HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-02-24 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION A meeting of the Fayetteville Planning Commission was held on Monday, February 24, 1992 in the Board of Directors Room on the second floor of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jana Lynn Britton, Tom Suchecki, J. E. Springborn, Jerry Allred, Joe Tarvin, Kenneth Pummill, Charles Nickle, Jack Cleghorn, and Jett Cato OTHERS PRESENT: Alett Little, Don Bunn, Sharon Langley, members of the press and others MINUTES Ms. Little noted the Planning Department had received a letter from Lamar Pettus stating he had misrepresented his client's wishes on the rezoning matter at the northeast corner of Millsap and College. She explained the Bank wished to develop the easternmost portion of the subject property (Tract C) rather than the northermost tract (Tract A). She further explained this would not change nor affect the rezoning. Ms. Little also noted the deed restrictions did apply to Tract C. In response to a question from Mr. Cleghorn, Ms. Little stated staff would notify the pastor of the church which adjoined the subject property. The minutes of the Regular Planning Commission meeting of February 10, 1992 were approved as amended. PUBLIC HEARING - REZONING REQUEST R92-7 TIM OWEN - S OF ZION RD.. E OF CROSSOVER RD. The next item on the agenda was a request presented by Tim Owen for property located on the south side of Zion Road, east of Crossover Road. The request is to rezone from A-1, Agricultural to R-1, Low Density Residential. Ms. Little explained the subject tract was a vacant piece of land among residential and agricultural tracts. She pointed out there was an electric transmission line bordering the western boundary of the property. She explained the petitioner had also requested two lot splits and, in accordance with current zoning, he would not have minimum lot size for three lots in A-1 zoning. She further explained the minimum 2 acre lot size was met on two of the lots but on the third lot contained 1.97 acres. Mr. Owen was present to answer any questions the Commission might have. In response to a question from Ms. Britton, Ms. Little noted the gravel street could not be addressed with the rezoning petition. • • • Planning Commission February 24, 1992 Page 2 MOTION Mr. Tarvin moved to recommend approval of the rezoning. Mr. Allred seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. WAIVER TO SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS - LOT SPLITS 2 & 3 TIM OWEN - S. OF ZION RD.. E OF CROSSOVER RD The next item was a request by Tim Owen for two lot splits for property located on the south side of Zion Road, east of Crossover Road. The subject property is the same property the Commission previously recommended for rezoning. Mr. Bunn explained the original tract contained six acres which the applicant proposed to split into three tracts containing approximately 2 acres each. He stated all utilities, with the exception of sewer, were available. He explained the applicant was also asking for approval of septic tanks. Mr. Bunn recommended the splits be approved subject to the granting of a 25 -foot easement along Zion Road, the granting of any other easements as might be required by the utility companies, and the installation of a fire hydrant. In response to a question from Ms. Britton, Mr. Bunn stated the applicant would also need to pay park fees. MOTION Mr. Tarvin moved to approve lot splits #2 and #3 subject to staff comments. Mr. Cato seconded the motion. Mr. Nickle noted the staff comments would also include payment of park fees. The motion passed unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS - REZONINGS R92-8, R92-9, and R92-10 HARRY GRAY - W SIDE OF NORTH HILLS BLVD., S OF HWY 71 BY-PASS The next three items to be heard were requests for rezonings of property within North Hills Medical Park, presented by Harry Gray on behalf of the North Hills Medical Group. The requests were to rezone three tracts of land containing approximately 18 acres from R -O, Residential -Office to C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. Ms. Little explained there were three 3, totalling approximately 18 acres. the North Hills Medical Park but was tracts of land, reserved as tracts 1, 2 and She pointed out the land was adjacent to separated by some of the streets installed 76 • • • Planning Commission February 24, 1992 Page 3 by the applicant. She explained this matter was presented as three separate actions because of the intervening streets but, from a zoning perspective, it was considered as one request. Ms. Little explained the subject area had been platted as a Planned Unit Development and had been rezoned from A-1 to R -O. She noted the restrictive covenants which applied to the Medical Park would also apply to the three parcels of land in question. Ms. Little expressed her belief that C-1 zoning would be the most compatible with the area but C-2 zoning allowed for some uses compatible with the Medical Park that were not allowed in C-1 zoning. She stated two specific items to serve the Medical Park (as mentioned by the developer) was possible development of the land as a motel complex and also a development to sell medical and orthopedic supplies. She stated C-2 zoning would not be incompatible with the surrounding area. She recommended approval of the request. Mr. Harry Gray presented selected pages from the Medical Park covenants. He explained the entire tract covered 70 acres with the central core being the medical park. He further explained in the 25 acres which contained the medical park $20 to $25 million of construction had taken place on 10 lots. He stated there were still seven lots available for construction. He further stated he believed the development was everything the City of Fayetteville would want. MOTION Mr. Pummill moved to recommend the rezoning. Mr. Allred seconded the motion. Mr. Nickle asked if the use units could be accomplished through a conditional use with C-1 zoning. Ms. Little stated they could not. Ms. Britton noted that, while this was a regional facility, most people would utilize the highway. She cautioned, however, that people from the area would also be using the facility and the intersection of Gregg and Drake was heavily traveled. She pointed out that traffic would be impacted in the area. Ms. Little stated the city was well aware of the traffic problems and had discussed their concerns with the State Highway Department. The motion passed unanimously. Ms. Little stated the vote was only on Tract 1. MOTION Ms. Britton moved to recommend approval of rezoning of Tracts 2 and 3. 2? • • • Planning Commission February 24, 1992 Page 4 Mr. Suchecki seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. CONDITIONAL USE CU92-8 - DUPLEX JCEN MARVIN - W OF SANG, S OF DEANE The next item before the Commission was duplex in a Low Density Residential (R-1) Avenue, south of Deane Street (just north Marvin. a request for a conditional use for a zone, located on the west side of Sang of 1601 Sang Avenue) presented by Ken Ms. Little explained the lot north of 1601 N. Sang Avenue (dimensions of 90 feet by 176 feet) was presently zoned R-1 and was vacant. She stated the subject lot was located to the northwest of Asbell Elementary School, which was zoned P-1. She noted there were four tracts in the area zoned R-2 and one tract zoned R-3. She explained to the south of the subject property was a house, vacant land and a church; to the north was one duplex, one five -unit complex and six single family homes. She explained the house located at 1601 N. Sang was a single family residence. Ms. Little recommended approval of the conditional use. Mr. Marvin stated he was available to answer any questions. MOTION Mr. Cato moved to approve the conditional use. Mr. Springborn seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. LARGE SCALE DEVELOPMENT - MATHIAS MINI STORAGE SAM MATHIAS - N OF WEST 6TH ST.. W OF SHILOH DR. The next item to come before the Commission was a request for approval of a large scale development for Mathias Mini Storage submitted by Sam Mathias for property located on the north side of West 6th Street, west of Shiloh Drive (2712 West 6th Street). The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial, and contains 4.45 acres. Mr. Bunn reported there were no significant comments at the plat review meeting other than two fire hydrants would be required within the development -- one to be located near the center of the development and one at the north end. He noted the installation of the hydrants could be phased with construction. He stated staff comments had included the need for screening on three sides of the development and the desirability of saving as many trees as possible on the site. Mr. Bunn stated the subdivision committee reviewed the comments and recommended d$ • • Planning Commission February 24, 1992 Page 5 approval of the large scale development. He further stated staff recommended approval of the large scale development subject to plat review and subdivision committee comments; submission of a grading plan for the site together with a drainage plan; screening on three sides of the property; working with the Staff Horticulturist to save as many trees as possible; and the granting of easements as required by the utility companies. Ms. Britton stated the subdivision committee had reviewed this item and staff had recommended the fencing be wood for aesthetic reasons. She further noted Mr. Mathias had been cautioned about the lighting so it would not disturb the neighbors. In response to a question from Ms. Britton, Mr. Mathias stated he would not have outside storage for RV's, boats, automobiles, etc. Ms. Little noted that Mr. Mathias had submitted a letter requesting a waiver from the required 66 parking spaces. She explained there was quite a bit of pavement on the site which would provide adequate parking. MOTION Mr. Pummill moved to approve the large scale development subject to staff recommendations and waiving the parking requirements. Mr. Suchecki seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. PRELIMINARY PLAT - WALNUT PARK ADDITION BARRY GRAY - SALEM RD.. N OF WEDINGTON DR The following item was a request for approval of a preliminary plat submitted by Harry Gray on behalf of Don Johnston and David Johnson for property located on the east and west sides of Salem Road, north of Wedington Drive. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential, and contains 18.23 acres with 81 single family lots proposed. Mr. Bunn reported there were no significant problems noted by the utility companies however there were several changes in the easement layout requested by the utility companies. He further reported there was some staff discussion as to the length of the proposed cul-de-sacs and the traffic that would be generated by the subdivision. He stated it had been suggested that Cornell be extended to the north to intersect with Yale. Mr. Bunn stated the discussion at the Subdivision Committee was centered around the extension of Cornell north to intersect with Yale and how that affected the park development. He stated there was discussion regarding the long cul-de-sac going to the west off of Salem Road. He explained the road would interconnect with any subdivision that might develop to the west. He further explained the street was not a conventional cul-de-sac but just dead -ended at the property 29 • • Planning Commission February 24, 1992 Page 6 line. Mr. Bunn stated the preliminary plat was recommended for approval by the Subdivision Committee subject to working out the street situation with Cornell tying into Yale Avenue. He recommended the preliminary plat be approved subject to the plat review and subdivision committee comments; approval of detailed plans and specifications for the water, sewer, streets and drainage; approval of a grading plan; construction of sidewalks in accordance with city ordinances; and waiver of the length of the cul-de-sac. In response to a question from Mr. Cato, Mr. Bunn stated Vassar would be a through street if the property to the west was ever developed. He explained it would be logical for it to go on to the west and tie into Rupple Road. He noted there was some discussion regarding traffic lights at Salem Road and informed the Commission that the Highway Department would not approve a traffic light until conditions existed rather than on projected traffic. Mr. Bunn further explained parks fees were not required because the subject subdivision was part of an overall development which donated land for Davis Park. Ms. Little stated the Park Board had not met on the revised plat. She suggested that, should the Commission approve the plat, they do so subject to the Park Board approving the connection of Cornell Street to the north. She explained the street connection would take another 50 feet off of the east side of Davis Park. Ms. Britton explained that when the property had been donated for the park, access to the park had not been provided. Mr. Gray explained the plat was in line with the original preliminary plat approved in 1982 or 1983 when Walnut Grove had been developed. He also noted Walnut Heights had been developed to the south of the subject property. Mr. Gray pointed out that, upon the request of the Subdivision Committee, they had tied Cornell into Yale Street. He informed the Commission that, should the preliminary plat be approved, it needed to be approved subject to the Park Board's approval. He explained agreements had been made with the Park Board regarding sharing of the cost of streets. He further stated the Board of Directors might have to approve the dedication of the access easement. In response to a question from Mr. Nickle, Mr. Gray stated they would first construct lots 1 through 9 and lots 54 through 81 (all the lots on the east side and the loop streets in the middle). MOTION Mr. Tarvin moved to approve the preliminary plat subject to staff comments. Mr. Pummill seconded the motion. Mr. Nickle asked if Cornell Drive going north and south would have the same name 30 • • • Planning Commission February 24, 1992 Page 7 going east and west. Ms. Little stated there had been several discussions on the street name and she believed the street running north and south would have a name change. The motion passed unanimously. PRELIMINARY PLAT - BUTTERFIELD MEADOWS ADDITION HARRY GRAY - E OF OLD MISSOURI RD,. N OF ERROL ST. The next item to be reviewed was a request by Harry Gray, on behalf of BMP Development, for approval of a preliminary plat for Butterfield Meadows Addition, located east of Old Missouri Road and north of Errol Street. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential, and contains 17.13 acres with 32 lots. Mr. Bunn explained the developer proposed that lots 31 and 32 be tandem lots containing approximately 4.5 acres each. He stated the other 30 lots were of standard size for residential lots. He reminded the Commission that in 1991 there had been an attempt to rezone the subject property to R-1.5 for the purpose of developing the property as affordable housing. He stated the rezoning had failed due to neighborhood opposition. Mr. Bunn stated there were no significant comments by the utility companies at plat review. He further stated the main issued raised by the staff was the extension of Errol Street from Huntingdon Subdivision to meet with existing Errol Street off of Old Missouri Road. He explained it had been suggested that a 25 - foot easement could be dedicated from the entire south side of the subdivision to provide for the eventual extension of the street. He pointed out the plat indicated a right-of-way for Errol Street from the east side of the property running southwest approximately 100 feet and then turning to the south into the adjoining property. He explained Mr. Gray had indicated that was where the right-of-way would best serve the interests of the property owner to the south. Mr. Bunn stated other issues raised included the possibility of asking the Park Board to reconsider the approval of Parks fees in lieu of land dedication for the purpose of establishing a bikeway. He stated staff had abandoned this idea. He noted that at the Subdivision Committee meeting the main issue had been traffic concerns relating to direct entry onto Old Missouri Road. He explained some of the residents of the neighborhood were a the meeting and expressed concern about the increased traffic that would be caused by the addition of 30 building lots exiting onto Old Missouri Road. Mr. Bunn explained the Subdivision Committee had discussed the possibility that the main entrance to the development could be from Errol Street instead of Old Missouri Road but Mr. Gray indicated there was a 10 to 15 foot strip of property between the subject development and Errol Street. He further explained the property owner to the south would not sell that strip of land which effectively prevented access to Errol Street. Mr. Bunn stated there had also been some discussion regarding the tandem lots as 3( • • • Planning Commission February 24, 1992 Page 8 to how they would have access and whether or not they could be further split in the future. He explained that included in this discussion was the issue of the location of the right-of-way for Errol Street. He noted the developers were proposing that the Errol Street right-of-way be dedicated as shown on the plat and that they offer a Bill of Assurance for their share of the street construction cost when it was built. He stated the tandem lots would not be able to be divided until frontage would be provided by the construction of Errol Street. Mr. Bunn also noted drainage was mentioned as a concern by neighboring residents. He explained the developer would have to submit a grading plan for the development and a drainage plan showing how the drainage from the development would affect downstream properties. Mr. Bunn recommended the preliminary plat be approved subject to plat review comments on easement locations; construction of sidewalks as required by city ordinance; payment of parks fees; dedication of the street right-of-way for Errol Street as shown on the plat; a Bill of Assurance, or other guarantee as provided for by ordinance, for the construction of Errol Street at the time the property to the south is developed and the street is needed; and approval of lots 31 and 32 as tandem lots. In response to a question from Mr. Tarvin, Mr. Bunn explained he believed lots 31 and 32 were set out as tandem lots because the owner wanted to build only two houses and also creating a buffer between the two subdivisions. He explained that technically there was frontage for the tandem lots but it was on an undeveloped street. Mr. Cato asked if Errol Street would become a through street in the near future. Mr. Bunn stated that would depend upon development of the property to the south. It was noted that if Errol Street were constructed, there would be no need for the tandem lots. Mr. Gray explained the right-of-way for Errol would be dedicated because the developer believed Errol Street should be a through street. He further explained the right-of-way would be adjusted when the property to the south was developed. Ms. Britton noted at the Subdivision Committee meeting they saw a drawing showing Stubblefield coming into Old Missouri Road. Mr. Bunn stated Stubblefield would come in approximately 150 feet north of the through street of the subject subdivision. In response to a question from Mr. Tarvin, Mr. Grey explained that lots 31 and 32 would remain tandem lots until Errol Street was constructed. He further explained that there was a possibility of three lots in that location instead of two after the construction of Errol. He stated the two owners planned on building their homes on those two lots. 32 • • • Planning Commission February 24, 1992 Page 9 Ms. Debbie Park, 3280 Old Missouri Road, appeared before the Planning Commission to express her concern with the drainage problems. She noted there was already a problem on Old Missouri Road. She also expressed concern regarding more traffic congestion. She explained the street would enter on Old Missouri on a blind corner. She expressed her opinion that it would be a good location for a traffic light. Mr. John Stubblefield, a former Fayetteville resident, explained his family had once owned the subject property and all of the surrounding property (containing 400 acres). He explained that none of his brothers or sisters lived in Fayetteville and had decided to sell the property. He stated they were grateful that the proposed buyerwasworking with the City and the adjoining neighbors. Mr. Mark Marquess, one of the developers of the subject property, explained they had attempted to have this new development be compatible with the neighborhood He pointed out the square footage of the homes in the subdivision would be equal to or exceed those homes in Huntingdon Subdivision. He further explained the two tandem lots would serve as a buffer between the subdivision and Huntingdon. He also addressed the drainage problem by noting the development of this property would have a minimal effect on the drainage and suggested the development might help drainage in the way the drainage would be channeled. Mr. Cleghorn asked if there was any plan for the drainage of Old Missouri Road. Mr. Bunn stated the City was working on that project. Mr. Cleghorn agreed with Ms. Park regarding the corner being a blind corner. Ms. Britton noted that had been discussed at Subdivision Meeting but, since the developers did not own the strip of land adjoining Errol Street, the only access to the subdivision would be as platted. Ms. Park noted that from Errol Street onto Old Missouri was also a blind corner. She also expressed concern with the blasting that would need to take place. She stated she would like to know more about the blasting. Mr. Nickle stated Mr. Gray or the developer would be able to explain to her how they planned to handle the blasting. MOTION Ms. Britton moved to approve the preliminary plat as outlined subject to staff recommendations. Mr. Cleghorn seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS: 33 • Planning Commission February 24, 1992 Page 10 Subdivision Committee Membership Mr. Nickle stated he wished to appoint the following people to the Subdivision Committee: Jerry Allred as Chairman, Jana Britton and Tom Suchecki as members and Joe Tarvin, as an alternate member. Commissioner Workshop Ms. Little explained she had submitted to the Commissioners an information sheet regarding the Arkansas Chapter of the American Planning Association meeting on March 25 thru 27 in Hot Springs. She stated there was a Planning Commission workshop on March 25. She informed the Commission she had made arrangements in the Planning budget to sponsor one member of the Planning Commission to attend the workshop. She asked that anyone interested in attending the workshop notify her as soon as possible. Master Street Plan Mr. Springburn asked that the Planning Commission members be provided with a copy of the Master Street Plan. Ms. Little stated staff would make a copy of the pertinent portions of both the • Master Street and Sidewalk Plans and include them in the agenda packet. The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 p.m. • 22 t(