The meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m. to?